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We Dance?"

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  Sunday, 30 March 2008 at 11:35

  It was Paris, mid-spring 1522, when the news of a fabulous celebration was being given at the royal palace of Champagne, reached the citizens of France.

  The King and Queen of France were anxious to introduce their newly arrived son, to his future people. The Royal couple had been desperately trying to have a son after the tragic demise of their first born, Prince Fallon, only three years prior. Infact it was three years to the very date exactly. The queen had so hoped to drown her sorrow for her first son, by lavishing her affections and attention upon her new son, Randolf.

  Three years ago young Prince Fallon, nearly eighteen years, had been murdered in the dark streets of the lower quarter of Paris, on the night of his own inaugural ball. The loss of their son preyed heavily on the minds of the King & Queen of France, but they knew they must not let their weakness show to the people lest the faith of their people should be shaken. The queen made sure all the invitations were sent out and she helped the cooks go over the menu for the reception of the future prince of France. The celebration of the birth of Randolf du Champagne was given on a warm May afternoon. The royal garden was in full colorful bloom, and the air was delicate with the scent of the many flowers. There were many fine ladies and gentlemen in attendance, from as far away as Bordeaux, to show their admiration and respect to the new prince. One of these young ladies was Rachelle La Croix. She had just turned 17 years of age, and this was her first royal invitation. The brilliant grandeur of the palace swept Rachelle away. She had never before seen such magnificence. She watched as the couples danced to the music of the traveling minstrels. She even managed a dance or two with a lad who had inquired of her. The hours of dusk began to set in.

  While strolling through the garden, Rachelle noticed a figure in the shadows. "Hello", Rachelle called softly, "is anyone there?" "Hello," came a gentle reply from the shadows, "I am here, in the dark corner of the garden, near the lemon tree." the voice said. Rachelle approached the figure cautiously. "My name is Rachelle", she said, introducing herself. "My name is Fallon" replied the mysterious youth, "However, I beseech thee, speak not my name, for I am here uninvited." he pleaded. "I shall not tell anyone." Rachelle promised. The young man stepped into the moonlight, instantly Rachelle noticed his fine handsome features. She smiled at the youth.

  Fallon returned the smile, with one of his own. He held his hand out to Rachelle, "Shall we dance?" he asked. Rachelle felt as if she had been instantly swept into a dream. They danced several minutes; her eyes did not stray from his handsome green eyes. When the music stopped, Fallon led her to the stone bench near the Hyacinth bed. "Rest here my love." he bade her, as he joined her. "Tell me about yourself, my dear Rachelle." Fallon coaxed her. Rachelle told him of her life, and her mother who was a widow in Aix. "I had always dreamed of meeting the first prince, his name too, was Fallon as is yours, but he was murdered three years before this. He was uncommonly handsome, and brave. A very charming young man." she said in a voice, which sounded lost in deep considerate thought, almost dreamy. Fallon watched her dazzling hazel eyes well up with sadness. "Why are your eyes so sad my dear?" he asked. "As I told you, it had been a promise I had made to myself long ago, that I would one day be with the prince, and he is now dead." She sobbed. Her eyes suddenly dried, the tears stopped as she stared into the eyes of the young man there with her. "You!" Rachelle's voice began trembling. "You are Prince Fallon," she said excitedly, losing her breath. Suddenly she fainted. The following morning Rachelle woke with several physicians in attendance. Her beautiful face was still etched with fear. "Calm down child." one of the physicians said, trying to soothe the poor girl. "You must have suffered a spell, for you were talking as though the long dead Prince Fallon, was there with you.” he told her. "He was here with me, we danced for a while." she insisted, and then turned away from the doctors as tears filled her eyes.

  "We sat by the lemon tree, and he held my hand." she continued in a shaky voice. The King of France demanded to speak with the girl. "I do not know why you have chosen to bring up the very painful memory of my beloved son Fallon, but from this day forward, until you swear to ne'er speak of him again, you are banished from this royal palace.” He declared. When Rachelle was well enough to travel, the royal guards escorted her from the palace, and sent her back to her home in Aix. It was that very same night that the first appearance of Fallon to his mother occurred. The queen woke with a start. She could clearly see the form of her elder son, standing at the open garden window, the lace curtains fluttering gently about him. "Fallon?" she whispered, through a tear filled voice. The figure did not speak. The queen noticed tears in the figures eyes. His mother began to rise from her bed. Fallon raised his hand to stop her. "But I want to hold you, I miss you so, my heart aches from the emptiness I feel." she pleaded. With that Fallon was gone, and the queen felt as though she had dreamed the whole thing. The following morning the queen insisted on staying in bed, complaining of haunted dreams, this continued for a few months. The king became worried, and spoke to the physicians of her condition. The physicians and the king, congregated in the queens chambers, inquiring of her. She explained what Fallon had relayed, not in words so much, as in thought and feeling. "It has now been four months since the celebration ball for Randolf. You have not been attending our living son. But have abandoned him for the one who is gone forever from us." the king said sorrowfully. The royal couple, along with the help of the physicians, and the priests of the church, declared to send out a royal decree, to bring all the young women back to the Palace of Champagne. "We will find the girl who made Fallon so very happy. News of the haunted dreams, and misfortune at the Palace of Champagne reached the providence of Provence, in the city of Aix. Rachelle heard the news, but felt no sorrow for the royal couple. Afterall they had banished her from their palace forever.

  Rachelle sat and dreamily remembered the way Fallon held her as they danced. Then how suddenly he was gone, 'Just like a dream.' she recalled out loud. Among the news of the palace were rumors that the sweet hyacinth would no longer bloom, to caress the air with its perfume. The lemon tree had stopped bearing fruit, and the stream, which had nourished the garden for so long, had dried up. Soon a courier from the palace arrived at Rachelle's home, with the decree. It read: 'I, Queen Bonita of France, do hereby declare that all the young ladies in attendance of the celebration ball of Spring 1522, should gather at the Palace of Champagne, with in three days upon the receiving of this decree." Rachelle's eyes filled with tears. "Daughter, what ails you?" her mother asked. " I was there, at the celebration, but have been banned from the palace by Her Majesty's own decree. Now I am to return there? How can I?" she wept. "You must go, this decree is superior to any before." her mother said. So Rachelle gathered everything she would need for the two-day and two-night journey. Finally the tired eyes of the courier and Rachelle, fell upon the city lamps of Paris. "It is as a crown of jewels." Rachelle commented in awe. Soon they had reached the Palace, and Rachelle joined the group of young ladies who were also called to see the king and queen. The young girls were brought in by groups of two, each was asked to relay her recount of the night of 1522. All of the young ladies recalled a night of splendor and merriment, and wondrous reality. All except Rachelle. "Your pardon Majesties, I can not speak to you of my night here in 1522, as I have been ordered by your own decree not to speak the name of the young man I met here that very night." Rachelle said sadly. "Tell us of this night you remember so fondly. Forget the decree of banishment." the queen said. Rachelle recalled the entire night, the wondrous youth, and the man
y dances. "You will stay here with us. Fallon wishes it so." the king said. So it was that Rachelle's widowed mother, was also moved into the palace to be cared for by the monarchy. It was on the first night in her chambers alone, that Fallon appeared to Rachelle. His face was as handsome as she remembered it. He placed a cold kiss upon her cheek, then upon her lips. "Shall we dance, my love?" and with that he offered his hand to her, sweeping Rachelle into his icy embrace. Many nights like this occurred. The torture of being, yet not being with Fallon preyed heavily upon the poor young woman. The heartache and agony caused Rachelle to become ill. The finest physicians could do nothing to quench the fever, which raged inside Rachelle's young body. "We can only make her comfortable until the fever breaks, or it takes her from us." remarked one of the older physicians. He made an elixir, and administered it to the girl. "We have done all we can, now we need to let her rest, while we pray for her swift return to health." he said solemnly. As she lay in her bed dying, the old physician heard her say, "I am on my way Fallon. Now we can dance forever." Soon life had vanished from her cheeks, and she was gone. Rachelle's mother lived on in the palace under the watchful care of the royal couple, and their physicians.

  It is said that the ghostly couple still haunt the garden where their love bloomed so long ago. Their love still flourishes in that garden to this day. And with their love also blooms the garden as richly scented and wonderful as ever it was.

  The End