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  Clash of the Clans: Shinobi 7 Companion Book #1

  L. Benitez

  Copyright 2015 L. Benitez

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  ~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~

  For Rosemary, Patrick, and their awesome family-crew!

  ~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~


  I cannot express how much fun I had writing this short companion book for Shinobi 7: Trials of a Warrior. If you have read the first book in the Shinobi 7 Series, this short story is a bonus for you to enjoy. If you have not read Trials of a Warrior, this booklet will not ruin any twists that the first book holds, merely peak your curiosity.

  As read in Shinobi 7: Trials of a Warrior, the evil shinobi clan known as Blackthorn has started a war in the world known as Shaaku Den. The only warriors left to defend the innocent people are the Kitsune Clan, where the members of Sector 7 are introduced. Sector 7 must not only train to be soldiers, but they must grow together as a team and learn to rely on each other through the times of battle.

  In this companion novel, there is no war in Shaaku Den, and the Blackthorn Clan was never formed. Therefore, all thirteen ancient shinobi clans are still around and the pressure of battle doesn't weigh on the students of the Kitsune Clan. However, peace and harmony isn't awaiting the six members of Sector 7... misadventures lie ahead!

  A big thank you goes to my grandma, who was my first beta-reader. An equally large thank you to Ethale Lynn, who used her own writing powers and helped me out as well. Recognition and thanks goes to my karate class, aka my second family. I've had a lot of fun times and my passion for the Martial Arts grows stronger every day. I've met great people during my adventures at karate tournaments.

  I sincerely hope you enjoy this story, dear reader, and thank you for joining the members of Sector 7 on their next adventure.

  So it begins...

  (maniacal laughter off in the distance)


  Master Kitsune Golden Tail called a meeting in his home in the late evening, at the exact moment when the sun said goodbye to the skies. Thursday's training day had ended for the students of the Kitsune Clan and they were free to depart to their sector houses and have fun with their teammates. However, as for the three teachers of the Kitsune Clan, they were expected to report to the old grandmaster's home.

  The first one to arrive was Kenji Shinichi, the weapons master of the Kitsune Clan. He not only ensured he was first on his master's front porch, he made extra sure to arrive five minutes earlier than the given time. Therefore, Shinichi was able to stand on the tall bamboo front porch and watch the sun disappear beneath the great wall that surrounded the school. It didn't take long for the darkness to cover the skies. Shinichi lit a paper lantern, took off his sandals, and entered his master's home.

  “Good evening, sir,” was the formal greeting that met Master Kitsune's ears. Shinichi bowed his head in respect and shut the sliding door behind him.

  “Yes, good evening, Kenji-San,” the grandmaster smiled. Master Kitsune was in the same spot he always was; in his living room, sitting down on a worn-out tatami mat, with his legs crossed and arms tucked into the long sleeves of his orange gi top. He had a pleasant expression on his gaunt face, and Shinichi noted how his master's black beard looked more scraggly than usual.

  The student was about to ask his teacher if he wanted tea, however, Shinichi never got the question out of his mouth.

  A loud bang sounded off, followed by a growled profanity. The sliding door was opened vehemently, almost to the point of breaking at the hinges. On the other side of the threshold was the second teacher of the clan; Zuko Hayashi, the combat teacher. “Aye, I brought my own sake!” Zuko bellowed, already a slight slur to his tone of voice. The smell of sake was strong and Shinichi crinkled his nose, taking a step away from his fellow teammate.

  “Please, come in Zuko-San,” Master Kitsune invited.

  Zuko wasn't about to refuse. The seven-foot-tall man stooped over and stepped inside his master's home. Zuko was a big man. He stood at seven feet but his spiked hair gave him another foot easily, the muddy brown contrasting against his reddish-orange skin. Unlike his teammate, who wore the traditional uniform, Zuko had a sleeveless gi that showed off his bulging arms and many scars. The most notable scar was the one that ran down the middle of his right eye.

  Master Kitsune simply smiled when his second student stomped across the room and sat down at his usual spot. “So, are we gonna eat? Pass the soy sauce, Kenji-San,” Zuko barked.

  “I did not hear a please,” Shinichi objected.

  “Pfft, who needs a please? Sheesh, you big stiff, just hand it over.”

  Master Kitsune finally took a wrinkled hand out of his sleeve. “Now,” he said, and just a simple word held authority. “We will wait for our final guest,” the teacher told his students.

  Shinichi nodded once, acknowledging his master's order. “Where is she? She's late on purpose, isn't she?”

  Zuko laughed. “Of course she is! She knows that if she's late then the food will get cold, and that's how she likes it.”

  The door to Master Kitsune's home opened and closed for the final time. Standing at the entrance was the final teacher in the clan, the second-in-command of the Kitsune Clan. She was a warrior who stood at six feet even, with dark brunette hair that was tied up in a traditional bun. Jade-colored pupils shined across the room, narrowing into slits when they met the old pair of golden eyes.

  “Akira Miyamoto,” Master Kitsune then announced. There was a difference when she stepped into his house and when the other two did; her presence was not acknowledged, it was established.

  Light footfalls filled the home for a moment, until Akira entered into the living room and sat herself down between her two teammates. She was straight across from Master Kitsune, and he tipped his head in the slightest to greet her. This was a motion that the other two didn't catch and have never caught from all the other times before.

  “You're late,” Shinichi chided.

  Akira reached forward and grabbed her teacup, bringing the steaming liquid to her nose and taking a whiff. “I know,” she replied simply.

  Zuko laughed and Shinichi merely rolled his eyes. “Honestly, if Sensei sets a time you should try and make it, not let all of us wait on you,” the weapons teacher then growled.

  Akira shrugged her shoulders. “Eat your cold food, Kenji-San.”

  That was the end of that. The three black belts began to eat their meal with their beloved teacher, the grandmaster who built the clan and gave them a home. The great walls that surrounded the school have been the home of many, but it's been home to the three teachers the longest. This clan was a home that each teacher would draw their blade to save, go to battle to protect. There were many things that Master Kitsune questioned in his life... the loyalty of his students was not one of them.

  Conversation erupted around the table. There was a glass top table that had fried rice, white rice, vegetable stir fry, and beef tempura being served. Zuko t
alked loudly and energetically about his time with the students. Shinichi talked in an even tone about his time training the students the basics of the bo staff. Akira didn't talk, period. She sat there and ate her rice, each bite carefully picked up by her chopsticks.

  If Zuko wasn't so focused on telling his story (while guzzling his sake), and if Shinichi wasn't so focused on keeping Zuko under control, the two would have realized why Akira was being silent.

  It was because the second-in-command knew what the meeting that Master Kitsune called was about. She knew very good and well how the night would turn out, and as much as she tried to act indifferent, on the inside she knew it was coming.

  “So,” Master Kitsune finally said.

  Here it comes, Akira thought.

  “Battle Month is this Saturday, two days from now,” the grandmaster announced.

  Zuko clapped his large hands together. “Excellent! When can I take my twerps from Sector 12 and get outta here? Tomorrow? Tonight? Where's this Battle Month being held, anyway? It better not be the Tiger Rage Clan, because they're a buncha whiners who can't take a punch!”

  Akira rolled her eyes. “There's such a thing as excessive contact, Zuko-San,” she muttered.

  “You're just bitter that Madoushi Yamashita was disqualified and your student lost the match,” Shinichi added.

  Zuko scoffed and waved his hand back and forth. “Lemme tell ya something, concussions build character!”

  Master Kitsune set down his teacup. It was then that the students knew to be quiet. “As I was saying,” the older man said, and there was the slightest irritation in his tone, “Battle Month is this Saturday. It's being held at the Black-Sho Clan, all the way in Viper Country. Jian-Sho, the clan master and my dear old friend, has personally invited me and the three of you to attend. Of course, we're also encouraged to take a sector of ours to participate in the Battle Month tournament.”

  The combat teacher whooped in excitement. “Yeah! So, are we gonna leave tomorrow or tonight?”

  Akira and Shinichi both shook their heads.

  “Neither,” Master Kitsune answered. “Because there's only going to be one of you leaving, and whoever does depart will leave with one sector.” Shinichi raised his hand in respect. Master Kitsune nodded for him to continue.

  “Sir,” Shinichi began, “I would like to volunteer myself and Sector 4. I have worked extensively with them on their weapons kata, open hand kata, and sparring. I believe they are the ideal sector of our student body to choose, and I believe that I am the proper choice to go and coach them.”

  There was a moment of silence.

  “No way!” Zuko then objected, almost on cue. “Sensei, let me take Sector 12. I've been brawling those brats since they've been here. Madoushi Yamashita is the perfect representative for our clan, he's one of our best fighters. That guy can take a punch, I'll tell ya.”

  “There's more to Battle Month than fighting,” Shinichi nearly snarled.

  “The other stuff I don't really care about,” Zuko grinned.

  “Honestly, there is more to the Ninjutsu Art than beating each other up! There's the balance of the mind, body, and spirit.”

  “For spirit's sake, we're a shinobi school, it's our job to turn those fresh meat kids into fighters!”

  “It's our job to show our students the way of harmony!”

  Master Kitsune cleared his throat. “Ahem.”

  As soon as that was done, Shinichi and Zuko ceased their bickering immediately. That left Akira the only one shaking her head. She knew what was coming, alright.

  “Kenji-San, you wish to take Sector 4, correct?” Master Kitsune asked Shinichi.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And Zuko-San, you wish to take Sector 12, correct?” Master Kitsune asked Zuko.

  “Aye, sir.”

  The bright golden eyes stared straight ahead, looking to connect with the jade-colored pair once again. Akira wasn't going for it, she stared down at her rice bowl. “Akira-Chan,” Master Kitsune said.

  “Sir,” was the woman's short reply.

  “Who do you wish to take?”

  Yup, here it is, Akira thought dryly. She finally locked gazes with her teacher. “No one,” she replied. She expected to see the look of dissatisfaction on her master's face. “It is not my wish to go to Viper Country and participate in Battle Month,” Akira explained.

  “Why is that, Akira-Chan?” the grandmaster asked.

  She sighed. “You really want to know?”

  “I never ask questions that I don't want to hear answers to,” Master Kitsune answered, his voice slightly sharper. “Yes, I want to know.”

  Now all eyes were on the second-in-command. Zuko even stopped holding his sake to hear what Akira had to say. The shinobi woman sighed for a second time. “Because I don't want to be in charge of a bunch of kids,” she answered plainly.

  Shinichi raised a black brow in questioning, “You know most of our students are between twelve and twenty, right?”

  “I don't care. I'll be a glorified babysitter if I go, and I don't want to do that,” Akira growled.

  Master Kitsune began to stroke his beard. “Alright, I've made my decision.”

  Shinichi bowed his head. “Thank you, sir. I will—”

  “Akira-Chan, you will depart for the Black-Sho Clan tomorrow morning.”

  The second-in-command groaned. “Sensei, why me? Clearly Kenji-San and Zuko-San want to go. I really don't want to, sir. It's already my job to make sure this clan runs smoothly and the students keep in line.”

  “Yes, and you do such a great job,” Master Kitsune replied, offering a small smile. The smile was not returned. “You're going because I said so, my dear Akira-Chan.”

  Akira crossed her arms and blew a strand of her hair out of her face. She was upset, yes, but she also knew this was going to happen. Therefore, the initial annoyance she would have had was dulled down considerably. “Whom am I taking?” she asked.

  Master Kitsune stopped stroking his beard. “Sector 7,” he answered. There was a slight smirk on his wrinkled face.

  Akira was forewarned about going to Battle Month. Not about who she would take there. “Sector 7, really?” she asked, her voice rising a few octaves. “Oh come on, Sensei! Sector 7? The only senior in that team is Kuroi Kaze, the rest are fresh meats. Those other five have never been to a tournament, and I'm gonna have to deal with them whining and crying. I really don't wanna deal with that, Sensei.”

  Now Zuko and Shinichi were the ones shaking their heads.

  “Sector 7 is going with you,” Master Kitsune affirmed. That was that. No room for objection was left.

  “If I may,” Shinichi then said, “Sir, Sector 7 only has six students in it. They're one member short.”

  Master Kitsune nodded. “Yes, I'm aware. Sector 7 will have to work twice as hard to make up for the missing person. Six will have to have the power of seven.” He put his hand back on his beard and scratched his chin a few more times. “No...” Master Kitsune then drawled after some thought, “Six will have to have the power of one.”

  Tabby's POV: (Point of View)

  ~Here you go, off to compete~

  ~Nerves stack up inside of you, getting closer and closer to bursting~

  ~Will you pop? Or will you get yourself evened out?~