Read Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to Egypt Page 1

"Charlie the Great White Horse"

  Trilogy of Books

  ~Book Three~


  This is the third book in the series of "Charlie the Great White Horse"

  In the first book of the series called: "Charlie the Great White Horse and the Story of the Magic Jingle Bells". A constant: daydreaming, red-haired, ten year old boy Louis Parks, and his friends who live in Centerville, in the heart of Indiana in the early 1900's, became town heroes by saving Christmas one year; with the help of a very special horse named-"Charlie the Barnyard Horse".

  Everyone in town thought that Ole' Charlie was just an old working carthorse who delivers the ice for the town-folks in the wintertime, but that ended up being the very farthest thing from the real truth.

  Well it turned out that Charlie the Horse was no ordinary horse after all. In fact he is one of the last of his kind of horses that once roamed the face of the earth: who are called Arions or Semi-Immortal Horses who were bred, and taken care of by the Ancients who have come to live out their last days on earth, in Centerville.

  Santa Claus was in need of a replacement for Rudolf the Red Nosed reindeer who is soon to retire. With the help of: Santa Claus, Mr. Beamer, Louis, and his boyhood friends, and mostly with the help of string of magic jingle bells, Charlie the Great White Horse was magically reborn on Christmas Eve, saving the future of Christmas, for all the children of the world.


  In the second book called: "Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to the North Pole", little Louis and his friends again had a calling (that was destiny) to save Christmas once again. Louis with his friends: Hot Tamale Molly, and Chug Martin, (with the help of Mr. Beamer), planned a long and very dangerous trip to the North Pole to stop the evil Squint-Eye Pete, and Black Jack Tilly from forever taking over and running Santa's Village. By luck Black Jack and Squint-Eye, had created evil presents for all the children of the world to play with, and cornered the toy market in the process. Each toy, the children played with, had the power to steal: the creativity, joy, and minds of its users. Louis saved Christmas, through his never-ending courage, and willpower but mostly, it was because of his unbreakable love for his best friend, "Charlie the Horse".


  In the third book called: "Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to Egypt", fate again has called on Louis to answer his destiny. With the help of his newfound friends from the first two books, and a few new strange and unforgettable characters from this newest adventure, Louis must once again thwart a new evil. It is an evil that is all encompassing and threatens to take over, all the good in the world.

  As this story unfolds, it turns out that Mr. Beamer is indeed an "Ancient", not just an old farmer as he has been pretending to be, all these years. He is one of a great breeder of horses, and a truly wizened old wizard, who has lived on the earth since recorded time it's self. He is the overseer and caretaker, of the last of the great Arion race of horses, who are now calling Centerville home.

  With the help of Charlie the Great White Horse, his son Junior, Louis, and his loyal friends, all must now face an ever-growing and purer "true evil", in a final and great battle for the minds, future, and good of all the children in the world.

  Now it is known that two special and magical books still exist in the world, from the Ancient Times. One book has been stolen, and has now fallen into the hands of evil, and one book lies in the hands of good, belonging to Mr. Beamer.

  With the help of Mr. Beamer, Charlie and their friends they must decipher the secret writings found inside their copy of the sacred good book called: The Book of Honorius before the evil Squint-Eye Pete, his mom Big Sal Rossi, and the "Missouri Rats" decipher their copy of the evil book called: The Book of Aka Manah.

  Little Louis must once again take an epic journey filled with hope and courage, to the far ends of the earth, to answer his true calling in life.

  The journey will be filled with inconceivable dangers, vile animals, strange otherworldly beasts, and evil men. Their journey will encompass the crossing over of far-away lands, wild vast deserts, exploring strange and magnificent cities, meeting great Shamans, Wizards, and Spiritualists; but most of all it will be the new unfolding story of Louis, and his final destiny. Because Louis will now be called on by a Higher-Power to unleash his inner mind and inner-courage, to thwart evil, as it never has been thwarted before, in the valley of the birth of humankind: "The Valley of the Kings", in ancient Egypt.

  It's, just another day in the life of Louis Robert Parks.


  "Charlie the Great White Horse and the Journey to Egypt"


  Chapter 1 The Chest of Secrets........................................................................6

  Chapter 2 Meet Big Sal..................................................................................12

  Chapter 3 Another Day in Centerville...........................................................20

  Chapter 4 Miss Trumble's Attic and Mr. Harvey the Ghost..........................28

  Chapter 5 The Chest of Secrets Book One....................................................36

  Chapter 6 The Chest of Secrets Book Two....................................................41

  Chapter 7 The Book of Aka Manah...............................................................48

  Chapter 8 The Rock Quarry...........................................................................53

  Chapter 9 Honorius of Thebes: The Sworn Book..........................................62

  Chapter 10 Mr. Beamer's Attic......................................................................75

  Chapter 11 The Lucky 7 Train to Saint Louis?...........................................82

  Chapter 12 The Pegusus........................................................................................................100

  Chapter 13 Kauket.......................................................................................115

  Chapter 14 The Journey Begins...................................................................122

  Chapter 15 Meet Elwood Booker................................................................134

  Chapter 16 Harpeia "The Snatcher"............................................................145

  Chapter 17 The Firebird????...............................................................160

  Chapter 18 King Kulika...............................................................................165

  Chapter 19 The Shaman of Shambala..........................................................179

  Chapter 20 The Neither World....................................................................191

  Chapter 21 The Return to Egypt..................................................................202

  Chapter 22 The Valley of the Kings............................................................220

  Chapter 23 The Return of "Hathor the Solar Deity"....................................238

  Chapter 24 Apohasis the Destroyer.............................................................257

  Chapter 25 Inside the Belly of the Beast.....................................................267

  Chapter 26 The Golden Horn.......................................................................274

  Chpater 27 Back to Mr. Beamer's Barn.......................................................301
