Read the Project Bolero Page 3

  On Monday, before his plane took off, Adler gave him a message by cell phone that he’s already on his way to Baku and would arrive on Tuesday evening.

  He made all kind of preparations at home for the day of tomorrow – which we’ll at last somehow clear up the whole matter. Before leaving home, he sneaked to kitchen and chose little knife just in case. The threat of pursuit made him be more rational and consider all kind of precautions.

  *** *** ***

  After meeting in airport they took a cab and made their way to city center as airport was in suburban area called Bina with lower density of population and less developed infrastructure.

  Adler appeared to be rather odd young guy, not communicative one, of extremely melancholic disposition, short answers to every question…After few questions sort of “how you doing” “how was weather in America”, Ahmed skipped the formalities and gave his first question on real matter. They were yet inside the taxi which had already passed by underground station Azizbeyov.

  Who are they and what they want…

  I think its sort of…hmm…sort of secret project maybe on creation of false memories or something like that…

  That’s really odd,…that was always priority among my self-explanations of what was going around…and what else do you know about it…

  Hmm…after eleven something bad happens to me daily, but I don’t remember exactly what…- he was so pale like someone was forcing him to speak something he didn’t want to. Bald haircut, blue eyes, curved Caesar-some nose shape, slightly humpbacked spine.

  I had a friend who saw me entering the bathroom every night and staying there all midnight long, his name was Tuncay…

  What you just said…

  He’s name was Tuncay, Turkish student with American citizenship.

  Its not possible…Your are talking the same thing I know…Tuncay was your roommate?

  Yes,,,how did you know that.

  No…something very…very bad is going on kid…- he uttered when suddenly taxi drivers stopped the car by brutally braking. Everything was happening so fast that, he couldn’t even recall about the knife hidden in the coat pocket. The door beside Adler shoot up with devastating power, however without damaging Adler physically. He only saw a fat hand and fingers of unknown person in a split second giving Adler injection on throat. And then with other man as well he began pulling Adler out of cab. Taxi driver lost his faint seeing this kind of brutal things…or maybe he pretended as one in order not to become unnecessary witness. A second later after his brain had adapted to a such unpredictable changing conditions, he jumped to the paralysed body of Adler, not letting him out when he saw the second man grabbing Adler…It was him…of course…assistant manager…who made him sign Bolero…Ahmed was so persistently holding the Adler that he did not even notice how the back door opened, and something cold hit him on crown of the head. Holding fingers stopped listening commands coming from his brain, and loosened gradually. He started seeing everything in pale and dizzy vision when his eyes closed at all. He only heard far voices of these men in black and one tiny message, maybe of that assistant manager “You idiot…YOU, YOU made him believe that…He has never attended Bolero…” and the sounds of closing doors. He fell into deep sleep.



  Peace, harmony, relaxation had been really lacking for Ahmed these days, even in dreams. Now, however he was totally loose – just like ghost and he was dreaming not. Three, two, one…opened his eyes and found himself lying on the beside path of old three-store building. Someone behind him that time whom he didn’t see at first, give a slight kick on his synchronically folded legs maybe to check his OK or not. “Salam… I don’t have time to tell you everything now, too risky here…so stand up and follow me…I know what they did to you…” Salam in Arabian meant “peace be upon you” so it made him sure that he the man he was looking for all these strain days and nights…He was a small but mature man over 40, wearing short brown trousers and green winter jacket with congruous green cap on head. They went more than twenty meter towards the building then suddenly turning left. Man in green stopped beside the garden gates for a second or two and examined the area for any chasings and needless witnesses. Then he looked to Ahmed’s eyes and said…

  “Get inside…go strait till you reach your doctor”

  “a doctor”

  Come on, hurry up, we don’t have time…

  OK…OK- telling he entered the gate moving through narrow path toward building enclosed by tall stone wall but without enclosure from both sides. He just made three-four steps when he felt some liquid or something sprayed on his neck…He again lost his concentration, and falling down uttered “Not again”

  *** *** ***

  All around was in black darkness, only light of birds-eye which made him almost blind…

  We’ll you talk or not…you beast…what are the plans of Olerob and Bolero, which president you checked yesterday…

  Unfortunately I don’t not what the heck are you talking about…We better together find the answers to such puzzle question…I swear I know nothing

  Two hours of brutal torture, nose and mouse painted with already clotted blood streams,,, now they threatened to pull out his toe nails one-by-one, unless he talked. But as a matter of fact, he found himself rather brave and enduring amid bloody maniacsome torture…like he nervous system was ignoring the signals of pain…It would seem crazy…but it was pretty funny for him…

  How many of you Olerob has…Ha…you pig…You thing you’re smarter ha…you see what I have on my head- it was sort of cap in shape of disc with different metal things and electronic panel on it giving out crazy reflections of green, blue, orange and white.- these is a anti-penetration shield…you can no how penetrate my memories now…

  Penetrate your what…what a scrap are you talking…your memories…who you think am i…

  OK..thats the last straw…At least, we were going to kill you eventually…- coming near bound on chair Ahmed touched the pistol on his forehead… “Say good by to your Bolero you stubborn ass” he was already going to pull the trigger when all premises got beset with green steam-some matters what he saw when working in grocery…Shootings and sounds of falling bodies…Gas made him dizzy…He only felt strange armed men on unforeseen uniform unbound him and carried on their hand in a run like mama caries her sleeping baby when house is in fire


  Accept the facts!


  They were sitting inside enormous round room with silver wallpaper or some sort of fulgent unforeseen metal kind…And nothing inside the room besides round green table, two green chairs and two men sitting twosome. Ahmed has never seen this man before… Plum but rather cute and innocent face, with thin moustache rolled from both sides, like done by medieval knight of Azerbaijan, slightly unshaved beard, brown eyes and nose straight as waterfall.

  From now on call me, mister “Y”


  I think you’re hungry with your question…so please…

  You see after what I’ve seen and heard, sure I’m that nothing we’ll amaze me anymore…that’s enough for my poor heart…I’ll not be astonished even if you assert being queen of England under mask of a man…

  I bet, I’m going to surprise you…

  You try at least

  Hmm…lets for first mention the fact that your on an alien ship right now…

  What…-with pop-eyed he stood up in a split second.

  Come down, may Allah forgive you, we are not going to initiate any sort of experiments or vivisection on you…Sit down please…

  As soon as Ahmed sat down, mister “Y” slipped his right hand to a jacket pocket, searching for something. Ahmed instinctively made gulp noise forecasting the next thing to come out of his pocket would be a pistol or something. At last mister “Y” took out something plastic very much resembling remote control. He pushed some button and wallpapers began immediately moving vertically…the c
learance was appearing and enlarging as it was already dividing the wall into two parts, lower and upper part which was shrinking gradually…Finally within 25 seconds whole upper part – enclosure disappeared substituting with a glass coverage that reflected some blue –green environment…

  Is that…is that aquarium or what?

  Something like that…but not indeed…Now we are 200 metres deep under the Caspian sea…Yes…yes…yes. If you do not notice any fish, so be sure that many submarine creatures live and spare in such depth in spite of absence of fish…Basicly such depth is adoptable for phytoplanktons and other tiny submarine organisms…Why under the sea…Because, what people like you call aliens, since twenty’s century had been using deep water resources of Earth planet as a enormous lab for accomplishing their mission from their planet system. What we’ve seen in movies and read in sci-fi articles is not necessarily true, you see…They are here to save us…to stop us before we jump of the mountain…Under the sea they are curbing the air pollution which in a chain reaction we’ll move out of its orbit the planet Earth which is imminent within 25 years…As you know oceans are prime sources of oxygen on earth. O-two is the key issue…key element that can save the Earth from devastating slide-off…They are somehow with their extraterrestrial methods by applying some liquid matters, triple the effect of “ocean lungs”. Look there…green plants moving under the water…and sure you must have seen them before when store where you worked had undergone to a robber attack…

  But I thought it was green gases…

  Nop…These alien sea-weeds from Olerob – yes it’s a planet on our Galaxy…- somehow increase the oxygen atoms on the earth, securing to reduce its side effects like heavy rains and floods as well…

  But why they are trying to save us…what benefit for them

  The most amazing part is that indeed…No benefit…As they put it saving the people is their mission and task…It comes out that what all the prophets, most monks and mollas said about the earth that is the center of universe was true all the time…We – human being are the most brilliant and strong creatures in the universe thus yet not able to use hundred at least 90 percent of our brains as they put it. I saw them fighting and dying for us…sacrificing they’r enormous and more developed bodies…Yes they know about everything, about prophet Ibrahim, prophet Musa, prophet Jesus, prophet Muhammed, may be peace to them all,…Mainly they are here to help us fighting the evil that hides its evil implications under the name “globalization”. Already Earth is in unforeseen in the history of mankind war- the war between Allied Forces and MASONS which continues serving the dark side.

  Hey,,,hold on for a minute, what am I to do with all that, why me…

  Because you are the main weapon of allied forces…creatures of Olerob has long waged different kind of experiments on humans for activating most brain cells- thus neurons, you’re the only success they had so far…

  But…wait a minute…I don’t remember any of such creatures working on my brain…

  Be patient…You see, when our assistant manager told you muttering inaudibly that it was your second travel…it was indeed…Let me go to square one…Before we met first, a year before, our team made a profound analyses of your life, family, your personality,,, You was the main candidate for such a dangerous and responsible job, taking into account your love to humanity and anti-egoistic efforts what was shaded by other people of you department…You are a good man thinking of not only your people, but treating all human beings same with no under conscious discrimination or envy…your soul was utterly clear to not abuse the power you’ll have after experiments…And physically you were of excellent nature as well…So after we met you a year before, we two arranged that, you’ll volunteer being send two thousands of light years away from Earth to a planet Olerob for our environment is not appropriate for such extraordinary brain operations. We also arranged that well wipe your current memories temporarly for not causing some heavy damaged to a brain…just like in computers,,, when you setup new operation system, its safer to have it installed to a completely formatted hard disk, rather than on unformatted one… So we did…Formulated artificial memories of particular bum of Baku, and made you to enroll to a Global Unemployee Exchange program that was faked as well… The project Bolero is the reversed variant of Olerob having noting to do with Spanish dance or opera of French composer Morris Ravel…We’ve send you to United States thus presuming it would be easier to protect you there…but everything went upside down after info-leakage in our cosmopolitan agency…Every day after eleven you were remotely shut up like a television, thus changing your memories back to normal, what would help us to draw our plans together…behind the bathroom we had a secret office room with highly dense and sound deadening walls where we were initiating remote attacks and memory-shiftings together…

  May Allah forgive me,,,but what exactly they did to me these maniac aliens, what sort of advantage I have others are devoid of?

  After they activated 98.4 percents of your brain cell, stimulating it with their special matters, now you have 3 kind of super power skills that other would be sacrifice all they have to possess.

  First you are now a communication mean between planet Earth and Olerob, thus there’s no more need for sending 2 earth year long messages through open space. You are instant messenger…By you we are coordinating our plans with central administration of Olerob and other planets of alliance…

  Second is that, you can transfer anybodies memory you want, without his awareness, even from long distances,…Last week I see you searched for the saying of Haiti will not die…Sure that it was the words of Haitian president whom you’ve never seen in real but was synchronically interpreting his actual memories and even under conscious intentions…Via such skill we detect the masons among people with political, economical or cultural power.

  And third skill is most brilliant one…You can alter the memories of anyone you want…Actually we defined this skill after you programmed the man named Ben Adler just as you liked…In actual when signing you up in Bolero, like a bum, Ben Adler was randomly chosen name who I’sure that never even heard anything named Bolero…But you unintentionally altered this man’s actual memories to a artificial ones…

  OK…what about Tuncay…what did you do to a kid…

  Actually it was our first and big mistake to have you employed by him…In real he’s name was Georg Papadopulos, born in Cyprus, an agent indirectly hired by masons…He was send to assassinate you after information regarding your skills would be confirmed after several days of observations. But again you unconsciously made him postpone your murder…That’s all and your family is in safe hands

  Where are they?

  In a place that has no possibility to come to the mind of Baphomet,- in a Gaza strip, the main area of clashings…They are protected by aliens, oh…and by the way the two customers saved you at store was aliens as well

  Who’s Baphomet?

  The evil master of masons whom we’ve been looking for decades…Now are you ready to get started…we have lots of things to do…

  I have only one request,,, one week off and please send me back to Olerob, I want to see it with my own eyes…

  Your wish is granted…We’ll be waiting for you…May Allah save and protect you…

  “Fainna maal usri yusra…Inna maal usri yusra” - So, verily, with every difficulty, there is relief… Verily, with every difficulty there is relief. Holy Koran, Surah 94.5-6 (translation of

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