Read Zephan and the Vision Page 17

  Talora looked at me. Nadia and her friends certainly seemed at peace again. The white flag of the Spirit flew clean and high on top of Castle Nadia, and I remember thinking how different it was from the old homemade flag Nadia had copied from one that belonged to someone in her family.

  Now that the shadow angels had gone we no longer felt afraid. The King's Son was in charge. Nadia had allowed herself to be broken, before realising that the King's Son would not come and go whenever it pleased her for him to do so. Now, at last, Nadia knew how much she loved and needed the Prince -- and how much he loved and needed her.

  We walked past Castle Max to two castles we'd not noticed before.

  'Sit down, Zephan,' Talora said. 'I feel strangely sleepy.'

  As we lay back against a large, smooth rock, the landscape before us seemed to break into different shapes.

  'We're going back to the planet Eltor,' I said. 'Our adventure is over. See, everything is changing.'

  Talora shook her head. 'No, look at the sky. It's still blue.'

  Then something amazing happened. Angels were everywhere. I don't just mean warrior angels. I mean ordinary angels like me, like Talora. These angels must have been here all along, but the King's Son had hidden them from our sight. I laughed aloud to think that I'd imagined we were alone. But we'd come through the test, so we would be able to do the Lord God's work here on Earth. Of course, I'd miss the planet Eltor -- especially the little giskos -- but working here would be extra special.

  Something else looked different too. The castles had gone -- and so had the white flags -- and we saw people walking and driving around in the sort of world you know so well, the world as it really is.

  The voice of the Lord God floated softly over the hill. 'Talora and Zephan, there are many people here who do not fly my flag. They have not invited me in. If you are to stay and help me, would you rather see them with their castles or just as people?'

  'With their castles,' Talora and I said together. I wasn't sure we were ready for too many changes, and with castles we'd learnt where to find problems. I mean, how would we know what people were thinking if we didn't see what was going in their lives without their thoughts and troubles looking like Great-Hopes, Good-Deeds and Self-Righteous -- and even Love-God?

  'And will you work for me even though you know the dangers?'

  'We love you,' I said, and it wasn't bravado. Certainly there was danger, great danger. The battles might be tough, but we knew we were on the winning side. 'We will serve you on Earth while there is work to be done here,' I added.

  Again the landscape changed, but the sky was still bright blue. Small castles rose from the ground. We recognised Castle Nadia and Castle Max in the distance, with their white flags flying high. Castle Max might appear weak, but the Lord God was looking after it, and you can't ask for more than that.

  I rubbed my eyes in surprise to see how clean Castle Nadia looked. The blackened walls were already washed clean and repaired. It felt good to think we'd be seeing a lot more of Max and Nadia. What was less pleasant was to see how many castles had no flags. Some had brambles and nettles covering the walls and windows, others looked so cheerless. The two closest castles had the names Castle James and Castle Sophie over their doors. I remembered Max and his friends mentioning James and Sophie in their prayers.

  I blinked as Good-Deeds strode past, making for Castle James. I noticed that the castle had no white flag on top. Over there I was sure I could see Self-Pleasing sneering outside Castle Sophie. And that looked like All-Except-Me carrying planks of wood on his shoulder. But surely he was dead. Anyway, it definitely looked like him.

  From the valley came the sound of horses galloping. With the King's Son as their leader, the five captains rode to the door of Castle James.

  The first was Captain Trust, carrying his blood red banner with the picture of the Lamb. Then came Captain Good-Hope, with his blue banner showing the three golden anchors. The third was Captain Love. His banner had the picture of young people being held securely by the King's Son.

  Captain Innocent was the fourth. His white banner unfurled slowly in the breeze to show the picture of three golden doves. Captain Patience came last. You may remember that his banner showed tears shed by the King's Son as he waited and cried for the people he loved to turn to him.

  The King's Son signalled to us to join him.

  Talora jumped to her feet and spread her wings. 'Come on, Zephan,' she said, giving me a friendly slap on the back, 'we can't sit here all day. There's work to be done.'


  Excuse me for asking, but do you think you could be like Nadia at the start of this story, with a homemade flag on your castle, one copied from someone in your family? Maybe this is the first time you've even thought about it. Do you want a genuine flag? Or maybe you've never really thought about God before. The words on the banner -- The one who comes to me I will certainly not cast out -- are just one of many promises from Jesus. You can find this one in John 6:37. The translation here is from the New American Standard Bible. Read the words for yourself in your own Bible and remember them carefully. They are a great defence against the whispers of All-Except-Me.

  John Bunyan ends The Holy War with the King's Son talking to Mansoul. I have taken three sections of this ending, because they seem to round off this allegory so well -- in spite of the very old fashioned wording which is from the original.

  What sort of 'castle' are you? Instead of Mansoul, put your own name in the word below, because in a way each of us is Mansoul.

  'You, my Mansoul, and the beloved of mine heart, many and great are the privileges that I have bestowed upon you; I have singled you out from others, and have chosen you to myself, not for your worthiness, but for mine own sake. I have also redeemed you, not only from the dread of my Father's law, but from the hand of Diabolus. This I have done because I loved you, and because I have set my heart upon you to do you good.'

  'O my Mansoul, I have lived, I have died, I live, and will die no more for thee. I live, that thou mayest not die. Because I live, thou shalt live also. I reconciled thee to my Father by the blood of my cross; and being reconciled, thou shalt live through me. I will pray for thee; I will fight for thee; I will yet do thee good.'

  'Remember, therefore, O my Mansoul, that thou art beloved of me: as I have, therefore, taught thee to watch, to fight, to pray, and to make war against my foes; so now I command thee to believe that my love is constant to thee. O my Mansoul, how have I set my heart, my love upon thee!'

  Chris Wright

  Chris's website is, and you are welcome to contact him from there.

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  Chris Wright has three grownup children, and lives in the West Country of England where he is a home group leader with his local church. More books by Chris Wright for young readers are on the next pages. His personal website is

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