Read "Weirder Than Weird" 18 Bizarre Tales From a Disturbed Mind Page 32

Honk, Honk, Honk.

  “C’mon now, keep that formation tight. Be the ‘V’ boy’s, be the ‘V’!”

  “Hey, Sid, whatcha got there on your leg?”

  “Dude, don’t tell me you got tagged.”

  “Wow, you guys are observant. I’ve had this thing for over a week now.”

  “Heck, we just thought you were tryin’ to make some kind of fashion statement.”

  “Very funny. Just so happens that some guy snuck up behind me while…”

  “Hey, I think the old man’s gonna land again.”

  “Geez, can’t this guy ever make up his mind?”

  “Yep, looks like we’re goin’ in.”

  The flock could see a beautiful sunny patch of tall grass directly below, thinking it had to be their destination, only the leader made a last second correction and angled them toward a small pond further away. The ones in the back couldn’t respond fast enough to make the adjustment and their momentum carried them through a tangle of spiky trees, where some had their wings clipped, and not less than a few curses could be heard.

  They came in fast and hard. Most glided easily and settled into the pond with nothing more than a moderate splash of water, but others weren’t so lucky. A few overshot the pond and tried to make a stand up landing but were reduced to a blur of feathers, tumbling into a thicket of mulberry bushes and ending flat on their faces. The fallen ones scrambled to get to their feet quickly, hoping to avoid the inevitable razzing. A sarcastic voice shouted, “LAND MUCH!“ and many pointed their wings and laughed.

  One by one they made their way out of the pond, each choosing a nice soft spot of grass to nestle down into and bask in the day’s glorious sunlight. The leader could be seen waddling his way to a more distant location, separate from the rest of the flock, quite aloof and determined to be alone as he had been from the very beginning.

  A group of them gathered around.

  “Say, Ox. Ain’t somebody gonna say something to Der Fuhrer over there. I mean, he’s gonna get somebody killed one of these days.”

  There arose a number of honks in agreement and Ox raised his wings to quiet them.

  “I know, I know. We’ve all been wanting to get rid of him for awhile now but until we can find a suitable replacement, I think…”

  “How about you, old boy?” came a voice from the back. “The fellas would surely follow your lead

  All seemed to be on board with the suggestion and someone shouted for a vote.

  Ox looked embarrassed and lifted a wing to quiet them again.

  “Now that’s darn decent of you guys, but the truth of the matter is, I got no sense of direction. Heck, we’d probably end up buzzard food in the middle of a desert somewhere. No, I don’t want that on my conscience. We’re just gonna have to figure something else.”

  “Well, in the meantime, how’s about you have a word with Der Furher? What say, old buddy?

  Everyone thought it an excellent idea and Ox nodded. “Sure fellas, I’ll have a pow-wow with him.”

  So, Ox turned and waddled off in search of the leader.