Read Zombie Invasion Page 15

Vice President Reilly watched a monitor from an undisclosed location. He sipped his favorite tea with extended pinky while keeping his eyes trained on the screen. He watched with anticipation as he saw a helicopter descend to the mountain, drop off its two travelers, and ascend again.

  He smiled.

  Soon, he would have his greatest desire. The cover story was in place, complete with photographs of suspected terrorist cell members. The plan held no flaws. He went over the sequence of events once more. It would be a three-part plan: first, President Connors goes into the cave with his fake aliens. Second, his assault team levels the mountain. Third, with a sympathetic tear on his cheek, he goes on the air to announce the President has been a victim of a terrorist attack. Of course, his wife and two young sons would remain in the White House, for show. Later, he would kick them out and send them to the god-awful Number One Observatory Circle, three miles into oblivion.

  From a hidden surveillance camera he saw President Connors and Miriam moving to the platform. He scowled as he thought of how many times Miriam had put him on hold— him— the Vice President of the United States of America. The scowl faded and a murderous smile filled his plump lips. Justice, he thought. High time she paid for her arrogance. If he could only see her treacherous face at the final moment. To listen to the screams and watch her writhe in pain. Would she burn or suffer a smothering under tons of rock? It didn’t matter, he would beat another opponent as he had done so many times in the past.

  Reilly’s thoughts shifted back to the President and his nose flared. The crooked nose scrunched into massive cheeks and offset his beady eyes. He should have been President from the start. He had the record, the finances, and the power base. If only it wasn’t a popularity contest, dictated by the whims of idiots. He would have won the primary and not resorted to blackmail and schemes to get on the ticket. But that meant nothing now. Reilly had searched daily for a way to oust Connors and take over and these creative terrorists gave him the perfect opportunity. He would not let it pass. Seize the moment, his father always said. He would.

  On a round coffee table next to his big chair sat a radio. He picked it up and watched the screen with delight. President Connors and Miriam rose on the platform and disappeared. This is it! He leaned forward and checked his wristwatch. He checked the big wall clock for confirmation and salivated at the opportunity before him.

  The Vice President waited and constantly checked the wall clock and his wristwatch. He couldn’t wait another minute and activated his radio.

  “Black Pawn, over.”

  “Black Pawn,” echoed the radio.

  “You have a go, Black Pawn. Go!”


  “Don’t sir me. Strike, damn it, strike! Fire at the cave’s entrance.”

  “Sir, they have only been inside for forty-five minutes. They have an hour to exit.”


  Reilly shook the radio in his hand, wanting it to be Fanmer’s puny neck. He almost said the man’s name. What a disaster that would be down the road. Reilly’s pudgy feet found the floor and he wrestled himself from the grip of the chair to stand. His face was red and nervous excitement ran through him.

  “Sir, that is murder. I told them they had an hour. You agreed to an hour, sir.”

  “You don’t argue with me, I’m holding all the cards here. I’ve got you by the balls and damn well plan to squeeze.”

  “My source is not in his cabin. I told him and the others an hour like you said. It will take time to track them down.”

  Reilly had heard enough and his plans would be delayed no longer.

  “Black Pawn,” he said calmly. He gripped the radio tightly and spoke as clearly as he could. “You have orders to launch this second. If I don’t see what I expect to see in the next minute, I am going to skin you alive. You hear me, Pawn? Alive!” He hissed the last word to bring a chill to Fanmer’s soul.

  “Yes, sir.” The response came low, but audible.


  The screen held the same picture as before. Nothing was happening. All Reilly could see was the opening to the cave and the platform beside it. He moved in front of the screen, determined not to miss a second of his victory. Fanmer will not fail. He will not fail me.

  Chapter Thirteen: Connors