Read You Can Never Go Home Again Page 23

  I have no idea if any postmortem at this point in time can determine what the gas was which felled millions of animals. However, I would bet the house no test for the gas has occurred with any postmortem of the exhumed animals.

  The method of their death is an important fact. What could have been the gas to exterminate so many animals in such a huge area (larger than the continental U.S.)?

  Scientists test, ideologues do not.

  The second problem is addressed and Gradualism is found wanting.

  Thirdly, these animals were inundated by muck. And to make things more difficult for the gradualist ideology the muck entombed the mammoths immediately upon death.

  Yes, Darwin and his contemporaries knew about this fact. The reason was they knew the dead animals showed no, let me repeat, NO decay. No putrefaction occurred at all.

  The mammoth meat was still marbled and eaten without incident by dogs. The viscera, the eyeballs, ligaments and hair is intact as well as the plant remains in their mouths and first stomach.

  Muck does not occur naturally hundreds of miles from a water source. How did the muck come to bury these animals over hundreds of thousands of square miles of Siberia (larger than the continental U.S.)?

  Where did the muck come from? How did the muck cover such a huge area? Gradualism is silent on this. Muck does not occur away from a water source, especially many hundreds of miles from any water source. In one place at least, the muck is a thousand feet deep. The muck had to be the original agent of freezing or there would have been decay. Remember, this was a temperate zone and nature is very exact with what it does to dead organic material. Decay and bacterial action starts immediately upon death.

  I have seen some of the floor of the Arctic Ocean (and yes, I’m aware that this is not a large sampling) and the sediment I saw was possibly an inch but perhaps less. When sonar soundings were made some years ago the blip returned instantaneously. The margin of error for the sonar technology at the time was 0-100 feet and I predict that if further tests are made the sediment level will be closer to zero [24].

  I submit the Arctic Ocean sediment became the muck which inundated Siberia and original agent of freezing the animals.

  Third problem is addressed and Gradualism is found wanting.

  Fourthly, following upon the flood, entombment and freezing by muck the elephants have not had one day or even one minute of putrefaction (when the animals have remained entombed in the permafrost). The speed of freezing is known and it’s called flash freezing. It’s an easy postmortem test; the size of the crystals in the hemoglobin determines the rapidity of freezing.

  Siberia must have immediately become the arctic zone of our present era as the animals have never undergone thawing. This is not a guess.

  If Siberia remained a temperate zone even for a few hours (or if entombed by the freezing muck for several months) then thawing and putrefaction would have occurred. This is irrefutable. Scientific ethics says it is incontrovertible.

  This cannot be argued with what is known about the reality of nature.

  The fourth problem is addressed and Gradualism is found to be nothing more than a minor theory as Darwin recommended.

  What could cause the Siberian temperate zone to become an arctic zone within a spectacularly short space of time?

  There can be one conclusion and one conclusion only. It obviously is not Gradualism. (I have no idea what the Creationists theorize about this phenomenon. Doesn’t really matter as Creationism is just as much an ideology as Gradualism.) To maintain Gradualism as a major theory is to deny the importance of science and scientific ethics.

  I submit the sediment which had been on the Arctic Ocean floor was forced toward the Equator due to an axis shift. (Crustal or physical? Probably both.) Our present 23 degree tilt has ensured the animals would remain in the frozen state in which they are found today.

  [20] The one assertion I like to illustrate the point is thus: Rush Limbaugh was upset with people saying we need to save the forests. On the air he stated, “there are more trees today than three hundred years ago.” Why is this statement a lie? His statement isn’t disingenuous it’s a fabrication. It’s a statement meant to deceive. Yes, there are more trees, more orchards of almonds, oranges, etc. than ever before but they are not forests. There are more landscaping trees, more trees lining boulevards of towns and cities, more palm trees in Florida and Hawaii but none are forests. Limbaughism is alive and well in the academic field. When Dr. Balabanova concluded that TOBACCO and COCAINE were used in the mummification process of the Egyptian New Kingdom derived from lab research someone with a science degree had this to say (a paraphrase), ‘there are plants around Egypt with alkaloids similar to cocaine.’ Firstly, he shows no research to support his contention (there isn’t any). Secondly, he does not mention tobacco. Tobacco and cocaine are indigenous to the same area of the Andes. You get one then you get the other. All ideologues utilize Limbaughism.

  [21] This is true of any and all ideologies. It does not matter if the ideology is scientific, political, religious, economic or social. I maintain all ideologues are retarded. This is not a case of autism or a chromosomal anomaly but a case of ‘thinking with blinders.’ These ideologues can drive cars, can calculate what a purchase will cost and may even be good spouses and parents. The retardation is only operating when their ideology is a cause of focus from an external source.

  [22] I cannot perceive how the failure of Gradualism to explain this phenomenon can impact his theory but he always was a huge supporter of Charles Lyle. In the preface of the first edition of ORIGIN OF SPECIES he actually makes the comment that one should read and be favorable to Lyle’s PRINCIPLES OF GEOLOGY before one attempts to read the present work.

  [23] Recently a baby mammoth was unearthed and it was assumed to be at the bottom of a Siberian lake. Immediately it was world news that the baby mammoth died by drowning. The postmortem had not been completed. This is Limbaughism. It was an attempt at deception. Since all other mammoths died from asphyxiation which cannot be explained by Gradualism the guy with a science degree felt ideology was more important than scientific ethics with his rush to judgment.

  [24] This is somewhat reminiscent of the amount of regolith found on the moon. It was theorized that the amount of regolith, lunar dust, would be eight feet. This is why the lunar landing module had those skinny eight foot struts. However, there wasn’t eight feet of regolith. There wasn’t even one inch of regolith; closer to 1/8th to 1/4th of an inch. The mathematical calculations are completely appropriate and correct. It was the theory which was in error. The calculations were based on Gradualist assumptions but the reality was “negligible” regolith. The close approach by the giant comet melted the regolith of ages past. One of the many ways to show Gradualism is wanting and only a minor theory. By the way, this proves the lunar landing was NOT shot on a back lot of Hollywood. If it had then eight feet of regolith would have been in evidence.

  OTHER BOOKS by Peter Butterworth

  Historical Adventure


  Historical Caper


  Epic Fantasy







  Middle Age Fantasy



  Soon to be released:

  (Modern) Thriller


  PS: If you find errors or detect flaws in any part of the story please let me know. If you like any of the stories please give a review. Mahalo, Peter


  Former psychiatric nurse and formerly a bookseller in the co-op TALL STORIES in San Francisco (the largest co-op bookstore in the country at the time). Afterwards, I sold modern 1st edi
tions (collectibles) on ebay under the DBA Mr. Butterworth’s Books and even sold vintage Hawaiian (aloha) shirts on ebay until the great recession.

  Moved around a lot in my life; 3 high schools (two states), 2 junior high schools (2 states) and even 2 kindergartens. I was born in Rhode Island and kept moving west until I ended up in Hawaii. Any more west would be east so I returned to California.

  Even hopped freights and hitch-hiked around the country in the early 1970’s (I wouldn’t recommend that now) and I’ve traveled to Central and South America and parts of Asia. Currently I am in Thailand.

  Began writing as a teen - poetry as any teenager with angst is prone to do. Started to work in school newspapers in high school and continued this with several colleges but usually in different capacities. Had a Hemenway scholarship from the University of Hawaii - Manoa.

  Could slam dunk at age fifteen and was told by a pro baseball scout after I pitched a game at 15 that I had a Double A arm. Originally went to a college (LSU- Wisconsin) to play baseball but life, as it’s been said, happens.

  I have skeletons in my closet so to speak.

  Mary Peck Butterworth was a famous counterfeiter.

  But I cannot say I’m too upset about my great, etc., etc, grandmother. She wasn’t convicted. Everyone of importance in the town in the year she was arrested in 1705 was either a Peck or a Butterworth which certainly didn’t hurt and she was so clever they could not find the materials she used to forge the colonial bills of that period.

  Lou Boyd (Grab Bag) did a blurb on her one time. And the only bills of that period to survive were her bills which has been said to be better made than the British bills and better liked by the colonists.

  My great grandfather, Frank Butterworth, was the inspiration for my historical caper novel THE FRESNO TWIST. Turns out he was the typical ne’er-do-well and was kicked out of all the prep schools in New England. He eventually was arrested for stock fraud.

  I’m very proud that three sides of my family fought in the Revolutionary War; a Butterworth, an Allard (Huguenots arrived in 1710) and Frank Cassidy. Frank probably arrived to fight the British and after the war settled in New York, one of the few places a Catholic could go without a lot of hassles.

  The fourth side arrived here in the mid-1880’s and I am equally proud of them. My grandfather, Nathaniel Frucht, was the first in the family to be born here. He was the first Jewish patent attorney in Rhode Island and was one of the last to pass the bar without going to law school. He had been an engineer which helped him in his practice.

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