Read Atlantis: Ancient Breeds Story Page 1



  Short Story



  Copyright A D Stewart 2015


  This story I dedicate to all my friends that took time out of their busy lives to support me as a writer. I could never do this without you all. Thank you so much.




















  Chapter 1



  Myaten waited for the explosion of anger as Kiros dug two shallow lines into the red sand with the toes of his sandals. Resisting the urge to copy such childish behavior, Myaten remained calm while observing the other man’s antics.

  Keeping a straight face while Kiros thrust his chest out like one of his proud falcons was no easy task.

  Stay focused.

  Laughing will only increase the man’s foul temper.

  Kiros turned to face him. His face livid, eyes glaring, jaw flexing.

  "You know I hate time travel! Why must you pester me to follow in your steps, Myaten?” He watched as Kiros drew his foot back and gave a hard kick, sending a wave of sand in his direction.

  Kiros missed.

  Myaten didn’t bother responding to the stupid challenge. Instead, he shrugged one shoulder. Whatever answer he gave would make little difference to Kiros’s dark mood.

  Sighing loudly, Myaten knew this man better than most. A bond that ran deeper than mere friendship with a debt he could never repay. Yes, he owed Kiros his life-blood many times over. They fought in battle together, ate together, slept back to back to defend one another and like most foster brothers, they argued, all the damn time.

  Now, was no different.

  Head bent while meticulously folding a strip of parchment into a thumb size square, Myaten slipped the coded message into a concealed place― a small slit on the underside of the leather belt across his chest.

  Shaking his head before cutting a bored look at Kiros, Myaten replied with the same excuse as given three sunrises ago.

  “Roris decrees this task not be taken too lightly. Our trip,” he paused long enough to make sure Kiros was paying attention, “…is more important than my previous visits, you know of this.”

  Joining his friend long enough to slap his shoulder, Myaten continued with steady fast patience reserved for a younger sibling. “Besides, whenever I leave your side for any length of time you end up in trouble.” Teasing playfully, he hoped to set his brother’s mind and heart at peace.

  He failed miserably. Once Kiros focused on something in his head, nobody could alter the man’s thinking.

  “I do not cause trouble!” Kiros bellowed. His facial expressions full of hurt and obvious shock.

  Looking around to find a suitable stretch of sand, Myaten started taking the measurements to quote to their King. There needed to be fifty-seven steps precisely to achieve the right distance to make the obelisk work correctly. Not an easy task to tackle on his own but he would give this quest everything he had.

  The obelisk in this Time proved repeatedly to be the one and only true way back. Concentrating, he tried to tune Kiros out before answering. “Be that as it may, trouble finds you and I know this first hand,” he stopped measuring long enough to cut Kiros a meaningful look. “…because I usually end up defending you with my swords against the trouble in question.”

  Kiros sputtered, “Surely fault is not with I, but with you!” Kiros accused in full swing of his leather clad arms that swayed like his blond shoulder length hair.

  “Why are we discussing this again so soon?” Myaten flung his head back while slapping his face. The harsh sting against his cheeks turned his thoughts to strangling his brother.

  Pacing in the dry, dusty earth, Kiros stopped long enough to stare at Myaten. “There is talk among the soldiers that we are lovers. Personally, if it were anyone else, I would be highly offended, but this needs to stop, Myaten!” Kiros pounded an invisible foe with his fists.

  Myaten waved off the ridiculous rumor. Soldiers talked shit, but nobody took any notice half the time. “I repeat we have no Time for this right now!”

  “Make Time and listen to your brother! When all is said and done, I am master of the life I pursue!” Kiros continued to hammer the air with powerful fists while walking circles around Myaten. Then the kicking sand in every direction began again.

  “You speak truth with your words brother, as do I.” Dragging his fingers down along his cheeks, Myaten watched Kiros closely. There was more to this and he would crush the seed of doubt festering inside Kiros― later, but now, he had responsibilities to uphold.

  Kiros answered with a loud growl. “Tell me something I do not know.”

  “Make this a matter we can discuss upon returning, Kiros. Now is not my Time, nor yours to debate this!” Muttering a spell, Myaten leapt from the ground and hovered. “Take your place over there.” Myaten indicated the stretch of red sand about twenty paces east.

  Waving him away, Kiros shook his head viscously. “I refuse! Discuss this now or I leave! Better still, you be gone!”

  Green and blue eyes locked horns.

  Neither brother gave an inch.

  Nothing new there either.

  Dark brows dipped lower in anger at Kiros. Myaten was well aware of the conspiracy against his companion. In life there would always be events that one could not change no matter how much one desired it.

  The devious man accountable for spreading such vile lies and deceit was one of many suitors vying for the princess and the throne.

  “Fine, let us be done with this squabble. You are responsible for all, not I. Listen to your vile words about women. Most of the Kingdom’s forces think you are a lunatic for refusing the hand of Roris’s First daughter, Kirara. So listen with good faith, ignore false words, or stop igniting the flames of distrust by damning all women! Now silence your ravings, I speak with our King!”

  Scrunching eyelids shut, he concentrated on spreading his thoughts out toward the north where his father waited in a secret location with SandWeavers.

  Roris, we are ready to depart. Send the obelisk.

  I sense agitation within you my son.

  Kiros, my Father. I am accustomed to his wails on Time travel and I shall live.

  Humor aside, I blame myself. Bespeak my apologies to young Kiros. The obelisk awaits you. Safe journey my sons.

  Finishing the conversation, Myaten caught his friend yanking sweaty strands of hair out of his face. For as long as he’d known the young man, Myaten never fully understood the amount of hatred within one soul. Someone wronged him. One day he hoped Kiros would trust him
or someone enough to confide those secrets, until then, Myaten stood with him.

  “Time is upon us.” Myaten landed long enough to take Kiros forcibly by the arm and hit the obelisk at high speed.

  ~428 BCE”~

  “Ugh, boats, waves, I hate water― I feel dreadful!" Kiros retched seconds before shoving his face into an old bucket for that very reason.

  Myaten glanced from Kiros to the wide expanse of beautiful sea green water. Inhaling the salty air, eyes rolled with appreciation of nature before filling with aggravation at his companion. "Kiros we're still land bound and how long have you suffered with water sickness?"

  Holding the bucket between white knuckles Kiros heaved again. "This is your fault! Don't speak to me about anything right now. It's not water sickness it's a spell to keep me grounded."

  Another unsolved mystery. Myaten stomped his camel leather sandal against a splintering plank before throwing Kiros a spare bathing cloth. "You should forewarn me. Alterations to our method of travel would free your head of that bucket." Digging at his friend, hoping to take his mind off the sickness― it didn’t work.

  "As a rule," Kiros wiped his mouth with the faint eucalyptus scented towel. "…Myaten, it's not a subject I like to talk about."

  One dark eyebrow lifted in wonder. "There are many subjects you care not to discuss with me, period. Why make this one special?” At the gagging sounds, he felt remorse for teasing.

  “Is there anything I can do to help?" Myaten asked while keeping track of everyone and everything going on around them. A soldier never lets his guard down. With a sick brother, extra diligence came as natural as breathing.

  "Just promise me one thing," Kiros managed to lift his sweaty head and held the rag to his mouth muffling a long belch.

  "Anything, name it and it shall be done!" Myaten slammed his fist against his chest with a powerful thud.

  Kiros coughed once before wildly falling to his knees. "Do not leave my side during this voyage. If a woman appears, leave at once! Do not engage her in battle. She will kill you if you interfere."

  Confusion followed by agitation settled across his face. Not the women subject again! "A woman, why did I not see that coming?" Myaten reached down to aid his friend. Arms intertwined to steady and support his dead weight if Kiros should lose consciousness.

  "It is no teasing matter. Promise me! She will kill all who get in the way!" Kiros squeezed Myaten's wrist. “This is no tale of my fancy. Once we make it to Atlantis, I will speak the truth between us.”

  His vow made every ounce of agitation evaporate. Worry turned to anger at the look of dread in his friend's blue eyes. Nobody should be that afraid.

  "I vow with my life to keep you safe always brother. Once we step foot upon Atlantis, you may speak your mind. Be at peace. Now. Rest."

  "Thank you." Kiros uttered before his eyelids lowered and his body slumped forward.

  Forbidden to use magic in front of humans, Myaten glanced around searching for assistance. “You there!” he shouted, claiming the attention of servants carrying items bound for the ship docked at the end of the pier.

  “We are weary travelers from distant lands.” Myaten spoke using a haughty tone, one he disliked, but served him well on occasion. Waving, Myaten made sure the man and woman saw how richly dressed he was before placing a small pouch of coins into the man’s dirty apron.

  “Tis thy pleasure, me lord.”

  Myaten gave a stern tilt of his head in acknowledge of the servant’s oath. “Lend your strength to aid my traveling companion. He is not accustomed to more water than he washes in.” Myaten teased as the man and woman laughed merrily at his joke.

  The great ship with over two hundred oars would convey them midway across the vast water at great speeds. He would then take Kiros and Time it. By the end of the visit with the Royal family, Myaten would return to this place and carry on with their false story of travelers on a quest for a suitor fit for the King’s daughter.

  With the aid of the servants, Kiros was unceremoniously dumped face down on a mattress of fresh straw. At least he hoped it was fresh. Travelling by ship left many luxuries to be desired and coveted by other passengers.

  Leaving the cramped quarters, Myaten beckoned the pair out with another bag of coins. “I will send my regards to your master with appreciation. Leave the name of the House you work for…”

  “Strathmore House, sir. Our master will approve. We shall eat tonight.” They smiled. Their fumbling bows and curtseys pained him. These two were not servants as he originally thought.

  People should receive wages for a day’s honorable work, not treated as slaves. Not many shared his beliefs and Roris warned him to lead with his mind, not his heart.

  Closing the door and locking it firmly with magic, he saw to Kiros’s needs.

  A few minutes later Myaten left a sleeping Kiros to search out the captain. Manners and station dictate notifying him of his companion’s situation. Sickness on a ship would spread like wildfire and he refused to swim it home!

  Snapping his fingers at an idea forming, he pumped the air with his fist! Thank you, Kiros! His brother’s sudden ailment bought the allotment of Time needed to complete his mission.


  “Have you not found someone else to pester, Audis?” Kiros rolled his head to one side to look up at the woman standing across the small room. She was like a scorpion, sneaky and full of venom!

  Oh, go away.

  “I warned you once if you leave me, I will destroy everything you care about!”

  The recited warning fired at him had long lost its luster. The thought of actually fearing Audis made him burst out laughing, until a sharp stabbing pain crossed his temples making his vision blurry for a second or two. Shaking his head, he watched her point a long finger down at him.

  Obviously nobody taught you manners.

  “It’s not nice to point at people, Audis.” He knew a storm was brewing without having to look at her glowing blue eyes. She hated him. Despised everything he stood for and yet without him, she would weaken and die. That part made him smile in spite of her irritating presence.

  “I could end your miserable excuse of a life!”

  “Please, do not embarrass yourself further…” He chuckled and waved her presence away. “Leave me be before I am sick over you.”

  Furious at his display of humor, she lashed out with a sword of twisted metal and glass.

  Lifting up, supported by one elbow, his fingers spread wide. A blast filled the room and Audis hit the wall and stayed there— pinned by his magic.

  “Take what you came for and leave, now!”

  He knew from previous encounters the volatile state of her mind and barricaded his thoughts. Burying emotions deep within him was the only shield he had. Making sure to protect the identities of those he cared for by focusing all his hatred toward her as she started siphoning energy from him without touching.

  Releasing her, he waited for a smack across the face. Audis loved physical contact. Hitting happened to be her forte.

  “I will take what is rightfully mine!”

  Towering over him by a hand span, he despised the face she wore. The same blond hair hung past narrow hips along with pale skin and strange blue eyes that were not the only traits they shared.


  “Who are you with?” She demanded in a shrieking voice as she stormed across the room. The loud clomp of her heels against the wood floor set off explosions inside his skull.

  Refusing to show any discomfort he answered with his normal rancor. “I travel with no companion.” Holding his finger out to hers, he kept his face neutral as she clamped hold of his wrist, making the transfer extremely painful.

  She sneered. “I do not believe you, especially since I know for a fact you hate being alone.”

  Sneering back with a hint of fangs, he glared at her over the bridge of his nose. “Conversations are a bore with you. Take what you must, then leave. I have no desire to explain who or what you
are to anyone!”

  Withdrawing her hand to smooth the red fabric of her dress around her frame, she idly watched from under hooded eyes. “Sniffling pathetic—”

  His hand went up. “Do you honestly believe that I care what you think of me?” He chuckled again. Waving bye, he wished her to oblivion with his thoughts.

  Stomping her feet she followed up in a whiny voice. “Why you were granted the soul vassal of our race’s magic, I shall never understand.” Stepping back, her body contorted into a fine mist. “Remember, leave me and you shall feel the death of everyone you love.”

  How could he forget, she never let him. Nothing new there― and on the anniversary of his inheritance, Audis visited him to claim feeding rights within their Breed. Her boasts of God like powers were not so god like if she had to use him to restore hers.

  Feeling weak, he managed to roll onto his side and shut his eyes. Relief washed over him when he realized he was alone in the cabin. Giving Audis another pawn to keep him in line wasn’t what he needed. Sleep on the other hand is what he desired most. A few hours rest always restored him after one of her visits.


  Myaten tossed a purse of silver coins into the Captain’s dirty palm. Landing with a jingle, he caught the look of greed within the man’s beady eyes. “This is a small token to assure privacy while travelling aboard your fine ship.” Myaten bowed from the waist and kept his eyes on the filthy short man in front of him. Wishing for a cold, Myaten caught the waft of stale sweat and ale followed by a wink and knew the message hit home.

  “This voyage will see you hit land in a fortnight, Master Myaten. I will place my best guard at your door.” Nodding at the large man to his right, the captain gave a toothy smile.

  Myaten knew what that meant. Trouble in the form of a tree trunk with arms and legs, well at least he could smell them coming.

  Thanking the human, Myaten returned swiftly to his chambers. He trusted no one. The captain’s word meant nothing, and the silver coins would bring others to his door tonight.

  Standing in the dark space that housed one straw mattress on the floor, he took up his swords and waited for the first drunken sailor to appear.

  Two days roughing it at sea and Myaten began to feel Kiros’s merit in water sickness. The roll of the ship with the waves turned his mouth sour.