Read Are you ready for tonight Page 1

  Are you ready for tonight?

  By: Isshaq Elameen

  Published by The British School of Alexandria

  Copyright ? 2011 by Isshaq Elameen

  All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to any real persons, living or dead, is?purely coincidental.

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  All rights reserved.??No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the?prior permission in writing of the author, nor be circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in?which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed upon the subsequent purchaser.

  Picture by: footloosiety


  This eBook produced by The British School of Alexandria

  British School of Alexandria

  Mahmoud Abou Ela Street

  Kafr Abdou


  Alexandria, EGYPT

  Are you ready for tonight?

  It was the last day of school, my parents didn't know that or if I even passed the test, let's hope I did?

  I was barely awake when I got to school. In class all I could think about was what's happening after that. During the lesson I noticed a piece of paper gliding under me so I picked it up. On one side of the paper was written for Kevin so I turned the paper around which made me come back to life! It said: ARE YOU READY FOR TONIGHT! So I looked at my friends who were waiting for an answer and whispered, "What d'ya think!" It was the party we planned for yesterday!

  Next we all gathered around and started planning how to arrange the party, we all agreed to make it in school because school stunk so we wanted to leave some memories behind. We also had to fake to our parents about it so they can allow us to come, easy, but not as easy for me. The only thing I could think of or say is that the teachers asked us to come back after school for an educational activity, but you know moms, always curious. This took me a long time of convincing because mom thought that it was definitely an after school detention. My father drove me back to school, but when we arrived no one was there except Tom who's in my class, doesn't talk much but really crazy and enjoys annoying people. The place was dark and Tom's voice echoed as he said hello. "You sure 'bout this?" my father asked. But I just nodded unconfidently.

  "Where's everybody I asked feeling disappointed. "Err, Don't know too" tom replied he looked like he was hiding something from me. "Let's get inside It's getting cold in here right?" tom said I agreed with him and we both went inside. It was pitch black, for a moment I thought that this was a surprise but surprises don't take so long. Tom closed the door and I heard a sound of a lock. "Tom you idiot, why did you close the door, I can't see anything how and how will I find the light switch!" I shouted, but he didn't seem to answer "Tom!" I shouted again but he didn't answer back. "Tom stop it this is not funny?an and you sent me that message in class remember so open the door or at least help me find the light switch because we came here for the party not joking!" I shouted, more seriously this time but no voice came from him... Then I heard quite footsteps going further and further until I couldn't hear it anymore. I was starting to get scared so I stood up and made my way to the light switch flinching, and when I finally found it I shouted "Game over Tom" as I switched the lights on.

  The school was empty. I felt like I was in the position of the victim in the horror movies; I looked around searching for Tom, I went in the changing rooms, the classes and everywhere but could not find him. I was really terrified and freaked out about the fact that he disappeared and I wanted nothing but to get out of that place? but then I remembered the only place I didn't check which was the cafeteria, so I headed to the cafeteria with light feet but then slowed down as soon as I saw a red liquid on the door. At the beginning I thought it was ketchup I thought that maybe my friends may have came first and had a food fight, but it wasn't that? I built up enough courage to enable me to open the door and as I did so I found the walls full of it, blood. I carried on walking, investigating the place when suddenly strong hands pushed me to the ground with force. I was paralyzed and found an angry bloody face in front of me.

  "You idiot how could you!" Shouted the monster as he punched me. "Inviting us to this murder party where you kill all of us and have fun?" He kept punching me so hard until I couldn't take it anymore and finally formed some words when I got the chance. "Hold on a second" I said weakly. I realized it was Haden when he stopped; it was Haden our American football champion. "Haden it's you, I didn't know anybody was here, I came with Tom but he disappeared and I can't find him anywhere, where's everybody! And what the hell is going on here!" I shouted loudly. "Shush, don't shout like that" he whispered "he will find you" "Who's he?" "The bastard! Who killed them all, I'm the last one alive but he doesn't know I'm here, I think" suddenly we heard a noise that made us freeze, the door creaked as it opened, we also heard footsteps? it was Tom; he was covered with blood and wasn't walking properly.

  "Tom!" I called and grabbed him. "Kevin, we need to get out of here" he spoke. "Well, then we need to find a way out" I replied. Haden was thinking for a moment or two and then called us. "Guys, I have an idea? we need to go to the nursery class, there is a window that we can jump from straight to the pool, then all we need to do is jump the fences? I know it's crazy but it's the only way out!" We didn't decide if we should do this or not, but we just hurried to the class. When we entered I noticed another room inside the class, the door of the room had some blood on it, so I told Haden and tom to go and I'll go after them. I walked slowly towards the door and carefully opened it. Inside, there were body bags with zips, on the floor. I wondered what would get such bags here so I decided to open one of them, but before I did I heard a splash which meant that Tom and Haden were now safe. I then opened the bag to find a cold body lay dead. I rose in fear and rushed fast to the window and jumped.

  I came out of the pool finding only Tom waiting for me. I was astonished how there was neither blood on his skin nor any injuries. "Tom, your
face, there's nothing wrong? But?" "Come on, let's get out' a here" he interrupted; I could see a smirk on his face. "I'm not going anywhere, it's you!" I shouted. "You killed them all and so did you put fake blood on your skin! You're crazy!" Tom stopped, his back to me, he didn't reply back. "Where's Haden, What did you do to him!" I shouted loudly. Tom smirked as he came closer, I could see the devil in his eyes. His smile was devious, and my heart was beating faster each step he made. "I'm sure you can figure out what I did" he whispered, and his smile was now bigger than his face."Oh yes? I did it, I killed him" "Are you crazy, what's gotten into you?" "there are two reasons? firstly do you know that all these years these morons have been bullying me and calling me names and I would always come home looking like dirt, so today I was fed up, my head was put in the toilet by Haden, but that's not even the half of it, he and his people caused me to get expelled from school and this was the only school my parents could afford! So I was ready for tonight, ready to get my revenge. Secondly? I think I enjoy it, so you're going next, oh I mean NOW!" Suddenly I felt a pain in my stomach it was so strong and was from both the inside and the outside. I looked down to find Tom's hand pressing a knife inside me and twisting it, then he took it off which increased the pain so much. "That'll do" he said as he let go off the knife and went in the direction of the fences. I fell on the floor and screamed out loud but no one heard me. I tried to breathe slowly but couldn't defeat the enormous pain. For a moment I saw a tape of my whole life, summarized. I should've listened to mom and shouldn't have said no to my dad? I shouldn't have been here?

  I woke up, I thought I took long but Tom was still on his way to the fences. The knife was still on the floor? it was like I've been given a second chance. I reached to the knife and slowly picked it up, there was still hope. I stood up holding my stomach, the pain hadn't gone yet. "Hey Tom!" I shouted. Tom turned around and without saying a word or thinking ran towards me to give me a punch for finish, but I didn't move a single muscle until he got to 1 meter away from me, I crouched and stabbed him so hard, making sure he was dead. I took his cell phone; mine was wet and wouldn't work for sure, then pushed his body to the swimming pool and left it floating there. After jumping from the fences I called my father to pick me up. I don't want to mention the part when my father finds me alone in the streets looking like a miserable beggar but all I can say is that it wasn't pleasant and when I got home I was asked lots of questions and it was a long night?

  I felt better the next day. the story was allover the newspapers and I was of course not allowed again to parties but that's good, because I don't want to go to parties anymore after what happened, I just want to stay at home? sweet home