Read Zombie High: First In Class Page 6

  The phone went dead and Dora set it down on the floor. Growling sounds met her ear and she looked over her shoulder to discover a pack of zombies coming. She glanced in the other directions of the hall to discover more zombies roaming. Dora couldn’t abandon her brother and she knew she had a small chance of escaping. She lay down next to Hector, shut her eye, played dead and hoped the zombies would fall for the trick or for help to arrive.

  Dr. Ford and Dr. Milo had listened to the police tape many times and worked along with the cops to confirm Dora’s claim was true. They wished they could do something to save young Dora and those trapped inside with her, but they couldn’t risk the outbreak spreading to outside the school. Nobody was willing to venture inside the school, it was up to the student and staff members to prove their humanity and break out themselves. Dr. Ford and Milo put together a report and had to present to their boss, Dr. Sidnee.

  The woman sat across from them in her office. “Explain.”

  Dr. Ford went first. “We were tasked to create a rejuvenation energy drink. My colleague and I went to great lengths to create something that would provide a great boost of energy. We experimented on two frogs and based on collected reports, our serum killed the frogs, revived them and somehow turned into flesh eating monsters. I suppose the more mainstream term is zombies.”

  “After those results, we froze the frogs, deposed of them and called for toxic cleanup. Another scientist didn’t inform us that he was allowing a science teacher and student to take some of our other non-toxic deposed frogs. They weren’t supervised so it’s heavily likely our two toxic frogs were taken with the bunch and that explains how it’s connected to the event at the school.”

  Dr. Sidnee sighed. “This is a mess. How are we going to clean this up?”

  “We’ve been talking with the cops and decided exactly forty eight hours after the distress call-“

  “-The school should be exterminated,” Dr. Milo finished.

  Dr. Sidnee nodded in approval. “I’ll contact the government to get approval. Good day gentlemen.”

  As the destruction of the school was being confirmed, Kyle, John, Brand, Mo and Nova were crawling through vents in hope of finally escaping.

  Chapter 29 – Friends To The End

  The plan was simple, crawl through the vents and head to the gym. Too bad the execution of the plan was proving to be a lot more difficult. Even though the gym was a few feet away from the main office, the group couldn’t figure out how to get there through the vents. Kyle volunteered to climb ahead and return once he found a way to the gym. After he tried and realized he barely could fit in the vents in this area, the group concluded Nova wouldn’t be able to fit period.

  Kyle paced in the office. “We’re going to have to go out the way we came in.”

  “Is the bike still working,” Mo asked.

  Kyle shook his head. “Nope, I tried it already. We’re going to have to fight our way out.”

  “That’s really risky,” Brand worried.

  “I’m sorry for being too fat,” Nova sadly said.

  “There’s nothing wrong with you,” John said as an attempt to get back into her good graces.

  Nova ignored his words, still upset with all he had caused.

  “We need a distraction,” Kyle said. “But what distracts a zombie?”

  “A live human,” Brand answered. “But we can’t risk anybody getting hurt.”

  John raised his hand. “I started this, so I’ll take the risk. I’ll distract the zombies.”

  “No,” Brand disagreed. “You could end up getting hurt.”

  “You’re not my boss,” John snapped. “I’m doing this. It’s simple, I’m going to bolt out the office door and draw the zombies away. I’ll make as much noise as I can to distract them and direct all the zombie traffic on this floor toward me. Once I give the signal, I want you to all run and I’ll find my own way to the boy’s locker room. Don’t wait for me, I’ll be fine.”

  “That idea is so crazy that’s its stupid,” Kyle said. “But mostly it’s brave.”

  John noticed for the first time Mo, Nova and Kyle looked at him without any type of hatred in their eyes. He had to admit, this plan was his attempt to win them back over, but he also understood somebody had to take the risk. He was the best candidate, the man who started the chaos.

  John pointed over to the front desk. “Duck and hide. Don’t run until I say so.”

  They all took a moment to pat John on the back before taking their position behind the desk.

  John was armed with a majorette baton he found in the lost and found area. He took a deep breath as he positioned himself before the office exit and exhaled. John pulled the door opened and charged through the crowd of student zombies. The zombies slow, it was easy for him to fight his way through and run to the crossroad section of the hall.

  He hit the baton against some lockers. “Alright zombies, come get me!”

  As he had hoped, the zombies started walking away from the office and toward him. From all four directions of the crossroads he noticed hoards slowly approaching. John kept hitting the lockers trying to make sure every zombie close by knew he was out there.

  “If anybody can hear me, the boy’s locker room is the way out,” He shouted. “Mo, Kyle, Nova, Brand, run!”

  Kyle lead the way, followed my Nova and Mo. As Brand exited the office he stopped and stared ahead at John. Their eyes connected and they exchanged a quick smile before a zombie attacked John from behind and tore into his neck. Though John was in great pain, he kept a smile on his face and surrendered to the hoard. Brand naturally wanted to help him, but knew it was all over. John made a great sacrifice; Brand appreciated that and the short friendship they developed. Brand turned away from the gruesome scene, ran down the hall and joined the others by the gym entry.

  Brand did his best to not breakdown. “John is gone. They got him.”

  Nova let out a squeak as she covered her mouth and fought back tears.

  Mo shook her head. “I’m angry at him, but I forgive him.”

  Kyle nodded in agreement. “She’s right. Now, let’s get out of here before we end up like him.”

  The group pushed into the gym to discover a hoard of zombie jocks waiting.

  Chapter 30 – New Upload

  The group stood facing the hoard of zombie jocks. They watched in silence as the jocks walked in a circle, bumping into each other and groaning. The group could only imagine what would happen beyond this moment, if the zombie jocks were their actual last obstacle.

  Mo wrinkled her nose. “Man, they’ve gotten even dumber.”

  “They used to be my friends, my teammates,” Kyle said.

  “I dated a jock,” Brand said. “He was actually pretty smart Mo…well, for a jock he was.”

  “These guys were monsters before they became zombies,” Nova said. “They bullied me.”

  Kyle looked over at Nova. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “Don’t apologize for your friend’s stupidity,” Nova said. “I have an idea though.”

  Nova walked over to a sack of balls and grabbed two. She rejoined the group, formed a sinister grin and threw one of the balls across the gym and pegged a zombie jock. Her smile grew even wider as she threw the other ball and hit another jock, knocking this one’s head off.

  Nova nodded. “This is fun.”

  “We’ll, we have to get pass them somehow,” Brand said. “I’ll help.”

  Brand grabbed a ball from the sack and launched it across the gym, also hitting a zombie jock. Mo was next to join and once Kyle came to terms with the fact that those weren’t his old teammates, simply their bodies; he joined in the game also. The group kept throwing balls and laughing. They happened to run out of targets and balls at the same time.

  A panting Nova leaned over and rested her hands on her knees. “If I die, at least I got to do that.”

  Kyle started forward. “Nobody is going to die, because it’s time to go home.”

/>   The group followed behind Kyle, all still waiting for some kind of new obstacle that would stop them. Things got all too real as they entered the boy’s locker room and could see the double door emergency exit. Their hearts raced together as they arrived at the door. Kyle placed his hands on the handle and pushed forward. The door opened and the rising sun started to peek inside. Kyle wanted to feel more of the natural sun on his skin and charged out of the school. The others followed after him with wide smiles across their faces that quickly faded as they were met by raised pistols.

  The football field and wherever they could see was crowded with cops and men in white hazmat suits.

  “Raise your hands in the air,” An officer shouted as he kept his weapon raised.

  The students did as they were told.

  “Alright, spray them, subdue them and contain them,” The officer finished.

  Out of nowhere the students were sprayed down with a powerful hose that knocked them to the ground. They were rushed by men in hazmat suits who aggressively injected them with needles. Brand tried to fight, but whatever they were injected with instantly took over and he dropped to the ground, numb. He felt as if he weighed a ton, unable to lift his arms. The men in the hazmat suits started to strip them from their clothes and carry them away. Brand could no longer fight what was in his blood and all went black.

  1 Year Later

  Harrison High was now simply a grass field, the school burned seconds after the students were extracted. They were branded the Zombie High Four, local celebrities overnight. The only surviving four were contacted endlessly for movies, books and interviews. All of their families and the family of the fallen students filed lawsuits against the lab and won great sums.

  Mo was first to move away with her family and was now home schooled. Kyle went off to college but eventually ended up starring in a movie based on their experience called ‘Zombie High’. He still worked in the industry, mostly modeling. Nova used some of her winnings to start a national anti-bullying campaign and eventually got to attend the State of the Union.

  Brand also decided on home schooling, mainly because he freaked out at the sight of a locker and because his web show sky rocketed post the horrific event. His mom retired early and they moved back home. Brand was happy, producing his show along with his boyfriend Matt again.

  A package arrived to his house and Brand opened it. “The hazmat team finally sent my backpack.”

  Inside he found the video camera he had taken from the lost and found area and connected it to his laptop. On the camera was two files, one was the video he recorded and he figured the other video belonged to the original owner. Brand hit the play on the true owner’s file.

  “Hi, I’m Amanda and I’m in charge of making a video year book for the Harrison High blog.” A blonde girl wearing a cheerleading uniform said. “I wanted an HD camera but Principal Dweeb was being cheap and got me this crappy one. I’ll work with what I have and do my best to show the world how awesome it is to be a student at Harrison High.”

  Amanda toured the school talking to random students. She even talked to some familiar faces.

  “This is Mo and Gia. They’re the only set of twins in our school.”

  Mo and Gia made silly faces as Amanda turned the camera on them.

  Her tour continued and she bumped into two jocks. “I introduce the handsome Hector and Kyle.”

  “This year we’re going to be national champions,” Hector boasted. “I love my team, no homo.”

  Kyle bit his bottom lip. “Hey ladies, never forget this sexy face.”

  Amanda eventually ended up in the cafeteria where she found Nova. “This is piglet.”

  Nova got up and covered the camera with her hand. “You’re so immature, Amanda.”

  Amanda laughed as she headed away and spotted a teacher and student carrying dark bags.

  “Ms. Sissa, what’s in the bags,” Amanda asked.

  “Frogs,” Ms. Sissa answered. “Now out of the way, they need to be put on ice.”

  Amanda turned the camera on John. “Carrying a bag of your brother’s, toad face?”

  “I don’t want to be in your dumb video,” John said.

  “Oh don’t worry; I’m using your clip from the talent show anyways, out of my way pop star.”

  Amanda walked off as she turned the camera on her face. “Alright, I have class. Peace out.”

  Besides Amanda immaturity, most of the video was enjoyable. Brand was originally planning on uploading the video he recorded of himself, but he decided this video instead would make the perfect upload. Other high school students around the world deserved to see no matter how miserable high school already was, a high school full of zombies was much worse.


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  My Other Titles:

  Zombie High: Back 2 Class

  Feast, Stray, Love – Issue 1

  Contact Me: SVRKEV {@} GMAIL.COM



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