Read You Can Run...But You Can't Hide! Page 1


  by: Yvonne Remington

  Copyright 2013

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  . The Fulton Corporation insurance claim contained many high profile executives, several high-level government officials and big money. The insurance company needed the big guns handling the claim to get ahead of the corporate attorneys chewing on the publicity. Sensitivity and quick execution required that meant that Itsy McGuire must stay late until the entire file was completely entered into the computer.

  Itsy frequently found herself in that position. As a data entry clerk for the local branch of The Owners & Employees Insurance Company in Huntersville, Florida, deadlines were a huge part of her job. The other two women at her branch, Sally, receptionist and Ethel, office manager left on time, at the stroke of five o clock. Her boss, Paul Bartelli was in his office with the door closed. He was a temperamental boss. He would spring for pizza if the whole office had to stay and work on a big project then without warning turn 360 and change masks and be extremely moody and sometimes even mean when least expected.

  Itsy had no plans for this particular Tuesday evening so the extra money was a benefit she couldn't turn down. She felt if she did refuse to stay, it would play heavily on whether she kept her job. She considered herself still attractive and vibrant for her 43 years. She stayed fit by running and got her hair and nails done every other week; a luxury that she wouldn't give up, even in the leanest of times.

  She was good at her job and fast. She finished the project at 5:20pm. She closed the file and turned off her computer; got up and walked over to Mr. Bartelli's office and knocked on his door. Itsy did not care for her boss. He reminded her of her lecherous old Uncle Harry who smelled of day old booze. Mr. Bartelli answered immediately by opening the door for her and invited her into his sanctum.

  "I've finished the report, sir, I'll be leaving now."

  "What's your hurry? I'd like to talk to you before you go." He put his arm on her shoulder and directed her to one of the leather wingback chairs. His office was heavily masculine with expensive leather furnishings. There was a huge cherry mahogany desk and expensive looking paintings on the wall.

  He sat down in the identical chair next to her; he sat on the edge of the chair, leaned toward her, and put his hand on her knee.

  Immediately, Itsy's defense radar went up. This wasn't supposed to be happening. She had been with the company six months and Mr. Bartelli had never made a pass at her. To the best of her knowledge, she had never given him any reason to suggest that such behavior was acceptable.

  "My dear Itsy, you have been doing such a great job. I have been hearing marvelous reports about you." His face was now close enough that she could hear his heavy breathing.

  His grip on her knee became firmer as he moved further up her leg. Unfortunately, she was wearing a skirt and her legs exposed her assets for his review.

  "Mr. Bartelli, I feel uncomfortable with your touching me like that." She tensed up and tried to escape.

  "Oh dear, I'm sorry, you know I'm a touchy feely kind of guy. But I just wanted you to know that I do find you very attractive."

  "Mr. Bartelli, this is totally inappropriate," She tried to get out of the chair, however, he blocked her way with his body.

  Rising from his chair, he walked behind her chair and put his hands on her shoulders. They worked their way down to the first button of her blouse and managed to slide under the button that was soon undone. His hands quickly found the flesh they were searching. When Itsy tried to move, he became more forceful and grabbed her breasts still from behind her chair. She was pinned and unable to move.

  "Mr. Bartelli, I am asking you to stop this deplorable behavior at once." The smell of alcohol on his breath nauseated her.

  "Oh but my dear, you know you've been watching me when I come near you. Don't play coy with me now. I don't mind you playing hard to get. It excites me and I know that you have wanted me to make this move for months. I just wanted to be sure I was getting the right signals from you, before I proceeded." Because she was pinned in his grasp, she couldn't could only tense her body and wait for the right move.

  He kissed her neck, his hands lost their grip on her breasts as he turned to face her, and she jumped up from her chair.

  "This is not right. I have never given you any indication that I was interested in you. You have a wife and I have a boyfriend. You are my boss, for god's sake."

  "What of it. I'll make you very comfortable and shower many gifts upon you if you were my woman."

  "No, I can't make that any plainer. I'm not interested. Now, I'm leaving."

  "But Itsy, we could have such a good time together. I could please you as no other man could. I promise. I'm a very wealthy and connected man. I could give you anything you wanted." `He moved to block her exit from the door.

  "Mr. Bartelli, I am asking you to please let me leave your office."

  He groped for her, had her in a tight embrace and tore her blouse down to her waist.

  She did something she thought she would never have to do in her life. She brought her right knee up to his groin and pushed quick and hard as she could. As he doubled over in groans of pain, she ran for the door.

  "Bitch, get out. I don't want to see your face again." She had no doubt of the pain she inflicted.

  "No problem." She grabbed the few things she wanted from her desk and ran for the main office door. Once outside in the hall of the eighth floor office building, she looked around and realized to her great comfort that because it was after hours the halls were empty. She was able to salvage the front of her blouse enough that she could cover the damage with her shawl. She took the elevator to the main floor where the night security guard greeted her.

  "What's wrong Ms. McGuire? You look upset."

  "I am, but I'll be okay. You have a good night, Carl." She walked out to the street and looked in both directions as well as back to the door she just exited to be sure she was alone. It was January and the Florida weather required a jacket for this time of year. It was dark due to the time change and the streetlights were on. She was grateful; that way her disarray didn't seem so obvious. She usually took the bus to work. The Tampa transit system wasn't great but it was reliable. She could get from her place to work with one transfer and that way she didn't have to worry about paying to park her car. She wasn't quite ready to get on the bus yet, but she knew they didn't run as often at that time of the night so she walked to the bus stop and sat on the bus bench nearby. She straightens her wavy hair and refreshed her makeup the best she could. She didn't know whether to cry or punch someone. Twice divorced, she had been described as attractive by her friends and acquaintances she did not feel especially pretty by having an oversexed middle age man wanting to make her his ‘woman'. She started laughing aloud and having hysterical thoughts of what had just happened until she realized an elderly, stooped woman who had just arrived to catch the same bus was observing her. Itsy's face turned serious for the rest of he
r wait. When the bus arrived, she greeted the woman pleasantly and the woman quickly stepped on the bus and made sure she picked a seat where she had some privacy.

  Once safely in the confines of her home she plopped into the oversized armchair in the little bungalow, she shared with Gabby and her cat Dolly. Gabby was still at the boutique. She looked at her thigh for the first time since the incident and realized that Mr. Bartelli's fingerprints had bruised her badly. They were now pronounced and angry. She rose and walked to the wine rack, picked out a nice cabernet sauvignon, uncorked it, poured a generous glass, and took a healthy swallow without giving it a chance to breathe first.

  Gabby's feline companion, Dolly asked permission via her usual, pleading gaze to climb into her lap. It was difficult to tell her "no" however it had been known to happen. Dolly made life tolerable. It seemed that pets really were good for your health.

  M L arrived before Gabby. Gabby and M L had been seeing each other for six months and the heat between them kept growing. M L was his real first name. Though it seemed like a sick joke on his parents part that is all there was. He kept a certified copy of his birth certificate in his wallet to prove it. He claims to have won a few bets over that fact. M L might as well be a full time resident. Except Gabby wouldn't let him keep any clothes at the house. Oh sure, he had a toothbrush but she said that was different. That was for her benefit.

  "Wow, what happened to you?" He sat down on the couch and then saw the bruises. "Are you okay?"

  "No. I'm not hurt, but I'm not okay." She was about to finish the second glass of wine.

  "Tell you what, Gabby should be home soon, I'll order a pizza because it looks like you can use something to eat and when she gets here, we'll talk." M L was a take-charge kind of person and that was nice, sometimes.

  Itsy's phone rang and she saw it was Joe. She had been dating Joe for almost a year. It was a comfortable relationship, but it certainly didn't have the spark that Gabby and M L had. Joe was more of a follower than a leader. He was a PA for a prestigious law firm downtown Tampa and that was the closest he would get to accomplish his dream of becoming a lawyer.

  "Joe will be over in twenty minutes. He's got an errand to run for his mother first." Itsy got up and headed for her room. "I have to take a shower and get out of these clothes. They have got to be destroyed so I don't have to look at them"

  Gabby and Joe arrived within minutes of each other. Itsy emerged from her shower looking refreshed but still sullen. She grabbed for the bottle of wine and poured another glass. The pizza arrived and they sat around waiting for Itsy to feel comfortable enough to tell her story.

  After she finished her pizza and consumed more wine, she begun.

  "All right, I know you want to know what happened, so, I will start from the beginning. Not much to tell, though, it happens all the time. My boss propositioned me in his office and tried to have sex with me. When I refused, he wouldn't take no for an answer so I kneed him in the groin and ran for the door. Now I am out a good outfit and a job. End of story." She finished her third glass of wine and another piece of pizza.

  "Would you like me to stay with you for awhile?" Joe did not usually spend the night. He lived with his mother and she didn't approve. Itsy didn't mind, she enjoyed not having to wake up to anyone next to her. She guessed she just didn't care because there was no real passion between them. When they did make love, it was more mechanical than desire.

  "Please, I think I need to be held right now." Itsy was teetering between mad, hurt, and had enough confrontation for one day.

  "Itsy, we can talk more in the morning, but I am sure this will work out with a happy ending. These things usually do. Just look at what happened to me. My life completely changed last year all due to an incident that was totally out of my control.

  "That's different. I could have said yes, but that would never happen. I guess I'll be out there looking for another job tomorrow."

  "No, not tomorrow, tomorrow you are going to rest and get yourself together. We will all help you get another job. However, it would be nice for you to get a job that you enjoy and not just take anything because you're in a hurry. I don't want you to worry about a thing. We will get you through this." Gabby proclaimed.

  Each couple picked up parts of the remnants from the pizza party and retired to their part of the house. Gabby put a down payment on the bungalow the year before when she came into some inheritance and she decided at that time to allow her friend Itsy to move in and share expenses.

  Itsy and Joe did not make love that night. He held her until she went to sleep and then he dressed and left. He knew that Itsy was a good match for him, but he also knew that he would not be able to keep her forever. He knew he had a low libido but was not ready to do anything about it. Not even for Itsy.

  The next morning Itsy woke with cottonmouth and humpty dumpty head. The sun blaring in her window didn't help. She grabbed her robe and headed for the kitchen. A tall glass of orange juice was in order along with a couple aspirin. Gabby was sitting at the breakfast nook, typing on her laptop.

  ‘Good morning, sunshine." Gabby was much too happy for Itsy's disposition. Dolly was drabbed on her lap.

  "You pamper that cat, way too much." Itsy grumbled.

  "She loves you too. Grumpy guts." Gabby shut her laptop and put Dolly on the floor.

  "Give me a couple cups of coffee and you might get a smile out of me." She drank the o.j. with the pills and sat down across from her at the table.

  "I know you're right. You know, what you said last night. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Tomorrow I will look back on yesterday and laugh about it. But for today, I'm mad. I don't like looking for jobs. That's what bothers me the most. It's not as if I have a real profession. I just happen to be good with computer entry."

  "First off, let me say that I am suspending your rent as of today, until you get another job and get your first paycheck. Don't argue with me either. The store is doing just fine and I can handle it." Gabby knew she had her on that one. It wasn't easy to win an argument with Itsy but she gave in to Gabby.

  "I have to do some much needed soul searching. After you leave, I think I'll take a walk on the beach. That always clears my head. I need to figure out my next move. I saw Maxie's face again last night in my sleep. I haven't worked on my mother's case in quite some time; I need to get back to that too. My life will not fall in place until I know that man is behind bars.

  "I empathize with you. I wish I could do more for you though.

  "I know that and I promise to let you know if there is."

  Maxie Donavan killed Itsy's mother on cold blood twenty-five years ago, on March 30 just because he could and then dared Itsy to do anything about it. While being tied up, he stabbed her 19 times in front of her while she watched, He told her the only reason he left her alive was to tell the story. He disappeared and there has been no trace of him since that day. The police are calling it a "cold case" even though they know who did it. He remains on the most wanted list, but in Itsy's eyes, it was as if nobody cared. If he killed again, he either used another identify or did it so no one would know it was him. She knew everything there was to know about Maxie Donavan. She had researched him on the internet. She knew where he was born, and almost every minute of his life up to that date when he changed her life forever.

  Itsy and her mother were closer than sisters. They did everything together. Itsy's mother, Betsy, had Itsy out of wedlock when she was 16 years old. Betsy's parents insisted on keeping her and the three of them raised Itsy. Itsy got her name because she was a preemie and very tiny when she was born. Her mother's death had no purpose, but she was going to see that this man paid for his crime if it was the last thing she did with her life. The search consumed her. It caused the demise of her first marriage.

  Most of the research she had done had been through free web searches. She didn't have the money to hi
re a professional detective. She followed him from San Antonio to Memphis to Chicago and the last she could find was in New York City. That was two years ago. She checked almost daily for any activity.

  Itsy took the day to revitalize. A walk on the beach; lunch with friends at a local cafe and then a drive to the mall for a shopping spree; then a drink at The Shack on the Beach owned by one of her closer male friends. She stayed there until she felt she could talk to Joe and have some dinner. Joe called and agreed to meet her at the pub. They returned to the bungalow to join Gabby and M L for a night of card playing.

  Gabby had an exceptionally good day at the boutique. She had wonderful employees and the new line of clothes she chose after buying the business was doing quite well.

  They settled into a game of poker and M L was winning. Gabby was the poorest player of the bunch. She couldn't think beyond the cards she had in her hand and had absolutely no poker face.

  "I don't know if you'd be interested, Itsy, but I had a couple customers in the shop today. I overheard them talking and of course I had to hear more so I first asked them if I could help them. They were, fortunately for me wanting to spend money so while I was assisting them they continued with their conversation. The one woman had to quit her job. I didn't find out exactly why. She said the company was not only looking for her replacement they needed to increase their staff because business was that good."

  "Okay you've got my attention, what kind of business is it?" Itsy showed mild interest. She was more interested in taking the pot on the table.

  "This is so sweet. It's a detective agency. How cool is that? "

  "Okay I give; you think I should go for it?" At that, Itsy took the pot and let out with a celebratory holler.

  "Think about it anyways. I've got their card if you're interested."

  That was the last Itsy thought about it until the next morning when she had coffee with Gabby.

  "So what do you think?" Gabby said.

  "About what?" Itsy was daydreaming.

  "About the detective agency. The job." Gabby could see Itsy was distracted and decided to drop the subject.

  "I slept on it. It has potential. I don't want to think too hard about it. I have to update my resume on the computer first. But yes, I will call them."

  "I have to go. I'm going to be short handed today. Brittany has jury duty. Call me and keep me posted." Gabby picked up Dolly, kissed her on the forehead and left for the shop.

  Itsy set up an appointment for an interview at the Byrnes Detective Agency for 3:30pm. In all of her working career, she never had a problem getting a job and she was having good vibes about this interview. She went to her computer and spent the next couple of hours updating her resume. Her biggest concern was what the incident with Paul Bartelli was going to do to her. She decided to tell the truth and see where the chips fell.

  She hadn't given any thought to picking up her final check at the insurance agency. It would be an unpleasant task, but she needed to call Ethel, the office manager and find out how-to handle the matter. Now was as good a time as any to make that call. As she was looking for her phone, it rang. She followed the rings to her room and answered it without checking the caller I D.

  "Hello, Itsy." It was Paul Bartelli. Itsy was speechless. When she didn't respond, he continued. "I just wanted to let you know that I am sorry about what happened."

  "If that is an apology, I accept it with reservations." Taken totally off guard, Itsy fought for her words. "I'm still not coming back there."

  "I understand. You don't have to. I just wanted to let you know that I covered for you with Ethel. I made up a story about an illness in the family. Nevertheless, I haven't changed my mind about the way I feel about you. I still want you in my life." There was a pause while Itsy had been trying to plot her next move.

  "The answer is still no. I do not want to be any man's mistress. Let alone a married one." She sat down, put her feet up on the ottoman and took a deep breath. She was getting her thoughts together and digging in her heels.

  "Think about it. I am having Ethel mail you your last check."

  "Thank you. Now I need to go. Tell Ethel thank you for me." He did not say anything else, so she hung up the phone. She needed to get ready for her interview.

  . The office manager, Janet Taylor, was much younger than she had expected and very professional. The office consisted of a receptionist, typist and girl Friday. The owner was the only other person in the company. He would call in additional help when needed but did not keep them on the payroll. Janet Taylor was married with two children and worked at the agency for four years. She did the initial interview, went over the resume and explained to Itsy what was expected of the person who took that position. Janet asked the question about why Itsy left her last employment. Itsy prepared an answer in advance. She had made up her mind she was not going to lie but she would make it as non-descript as possible. She explained that Mr. Bartelli had other avenues for her duties other than ones she had expected or agreed to and they left with a difference of opinion. To Itsy's surprise, Janet knew about Paul Bartelli. She belonged to an organization of professional women that had lunch and a conference once a month and they discussed issues that affected the local business community. It appears that Mr. Bartelli had a reputation among a number of women both through his company and on a social level. It appeared that Mr. Bartelli could not keep his pants zipped. They both got a smile on their faces but still kept the conversation very professional.

  The interview ended with the understanding that if the owner, Clyde Byrnes was interested, there would be a second interview.

  Friday morning while Gabby and Itsy were having their usual morning coffee together, Itsy's phone rang it was Janet from the Byrnes Agency.

  "Ms. McGuire, Mr. Byrnes would like it if you could come in and interview this afternoon. Would that be possible?"

  "Yes, I'd be glad to, any time is okay." She tried not to sound anxious but realized she was.

  "How about 3:30?"

  "That would be fine. Thank you." She hung up and looked at Gabby.

  "It sounds promising." Gabby said as she stroked Dolly, lounging on her lap.

  "A second interview is always promising. It doesn't mean that I have the job, but I think I would like it if I do. By the way, did I tell you that Paul Bartelli called me yesterday?"

  "No. What did he want?"

  'He still wants my body. He doesn't take no lightly. They will be mailing me my last check, so I don't have to see him again. Thank goodness."

  "Great, I've got to be off. Maybe we will have something to celebrate tonight."

  "I don't know, but I probably won't get home much before you if it goes well. See you tonight."

  Itsy took over for Gabby's lap as Dolly asked permission to come up and get her pet's.

  "Dolly, girl, you certainly have the ability to get your way." Dolly just looked at her with what Gabby called her ‘smirk'.

  Since she had some free time before her appointment, the idea of working on her mother's file crossed her mind. She picked up the file. The file was now over an inch thick. She opened the cover and spread out the top sheets to review her progress. She quickly put the pages back, closed the cover and put the file back in the drawer in her nightstand. Whenever she worked on the case, she would get horribly depressed. She couldn't afford to let that happen today. She had to keep positive and upbeat. There would be another time it just isn't today. Even if she had someone else to share, the task with it wasn't so bad. However, if she was alone, it tore her up. Joe had offered his help. He did give her moral support, but even his legal ties didn't bring in any leads. The attorney's at the firm were not willing to devote time to her search. There was no money in it for them.

  Itsy arrived promptly at 3:30pm and Janet shook her hand. She immediately took her down the hall to Clyde Byrnes office.

  "Clyde, this is Itsy McGuire."

; Clyde was medium build wearing a polo shirt and khaki pants. Itsy was expecting a much more formal appearance. He had dark hair and a tanned in the sun look. It was apparent by his polo shirt that the man had muscles and enjoyed showing them. He considered him a handsome man around his middle thirties. "So glad you could make it on such short notice. My time is quirky. Sometimes I am called out of town without notice. Here have a seat."

  Itsy sat in a very comfortable Danish modern chair across from his desk. The whole office was decorated in Danish modern. She liked it; it had a cheery effect.

  "My calendar is open right now." Itsy smiled.

  "Yes, Janet has told me about your last job. She also explained the surrounding circumstances. I have to tell you that your resume is impressive. There are no gaps in your history at all. Do you think you would like to work for a detective agency?"

  "Yes. I think I would. I can only imagine that it would not be boring."

  "No it's not boring at all. The hours can be demanding, though not so much for you. Your work would be pretty cut and dry. I just need it done on time and correct."

  "Still, the environment here must be very exciting."

  "The big reason why I am looking at you to fulfill this position is not only do I believe you can do the job, I need someone to start immediately. With me going on vacation next week, and there is already a huge backlog of files, I can't wait until I get back. My husband Brad and I will be on a windjammer cruise and be out of touch for seven days."

  Itsy smiled. So he has a husband. Hmmmm. At least I don't have to worry about him making advances.

  "Mr. Byrne's, I would love the opportunity to work with you and Joyce."

  "Good, then I'll call Joyce in and she can go over the forms and the other details for you."

  He stood, shook her hand and said, "Welcome aboard. I am an easy person to work with. I deal well with most people. I give respect and I expect respect in return."

  Gabby got home first and was anxious for an update. Gabby allowed her assistant to close up on the weekends unless they arranged in advance. Gabby and M L spent a lot of time on the beach. Itsy called Joe to give him the good news.

  "Joe, it's time for a little celebration. Do you think we can make reservations at Rachel's for dinner? I got the job and I want to celebrate."

  Joe didn't mind spending money on good restaurants. He agreed to make the reservations for four and she would see if she could get Gabby and M L to join them.