Read Alien Dinosaurs Page 1

  Alien Dinosaurs

  by LazySoftwareEngineer

  Rev 1

  Copyright 2013 LazySoftwareEngineer


  Chapter 1 - The Verdict

  It is the dawn of the twenty third century and peoples all over the Australian continent are watching a live telecast of a court's verdict. They are eagerly watching the event from their TVs, computers, tablets, mobile phones and various other gadgets. The case is about a serial killer Smith who is accused for murder of eleven peoples that includes 2 women and 3 children. The case went for the past one week where the evidences were clearly against him and the verdict was planned to be announced today. They are curious about the case as they had not witnessed a criminal case of this magnitude since the time they remember as the courts were generally filled with civil law suits. Even the occasional criminal cases they had handled were mostly minor.

  The crime rates were low in the continent because of the system they follow. Harsh punishments are one of the main parts of the system. The other reasons include low unemployment, their education system, their effective government etc. The law experts, who were interviewed by TV crews, predicted a death sentence for him based on the evidences they saw for the past one week. This also increased the hype for the case as the last time such a verdict was given was at least a century ago.

  The Judge finally delivers the verdict at noon in front of huge court audiences and large array of cameras from various TV stations. After hearing the verdict, Smith screams in agony and the police escorts him to a helipad built on top of the court building. They hand over him to a military crew waiting near a military chopper. The helicopter started flying towards north-west side of the continent and the audiences are eagerly waiting for the execution phase of the judgment. After an hour, the helicopter lands on a helipad at the top of a military building near a seashore. TV camera men are capturing the event from tall buildings few kilometers away from the military building using super zoom cameras and the viewers are glued to their TVs. They can see soldiers taking Smith inside the building and they are so curious about the events to be followed.

  The building is a kilometer away from the sea and there is a high voltage electric fence of about sixty feet height installed half a kilometer away from the sea covering the whole continent. There are a huge number of soldiers with very high tech weapons placed inside the fence few feet away, securing the continent from external threats from the sea. Few minutes later, two soldiers bring Smith tied to a special wooden chair with wheels, from the building towards a gate in the fence. His mouth was sealed with a duct tape. Some of the audiences wonders whether he is going to be electrocuted using the fences and some of them even asks their friends (who are watching the event), about that. After reaching the gate, the soldiers attaches a robot which looks like a simple cylindrical can with wheels, to the chair. The robot then starts pushing the chair to the other side of the fence after the gate was open. The robot stopped when the chair is just few feet away from the sea and then it detaches itself from it and returns to the gate. The gate is closed when the robot had entered the perimeter.


  Chapter 2 - The Execution

  Smith watches a huge ship approaching the seashore and the moment he identified the ship, his agony increased. After seeing the ship, the curiosity of the audiences also increased and the TV channels are showing the ship and the chair alternatively. The ship stopped after reaching a distance close to the seashore. A crane in ship slowly drops a boat in to the sea and the boat started approaching towards the seashore. The audiences are wondering who is driving the boat but the cameras shows it as an unmanned boat with few sealed boxes inside them. The boat stopped after reaching the shore and it is very close to the chair. A huge bird started flying from the ship towards the shore and the cameramen are trying hard to take a close-up shot of the bird. A child watching a TV, shouts to her mother "Mom! I saw the flying dinosaur!" and her mother explains that the right name to call that is "Pterosaur".


  After reaching the boat, the pterosaur grabs few boxes using its legs and flies towards the gate to drop them near it. It transferred all the boxes near the gate after few shuttles and then transfers Smith to the boat. It then pushes the boat towards the sea and after traveling few feet, the boat started moving automatically towards the ship and the bird returns to the ship. The same crane lifts the boat in to the ship and the ship started moving towards Asia.

  Meanwhile, the soldiers grabs all the boxes using special cranes and transfers them to the building after thoroughly checking them using various scanners like X-ray scanners, Metal detectors etc to ensure that the boxes does not contain anything harmful to human. Inside the building, few soldiers open the boxes in front of the higher ranked officials and the president of the continent who is remotely monitoring the activity from his office using cameras installed exclusively for him. The boxes contains invaluable items like diamonds, platinum bars, uranium rods etc and the president after seeing those, orders the military head to send those to government's depository.

  After few days, the ship reaches a harbor in china where huge number of dinosaurs of different types like tyrannosaurs (big flesh eating dinosaurs which were shown in movies like Jurassic Park I, II, III, Ice Age 3, Journey to the center of the Earth etc), spinosaurs (flesh eating dinosaurs which are bigger than tyrannosaurs and was shown in movie Jurassic Park III), velociraptors (Approximately human sized flesh eating dinosaurs shown in movies like Jurassic Park II, III etc) etc are eagerly waiting for it. A T-Rex (abbreviation for Tyrannosaurus rex) in police uniform collects Smith who was caged inside a metal cage and transfers him to a huge police car. The car then started moving to the center of the city. The city is full of cultured talking dinosaurs living a high-tech life. There were huge buildings all over the city to accommodate all kinds of dinosaurs who have high-tech gadgets like multi function smart-phones, cars, robots etc. They have police & military forces full of dinosaurs with advanced weapons. They also have dinosaurs that are lawyers, sports stars, movie stars, rock stars, business professionals and various other grades (even criminals) that we can relate to human civilization. Today's earth is the planet of intelligent dinosaurs occupying the whole world except Australia where humans live and their technology is way higher than human's.

  The car reaches an auction site in a huge marketplace and the police transfers Smith to the auction platform. An auctioneer (who is a velociraptor) announces the initial price of Smith as three million dollars (based on the value of the items that the humans had received from the boat) in front of huge number of dinosaurs of different races who are eagerly waiting for this. Within few minutes, the price skyrocketed due to huge enthusiasm from the bidders and finally he is sold to a spinosaur named Bita for two billion dollars. He bought him due to constant pressure from his daughter Spety. He is the world's third wealthiest dinosaur with yearly revenue of one billion dollars. After completing the auction formalities, they take Smith to their car and travels to the nearby airport where Spety's mother is waiting.

  They transfer the car to their private jet and from there they set their journey to India, which is their home country. They had traveled to china a week ago primarily for the auction and they had spent that week for their vacation. While traveling in the jet, Spety constantly whispers to her mother about something which her mother rejects consistently. When Bita inquire about this, both of them dismiss that as nothing. The jet reaches India and from there they starts traveling to their home.

  The whisper continued in the car also and after reaching the home Spety asks her mother "Mommy! Shall I eat him now?" pointing to the cage. The mother replies "No! First you take a bath while I co
ok this human". Spety says "Okay" with a slightly sad tone and reaches to the cage and sings "I am gonna eat you, I am gonna eat you, na na na na" and her mother criticize the behavior as she is freaking him. Few days later, she returns to her school where she meets her close friend Tirae who is a T-Rex and praises about the taste of Smith to make her envy about it. Tirae was annoyed by this and decided to ask her father Xeta who is a detective T-Rex to bring a human for her so that she can reply to Spety. The classes begin and both are attending a history class where they learn the history of their civilization. Meanwhile Sarah, who is a daughter of a human soldier named Steve, is learning the human version of the same history in her class in Australia.


  Chapter 3 - The History

  Millions of years ago on a planet very far away from the earth, there was an advanced alien race who excelled in all domains. Their technology was very advanced compared to humans' of twenty first century. They had sent multiple spaceships with advanced robots to different planets far away from them to study the universe.

  One of those spaceships landed on earth during Cretaceous period (when dinosaurs ruled the earth) and collected various information about the planet like it's temperature, air contents, water, soil, life forms etc. It had also collected DNA samples of various dinosaurs, birds, sea creatures etc in a well preserved form and went back to their planet thirty million years later through various portals that had reduced the time taken for that travel. Otherwise, it would have taken more number of years to reach their planet as it was very far away from the earth.

  The aliens then studied about the earth using the data they had collected and preserved them along with the DNA samples in a Museum. Few million years later, they had found that their race (along with their planet) was going to die after three million years and they could not stop that. So they had started searching for another planet where they could live, but unable to find one. They could not live in earth as the environment was toxic to them. Having realized that their race was going to end, one of the aliens came up with a brilliant idea for the continuation of their race. Even though the idea was not ideal, it was accepted as it was the only option they had.

  The idea was to mix the aliens' DNA with dinosaurs' DNA and create new form of lives that would have a body of a dinosaur but an intelligence of an alien and send them to the earth. Their planet was huge when compared to the earth and they had a population of more than hundred billion. So they had decided to clone only important aliens as dinosaurs so that the earth would not be overcrowded.

  They had started building a huge spaceship to accommodate the alien dinosaurs. As the budget for the operation was huge, they had collected huge amount of money from billionaire aliens, as they could use only a portion of government's fund for that, considering the fact that the planet was not going to die immediately. Billionaires had contributed huge money to the project to purchase DNA slots for their family members. The reason for that was that the dinosaurs that would be created from their DNA would be their virtual children who would continue their legacy on earth. The slots from the government's fund were used for the aliens who were important to their race like scientists, doctors, law professionals etc but could not afford to buy a slot. The type of the dinosaur (like spinosaur, T-Rex, pterosaur, velociraptor etc) for an alien DNA was chosen based on the money the owner of the slot had paid. The money paid would also decide the economic status (the initial bank balance) of the dinosaur that would live on earth.

  The aliens had decided to use wide range of carnivore dinosaurs (flesh eaters) instead of a single form as a compromise between the number of aliens they could send and the power they would possess on earth. In other words, if they had sent all the aliens as spinosaurs, then they could send only less number of them but they would be powerful against the earth born dinosaurs whereas if they had sent all of them as velociraptors, then they could send more number of them but they would be weak against the earth born dinosaurs without their technologies. They decided that by having wide range of dinosaurs and an active government on the earth, they could rule the earth and protect all of them from external threats. They made an important change in DNA of all of the dinosaurs to make them inedible to each other to prevent a weak alien dinosaur becoming a prey of a strong alien dinosaur.

  Few years later, they had successfully built the spaceship and the journey began with all the alien dinosaurs still in DNA form well protected using advanced technologies. After entering our solar system, the hatching process began and the dinosaurs started to incubate from single cell DNA to complete life. The spaceship had all the building blocks of life in chemical form like calcium (for bones), water, iron etc which were then used during hatching process. The AI (Artificial Intelligence) software on the spaceship, made few minor changes on the DNA during hatching process after studying the current earth using advanced telescopes so that the dinosaurs could survive the atmosphere of the current earth.

  When the spaceship was just few days away from the earth during the dawn of the twenty first century, the dinosaurs were in complete form and they were also hungry as there was no food in the spaceship. In the spaceship, the dinosaurs had learned their history as well as the current state of the earth by analyzing the data transmitted from the human launched satellites orbiting the earth. They had learned that the dinosaurs were extinct on earth and the current earth was ruled by humans. They had also learned to speak all the human languages quicker than any normal human being would learn.


  Chapter 4 - The Invasion

  The spaceship had stopped after reaching a distance close to the earth and the dinosaurs had started departing to earth using small spaceships and the invasion began. Humans were not able to stop them as their technologies were advanced. The dinosaurs were destroying cities and villages of human population one by one and captured humans dead or alive for food and imprisoned them.

  They were also building advanced cities for them from the places they had destroyed. They were also recreating forests with huge plants and trees of Cretaceous era using the DNA samples available on the spaceship. They were also recreating huge number of unintelligent herbivore dinosaurs (plant eaters) from their raw DNA (i.e. without mixing an alien DNA) samples primarily for food.

  During that period, a group of dinosaurs were advocating against the extinction of the human race as we are an intelligent race and using us for food was not fair according to them. They had also argued that the humans were not a threat to the dinosaurs considering the technological difference, so we could coexist along with them. The motivation of that group was similar to that of blue cross members and environmentalists of twenty first century's human population.

  Towards the end of the twenty first century, the dinosaurs had successfully formed an advanced civilization on earth and due to constant pressure from the group; the government had finally decided to outlaw preying of humans and use only the herbivore dinosaurs for food. The big spaceship that had stopped near the earth started moving away from our solar system for self destruction.

  The dinosaurs had allotted Australia for humans and all the imprisoned humans along with few earth born animals like sheep, cattle etc were transferred to there. For few years, some of the dinosaurs had helped humans to rebuild their civilization on Australia by providing some of their technologies as well as the technologies created by humans before the invasion. The government of dinosaurs then created laws that prohibited normal dinosaurs from traveling to Australia to prevent hunting of humans. Humans then formed an advanced civilization on Australia and lived there peacefully as a single community without any differences in terms of nationality, language, race etc.

  Clear borders were formed between the humans and the dinosaurs. The laws for the humans were formed by the dinosaurs and any change in them would require a formal approval from them. In other words, the (human) president of the Australian continent was just a puppet for the dinosaurs.
The humans were living a peaceful life primarily due to the compassion of the dinosaurs, as if they had decided to wipe the human race, then they could had done that with ease just like the humans of twenty first century could do to the animals of that era like tigers, lions, birds etc. The capital punishment for harsh crimes were decided by dinosaurs and the environmentalist dinosaurs had not opposed that (they might had thought that it was good for the humanity since it might reduce the crime rate). If the dinosaurs had decided to have capital punishment even for simple in disciplinary activities like traffic signal violations then human could had done nothing about that.


  Chapter 5 - The Quest

  After the classes are completed, Tirae returns to her home with her father who is driving his car. Xeta is a widower, so he loves his daughter very much who is his whole world. At home, she asks him a human for her and she cries for that. Having unable to convince her, he finally promises her that he will bring a human for her within a month and till that she should continue her day to day activities without fail. He doesn’t have enough money to buy a human and also there is no certainty that another human will be available for auction in a foreseeable future. So he, being a government employee, knows the loop holes in the security system and decides to travel to Australia in a submarine that he had built few months before on his garage as he is also an amateur researcher. He also takes some of the gadgets he had created, with him and starts a quest to capture a human.

  Few days later, he arrives at seashore of Australia where the perceived security is low. Today Steve brought his seven years old daughter Sarah with him as he is also a widower and today is a holiday for Sarah. He is doing his job inside a military building which is to monitor video feeds from multiple security cameras. She is playing outside the building near one of the gates on the electrical fences. He is not worried about her as there are two soldiers near the gate and he can also watch her using camera feeds. Also it is not possible for any human to be electrocuted while they are inside the fences due to the protective nonmetal nets.