Read books for kids,minecraft adventure fiction Page 1

  A Road Trip to the Mystic World

  Book 1::The Demon and the Diamond

  Table of Contents:

  Chapter 1: A Road Trip……………………………………………….2

  Chapter 2: What Are We Going To Do? …………………4

  Chapter 3: We Enter the Mystic World………………….6

  Chapter 4: Finding the Diamond…………………………………8

  Chapter 5: I Get Injured…………………………………………….12

  Chapter 6: Solving the Riddle……………………………………15

  Chapter 7: Fighting and Mining………………………………….17


  My name is Abigale and the story I am going to tell is about when I was 17 years old. It was the last day of our summer camp and me and my friends, Maureen and Luke, were really happy. We planned to go on a road trip, which we decided would not be more than three weeks. We took permission from our parents and started packing our bags.

  All of us were excited. After two days we placed all our stuff in a jeep and started our journey. Luke was the only one who had his license. Maureen and I had learning license. I had a road map with me and so we decided to go to the corn maze. I was the one giving directions and Luke drove the car and Maureen’s duty was only to sit in the back and eat.

  Everything was fine and we were going the right way when suddenly the road came to an end and I could not understand what had happened. How could a highway come to an end especially on plains? Luke was also confused but Maureen was a bit scared. She thought that it was some kind of ghost activity. Well at that time I and Luke thought that she was stupid, but in the end she was proved right. Well after that we sat in the car to go back but the car didn’t start. So we decided to explore the surroundings. We left our jeep there and went into the fields. I had my weapon license so I took a pistol with me. There was nothing much in the fields except some wheat crops. We went a little bit further and Maureen noticed a small wooden hut in the middle of the fields. We ran towards it to find out about the sudden end of the road. Maureen was the first one to reach the hut. She opened the door and I rushed in after her. Luke came in the end and went too far. He bumped into a tall man. He was well dressed and looked like an English man. He said “So, you are the three people chosen for this duty.” First we didn’t understand what he was saying. “What do you mean by that?” Maureen asked suspiciously.

  “Well my name is Franklin Wood and I am the governor of the Mystic world!” he replied.

  “GOVERNER OF THE MYSTIC WORLD?” I was freaked out, “Sounds creepy!!”

  Franklin just gave a little smile and said, “You thought that there was no such thing as the mystic world or supernatural and uncanny things. Right?”

  “I just can’t believe it. This guy is trying to fool us!” shouted Luke.

  “The sudden end of the road and your jeep not working, do you think any ordinary man can do that?” Williams replied.

  “Oh my God! This is not possible” Maureen shouted in surprise.

  “Of course this is possible. Well, don’t worry I will not hurt you. Like human beings some ghosts are good but some are bad. Your duty is to find the grey demon with yellow eyes. The moment you find him and capture him in this glass bottle you are free from this duty. I will build you a portal and from there you can enter the mystic world” Franklin said while handing us a strange glass.

  “Wait... just stop it… what if we don’t want to take such a big responsibility?” Luke asked.

  “You have gotten into it… so there is no way out.” replied Franklin.

  Franklin just smiled and we stared at him. It was really strange and creepy. At that point I just wished that the summer camp had never ended.


  I could not believe it. It was such a strange feeling. A magic portal, the mystic world, governor of the mystic world and a demon with yellow eyes. The biggest question in my mind was that why do we have to catch the demon and why doesn’t a scary, strange, supernatural thing capture it?

  I was thinking all this that Maureen started weeping. “We were happily going on a road trip. And you.... you ruined it!” she shouted pointing towards Franklin.

  “Calm down Maureen! Come and sit I will tell you the whole thing” said Franklin.

  “How do you know my name and where will we sit? There is not even a single chair in this hut!” shouted Maureen.

  “I read your mind and Maureen dear don’t worry about the furniture” Franklin said clapping his hands and in instant beautiful furniture started appearing along the hut. I can’t describe you the feeling I had at that time. Well Luke was really angry at that time so he was quiet. Well, we sat on a couch, which was really comfortable, and I asked Franklin, “Can you explain all this to me? How we have to do this, I still can’t understand what is happening.”

  “Come on Abigale why are you asking him all this? Out of nowhere this man came into our lives and has ruined them!” said Luke.

  “No... no my boy your lives are not ruined… actually your saving the humanity and the supernaturals.” Said Franklin trying to calm down Luke.

  “What do you mean by that?” Luke asked

  “Let me explain” Franklin said taking a deep breath, “You will enter the other world with the help of a portal and then you will be in a place called Andarasta from there you will find the jolliest ghost Jolly. He is funny and he will help you. And if you don’t capture the demon he will find the diamond which is bigger than the earth’s biggest diamond, which are only two in number, and he will be able to enter the Earth which is not good. With all his powers he can destroy all the things except water because ghosts are allergic to water, except the “water ghosts” and this is the only reason we want a human being to do this job. The demon has an enormous castle and it is surrounded by a lot of water and the water ghosts are guarding it and yes Abigale I can read the question in your mind that why doesn’t an army of water ghosts enter the castle and attack the demon? Well, the demon has forcefully got all the water ghosts in his army and those ghosts who refused to come were evaporated.”

  “Oh my God! How cruel is that.” Maureen said and she had those hiccups in her voice that you after crying a lot so she sounded really funny and just like a small kid. Luke could barely stop smiling after he saw Maureen. He was in the situation in which we are angry and something funny happens and this is a really weird situation.

  But, I… I was feeling horrified. Although Maureen sounded funny but she was right. The demon was really cruel.

  Well, Franklin took us in a room and told us that the food will be served after an hour and that we should get all our things from the jeep, pack everything we need and the other day we would leave. After telling us all this, Franklin disappeared. We took all the things we needed, ate our food and tried to sleep.

  All of us woke up early in the morning and when we came out Franklin was sitting in the lounge. He spoke, “I hope you have packed your things. I have built the portal and you can have your breakfast. After that you will step into the portal and start your journey.


  We went to an enormous room where we saw a portal made with twenty types of different stones which included a large diamond. Franklin said, “These are the twenty stones which we need for building a portal. The demon has nineteen of these and as I told you before he is trying to mine the diamond.”

  Well the time had come, now we were going to enter another world. There was a strange feeling in my heart. Well, we stepped in to the p
ortal. I imagined that the mystic world would be a hot, ugly place but when we entered that world it was when we entered that place it was opposite. It was the most beautiful place I had ever seen in my whole life. The houses were big and beautiful and place resembled to Switzerland. The weather was nice and when we entered this world the portal closed. All the ghosts looked like humans but the difference was that they had powers. Well, when the portal closed a fat ghost came to us. He said, “Hey guys! I’m Jolly, your instructor throughout your three weeks journey.” He took us to a rest house which was really pretty and well furnished. That ghost was really nice and funny and even Luke who was really angry laughed on his jokes.

  At lunch time a pretty lady came to us and asked us what we wanted for lunch. We told her make some pasta and mushroom soup. It was the yummiest lunch I had ever eaten. Well, after we ate every Luke asked Jolly about our mission.

  Jolly looked a bit frightened whenever he talked about the demon.

  “There are two ways you can stop the demon:

  1.You can mine the diamond before him and give the it to the governor.

  2.You can enter the castle and capture the demon in the glass.” he told us.

  I wanted to go with the second option but Luke and Maureen wanted to go with the first option so we decided that we will mine the diamond. So we decided that after all of us including Jolly will go to the coal mines and try to find something useful.

  That night after dinner we went to the coal mines and we saw two scary ghosts were guarding it. “I think that they are from the demon’s army.” Luke said and his sentence creeped although I knew that. Jolly gave us some pills and told us that with the help of these pills the ghosts will not be able to see and hear us but we will be able to see each other. We ate those pills and easily went through those scary things guarding the mine entrance. Well, inside that mine there was a lot of light. First I didn’t understand that how there was so much light. Then Luke pointed out, “Hey look at those tiny, little fire balls, they are causing all the light.”

  `“And look at those tiny, little tears falling out of their eyes” Maureen said

  “This is because all of these fireball ghosts are forced to help the demon in finding the diamond” Jolly told us.

  We went across the mine we saw a lot of workers. They looked really tired and a tall man was screaming at them and telling them to hurry. Jolly told us, “All of these ghosts are forced to work for the demon. This area was conquered by the demon two months ago and up till now they have not been able to find that diamond and I think that soon they will find it so you better hurry up.” We went back to the rest house and decided that from the next day we will begin the search.


  The next day when we woke up, our breakfast was ready and we started eating. Maureen started the conversation.

  “What is the plan by the way” she asked.

  “Aaaah…good question” Luke said.

  The beautiful lady was serving the food, said, “I can help you!”

  “Anna? How will you help us?” asked Jolly.

  “I’m not Anna, I’m Laura” she replied.

  Jolly looked really astonished.

  “Laura? The same Laura who the demon wanted to marry?” Jolly said in astonishment.

  “Yes the same Laura. I ran from the castle because I hate that demon, but I know some of his plans.”

  “But, you and the demon are getting married after he finds the diamond.”

  “Yes, but the girl in the castle is a duplicate. Well, first leave that. What you have to do is keep about five invisibility pills and some food and which you have to eat every day and try to find that diamond before five days.

  “Why is that so?” I asked.

  “Well, because the demon really wants that diamond and his men are working are working really hard to find it” Laura answered.

  “But, can you give us an idea that in which area of the mine has the diamond?” Maureen asked.

  “Well, there’s only which one place which has not been mined yet and it is protected by really strong element ghosts made of mud, air, water and fire. The demon’s army is trying to defeat them and yes, you might be thinking if everyone has an idea that the diamond is guarded by element ghosts then why is the demon mining other places? Well, this is because he is hoping to find another diamond. He really wants to get in to your world” explained Laura.

  “Why the yellow eyed thingy wants to come to earth?” Luke asked.

  “Because if he sucks all the power of your world, he would become the strongest occurring thing present” said Laura.

  All of us were really creeped out. Well, after breakfast we ate those invisibility pills, packed our things and went to the mines. Laura also went with us. She led us to the place where element ghosts were present and I have to admit that those creatures were really awesome. They all were tall men with muscular body and shields. When we came near them they gave us a fierce look. Laura called one of them, she said,

  “Hey Jones, how are you? How is it going?”

  “Hey Laura, what are you doing here and who these people?” a tall young man said.

  “Hey how these element ghosts can see us? We have taken our invisibility pills?” asked Jolly.

  “If you have taken the invisibility pills, it doesn’t matter, because we are element ghosts” replied Jones.

  Laura introduced us to him, “This is Jones, my younger brother. He is an element ghosts and he told me all about the diamond. The element ghosts are really rare and they have to guard the diamond. They cannot attack the demon’s castle because the demon’s army is very large. And if they die nobody, nobody would be able to guard the diamond” she told us.

  “Oh, that’s creepy!” said Maureen, “But why don’t you take the diamond and give it to the governor?”

  “Because if any element ghost goes near the carbon, they can suffer from “Apricotria”, which is very dangerous disease in ghosts.

  “Oh, so I think we should start mining then”, said Luke.

  “Yeah, we will let you in and you should start your work.”

  Jones introduced us to everyone and the guards let us in. Laura left us from there. They told us that we will probably find the diamond where the river flows closest. This statement really confused me. How could a river flow inside a mine? “I just don’t understand what those guards meant by that” I said to Luke.

  “I think a river a river must be flowing with the mine, we should ask Jolly about this, Luke replied.

  When we asked Jolly about all this, he said “The guards probably gave us a clue. We have to sit back and think about it”.

  We all sat in a corner and started analyzing the whole situation, when a question popped into my mind, “Why Laura asked us to take invisibility pills? There aren’t any bad ghosts here, right?” When I asked everyone else, they all became more confused.

  “Wait, the guards told us that we will find the diamond near the river. The river has water of course, so may be that means we will find some kind of water ghost here from which we have to hide ourselves” Luke said.

  “But how would a water ghost can come here?” spoke Jolly.

  “May be, river does not mean water, may be it means the aquatic life present inside the water. Yes, now I remember when I was small, in school my teacher that the largest diamond of the universe is guarded by a large squid. The squid is rude and doesn’t let anyone have it. May be that is the reason Laura told us to take invisibility pills, so that the squid cannot see us and we can easily get the diamond” added Jolly.

  “Alright, alright, just wait! Let me gather everything from the hints, that Laura and the guards gave us the clue to find a large squid, which is guarding the diamond, right?” asked Luke.

  “Yes, you’re right and after finding that squid we have to kill it and mine out the diamond” said Jolly.

  “Kill it? That’s rude!” shouted Maureen.

  “If we don’t do
that, soon the demon’s army will defeat the element ghosts and soon they will kill the squid, find the diamond and destroy everything. To save the humanity and the mystic world we have to kill the squid” replied Jolly.

  We looked at each other with fear and tiredness, but there was no other option except that we had to kill the squid.


  Well it was time for our lunch, so we took a large packet of potato chips and milk carton. We all ate hungrily. Well after eating all this, we wanted to take a nap because we all were really tired and exhausted, so we all slept on a rocky cold surface. When we woke up it was about 7 pm. We got up and started walking ahead, when suddenly I tripped from a rock and fall down on a side. I got injured and my right foot was in extreme pain. It was hurting so much that I started crying. I couldn’t even move my right foot. I thought that my foot was fractured, but Jolly hold my foot and pressed a muscle. It felt like some sort of liquid was filled in my foot and when I told this to Jolly, he said “Then probably you have ruptured your foot muscle”.

  “How do you know that?” asked Luke.

  “I also had the same injury in my foot. It felt exactly the same. I was not able to walk for few days, and I don’t think Abigale would be able to walk as well. Someone will have to carry her” said Jolly.

  “Don’t worry about that, I will carry her on my back” said Luke.

  In the meanwhile Maureen took out some crepe bandage from her backpack and wrapped it around my foot. After that Luke carried me on his back. It felt really funny as if I was a four year old girl, hanging on my father’s back.

  We just covered a small distance and got really tired and slept without eating anything. Now, we had just four days left to find the diamond because we had only four invisibility pills left for each of us and it was really difficult to proceed with my foot injured and Luke carrying me on his back.

  Well the next morning we woke up and had our breakfast which was a combination of chocolate chip cookies and orange juice. For every day we had such odd combination of meals, and while having that I missed my mom a lot who always made some awesome, yummy food for me.

  After having our breakfast we all ate our invisibility pills and started looking for the squid.