Read "PROJECT THAW" Page 1

“Project Thaw”

  by scifiguy3553, April 2014

  Dawna Pearle is a journalism major and works for the Sacramento Bee. She gets an assignment in Pasadena, California, at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. But this job is much more than a provincial story. Surprisingly, global warming, glacier melting in the Arctic, and global industrialists all collide in Dawna's assignment!

  “...she's who,” Erwin asked over the headset, two other scientists between them at one of the consoles of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. There was a bit of irritation in his voice.

  “Dawna Pearle,” Cheryl repeated as she leaned forward to peer at the principle project supervisor on the current space mission. Cheryl had turned her microphone off so others linked into the com system could not hear their private conversation. Which was a bit difficult, given the normal bee-hive the JPL was on any given mission!

  “Ohh, that kid from the Sacramento Bee,” he said after a thought.

  “You're expecting her,” Cheryl, the project coordinator for the mission, said with incredulity.

  Erwin gave an annoyed shrug, as he also craned to see Cheryl. “Administrator's idea. Every since that Curiosity mission on Mars went so well, he figured we could use the know, ride the coat tails of Curiosity's popularity and it'll make NASA's funding a hell of a lot easier!”

  The two other scientists between them overheard the two. One smiled, the other chuckled, but neither added to the discourse.

  For nearly a minute, Erwin and Cheryl both distractedly looked at their respective monitors—keeping track of the mission at hand. Then she added, “That's not a good idea for this mission,” her eyes yet on the terminal as she shook her head.

  “Yeah...I know.”

  Erwin then proceeded to take off his headphones, logged out from his terminal, then hurriedly walked out of the command room to meet the young reporter in the lobby of the Laboratory. To some people's mind, she looked the part of a 21st century Hippy, with her long hair and lose-fitting, muted-color schemed clothing. Her thick, black-framed glasses were pretty much the only thing that really gave her away as a Generation-Y Hipster. He knew of Dawna's well-known environmental politics. He reached out and shook her hand in greeting with a warm smile.

  “So, the Dawna Pearle, huh,” he said with feigned sarcasm.

  “Well, Dr. Tate, Pasadena's a big, small town,” her young voice came out; a hint of Country flavoring it, “so I guess that's not saying much!”

  A professional, friendly guffaw between them.

  “So, I understand that you've been doing a featured story for the Bee about global warming?”

  “That's right,” she confirmed as she whipped out a tiny, spiral notebook and began taking notes. “Congress is still blocking the president's proposals to combat all the carbon dioxide the energy industry keeps pumping into our air. But, actually, that's not why I'm at JPL.”

  Now, Erwin seemed genuinely surprised. Seeing this, she obliged.

  “Well, global climate change is why I'm here, but not the fight on Capitol Hill over legislation...the Antarctic.”

  Dawna's answer was a bit anti-climatic for Erwin, so he stood in the lobby for a few seconds as other scientists passed them in the small hallway.

  “Ok,” he finally said, a smidgen of laughter in his response. “What about it? I've read your two other reports, Ms. Pearle. You've already covered the Arctic's projected ice-disappearance by 2030. I honestly don't see how my Lab can give you any more information than you already divulged in your reports. Besides, we're the Jet Propulsion Lab; we don't—“

  “Project Thaw, Dr. Tate...”

  Erwin hesitated for but the slightest of a second. He was about to respond to her when the undergrad reporter persisted.

  “Let's just spare ourselves the typical denial that I'm sure you'll do, and get right to it, Doctor...I know about Project Thaw, Dr. Tate, and I also know that you are in on it! I know from sources I will not name, and I have visual and empirical data that backs Thaw's existence and your connection to the Group's bribes to public officials to block any environmental bills that would stop global warming!”

  Eyes were darting in their direction as the young woman talked. Partially to play it off, and partially because he felt the need to, he caught a passing, male scientist by his arm as he was passing by. “Call security—no, better yet, call the police. This student is trespassing on the Lab's grounds!”

  The younger scientist looked at Dawna skeptically. “You mean Dawna Pearle?”

  Dawna smiled at the young scientist's acknowledgment, but Dr. Tate was not amused.


  The other scientist produced his smart phone, but Dawna waved them both off as she turned and casually showed herself out the nearest door. “Don't bother, Darrel...Dr. Tate let me on the premises. That's not trespassing. Trust me,” she said as she now opened the door to leave, “I've done it a couple of times for other stories.” She then sarcastically saluted the two scientists, and the door shut behind her.
