Read An Easy Guide To Self Publish Your E-book Page 1

Publish Your Own E-book

  © Copyright 2014 by Terry Aspinall

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means electronic, mechanical, photographic (photocopying) recording, or otherwise without prior permission in writing from the author.

  ISBN: 9781311706225

  Published by Terry Aspinall

  This book is available in E-book format at most online retailers.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Other books by this Author


  Imagine my excitement when I eventually finished writing my very first book, a few years ago. My excitement continued when I managed to find a UK publishing company who were prepared to publish it for me. Can you also imagine my bitter disappointment, when I was informed that the venture would cost me £8000 for 40 copies? To also be told that I would then have to sell them myself. That first literary disappointment stayed with me for many years, as I placed my expected writing career on hold for several years.

  Moving on a couple of years and I was advised by a friend to try and get the manuscript proof read by a professional. As I was constantly worrying about my lack of knowledge in the reading and writing department, I believed this to be sound advice. If it was politically correct then at least the publishing company might show an interested in the project when, and if I finally decided to take it further.

  After much deliberating, searching of newspapers, magazines, phone calls, and chats with close friends, I was eventually given a lead and made my way to one of the Brisbane's universities at St Lucia. I had been given the name of a young female student who it was claimed might be able to help me with the proof reading. Apparently, and unknown to me at the time she was exceptionally good, using this side line as a means of helping finance her studies. We spent some time discussing the manuscript, and to what I was hoping to achieve. We eventually decided that she would keep the first chapter to work on, and would get back to me at a later date.

  A month later she rang and asked if I could once again meet up with her at the University, which I did. At a quick glance of the manuscript, I wasn't sure how it read and decided I would take it home to run my eyes over it before I made a judgment and comments. Telling her that I would be in touch. I then asked her how much she wanted in payment for her work. At the sound of $800 I was taken a back and lost for words. My brain was working over time trying to come to terms with such a high figure. Thinking ahead I had a further 20 chapters needing to be proof read, which would come to a grand total $16000. Anyway I had to pay as she had, or at least I thought she had, proof read the chapter.

  Shock number two came when I arrived home and wasted no time in going over the manuscript. Apart from the grammar and spelling mistakes that I expected, the basic sentence to me still read the same. As far as I was concerned all she had done was to re-write the sentence in a different way. It can best be described as splitting the sentence in half and placed the end of the sentence at the beginning. Mind you, as I have mention earlier on several occasions, I lacked badly in the English Language department. I'm probably being a little harsh on her, after all she was the expert. She had probably forgotten far more than I had ever learnt at school. Although later during my writing career, I was once informed that I write like I speak, and that the young people of today prefer to read that style. With the passing of a few years and of my thirst to keep writing, I have to admit that I now arrange my sentences completely different to when I first started writing. I have to give her the credit she so rightfully deserves. It was reading that first chapter over and over that definitely helped me. So sad that I cannot remember her name.

  After going over the chapter several times which took me nearly a month, I came to the conclusion that I was not happy with her work. Although I do acknowledge that she must have spent a lot of time correcting and changing things around. However, I was constantly being reminded of the $800 per chapter. With this in mind it did not take me long to come to the conclusion that even if I did like her work, to me it was of no financial gain, more a huge loss, putting a big dent in my pocket money and my ego. The $16000 she would be charging me, would also have to be added to the UK publishers £8000. Feeling quite sad at the prospect of having to place the project on hold, I eventually rang her with the bad news. I was honest but feeling sad when I told her that financially I could not proceed any further with the project. It eventually ended up hid away on a shelf in my garage and forgotten.

  A hang glider friend from the 1970's got in touch asking if I could publicise and advertise his latest book, 'Dunge Bottom'. It was a collection of funny hang gliding stories, some of which had happened to him while he was flying. This captured my imagination and once again a seed had been sowed within my head of trying to publish my Autobiography. Our friendship was rekindled on line, as I asked him for as much information as possible so I could publicise the book on the British Hang Gliding History website I was building and running at the time. Came the day when I eventually asked how he had managed to get his book into print. He gave me the information that I was seeking, that included the E-mail address of his publisher in the UK.

  One of my biggest problems is what has become known as word blindness. This left me a little worried realising that I would have to read what I had to do in order to set up the book up. One simple misinterpretation of a word could set me back a life time. During most of my life I have learnt from others on a one to one basis. If I can see something laid out in front of me, and somebody puts it all back together. I have a photographic mind and can usually do it at the first attempt. However reading, that's a whole new ball game. The wrongful definition of one word will stuff me up with frustration. However, over time I have leant a few tricks and can usually master most problems, as can be seen from this book. With writing and spelling I picture the word in my head, the rest is left to the good old ever faithful spell checker. Not sure what I would do without that invention. I rank that as one of the best inventions during my life time.

  Having built several websites during those fifteen years, I believed that I had enough experience and knowledge to once again try to get my book published.

  E-books are becoming very popular, as we are all being forced into using the new technologies and gadgets of the twenty first century. There was a time when many of the older generation just sat back and said "I can do without becoming involved in this". Or "That it's just a passing craze and will not last" or "At least it will not involve me".

  To their credit they allow you to down load a rather large PDF file with all of their instructions and requirements. It's very big and goes through every process in minute detail trying to help you. However at times it can be a little daunting to find your way around. Which is why I would like to help introduce you to a basic format.

  This simplified version at least covers the major faults and problems that you might come up against.