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Zombie Outbreak Survival: The Definitive Test

  Van Allen

  Copyright 2016 Van Allen

  Zombie Outbreak Survival: The Definitive Test

  Van Allen

  Screaming Weasel Productions

  Copyright 2016 Van Allen

  Zombie Outbreak Survival: The Definitive Test

  [email protected]

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation to anyone bearing the same name or names. Any resemblance to individuals known or unknown to the author are purely coincidental. This is entirely a work of fiction.

  Cataloguing Information:

  Allen, Van

  Zombie Outbreak Survival: The Definitive Test/Van Allen

  FIC028070 FICTION / Science Fiction / Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Licensing Information


  Pre-Test Tutorial with FAQs

  Zombie Hive FAQs

  The Definitive Test

  The Answers

  Final Word (with References)

  About the Author


  Hopefully, you are reading this because you feel you are ready to take my definitive zombie outbreak survival test. The truth is you’re not ready. You’re almost ready.

  However, if you feel you don’t need all this intro stuff, set-up, and pre-test crap, if you just want skip right to the test questions, click here:

  Take me to The Definitive Test dammit! I am absolutely Badass!

  For the rest of you, surviving a zombie apocalypse will test everything you’ve got. Passing my test is just a start, a pretty good start, but just a start. Most of you won’t pass, so it’s just the start of seeing how unprepared you are.

  My test is designed to check if you are ready to survive a zombie apocalypse, mentally. Physically and psychologically you’re not ready, but survival is 90% mental and 10% everything else. So let’s get started.

  This test is a written multiple-choice test because, well quite frankly, none of you would pass the full 45-day test we make US Marine zombie outbreak responders pass. That test is called the ZORT Meat Grinder (Zombie Outbreak Response Team). It consists of weeks of physical survival tests such as weaponology, what to eat and what not to eat, how to treat injuries, how to make and how to avoid booby-traps, how to escape and evade assholes, how to MacGyver or jerry-rig random everyday shit into useful tools and contraptions that ensure your survival, and ultimately how to do all the things you need to do to defend humanity when you are hungry, dehydrated, injured, and getting less than two hours of sleep in three days.

  That’s what you want your Marine Corps zombie fighting teams to do with great superiority. When the shit hits the fan or when the fecal matter impacts the rotating aerial oscillator, you’ll be glad these military badasses were tested to their fullest capacity. In my training, I am the single holder of the USMC record score, a perfect score, on the React Course section of the ZORT training. The React Course is a very secretive combat course that tests a Marine’s leadership abilities and the ability to think and solve problems under the pressure of a ticking clock and while simultaneously dealing with fatigue, stress, and creatively bad situations. In some ways, ZORT training shows us things that are worse than should be expected during a zombie apocalypse.

  The ultimate goal of our training was to show ZORT Marines what they did well and what they didn’t do well. I graduated #7 in a class of 100. So, if I had one weakness to disclose, I guess I would say it’s my willingness to violate human decency rules just to survive. I’ll give you some examples: 1) I would never eat another person. No matter how close to starvation I am, I would never do that. 2) I would never hurt children or other defenseless people or put them in danger. So, no sacrificing less fortunate people just so I can survive. 3) I would never in a million years eat a spider. I don’t know what in Heaven or Hell ever possessed God to make spiders. I’ll starve before I eat a spider. ZORT training showed me this. Dogs, cats, lizards, grubs, beetles, snails, squids, fish guts, worms, frogs, even maggots and other larvae, I will eat the shit out them in a New York minute. Spiders is where I draw the line, and people. I also don’t do very well in cold weather.

  I’m considered a zombie apocalypse survival expert, tested in the halls of Montezuma and the shores of Tripoli. I have committed myself to writing zombie outbreak preparedness public service announcements (PSAs) for as long as it takes. When I retired from the Marines in 2005, I consulted for several municipal and local ZORTs. In 2009, when the top-secret classification on my case files expired (thank you Congress), I started writing zombie survival PSAs for free. YES! Before The Walking Dead, I started helping the Center for Disease Control (the CDC) get the word out about the deadly potential of pandemic outbreaks and zombie apocalypses. I just dropped my PSAs on the internet and made myself available to answer questions whenever people wanted to know more about viral outbreak response protocols, zombie outbreak response tactics, and zombie apocalypse survival preparation and strategies.

  My PSAs have been downloaded 1000s of times. I spoke on a few late night radio shows, a couple of podcasts, offered some advice to a couple of TV shows and movies, which I won’t name, because I thought they should have credited me and they didn’t, and I even helped write training manuals for a handful of military outfits here in the US and abroad. Okay I will name-drop one movie, World War Z. In this movie, a central theme is zombies can sense sick, injured, dying, and dead people and tend to not attack them. Stay tuned here and you’ll see how that specific fact about zombie psychology was first published by me.

  You’ll also get a sense of what the hell is wrong with the TV show, The Walking Dead. These CDC, US Government, and WHO sponsored projects are offered to make people more aware. These and other zombie “entertainment” can be sophisticated and allow us to grasp traditional conceptual reasoning through the observed actions of others. When you read about zombies or battle zombies in a video game, you are a) doing exactly what the CDC hopes we will all do, and b) you are training your brain to be ready, more ready. By vicariously experiencing the zombie apocalypse in a book, movie, TV show, or video game, you can become more prepared and hopefully you will know what to do when the shit hits the fan. Well, some of you will know what to do.

  Hopefully, you have read my many previously published zombie outbreak survival PSAs or guides to help you get ready for this test. If you have read my previous works, then you know what I have to say about zombies is real. Hopefully, you are reading this because you know a zombie outbreak can and will happen. You know several zombie outbreaks already happened and are on record historically. Hopefully, you are reading this because you want to be one of the survivors when the shit hits the fan. You know luck and history favor the prepared. Hopefully you are reading
my PSAs because you can see in the news a global pandemic outbreak is inevitable. You know a full-blown global pandemic zombie outbreak is long overdue.

  I’ve said it before, I’m not writing this to win a Pulitzer or to win over publishers and fans. I’m writing this so YOU can get a taste of the apocalypse now before it’s too late. So please tolerate my use of profanity and certain vulgarities, and a few grammar, elements of style, and syntax problems as you read this. If you see any military terms or acronyms you are not familiar with, just do your own homework and Google them later or DM me on Twitter or email me and I will carefully explain in more detail.

  When the fecal matter impacts the rotating aerial oscillator (when the shits hits the fan) and you find yourself up to your armpits in zombies, crazed, panicked survivors, and ill-mannered hooligans (survival assholes), you need to know what to do. You need to know what it takes to be a badass and survive.

  Zombie Apocalypse Survival Quotes by Captain Van Allen, USMC:

  “If you can’t be a badass, then get you some badass friends or be prepared to give up your shit: food, supplies, women, children, your life, your soul, your dignity, anything you care to protect—your shit, to other badasses.”

  “Surviving a zombie apocalypse if tougher, but it’s tougher if you’re stupid.”

  “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, unless it’s viral.”

  “Don’t play with your zombie; it will make you go blind.”

  “In a zombie outbreak, treat stupid people like you would treat zombies. Avoid them or kill them if they get in your way.”

  “Zombies don’t kill people and take their shit; people kill people and take their shit.”

  “In a zombie apocalypse, you need to be prepared to fight the living and the dead, but especially the living.”

  “In poker, a 9mm beats four aces. Similar gun commandments apply in a zombie apocalypse.”

  “In a zombie apocalypse, be prepared for assholes. God made a whole lot of them and they always seem to have the most phenomenal immunities to the shittiest situations.”

  {Return to Table of Contents}

  Pre-Test Tutorial with FAQs

  I began writing these short zombie outbreak survival guides aiming to increase public preparedness for an eventual zombie outbreak and the ensuing pandemonium that will follow. Let me share a little more information about me before I begin listing some FAQs about Z-virus outbreak survival. Some of these FAQs will relate very closely to other information I shared so far in previous PSAs such as my super popular book, Zombie Outbreak Survival: Get It Right or Die. Get it Right or Die has been downloaded more than 5,000 times worldwide. It’s been the subject of a college course and it’s been used as a trainer by three US Federal Agencies. You need to read this one book first before you attempt to take my test. Zombie Outbreak Survival: Hive Incident #83-2005 is another prerequisite read before attempting this test.

  If you have a hard time understanding these two zombie survival guides, then you’re going to have a very hard time passing this test. You may need to read my PSAs three or four times and then talk about them with a study group before you’re ready to take my test. Plus, these two books are free to download…for now. So download them now before I get greedy and start making people pay me for my zombie outbreak survival advice.

  About Me: I retired from the US Marines after 21 years of active duty service. I served in several international actions and incidents involving peace-keeping and combat, including several special squads and details. I enlisted in 1984 as a private and I retired in 2005 as a Captain. I have three Masters Degrees; one in Psychology, one in Physics, and the other in Biology. I am certified to teach urban warfare tactics, desert and jungle survival, and counterterrorism and a few other things like Mathematics, Physics, Biology, combat swimming, and self-defense, to name a few. My dream job would be either head football coach or lead criminal investigator. I love football and I hate criminals.

  I started writing my original series of zombie outbreak PSAs planning to only get a head start for the month of September hoping to educate the masses about the dangers of a real zombie outbreak mainly because September each year coincides with the start of the flu season in the northern hemisphere. September is also National Preparedness Month. Preparedness for what, you ask. Find the answer here (US Govt Outbreak Readiness Information).

  As any well-prepared zombie outbreak responder knows, a pandemic zombie outbreak will most likely start during or just after a deadly pandemic flu outbreak. In North America, flu season starts in September and runs through the spring—deadly pandemic flu outbreaks are most likely to happen during the late fall and winter months.

  A pandemic flu event similar in scale to the 1918 Spanish Flu outbreak can kill as many as 200-500 million people worldwide in as little time as three or four months. The biggest window of opportunity for a pandemic zombie outbreak is when a Z-virus outbreak piggybacks off an uncontained seasonal pandemic flu outbreak.

  Just imagine 500 million dead worldwide and global social services collapsing daily. We had a hard time dealing with a few thousand Ebola deaths in 2013! We have a hard time containing malaria! When there are more dead bodies piled high, more dead than were killed in all the wars in the last two centuries combined, that’s when you will know the zombie apocalypse shit already hit the fan. Oh, but things can and will get worse fast—500 million dead can turn into two billion dead worldwide in a matter of weeks.

  I realized after writing daily PSAs for just one full month in October 2009 I needed to do even more, write even more. There is so much more to share, so much more I know about zombies, so much more you will wish you knew when we are all finally faced with a zombie pandemonium. Keep in mind, the best cure for a zombie outbreak is prevention.

  What can you do to prevent a zombie apocalypse right now?

  1) Get an annual flu shot and encourage everyone you know to do the same.

  2) Wash your hands all the time.

  3) Stay away from sick people.

  4) Get physically healthy and stronger day by day, starting right now.

  5) Read all of my PSAs to increase your survival knowledge.

  “If you can’t be a badass, then get you some badass friends or be prepared to give up your shit: food, supplies, women, children, your life, your soul, your dignity, anything you care to protect—your shit, to assholes and other badasses.”

  ~Van Allen

  Before you are ready to take my test, it may help to get a refresher, just in case you were not paying attention in my previous lessons. Here I will refresh more zombie outbreak survival tips and strategies and tactics. I may also offer some you haven’t heard before. This will be your last warm-up before the final exam. Please review my past zombie outbreak survival PSAs. If you have a question, send it. Leave some reviews/comments and let me know what you think.


  I recommend you read Max Brooks’ novel, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War. This fictional story about a post-apocalyptic zombie outbreak survivor reads like a first person account. Buy it online or you can even buy the audiobook and download it to your cell phone and listen to it while you’re jogging or stuck in traffic. The novel has a few common problems consistent with most zombie fiction, but in general, it is a great reference for planning for survival.

  One of my favorite zombie movies is 2009’s Zombieland. The best part of this movie is the list of rules for surviving in a zombie outbreak. I’m a fan of planning ahead and sticking to your survival rules. In this movie a Z-virus outbreak piggybacks a deadly global outbreak of mad cow disease. If you need help making your survival rules, read my previous PSAs were I shared my own Zombie Outbreak Survival Rules.

  Other Zombie Outbreak Training References



  Michael Jackson’s Thriller



  The Crazies

  World War Z

Doo on Zombie Island

  Resident Evil

  Warm Bodies

  28 Days Later

  TV Shows:

  The Walking Dead


  In the Flesh

  Fear the Walking Dead

  Death Valley


  Video Games:

  Call of Duty Zombies

  Zombie Island

  Resident Evil

  House of the Dead

  Dead Rising


  Stupid Zombies

  Zombies, Run

  Zombie Frontier

  Into the Dead

  Infection Bio War

  From the CDC:

  Solve the Outbreak App

  Zombie Preparedness 101

  Recommended Reading:

  What you need is a toughness groove that runs from the top of your head and down your back to the very base of your spine as described by Navy Seal, Richard Machowicz in his book, Unleash The Warrior Within.

  Documentary: 10 Civilizations that disappeared under mysterious circumstances

  Take a look at one of my all-time favorite zombie characters:

  Solomon Grundy born on a Monday

  The pandemic Spanish Flu outbreak of 1918 (Harvard: Spanish Flu 1918).

  A global pandemic outbreak of H5N2, an uncontrolled avian flu.

  For homework, take a look at the Army Survival Manual.

  Zombie Outbreak Survival FAQs:

  One of the more frequent questions I’m asked is if I was a member of the Special Forces. It’s important to know “Special Forces” are elite military combat units trained and designed for fighting other military units and other elite military units. You might also call in a Special Forces team to deal with a terrorist incident such as a mass hostage situation. You might even send in a Special Forces unit to combat a large gang or gangster or drug cartel scenario.