Read "E-Normal: Ten Paranormal Ebooks--COMPILED!" Page 10

3:29 AM...

  After nearly two hours into the combined camps of Trisha and Sammuel with that of the PARA-Search crew, neither group found anything related to a Bigfoot event or a trace. Of course, those of the skeptical persuasion would say, 'What did you expect?' Of course, given that all nine people within the combined Bigfoot party where out in a forest searching for said-creature showed they were not letting such doubters dissuade them.

  They decided to rest at a relatively wide-opened area that was much deeper into Forest Park. Richard teamed up with the two tech helps to look at some of the footage they had so far. Sammuel and Trisha were doing the same with their own equipment that they brought with them.

  "Hey, everybody," Richard called out after several minutes of quiet observations of their video, "you might want to come and take a look at this!"

  Those that were a few yards away met up with the whole group as they all formed a semi-circle around the tech hand crew Ben and his laptop. Again, Chris was recording the whole interaction every step of the way. Including the recording on Ben's laptop.

  "Why don't you show them what you got from camera eight, Ben," Richard requested as he stepped back to let others see.

  Ben keyed on his laptop's keyboard and brought up an image of fallen tree. It was a close up, Trisha and Sammuel could tell. And within the center of the shot was one of those pebble configurations--this one, the tiny stones were laid out in a perpendicular pattern, with a lot of spaces in between each of the pebbles.

  "Alright," Ben said as he glanced around at the whole crew behind him and the laptop, "you may remember that when we first started tonight's hunt, after Trisha and Sammuel joined us, that I kind of disappeared for a bit? Well, I was going around the Forest looking for some of those little rock formations. As you all know, PARA-Search has those tiny cameras that can be stashed anywhere without being seen--Chris and I have equipment that tracks each cameras' location so we can retrieve them later...

  "Now, Trisha and Sammuel, you guys are the locals, here. So in that, you two are more the professionals on this point: Do you have an idea on how many of these rock-forms there are in these woods?"

  Sammuel and Trisha looked at each other with blank faces; almost surprised that the famed-PARA-Search crew would need their assistance at all! Indeed, all eyes were now on the young couple.

  "I've personally counted fourteen," Sammuel spoke up. "I've logged each formation in my electronic notebook."

  "But we've also heard from other local Bigfoot hunters that they've seen more at different areas of the Forest we haven't even gone through, yet," Trisha explained. "So...there could be up to more than a hundred of these formations for all we know!"

  The PARA crew glanced at one another with a combination of concern and overwhelmed looks.

  "Just a suggestion," Richard said from behind the group, "may be the locals could start marking the formations; kind of mapping their location. Not trying to come into your town and tell you what to do--"

  "No, it's ok," Sammuel said with a nod. "That's actually a great idea."

  Ben waited until Richard was done. "As a matter of fact, I ran into so many of these formations that I had to limit how many of our tiny-cams I could use." He playfully looked at Sammuel and Trisha. "Even rock stars have their limits!" The couple chuckled at the comment. "Ok...I am currently recording a total of ten of these formations. I just randomly chose this location."

  "I remember seeing that bread crumb," Al, another of the co-hosts, shared as he pointed toward the monitor.

  "Yeah, me, too," Ben said. "Only, I don't think these rock formations are bread crumbs, everyone..." Ben typed on the keypad that made the picture go to a split-screen. The new image was that of another pebble vignette. This formation was a simple pyramidal pile that was atop a small rock outcrop.

  "Ok, I'm letting both of these shots play in real time and at the same time. That's important. Now, note the time-stamp on both of these images--"

  "Two twenty-eight," Beatrice, another co-host, said with a bit impatience.

  "Right. Also, keep in mind, the location of these rocks were about a mile from one another..."

  Ben went quiet and let the recording play. The recording captured not just the images but the sounds of the woods as well. Occasionally, birds were heard, but other than that; silence...until some within the group either gasped or shouted to the point that Richard had to tell them to keep their voices down!

  "What, what, what...?"

  "Dude, I didn't see shit"

  "I don't get it!"

  Those were some of the comments from those within the group that, obviously, had not seen what the others had. Again, Richard had to quell the others as Ben replayed the scenes.

  This time, Ben aided with the pointing of a finger on the laptop's screen. "Now, just keep an eye on this spot..."


  The entire group was now silent--without being told by Richard.

  "Dude, those twigs just showed up out of nowhere," Tom said; being more excited than alarmed.

  "And the time-stamps are accurate," Beatrice added. "I used the clock on my phone to match the time...bloody hell!"

  "Are you sure about the time not skipping," Sammuel put to Ben. "I mean, it could've been a two-minute gap and that would've given someone time to just place those branches there."

  "At the exact same time, Sammuel," Al contested. "There would have to be two different people standing by with a radio or their cell phones to coordinate when to do that!"

  "We've ran across countless time-gaps in our investigations all over the world," Pam now came in; a bit more calm, but her eyes spoke otherwise. "None of the time-gaps match exactly...besides, look at the recording. There are no jerks or motion on them!"

  Without saying a word, Ben keyed into the laptop and brought up all ten of the pebble formations he was recording. He did more keying until he got to the time he wanted for every locale. "Again...two twenty-eight AM; this time all ten cameras!"

  Again, the recordings played, their time-stamps syncronized, and in each shot--reduced to smaller squares to fit within the monitor's range--there were some type of twig or branch that simply appeared right next to their respective pebble formation! Once again, the team began to get rowdy and Richard struggled to remind them that they were out in the woods. With strange happenings, on top of that!

  "Sammy," Trisha said aloud to him, over the others' voices. "Remember...patterns!"

  Sammuel's face went blank. Noticing this, Richard got the couple's attention, after finally calming down his crew.

  "The twigs..." Sammuel excused himself to Ben as he reached over and pointed on the laptop's screen. "Of all the times Trish and I hiked Forest Park and ran across these rock formations, they've always been nothing but rocks!"

  "So, why are branches showing up now ," Pam, catching onto Sammuel's point, questioned. "Could it be something like some kind of countdown, or signal to someone else out in these woods?"

  "Yeah, and out of thin air, to boot," Tom reminded.

  "Guys," Chris' voice now came in from behind his camera; he spoke even as he recorded, "is it me, or does anyone else think that this doesn't seem like something a creature like Bigfoot would do?"

  "Yeah," Al said; now looking around with fear, "I'd say it would be a bit on the sophisticated side for a Bigfoot!"

  "Look," Trisha stated, "I'm no scientist, but to Al's point; aren't we talking about physics at this point! I mean, how the hell could anyone do that, at the same time, at ten different places?"

  "And based on what you and Sammuel said," Richard came in, "you two have not seen all the rock formations...if these ten formations altered with the addition of these branches, what about the other formations we don't see?"
  "What get's me," now Ben said; his eyes beginning to survey the immediate surroundings, "is, if whomever it is doing all this has that kind of power we just saw in the recordings, wouldn't they have the ability to be here and we not know it?"

  Once again, silence from the group. With the exception of the various recordings that Ben let loop over and over from his laptop.

  "Folks," Richard finally spoke up, "I don't know what we're dealing with in these woods, but it sure as hell ain't Bigfoot!"

  "Richie," Beatrice implored as she pulled at his jacket's sleeve, fear finally manifesting in her voice, "let's just go...I've got a very bad feeling about this one!"

  Before Richard could even respond, the majority within the group--including the young couple--voiced their consent with Beatrice!

  "You don't have to tell me twice," he said as he nodded in Ben's direction. That was all Ben needed to see to start packing up his equipment. "Oh, Ben; Christopher...just leave the cameras. We go--now!"
