Read Yuri Page 14

  I used my travel kit of toiletries to scrub and shave. I took my time, hoping Yuri would join me for another shower like the one we'd shared at my place, but eventually there was nothing else for me to do. I was stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around me when Yuri finally entered the bathroom.

  "Take off the towel."

  My surprised gaze flicked to his face. That hungry, intense gaze made me break out in goose bumps. I unwrapped the towel and bared my damp body to him. "Now what?"

  "Go about your morning routine. I don't have time to properly make love to you this morning but I'm damn sure going to enjoy the view while you get dressed."

  "Really?" I had to laugh at his request. "You want to watch me moisturize and put on my makeup and style my hair?"

  "Very much," he said before dropping a kiss right on the sensitive spot where my neck curved into my shoulder. "There's a hair dryer in that drawer, if you need it."


  Feeling a little self-conscious, I started my normal after-shower routine. I could feel Yuri's gaze following me as he showered. Emboldened by his obvious desire for me, I embraced my inner sex kitten as I slathered on my favorite lotion. I caught him staring at my bottom as I rubbed the thick lightly-scented cream into my legs.

  "Tomorrow I'm helping you with that," Yuri announced as he stepped out of the shower and fastened a towel around his waist. "If anyone is going to rub their hands all over you, it should be me."

  As I shimmied into my panties, I laughed but accepted his offer. "Deal."

  Standing side-by-side at the double sinks, we brushed our teeth. While I worked moisturizer into my face, Yuri started to shave. As I applied my makeup, I kept stopping to watch him methodically scraping the razor over his skin.

  "What?" He shot me an amused smile. "You've never watched a man shave?"


  "Not even your father? I thought that was something little girls did. Watch their father's shave."

  I shook my head. "My dad actually had a pretty crazy beard when I was younger. He only went for the clean-shaven look when I was, like, fifteen or sixteen."

  Yuri swished his razor around in the sink of water he'd prepared and then held it out to me. "Here."

  My eyes widened. "Are you serious?"

  "Sure. Why not?"

  "I don't know. What if I nick you?"

  He glanced at my legs. "You didn't cut your legs while shaving in the shower. That's infinitely more difficult that standing here at the sink and shaving my face."

  He had a point. Intrigued by the offer, I moved closer and accepted the razor. Yuri grasped me by the waist and placed me on the marble counter. It put me at a comfortable height to shave him. I studied his foamy face and tried to figure out how to begin.

  "Start here." Yuri touched the spot where he'd last swiped. "Hold the skin taut for the closest shave."

  Feeling a little nervous, I did as instructed and dragged the razor across his skin. I expected him to jump or shout with pain at any moment but he held incredibly still until I'd finished my first pass. As I rinsed the razor in the hot water, he gave me another set of directions.

  "A little more pressure this time and a bit faster," he suggested. "Do this piece again. Run your fingers over it to make sure it's smooth."

  With a nod, I tried again, following his directions to the letter. While I rinsed the razor a second time, Yuri checked the patch I'd shaved and smiled approvingly. "Very good."

  Renewed with confidence, I continued to shave his handsome face. There was something oddly soothing about sharing this morning ritual with him. The trust he'd put in my hands spoke volumes. I very carefully shaved around his mouth, holding my breath as I drew the razor across his skin as steadily as possible. His neck was easier and less nerve-wracking.

  As I wiped away the traces of shaving cream with a damp wash cloth, I ran my fingers over his skin to ensure it was nice and smooth. "What do you think?"

  "That I've found the perfect job for you every morning. What do you say?"

  "Well, I guess I am technically your personal assistant."

  "And what's more personal than shaving a man?"

  "I suppose there isn't much that would qualify."

  "Exactly." After kissing me, he lifted me off the counter and set me on my feet. All the playfulness fled his demeanor as he finished up his morning routine. "Listen, you shouldn't talk about this mess with your father to anyone."

  I glanced at him with surprise. "I don't want to worry Benny but I can't keep this from Erin or Vivian."

  He frowned. "Why don't you want to worry Benny?"

  It suddenly occurred to me that Dimitri hadn't told him about Benny's condition. Playing it off, I shrugged. "She has a lot going on with the launch of the bakery. I wouldn't want her to stress out over me."

  Yuri narrowed his eyes. I could tell he didn't believe me but he didn't push for the truth. "I suppose you can tell Vivian and Erin. I'm sure Ivan will have heard and I know Nikolai will likely put an armed guard on Vivian, just in case." He snapped the lid back onto his antiperspirant. "Which reminds me—you'll be taking Jake or Derek with you from this point forward."

  "What? No! I don't need a bodyguard."

  Yuri fixed me with one of his no-nonsense stares. "This isn't up for discussion. You will take a bodyguard or you won't leave this house."

  "Look, I agreed to work for you but that doesn't mean you can order me around, Yuri."

  "With me," he corrected. "You're working with me, Lena. And I'm not trying to order you around because you're an employee. I'm trying to keep you safe. After what happened last night, I absolutely cannot allow you to go anywhere alone. Now that the cartel knows I'm willing to go to bat for your father, they're going to realize how incredibly important you are to me. They'll see dollar signs."

  My gut clenched painfully. "You think they'd kidnap me?"

  "It wouldn't be the first time those monsters tried something like that. They're already holding your father hostage. They know I'd move heaven and earth to get you back."

  He said it so easily. I was reminded of what he'd said last night about proving that he would always be there for me. He meant every word he said—and it scared me. The very thought of giving into the hope he inspired frightened me. I knew how badly it hurt when my father broke a promise. My soul would be crushed if Yuri hurt me.

  But a wisp of bravery invaded my chest and wound its way around my heart. I would never know if Yuri was all the things he promised if I didn't give him a chance. If he proved me wrong, I'd be the happiest girl in the whole world. If he proved me right and shattered my trust in him, I'd probably never crawl out of bed again.

  "All right, Yuri. I'll do what you've asked. I'll take the bodyguard."

  He visibly relaxed. Taking a step toward me, he opened his arms. I slid into his warm embrace and enjoyed the feel of his strong arms wrapped around me. "Thank you for not fighting me on this. I only want to keep you safe."

  "I know." Looking up at him, I asked, "How the hell am I supposed to go about my day pretending nothing has happened?"

  Yuri cupped my face and traced my mouth with his thumb. "Do you remember yesterday when we talked about feeling like frauds? About wearing masks and faking it to fit in?"


  "That's what we do until this mess is cleared up and your father is safely home. We pretend everything is fine. We don't need outsiders poking around in our business."

  Secretly, I was thrilled by the way he said our business. For the first time in so long, I didn't feel alone. I didn't have to face something scary on my own. I had Yuri to lean on and help me through it.

  "So—what are you doing today?" I kissed his freshly shaved cheek and unwound myself from his embrace.

  "After breakfast, I'll head into the office. I promised Vivian I'd stop by her studio this afternoon to sit for some photographs for new painting series."

  "Have you seen any of the finished pieces yet?"

  He shoo
k his head. "Have you?"

  "Yes. They're amazing. I've been lucky enough to watch her grow as an artist since we were in high school together and this collection is—well—it's awesome. I can't wait until the show next year." I touched my finger to my lips. "But I won't spoil the surprise for you."

  He chuckled. "I'll be out of the house all day. I was hoping we could have lunch but I don't think it will be possible. We'll have a nice dinner instead. Is that all right with you?"

  "Yes, but it should be something simple if you're going to ask Feodor to cook. He had a rough night."

  Yuri snapped his fingers. "That reminds me. I'll make sure to contact the staffing agency I've contracted and tell them you'll be handling the selection of my full-time staff."

  "Do you have specific criteria for your employees?"

  "I've already narrowed the field by answering a questionnaire from the agency about personal habits, credit scores, that kind of thing."

  "Credit scores? Really?"

  He shrugged. "They seem to think that high scores equal trustworthiness and responsibility."

  I rolled my eyes. "Oh give me a break! What if someone gets laid off and has a few months of late bills while they try to get back on their feet? That doesn't mean they're not trustworthy. It just means they've hit a rough patch."

  "I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm simply telling you how the agency works."

  "Yeah, well, remind me not to apply there if I run out of PR job options."

  Yuri shot me a sexy grin. "You don't need to worry about that possibility. I have a feeling your career options are going to open up when word gets around that you're a free agent."

  I wasn't so sure about that but it was nice that Yuri thought it.

  "So what are your plans for today?"

  "I'll sit down with Feodor and chat with him about staffing the house. I'm supposed to meet with Benny around ten to talk about her business launch and make some adjustments to the marketing and publicity moving forward. I might try to do some networking at lunch and put out some feelers. Oh and I'm helping Erin do some shopping for Ivan's birthday this afternoon."

  "Good luck," Yuri said with a laugh. "He's as difficult to buy for as Nikolai."

  "Any recommendations?"

  "Books," Yuri called out as he entered the master closet attached to the bathroom. "You can't go wrong there."

  "Are you giving him books for his birthday?"

  "Not this year. I'm giving the two of them a three-day weekend in Vegas to watch one of the big fights. Ivan will enjoy that and I'm sure he'll spoil Erin rotten at all of the high-end shops and boutiques there."

  "He'll love every minute of it. Making Erin smile seems to be his favorite thing in the world." I followed him into the master closet and nearly fainted at the sheer size of the space. It was easily as big as the apartment I shared with Vivian. It was a stark reminder of the differences in our income levels.

  "Erin loves him. That much is clear to anyone who watches them together. I worried about them in the beginning, that they were moving too fast, but now I see they're simply perfect for one another." Yuri selected a suit and laid out a shirt. At the large marble-topped island in the center of the closet, he pulled out a drawer that contained cuff links and watches. Glancing at me, he asked, "Will you pick a tie from the rack?"

  "Sure." I made my way to the section of his closet dedicated to ties and pocket squares. By the time I'd chosen the perfect steel blue tie, he was half dressed. I stood nearby and watched him button and tuck in his shirt and slip on his belt. When he fiddled with his cuff links, I reached out to touch one. "These are beautiful."

  "These are beautiful." He palmed my bare breast and brushed his thumb over my nipple. "We may have to institute a new rule."


  "You aren't allowed to get dressed until after me. That way I get to enjoy the sight of your gorgeous body while I get ready." He leaned down and lavished kisses on my breasts.

  When he suckled me gently, I moaned at the delicious tingle his lips evoked. My breath hitched as he stroked my belly. "Yuri, you said there wasn't time this morning."

  "Fuck it," he swore roughly. "I own the damn company. They can wait for me."


  He captured my mouth in a demanding kiss that left me shaking and breathless. Those insistent hands of his roamed my curves. I surrendered to his caresses and let him stoke the flames of my desire. Gripping his shoulders, I widened my thighs as his knee nudged them apart.

  "Oh!" I gasped when his hand dipped inside my panties. Though his kisses were insistent and rough, his fingers were gentle as he explored me. Our tongues tangled as he parted my delicate folds and swirled his fingers around my throbbing clit. "Ah!"

  "I want to hear you," he whispered against my lips. His skilled fingers coaxed a cry from my lips as he penetrated me with one finger and then two. Pressing his forehead to mine, he groaned, "You're so wet."

  "It's you. It's all you." I moaned as he started to fuck me with his long, thick digits. Wanting to touch him, I jerked on his belt and yanked down his zipper. I slipped my hand under the waistband of his boxers and grasped his massive shaft. He growled as I clasped him even tighter and started to stroke him.

  Frantic with desire, we worked one another into a frenzied state. He rubbed his thumb around my pulsing clitoris while plunging his fingers in and out of me. I cried out in shock when he used his other hand to torment my breasts. Pinching and rolling my nipples, he caused the most wonderful shocks to arc through my aching, needy body.

  I scratched my nails across his forearm as that first shudder gripped my core. Head thrown back, I climaxed. "Yuri!"

  "Yes," he urged, his fingers thrusting into me again and again.

  "Yuri! Yuri!" I cried his name like a litany as he pushed me higher and higher. When I couldn't take anymore, when I was sure I'd collapse from the sheer bliss of it all, I grabbed his wrist and forced those magnificent fingers of his to go still. "No more. I can't take anymore."

  Laughing, he noisily kissed my cheek and carefully removed his hand from my panties. He brought his glistening fingers to his mouth and licked my slick nectar from them. The sight made my knees weak.

  Sliding down to the floor, I pulled open his pants and yanked down his boxers. Grasping his cock by the base, I painted his hot flesh with my tongue before sucking him into my mouth. Already he oozed pre-cum. The taste of it blossomed on my tongue and made me greedy for more.

  He sifted his fingers through my hair and started to pump his hips. "I'm so close."

  Licking my lips, I sat back and begged, "Come for me. Let me taste your cum."

  A guttural growl escaped his throat. I welcomed that steely shaft as it started to thrust against my tongue. I tightened my lips around him, sucking him hard and letting him know just how badly I wanted him.

  He groaned my name a split-second before his hot seed blasted my tongue. Moaning excitedly, I took him deeper into my mouth. Refusing to waste even one drop, I lapped at him until there was no more to be had.

  Yuri exhaled loudly and slumped back against the island. He held his arms wide. "Come here, Kitten."

  Smiling, I let him pull me into my embrace. It seemed the kitten nickname was going to stick. From anyone else, such a term of endearment probably would have grated on my nerves but from Yuri it felt so intimate and sweet.

  He swiped my lower lip with his thumb before kissing me. "I don't know how I'm going to concentrate today. You're driving me crazy."

  "Then I guess I better cross my afternoon plans to text you dirty pictures off my list," I teased.

  The mischievous glint in his hazel eyes made me smile. "I suppose that means my plans to sext you are off the table too."

  I giggled and kissed him. "Sadly, yes."

  With his hand tangled in my hair, he said, "When you're done running your errands, take Jake to your apartment and get your things. You can have that side of the closet."

  My eyes widened with surprise. I convi
nced myself he was thinking only of the short-term and didn't dare let myself think that he meant anything else. "Thank you. That will be much more convenient." I glanced at the wide open space he'd offered. "I'll only need a few things to tide me over until my dad is free and I'm off house arrest."

  His piercing gaze seared me. "You may as well bring it all. If I have my way, you're never getting off house arrest."

  Uncertain how to respond to such a bold statement, I reached for the tie that had been forgotten in our passionate tryst. Looping it around his neck, I whispered, "We'll see."

  His mouth curved in a sinfully sexy grin. "Yes, we will."

  Chapter Twelve

  "Have you read this one?" Erin flashed a high-octane thriller at me.

  I shook my head and took the book from her. "Not yet, but it looks good."

  "I'm just not into the thrillers and science fiction like Ivan." She added the book to her towering pile. "I like my urban fantasy and paranormal romances. Space travel and all that science bore me to death. Serial killers and terrorists and bomb plots?" She shivered. "Not my thing."

  "I like the fast-paced reads." I made a mental note to pick up a digital copy of that thriller later. "They're exciting."

  "I prefer a different kind of exciting." She sidled closer and bumped me with her hip. "Speaking of…how did it go last night?"

  "You mean before my cousin broke in, tried to steal Yuri's painting and got mauled by a dog the size of a grizzly bear?"

  Erin winced. "Yeah. That's pretty awful but I think I probably have you beat when it comes to home invasions. Ivan fought off two armed thugs with his bare hands while I hid in a closet. I'd take a huge dog and two bodyguards any day."

  She had a point. "I guess Benny really wins, though. Dimitri fought off, like, five guys and got stabbed and shot in the process. They even burned down her bakery."

  "She's pretty kickass though. She had a baseball bat and took out, like, three of those guys. Me? I curled into a ball and pretended I was invisible."