Read books for kids:kids fiction LINDE AND ANDREA ( BOOK ONE ) Page 4


  On a Saturday morning, Linde woke up unusually early, she knew she had a busy day in front of her and things should start early. Well, as the first born of the family, she knew her duties. She ran to the shop to buy some milk and bread from Bob’s kiosk. This time round, she did not engage herself in so many talks with the people she met on the road. But it was her custom to greet everyone she came by and this was what she actually did.

  “Good morning Mr. Bob?” She greeted. “Good morning my dear, how are you doing this morning?” Bob countered. “I am doing fine. May you please give me a packet of milk, two loaves of bread, one kilo of sugar and 50gms of butter! How much is that?” She asked. Bob did the calculation and gave her the total. She gave her the money and before she went out of the shop, she remembered that she must call Caro and Marie to confirm their date that night. So she bought some airtime for her phone and left in haste. Bob was perplexed as he was used to seeing her in a jovial mood each time she visited her shop. Yes, she was at her best that morning but not as talkative as usual.

  Back at home, being a Saturday, her three siblings were still sleeping. Her mother had already left for her master’s house. Mr. Mayers was already up and was sweeping the compound. “Good morning dad?” “Oh! Good morning to you my dear! Today you woke up too early I can guess you have a busy schedule today. Is everything set?” “Yes, I have already brought milk and sugar and I am preparing breakfast. It should be ready in a few minutes.” She thought for a while and asked her father, “d…a…a…d…d…y, do you remember the phone call I received the other day from Caro and Marie Stores? I want to call them and confirm our today’s meeting,” she said rather hesitantly. “Oh! My little girl, I had completely forgotten that today is Saturday. Sure! Call them and hear what they have to say. I hope they have some good news for you.” Mr. Mayers said joyously. “Thank you very much dad, I will call them as soon as I finish preparing breakfast,” she said retreating to the kitchen in. The father looked at her smiling and said to himself, “Oh! May her dreams come true!”

  When breakfast was ready, she went to wake her siblings. Yuel was awake but still in his bed. “Wake up little Yuel,” she shouted. “I am awake my lovely sister. Is breakfast ready? Please get me my clothes, I should put on fresh clothes,” he shouted jovially. It was typical for Linde to wake Yuel first on weekends because she argued that Yuel was so charming that he always made her happy and on this particular Saturday, she didn’t want anything to come in between her and the Caro and Marie Store’s meeting. She fetched fresh clothes and gave them to Yuel before heading straight to Jao’s and later to Acy’s rooms. Acy was still fast asleep. She shook her violently, wake up Acy. The sun is already up and you are still snoring.

  Acy woke with a start. “Oh my God! You have interrupted my dream. I was deep in dream,” she said yawning. Ok. Let me put on my clothes. I will be right there Linde. Linde shrugged and walked out of her room. She didn’t want to add anything that would infuriate Acy. She wanted everything to be at peace so that she could have some peace of mind when she went to the store.

  She served breakfast and as usual Yuel was at it again. “Acy, why do you like being lazy and you are a big girl?” He joked. “Please concentrate on your breakfast,” Mr. Mayers intervened just in time to avert an imminent confrontation. It is good manners to eat silently. We can talk and laugh after we have finished our eating our breakfast. Linde did not utter a word. She did understand what her father meant and she was in support.

  Immediately after breakfast, Yuel ran out of the house leaving the rest. He was fond of going to see his favourite friend Elly whom they played with. Elly and Yuel were classmates and they loved each other very much. Both Linde and her father just looked on and smiled. Jao on his part was a cool but intelligent boy. He stood up and said to Linde, “Thank you very much my sister. Breakfast was superb. Let me go back to my room and make my bed. But before then, I want to ask for a favour from you Linde.” Linde thought for a while and nodded. “Go ahead my brother,” she added. Well, today is Saturday and Kelly and I promised to go swimming. I should be right on my way to Kelly’s home. I will be back before lunch if you grant me the permission.” Linde looked at her father and then back at Jao. Her father was amused. He wanted his children to grow into responsible and respectful of each other. What he was seeing was just what he had been praying for all his life. He knew he wasn’t well up but having a family that is respectful was all he needed to live happily. He looked at Linde reassuringly. He had all the confidence in Linde and wanted her to take charge of her siblings. Linde felt so indebted to her father that a mixed feeling of happiness and sadness swept through her heart. She was happy that her father had a lot of confidence in her and sad in the sense that she could not help improve the status of the family given that she didn’t have a job. “The two were so immersed in thought that they were oblivious of Jao’s presence until he coughed to attract their attention. “Linde, did you hear me?” Jao inquired impatiently. “It’s ok. But make sure you come back before lunch and take good care of yourself,” she said.

  When Acy rose to go, Mr. Mayers told her to remain seated for a few minutes. At only seven, Acy was proving very irresponsible. She wasn’t very keen on her studies in the first place. When it came to taking care of herself, she showed no sign of improving even after the persistent reproach from Linde and her mother. Her mother was getting more concerned about her future. “My daughter, there is something I want to tell you.” But before he continued, Linde begged to leave. “I want to make a call dad. I will leave you two to talk.” The father allowed her to go. Mr. Mayers loved his family very much without discrimination. Regardless of Acy’s big headedness, he still loved her and could not stand to see her unhappy.

  “Looking at your results, I think there is something you need to do. I want you start working hard in school. Your teachers have complained about you. They say you like playing very much. Limit your playfulness and concentrate on your academics.” “But… da…d,” she interrupted. “I am trying my best.” The father did not fail to see the bears in her eyes. He changed the topic. “It’s ok. I want you to help your sister with washing of the utensils. Will you my little one?” Mr. Mayers asked smiling. “Sure. But d…aaa..d…,” she hesitated and then continued to finish her statement. “After washing the utensils, I will go and play with my friends. Will you allow me?” “Yes, you can go and play but remember to come back home early for lunch.” “Thank you dad,” she kissed him on the forehead and left for the kitchen where she found Linde busy washing the utensils. Linde smiled when she saw Acy. “Alright get me some clean water Acy. I want to rinse these cups.” Acy went to the tap and drew some clean water and came back. She handed over a jug of water to Linde. “Here it is. Is that enough?” “Yes, thank you Acy. You can now go and play but be here for lunch, right?” Acy felt so happy that she almost bumped into her father. She hadn’t seen him approach when she came out of the kitchen running. “Whoooo…p!” Mr. Mayers lifted her high up in the sky. She let out a yell. “Wooooooiii…! Haaaaa!” she laughed when her father put her down. Next time look where you are going lest you get knocked down.

  Time was running out very fast. Linde had a lot of things to accomplish that day. She thought of her mother and felt very sad for her. She felt so sad for her. The two were very intimate and seeing her wake up early everyday to go to Pia’s parents home to work there did not make her happy at all. Although it was during one of those days when she had accompanied her mother that she met Pia, she still did not like the idea. She vowed to work hard to change their lives. She really missed her mother.

  She went to the house and called Caro and Marie stores. “Heelloooo,” a voice answered. “Is that Andrea? I am Li…nde Mayers,” she said in a shaky voice. “Yes, glad to hear from you. How are you doing Miss. Mayers?” “I am fine. I wanted to confirm our meeting tonight. How are the plans?” She asked curiously. “Oh yes, we invited you here tonight. We shall be waiting for you.
There something we want to discuss with you. Please do not miss. It is urgent and we depend on you very much.” Her heart skipped a beat. She didn’t know whether to say thank you or keep quiet. She opted for the former. “Thank you Andrea. I will be right there.” “Oh! That is great. See you then Miss. Mayers!” She hung up and put her hands on her mouth. “Oh my God!” She thought. “Could this be a dream come true?” She remembered the many times she had passed by the store and hoped that one day, she would be part of the staff there. She had really admired everything about the supermarket. She had on a number of occasions accompanied her mother to buy household items for Pia’s mother. It was a very big store with almost everything you would think of in terms of household goods.

  On every occasion, she envied the young girls and men who served their customers with a lot of respect. After completing her forth form, she had ready an advert in the local newspaper that the Supermarket was looking for a suitable person to fill up an accountant position. Although she had not gone to college, her final results were quite good. She had been called to join a college but considering the financial status of her family, she had hopelessly seen her only chance of continuing with her education shuttered.

  When she saw the advert, she grinned. But there was something about the advert that made her smile – the required qualifications. No experience was required as that was a chance that could give her an opportunity to acquire business managerial skills, a dream she always longed for. She had all the required grades for the job. She had run home fast to show her father. The father had given up hope but kept on praying. He encouraged her to apply for the position. She had done so and delivered the application personally to the management. Many weeks had elapsed since applying. Whenever she passed by, she could not help thinking about her fate. When Andrea called, she was confused. She had even forgotten that she had included the family contact numbers in the application. After talking with Andrea, she decided she would go and disclose the good news to her mother at Pia’s home. She hurriedly did her final touches and bid her father bye to go and be with her mother for the remaining part of the evening before she went to Caro and Marie Stores.

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