Read Ballad Of A Bad Bitch Page 1

Copyright © 2013 A.N.C Media Publishing

  This book is purely a work of fiction. The names,characters,places and incidents contained within this body of work are not related to or portraying anyone living or dead. Any similarities are purely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved. No parts of this E-Book may be copied, transmitted ,used or sold without the written permission of the Author Candace Mumford/Ms.Bam or A.N.C. Media Publishing

  The only exception to this clause are E-Book Samples which are provided for you at various online retailers and from the Author Candace Mumford/Ms.Bam and A.N.C. Media Publishing. Brief quotes may be used in reviews.


  of a

  Bad Bitch

  * * * *

  ( Present Day )

  1. The Night Crew

  “ Ooooh! This is my SHIT right here!” Tanya said turning up the radio in the break room as she bobbed her head and danced around the break-room. Several of the other ladies in the room on break nodded their heads to the infectious beat of the song right along with her. They spanned all shades of the rainbow. Tanya was African-American,Maria- who was nodding her head to the beat just as hard if not more than Tanya, was Hispanic and Carrie,one of the few young white women on the night shift; Carrie happened to be singing the words of the song line for line.

  “ Now you can say anything that you wanna say abouuut me! But you and I know the truth is you don't now a thang abouuut me. Even if you hatin' on meee....”

  “ I know girl! Ballad of a Bad Bitch is my song! It's like every word she's singing is my own personal story. I saw a special the other day where they previewed some songs from her entire album. That damn album is fire! You hear me? I'm getting it the day it drops!” Maria said excitement filling her voice.

  “ Have you seen her? She's really pretty too. Mia, that's all she goes by. I saw her on BET the other night doing an interview. She seems real cool...down to earth you know. The type of bitch I could rock with for real.”

  “ I saw her too.” Carrie said joining the conversation.

  “ Nah bitch... whatchu doing watching B.E.T.?” Tanya asked laughing.

  “ Who said anything about B.E.T.? I saw her on MTV thank you. But if I wanted to watch B.E.T. I damn sure could and I do. My roommate and I pay our cable bill just like everyone else. So please mind your business boo.” Carrie said checking Tanya real fast.

  Tanya seemed to be under the impression she could talk to her any type of way just because she was one of the few “ cool” white girls on the night shift at Methodist hospital. Carrie didn't mind letting her know that she was not going to be fucked with. Don't let the white skin fool you. Carrie rolled her eyes at Tanya.

  “Damn bitch! I was just playing with you. You ain’t got to get all serious. The last thing we need to see up in here is you turning red up in this muthafucka!” Tanya said laughing as she started to sing.

  “ Fuck you bitch.” Carrie said as they all fell out laughing. Despite their petty arguments during breaks,the three young women had all grown close working together on the night-shift.

  Maria was flipping through the latest issue of People magazine when she turned the page letting out a small shriek.

  “ Look you guys! Here she is. Mia.” the other two ladies quickly gathered around her to see the article.

  “ Yes! That sista is bad. They say she's really private though. You'd think being new on the scene she'd be all out there getting her name out.” Maria said quickly reading the article out loud for the rest of them.

  “ Fuck that. I see where she's coming from. Don't nobody need to be all up in her personal business. She needs to be just like Jay-Z and Beyonce' . You don't know shit about their personal life until they want you to know something. That's exactly how I'd be if I was a celebrity. Besides,when you have the raw talent she has, that's all people need. Mia ain’t like the rest of these damn auto-tune ass singers out here.” Tanya said passionately.

  “ Ummph!” Maria said twirling a lock of her long curly black hair, “What I wanna know is who is this fine ass brotha we always see in the pictures with her? DAMN! I know this nig...,brotha is fine as hell!”

  “Yeah hoe you better get it right.We ain’t that fuckin' cool.” Tanya said rolling her eyes at her. Maria and Tanya had gone to high-school together. Tanya knew Maria wasn't a racist or anything but every now and then she could get a bit too damn comfortable due to the fact all she hung around was black people. Tanya wanted Maria to know they was cool as fuck...but she could get her face slapped the hell off too! Maria better save all that nigga shit for the brotha who she laid up with. If he allowed that type of thing that is. Don't get their friendship twisted.

  Tanya looked at her co-workers and friends wondering if she should let them in on her little secret. Her own excitement convinced her to confide in them. They were going to die when she told them!

  “ Okay y'all let me tell you something...,” Tanya paused making sure she had their full attention and all eyes where on her.

  “ Spill it hoe! Damn!” Maria said impatiently.

  “ Look Maria watch your damn tongue talking to me! Also... when are you doing something about those damn chola eyebrows? Walking around scaring patients and shit. We're both off this weekend... you're coming over and I'm doing something bout those lines drawn over your damn eyes! ANYWAYS...we all in here jammin' to Mia so imma go ahead put y'all ass's in my loop! You'll never believe this but I've been chatting with her!”

  “Whatever Tanya! Aren't you half chola too?”Maria asked sucking her teeth.

  “ Umm that would be no dad is half Mexican. My mama is black so when it came down to me she rounded that shit on out and took it back to the motherland okay? I claim all my heritage but I will not be claiming those brows. Anyway,back to what I was saying.” Tanya rolled her eyes at Maria.

  Maria's drawn on eyebrows already had her walking around looking like she was surprised 24/7 but now her dropped jaw added to the look and her otherwise pretty face now looked particularly clownish.

  “ I don't believe it. How are you “chatting” with Mia? I mean she's new but everyone knows who Mia is! Why would she be talking to you?” Carrie asked rolling her baby-blue eyes.

  “ Because I'm a fan bitch!” Tanya said rolling hers right back at her.

  “Well how do you know it was really her you were talking to? That could have been anyone! They hire people to be on those sites you know. They pay someone to Facebook for them,hell tweet for them. All that mess. ” Maria said about to laugh. I can't believe Tanya think she is really sitting up chatting with Mia!

  “ Look you non-believers... if you visit her website you'll see how it's set up. Now there are two admins on the website but by each of their names is a special icon. Mia's name has a special icon with a star next to it and she has her website set up where no one can create a user name that has her name in it! Trust me I even tried to test the shit out. It wouldn't even let me put a_real_Mia_fan . A little screen pops up telling you the name Mia can not be used on her official website and that when you see will be talking directly to her. You can see she actually goes on there. She's the truth I'm telling you! Mia's not like most of these stars who only list dates for you to go buy tickets and all that type of mess. Y'all should go on there when you can. It's pretty cool and she's really nice.” Tanya said standing up to stretch.

  “ Damn! I'm checking it out later on tonight. Shoot I want a celebrity friend too! I've been trying to get that damn Rihanna to follow me back on Twitter for I don't know how long. I give up. That's how you really get put on you know. Be a part of the damn entourage. All of the star benefits without all of the work.” Carrie said tossing her wavy chestnut brown hair over her shoulders.

  “ Damn. We better get back on the floor. I'm working directly with that bitch ass nurse Terri King tonight. I swear before God I can't stand that bitch. She needs to get slapped or fucked. One of the two. Hell maybe both the way she carries on around here.” Tanya said sucking her teeth.

  “ You ain’t lying. I was assigned to that bitch two nights in a row last week. I promise you- I wanted to slit my own wrists by the time morning came. I tell you one thing though...,” Maria said rolling her eyes “...that bitch got one more time to come at me real crazy and she's going to wish she never had. You know last month she showed up to work with her eye dotted the fuck up. Little does she know her ass gon' get more than that fuckin' with me. I don't care how much foundation and concealer she put on that eye,I could still see that shit.

  Hell I've seen all the little tricks as many times as my dad has put his hands on my mom before. If she wasn't such a nasty bitch I would have felt sorry for her ass. I know decent jobs with benefits are hard to come by but fuck it. If I get fired I wont have any regrets about it. Quiet as it's kept...I thought about filing charges on her ass for discrimination. I got something for that ass though.”

  “ Damn! Is she that bad? What are you planning to do?” Carrie asked. Carrie had just been off new hire orientation four weeks and had yet to be assigned to the infamous nurse Terri King yet. From the comments the other nursing assistants were making about her, she wasn't looking forward to it. At all.

  “ Hell yeah!” The other two young women cried in unison. They all made their way to the door. Swiped their time cards and went back on the floor.

  Maria looked at the other ladies, “ Oh you better believe as hard as that hoe stay watching me...I'm watching her ass right back. Terri think because she's wearing that little R.N title she's untouchable around here. I can show her better than I can tell her.”

  Tanya's cell phone vibrated. She grabbed it from the pocket of her scrubs and smiled at the name that appeared on the screen.

  “ I'm coming you guys, it's my dad. Let me see what he's talking about real quick.” Tanya said.

  “ What's going on Leon?” Tanya said laughing as she answered the phone.

  “ Girl what I tell you about calling me by my first name?”

  “ Hey Daddy!”

  “ That's more like it.”

  “ Look you should be proud I have your name in my cell phone like that. It’s for safety. They say never put how people are related to you in your cell phone. It's one the easiest ways to get scammed!”

  “ To hell with all that. I earned the title Daddy and that's what you better call me! Look I know you're at work right now but me and your Mama miss you! When you get off in the morning bring your tail on by the house. We're having a big family breakfast. I need to see my baby-girl.” Her father said tenderly.

  “ You already know I'm there. Love you Daddy.” Tanya hung up the phone smiling.