Read "Weirder Than Weird" 18 Bizarre Tales From a Disturbed Mind Page 12

Not long after they were gone, a tiny thread of light could be seen shining down on the pan in the kitchen. It traveled from one end to the other, seemingly searching for something.

  “Star Command, this is Starship X-5, do you copy?”

  “Yes, go ahead, X-5.”

  “Starship Command, are you sure about the last coordinates that X-1 sent you?”

  “That’s affirmative, X-5.”

  “Well, Command, I’m over those exact coordinates now and all I see is a charred and blackened planet. It looks to be burned over pretty good and my sensors are not detecting any black hole anomalies in this sector. Command, I think we’re probably looking in the wrong place.”

  “Ten- four X-5. It’s a big universe out there. Command central requests that we have you return to the base until we can figure out what to do next.”

  “Roger, Star Command, I’m returning to base. Oh.. by the way, Command. On my way here I passed over a small planet that I swore looked just like… I know this is going to sound crazy, but it looked just like a bowl of fruit. I would like permission to investigate on my way back to base.”

  There was a long pause as though a conversation was being conducted on the other end, then….

  “Ah… X-5, we just ran a quick check through your medical records and it looks as though you’re way over due for your space fatigue evaluations. So that’s a no go on the planet, but you are to see Dr. Larson immediately upon arrival at command base. Is that understood?”

  There was no reply.

  “Is that understood, Captain Wells?”

  “Ten-four Star Command.”

  “That’s just great,” mumbled the pilot under his breath, “I knew I should have kept my mouth shut.”