Read books for kids:kids fiction LINDE AND ANDREA ( BOOK ONE ) Page 8


  Inside the coffee shop, Miss Andrea had arrived 30 minutes earlier. She had ordered coffee and was just relaxing. She had requested for the day’s newspaper just to keep her busy. Well, she wasn’t new here considering that her store was just adjacent, she was actually the owner of Caro and Marie Stores.

  When she had advertised for the vacancies to be filled, she had hoped to get more qualified candidates but to her dismay none with experience had bothered to advertise. However, on going through the application letters, they had been impressed with a few and one of them was Linde’s. She had impressed everyone who took part in the vetting. In fact that is why her name came first on the list of those who had been shortlisted for interview.

  Why then did Miss Andrea want to meet Linde in the coffee shop before the interview that was scheduled for Monday. Thus was the question that rang into Linde’s mind all along her way to the shop. She had asked herself this without actually getting the answer. Andrea on the other hand was anxious to meet Linde on a friendlier platform than just anything else. Her aunt Flora had talked much about her and she wanted to see what this meant.

  In fact, when she read her application, she was amused. She had heard everyone comment on Mayer’s family particularly Linde and her good behavior and just felt like she wanted her to work at her store. Although she know it would be easier to dispatch the invitation letters to everyone shortlisted for interview by post but she opted for eye-to-eye meeting with Linde before disclosing the good news.

  Time ticked by. She looked at her watch and realized that she had been in the shop for almost thirty-five minutes and Linde hadn’t arrived yet. “Why is she taking long,” she thought. “Or maybe I should call her house to inquire if she was coming or should I wait a little longer…?” No sooner had she put a question mark to her question than Linde walked in.

  They looked at each other and as if they had met before, they both smiled. Linde knew very little about Miss. Andrea. Her parents had opened the supermarket for her while she was still in the University. They had managed it until she had completed her studies. After graduating, Miss. Andrea had joined her parents in the store as an assistant accounting manager. Her mother was actually the accountant. There were other members of the staff. But this was meant to facilitate a smooth transition.

  Miss Andrea’s parents had other business in other parts of the country and at least everybody in the family wasn’t badly off. Mrs. Flora’s love for flowers had made her being the florist of the village. She grew and sold flowers to many people in the village. Everyone loved her as she was always charming and happy. She did not let the love for money get in between her friendly heart and her flower business.

  It was during the frequent visit to the shop that Linde had come to develop a strong relationship with her. She had also prayed for Linde to get work quickly. She knew Mr. Mayer and what his wife did for a living. She could have wanted to help but her means were limited. But when Miss. Andrea had paid her a visit one afternoon, things had really changed. She had disclosed to her that she intended to increase her staff and was preparing to interview a few individuals on various posts. Mrs. Flora had no slight idea that Linde was among the interviewees. But Miss. Andrea had disclosed the names and she was overwhelmed when she saw Linde’s name appearing top on the list.

  When Linde had greeted her that morning while going to buy milk at the shop, she had worked so hard to keep the secret to herself. She had fought every attempt to spill the beans. She had instead decided to give her flowers just to remind her that life wasn’t as bad as it looked. There was at least and the flowers represented the hope. When Linde took the flowers and thanked her she had smiled and said to herself, “God, I love this kid, may her dreams come true one of these fine days.”

  “Have a sit Miss. Mayers. I was afraid you might not be able to come but now that you are here, I am humbled.” “Waiter!” she called. “Would you mind taking a cup of coffee,” she asked in a friendlier tone. “Eh….,’ she started to say something but was cut short by the waiter’s intrusion. “A cup of coffee for my visitor please,” Miss. Andrea ordered. The waiter came carrying a pot of coffee and placed it on the table.

  The two customers took their coffee while discussing a few things here and there. Although Linde’s heart had been pounding all along, she had now relaxed after realizing that Miss. Andrea was actually a friend and she could feel safe with her around.

  “Ok. Miss. Mayers. Let us get to business. It is a bit late and your parents must be worried about your whereabouts. I called you here for one reason. As you may have realized, I own the store just adjacent to this coffee shop.” “Linde’s heart skipped a beat. She hadn’t thought it to that extent. “What does this mean?” She asked herself. Miss Andrea had paused to let the point sink home. “My point is that, a few weeks ago, I advertised for a few positions that need to be filled. I read your application and I was impressed. I decided to reveal this to you because my aunt insisted on my meeting you in person.”

  Linde felt confused. “My aunt…who could this be and what kind of game is this …?” “Flora is my aunt and she loves you so much. When I disclosed to her my plan and the shortlisted names, she was elated at learning that you had been shortlisted for interview.” “Wow!” Linde almost screamed. She hadn’t even imagined Flora had a nephew who owned such a big store.

  She recalled her conversation with her that morning. “…I know how much you love flowers …especially red roses, so I’m giving you these three lovely red roses. Put them in your room so that you can remember how beautiful life is….” Linde didn’t know whether to say thank you or remain silent. Life was a bit confusing. “Oh my God!”

  Miss. Andrea tried to be very brief in her discussion. She understood how overwhelmed Linde was and saved the rest for Monday when everything will be finalized by the panel conducting the interview. She really wanted to have Linde as part of her staff and that is why she had taken the initiative to meet her and prepare her in advance. Well, the interview was going to be a formality. She had already made up her mind that she wanted Linde to take the position of an accountant after looking at her final scores in her final exams.

  She paid the bill and asked to leave. She also offered to drive Linde back home. On the way, Linde’s mind kept on moving from one incident to the other. She tried to put together all that had happened since morning and a few things made sense while most of them remained a mystery to her. She couldn’t actually put them together. Life seemed to have run so fast. The speed at which things were happening was so tremendous that it didn’t give her time to digest the events.

  They reached their gate. She asked to be dropped. Miss Andrea, reversed her car and waved to her,” Bye and see you!” Linde waved back and opened the gate. She ran the few meters that separated her and their house. Her mother had heard to roar of a vehicle and she had gone to see what was going on. Linde almost stumbled on her when she pushed the door open. She was so excited that she hugged her mother shaking her violently.

  The last time she had seen Linde so happy was when she received the news of her great performance in her final exams. She had been so happy and was very much ready to join university had it not been for the financial problems her family was facing at the moment. It had taken her time to come to terms with the reality but now she had come to get used to it.

  Her father was still reading when she came in. Everyone on the house became awake save for Yuel. Jao was so happy when he heard about Linde’s story. Acy on her part showed a lot of indifference. She could not understand why all the fuss at that time of the night. But all in all, she was happy that Linde was back and in her best moods. She knew that at least she will be saved from her persistent growls.

  Linde narrated her story to her father and mother. They were so happy to hear that. They had been praying for God to guide her and he had just answered their prayers. It was then that Linde begged to go to bed just to meditate on the day’s happenings. Now at
least her parents could relax. They also went to sleep feeling much rejuvenated. Life had shown signs of changing and they wanted to move along with the changes.

  Linde did not sleep that night. Her mind was preoccupied with a lot of things. She had reflected her family’s ordeals and it occurred to her that time had come for her to save the family from being a laughing stock of the village. She had promised to work hard and now it demanded that she works even harder. It was then that she fell asleep!

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



  Linde woke up with a start. She had overslept and when she woke up the sun was already high. Her father did not want to interrupt her sleep so he had prepared breakfast for the family. Mrs. Mayers had already left for job. She had decided that she going to work for the Williams the remaining days of the month.

  “Oh Linde, breakfast is ready” her father said. She felt ashamed to realize that even Acy was already up and was waiting to laugh at her. “Linde, you overslept and forgot that today was Sunday. Everybody is ready for church and you have not yet taken shower.” Linde just kept quite. She went straight to the bathroom to take a bath. When she was done, she went to the dining room to eat her breakfast. Jao and Yuel were putting on their “Sunday Best” and Acy was busy teasing Linde.

  Linde knew that she could not afford to miss church considering what God had done for her. She needed Him to guide her through her ordeals and make her live a happy life. She ignored Acy and prepared herself. When she was ready, she called the rest so that they could leave for church. Mr. Mayer remained behind to take care of the home while the rest of the family was away.

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  At pia’s home, Mrs. Mayers was at her best. Pia’s mother had even wondered why she was so charming that day. Pia was also very happy to see Linde’s mother in that mood. She had even come to talk with her while she washed utensils in the kitchen. “Hi mum,” Pia teased. “Hello Pia. How are you doing? You look so smart this morning,” Linde’s mother answered. “ I am fine and happy to see you happy as well. How is Linde?” “Oh, she is fine. She may come to visit us here after church. Will you be around?” “Yes. How I wish to meet her. I miss Linde so much.”

  Mrs. Mayers felt a chill run down her spine when she realized that her departure would make Pia very sad. But there was nothing she could do. She had done her best and now it was time for her to take a rest. Maybe Linde was going to change their lives for the better. The meager salary she got at the Williams was not even sufficient to have them live like others around. She had braved the morning breeze just to ensure that she prepared breakfast for Mr. William before he left for work.

  Mr. Williams had taken advantage over her and had kept on shouting at her whenever he wanted to attract her attention. This did not make her happy but she knew better than to complain. However, time had come and there was no turning back. She knew that once Linde started working at Andrea’s store, she would remain at home and take care of her family.

  After church, Linde passed by to say hi to Pia. Pia was so happy to meet Linde. The two were great friends and you could tell it from the way they embraced each other. They exchanged ideas for some time before Linde begged to leave. She had decided that she would go and see Flora and thank her for recognizing her as good person.

  Pia decided to escort her to the gate while they talked. She was so happy and sad at the same time. She wanted Linde to stay long but she had declined. Linde instead had promised to go back at a later date. So she had no otherwise but to see her off.

  Linde did not waste time at home. Her father had already prepared lunch. She ate with the rest of the family before asking for permission from her father to check on Mrs. Flora. Her father granted her permission and she left feeling very happy. It is at this juncture that she remembered the old saying that “what goes round comes around!”


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