Read Youthful Indiscretion Page 14

"Well, kinda sorta. I'm thinking about doing it, I'm just not sure how serious I am."

  Medb's expression turned consternated, as it often did when she was confronted by one of their antics. Only, it was usually directed at Sunny.

  "What brought this on?"

  Eile pulled a full-page magazine ad out of her purse and passed it over. "I found that in 5280," she explained as Medb read it. "Apparently, some medical products company has developed a new type of implant, and they're doing a study ta see if it's safe. They'll give you the implants, do the surgery and the follow-ups, all for free, plus pay an honorarium for travel expenses and such."

  Medb waved the ad over the table. "This was merely the trigger. Why have you been thinking about this?" The displeasure was evident in her tone of voice.

  Eile knew she would ask that. She wasn't sure she had a cogent answer, but she couldn't try to sidestep it.

  "I've actually been thinking about it for some time, though more often here recently. You know how Sunny likes big-breasted women?"

  "As do I."

  Eile never knew that about Medb, though she did know she was bisexual. The revelation made her uncomfortable.

  "So, you wish to do this to please her?" Medb asked.

  "Yeah, I guess so. Sort of a belated anniversary present."

  "Has she ever expressed dissatisfaction with your body?"

  "Well, no, but she doesn't talk to me the way she talks about other women."

  "You believe she doesn't appreciate you?"

  "No, it's not that, but..."

  "You think she takes you for granted."

  Medb was probing a little too deep, but she couldn't back out now. "Yeah."

  "Do you have any reason to believe she loves you less than before?"

  "What? No! I just...wish she'd treat me like some hot, stacked bimbo, sometimes."

  "And you believe getting larger breasts would do that?"

  "Yeah, why not?"

  Medb didn't respond right away, she just stared at her like she was trying to figure out if she was on the level.

  "Have you discussed this with Sunny?"

  "Ah, no, I want it ta be a surprise."

  "You really should ask her how she feels about it."

  "Why? It's my body!"

  "But you are doing it for her. She may not want that."

  "Then I wish she'd let me know."

  Medb cracked an ironic smile. "That works both ways, Eile. She cannot know she needs to unless you tell her."

  Medb had the annoying habit of cutting through all the bullshit and getting to the heart of any matter. Eile knew she was probably right, but she wasn't ready to go that route yet.

  "Look, all I wanna do is talk with them. Hey, they may not even want me to participate, after they detect all that Vampire crap in my blood. Where's the harm?"

  "What if they decide to accept you? Do you really want to be a guinea pig?"

  "I can ask ta be part of the control group."

  "And if they say no?"

  "I can always refuse ta participate."

  Medb sighed, indicating she had given up. "Very well. Why are you telling me this?"

  "'Cause I don't wanna do anything stupid. I can't tell Sunny, and our other friends may squeal on me to her. Yer the only one I can trust not to tell her, if you give yer word."

  "Why should I?"

  Eile shrugged. "I dunno, maybe because I ask? Maybe because, I'll still go on my own even if you refuse."

  "I do not like being blackmailed," she said, but her tone sounded even and her expression looked relaxed, "but if it means the difference between being able to advise you and not knowing what you are doing, then I give you my word, I will say nothing to Sunny. But on one condition."

  Eile relaxed as the tension drained away. "Name it," she said, grinning.

  "Collect all the information you can about the company, the people performing the study, and the new implant. I will prepare a list of questions for you to ask and send it over. But you are quite intelligent and levelheaded, I am sure you can imagine the kinds of things to ask. Then, you and I will sit down with Sunny and discuss it together."

  "With Sunny?"

  "It will still be a surprise, but I will not allow you to go through with this without getting her input. She should be involved with the decision. Those are my terms, and if I must, I will hogtie you and lock you in a closet until you decide not to pursue it. Understand?"

  Despite her threat to interfere, Eile actually found it comforting to know Medb cared enough to use force to stop her. Nodding, she said, "Yeah, gotcha. It's a deal."

  "The doctor will see you now, Ms. Chica," the receptionist said, breaking into her thoughts. She started, then forced herself to relax. She knew it was natural to be nervous, but she hated the feeling of butterflies dive-bombing her stomach.

  She put the magazine back on the table and stood up. "Thanks. Um, where?"

  The woman pointed to a door in the back wall of the store front. "Right through there."

  Eile nodded and walked up. She knocked, and heard a muffled voice inviting her to come in. The office looked like a standard doctor's office, with a huge walnut desk flanked by two overstuffed leather chairs, bookcases with medical references, magazines, and curios, and diplomas and paintings in the walls. The only odd thing was the six half-pillars embedded in the walls, two flanking the door and a pair on each side.

  Eile closed the door and approached the desk. The desk chair was turned with its back facing her, and it was high enough that she couldn't see the occupant. "Please, sit down," an androgynous voice requested. "I will be with you shortly."

  Eile sat in the left-hand chair and crossed her legs, as she tried to settle her stomach. She had memorized all of Medb's questions; she just hoped she could remember the answers.

  The chair turned around. "Hello, Eile, it's good to see you again."

  It took her a few moments to realize who it was: the narrow, aged face with its angular features and wild-looking caramel eyes behind large glasses; the double-breasted lab coat draping a rail-thin, Alan Alda body; the unruly mop of short, silver-white, frizzy hair that always looked like she had just stuck her finger in a light socket; the ubiquitous rubber gloves on her hands and goggles perched high on her head.

  Dr. Elizabeth Rebecca Mabuse.

  "GAAAH!" Eile screeched as she leapt up out of the chair and backed away from the desk. "What the hell are you doin' here?!"

  "Procuring test subjects for my latest research project. I must admit, I was rather surprised when I saw you had made an appointment. I almost asked the receptionist to call you and cancel, for Sunny's sake. Then I decided this presented a marvelous opportunity I couldn't pass up."

  Realizing what she meant, Eile turned and bolted for the door. She grabbed the handle, but it wouldn't budge. She pulled and pushed, but the door didn't give, even with her enhanced strength.

  Whipping around, she flattened herself against the door. "You'd better let me go, or Mayv'll tear this place apart ta find me!"

  "She knows you're here?" The mad scientist didn't look concerned.

  "Yeah, and she's expecting me ta meet her for lunch. When I don't show up, she'll come looking for me."

  "Excellent," Mabuse replied, grinning; "that gives us about three hours." And she touched a button on the desk's intercom.

  The half-pillars rotated, revealing openings, and a robot stepped out of each, but they were different from the ones she had encountered before. They looked like animated suits of armor, with bullet-shaped heads attached directly to the body. The shoulders and pectorals were covered with a thick metal sheet shaped like a short cape, with a high collar that surrounded three sides of the head. In addition to the three camera eyes and pin-hole nostrils, the "face" had a circular speaker where the mouth would have been. They carried no weapons, but on their shoulders perched a machine gun and what looked like a small cannon.

  The two by the door grabbed her before she could get away. Even as she kicke
d, thrashed, and screamed for help, they held her firm. She felt a poke in her thigh, followed by a sharp sting and then a burning sensation. In moments she felt herself weaken and go limp, still awake but unable to move a muscle except for her eyes.

  Mabuse stood up and came around from behind desk. "Don't worry, that was only an immobilizer. I can't have you injuring yourself." When she reached Eile, she put out her hand and closed Eile's eyelids.

  "I sincerely hope you weren't bluffing, my dear. I want Medb to come, but the consequences for you could be dire if she doesn't."

  Eile couldn't respond, but she felt her heart race with fear. She felt herself picked up and cradled in the arms of a robot, and then it started walking, carrying her to some place she was certain she didn't want to go.

  Medb charged into the house without announcing her presence, startling Sunny, who was in the library organizing the books. She started so badly that she nearly fell off the ladder.

  "Is Eile here?" The massive woman sounded upset, but apprehensive rather than angry.

  "Ah, no! She went out to run an errand."

  "Are you sure? Perhaps she came home without you being aware of it?" Now she sounded desperately hopeful. Sunny could feel herself starting to freak out.

  "No," she asserted, shaking her head, "she said she had something important to talk to me about later this afternoon. Why? What's wrong? Has something happened to her?!"

  "Damnaigh! not know. Eile was to meet me for lunch, but she never showed up."

  "Meet you? Why?"

  "I am sorry to have to break it to you like this, but Eile had an appointment with a plastic surgeon."

  "Plastic surgeon!?"

  Medb nodded. "To consult about getting her breasts