Read Cupcake Overload Page 1

  Cupcake Overload

  Copyright 2016 Bethany Lopez

  Published September 2016

  Amazon Edition

  Cover Design by Makeready Designs

  Editing by Red Road Editing / Kristina Circelli

  Proofreading by KMS Freelance Editing

  Ebook Formatting by White Hot Formatting

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This ebook is also available in print at most online retailers.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Other Titles



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven



  About the Author

  Books by Bethany Lopez

  Young Adult:

  Stories about Melissa – series

  Ta Ta for Now!




  With Love


  Nissa: a contemporary fairy tale

  New Adult:

  Friends & Lovers Trilogy

  Make it Last

  I Choose You

  Trust in Me


  A Time for Love Series

  8 Weeks – FREE EBOOK

  21 Days

  42 Hours

  15 Minutes

  10 Years

  3 Seconds

  7 Months

  Contemporary Romance:

  An Inconvenient Dare (A Dare to Love Kindle World Novella)

  Cupcakes Series

  Always Room for Cupcakes

  Cupcake Overload

  Short Stories:

  Christmas Come Early

  Leap of Faith


  Love & Recipes

  Books by Katie and Bethany Lopez

  Katie and the North Star (Children’s)

  For KP, Jessica, Shanyn, and the entire team at Inslinger PR. Thanks so much for all of your help over the last few years. Through deployments, retirement, and numerous moves, you’ve been there to give me a little stability. I appreciate you all!

  One night I was out with my girls, enjoying a much-needed ladies’ night, while wondering if one more dirty martini would push me over the edge. The next thing I knew we were in the middle of a situation that no group of mostly drunk women should be in.

  It started when Bea said she needed to use the restroom, which led to Amy May saying she was about to burst, and Carmen and I deciding we might as well all go, so we could head back out onto the dance floor as soon as possible.

  It was just our luck that from the stall in the back we heard a woman screaming “No” and a man’s voice telling her, “I know you want it.”

  That asshole picked the wrong restroom, in the wrong club, at the wrong time.

  Little did I know he was Cade’s VP. And, although we saved her from his clutches that night, a month later, she’d be found floating in a motel pool … which would cause the first bit of adversity that Cade and I would have to face as a couple.

  Well, that and Branson Braswell.

  Who would have thought that I’d miss the days where my biggest problem was my cheating, douchebag ex?

  Running a PI firm was a lot harder than taking pictures for one, especially when your professional life spilled over into your personal one. And dating an alpha male who rode a motorcycle and looked good doing it, wasn’t always sunshine and roses.

  I was going through cupcakes like our new puppy went through piddle pads, and if I wasn’t careful there would be a Cupcake Overload.

  “Pee break,” Amy May called, tugging on my arm and pointing to where Bea and Carmen were already walking toward the restroom.

  We were having a much-deserved ladies’ night, and after three dirty martinis, you couldn’t pull me off the dance floor. At the mention of the bathroom, however, I realized I really, really had to pee.

  I nodded and let Amy May drag me after our friends.

  “Hey,” I said, when some sweaty dude twerked his ass in my face, then gave him a playful shove out of the way as I laughed happily.

  It had been a great night.

  The craziest part of it all? Cade was home watching my kids.

  Yup, you heard that right. My sexy, longhaired, semi-dangerous motorcycle man, was sitting at home with my eleven-year-old twins, eating brownies and watching superhero movies, while I was out with my girls having a blast.

  If you had asked me a year ago if I thought this would be my life, I’d have said hell to the no. In all honestly, I’d never imagined life could be so good, at least now that everything that had gone down with my ex.

  But here I was, out drinking with my friends, and giddy with the knowledge that when I got home later, tipsy and horny, there was a super-hot guy waiting to make my body sing like a symphony. And he was all mine!

  “Long line,” Carmen explained when we caught up to them in the crowded hallway in the back of the bar.

  “There’s no line in the men’s; let’s just go in there,” Bea suggested. Without waiting for us to agree, she pushed open the door and we all followed her inside.

  I looked around, partially fascinated and fully disgusted.

  “It stinks,” I said, trying to whisper, but failing.

  Just then, we heard a commotion, and Bea held up her finger to her lips, then did some kind of motion with her hands toward the back of the stall.

  Bea was a cop, but the rest of us were not, so we all stood there staring at her, with no idea what the hell she was trying to say.

rolled her eyes, then moved soundlessly toward the back of the restroom.

  Once we got closer, we could make out two voices in the closed stall.

  “No,” a female voice pleaded. “Please, don’t.”

  “I know you want it,” a gruff male voice returned. “You were practically eye fucking me at the bar.”

  “No,” she said again, and I could tell by the look of pure rage that crossed Bea’s face, we were about to come to this girl’s aide.

  Was it the brightest idea? Maybe not. Four mostly drunk women, of all varying sizes and occupations, busting in on what seemed to be a rape in progress, may not have been the greatest play. We could have gone and grabbed one of the many huge bouncers who monitored the club, but, since Bea was a cop, and not one to back down from anything, I knew we were going in.

  Bea caught my eye and gave one sharp nod. I barely noticed the look of worry that Amy May and Carmen shared, because the next thing we knew, our petite friend had raised her leg and kicked the door in.

  As if we’d practiced it a million times, we all entered the handicap stall and formed a U, blocking the exit.

  Two heads swung toward us, and I had a second to take in the situation.

  The girl was young, maybe early twenties, with a blonde bob and a cute little red dress. She looked like the kind of girl who came out to let off steam with her boyfriend, not the kind of girl to be having bathroom sex with the grungy-looking dude who was currently palming her ass.

  To say the man looked rough was an understatement.

  Long, greasy hair, a full, untamed beard, and clothes that hadn’t seen a washer in days. This guy was not the yin to her yang. He was more like the Billy Bob Thornton to her Angelina Jolie.

  In other words, fucking gross!

  “Get the fuck out of here,” grizzly man growled after the shock of being cock blocked by a group of women wore off.

  The girl just looked at us with wide eyes, her cheeks red from embarrassment.

  “Well, what do we have here?” Bea began, her voice cool and calm. “Looks like another small-dick man trying to force a woman to do something she doesn’t want to do.”

  “Yeah,” Carmen agreed, her face angrier than I’d ever seen it. She was usually pretty happy and full of pep, but right now, she was downright pissed. “What is it about men that makes them think that no means yes? Is there some sort of filter in their head that changes the definition of certain words?”

  “Or, what about when you’re asleep, and they take that as consent?” Amy May added. “Like they don’t realize that if a woman isn’t able to say she wants their hands on her, then they shouldn’t put them on her.”

  “Or,” I added, crossing my hands over my chest and glaring at the snarling beast in front of us. “When they think that just because you dress up to go out to a club, and enjoy dancing, that you’re begging to get laid. Or, as you so eloquently put it, eye fucking men just by looking at them.”

  “I don’t know who you bitches think you are, but you’d better get the fuck out of here,” grizzly beard snarled.

  “I work for the local paper, and I’m thinking about writing an investigative piece about assholes who think they can take advantage of women in local bars,” Carmen said haughtily.

  “I’m a baker who makes the best desserts in town, and you are forever banned from my establishment,” Amy May said, causing me to smile.

  “I’m a woman who’s been wronged by an asshole like you, and I have to say, I’m itching to kick your ass,” I said, baring my teeth while I grinned somewhat crazily.

  “And I’m a fucking cop,” Bea put in, taking a step closer to the couple. “And I’m praying to God that you’re going to press charges.”

  She held out a hand to the girl who was still in Black Beard’s clutches.

  “Oh, no, no,” the girl replied, stepping around the man to take Bea’s hand and be pulled safely out of the way. “Please, I just want to go. I don’t want any trouble.”

  The girl skirted through us and out the door, leaving us in a full-out stare down with the asshole in front of us.

  “Get the fuck out of here, and hope I never see any of you bitches again,” he sneered.

  “Oh, I’ll be keeping my eye on you,” Bea promised. “You’d better make sure all of your future conquests actually want your greasy paws on them, or I’ll be there to take your ass in.”

  “They all want it, dyke,” he said nastily, causing me to step forward with my fists clenched tight. Amy May put her hands around my waist and pulled me back, pushing me out of the stall and across the bathroom.

  “C’mon, let’s go,” Carmen said from behind us, and I knew she was trying to get Bea out.

  Amy May and I waited in the hall for a few moments, then Carmen and Bea finally came out.

  “I don’t feel much like dancing anymore,” Carmen said, once we were all together again.

  “Yeah, we should probably call it a night,” Bea replied, her eyes darting back to the men’s room door, as if she were waiting for him to follow us out and start something again.

  “Okay,” Amy May agreed. “You want to share a cab?”

  “Yeah,” I replied, then placed my hand on my stomach and pleaded, “But can you give me a few minutes? I still really have to pee.”

  “Hel-lo,” I called out as I tried unsuccessfully to navigate my way through my dark apartment.

  “Ow!” I cried when my knee hit the corner of an end table. “Shit.”

  I nearly cried out with relief when I saw the light peaking out beneath my bedroom door, like a beacon to what I’d been waiting for all night.

  Swinging the door open and leaning against the doorjamb in my best sexy pose, I smiled seductively as I surveyed the room, then my smile slipped and I muttered, “Hey,” when I saw Cade sitting on my bed. He was fully clothed, back against the headboard, legs crossed at the ankles, as he watched something on the TV.

  “You’re not naked,” I complained as I pushed off the door and stumbled into the room.

  Cade’s dark eyes were on me, a small grin playing on his lips as he watched me.

  “Why aren’t you naked?” I asked, placing my hands on my hips and giving my best stern expression. “That’s all I’ve been thinking about all night.”

  Cade chuckled, swung his legs over the side of the bed, and stood up to his full height.

  “Gosh, you sure are tall … and sexy. Sexy, tall.” I didn’t really know what I was saying, nor did I care, I just wanted his clothes on the floor and my lips on his flesh.

  I frowned when Cade walked passed me.

  Turning as quickly as I could manage without toppling over, I spun and saw him shut the door, lock it, then lean against it.

  “When you cross your arms like that, your biceps look huge,” I mused, thinking I’d like to bite him.

  “Come here,” Cade replied, doing that crook of the finger thing that somehow managed to make my already turned-on body throb in anticipation.

  “You didn’t answer my question,” I argued, standing my ground for some stupid reason. “Why weren’t you waiting in bed naked for me, like my fantasy said you would?”

  “Lila,” Cade said patiently, causing my eyes to dart to his lips. “I was here watching your kids. Alone. No way in hell would I do that with my clothes off, even if they are asleep, which I highly doubt they are.”

  “Huh,” I replied, not having thought of that at all. “Good point.”

  Satisfied with his answer, but still needing to see the smooth, tan expanse of his flesh, I crossed the room to him, placed my hands on his chest, and moved them up toward the back of his neck. I may have stopped to pinch his nipples on the way up, but I’m sure he didn’t notice.

  “Thanks for that,” I amended, tilting my head back to look up into his gorgeous face. “Now, I’m home, so you’re no longer alone with my kids. Strip,” I demanded.

  I felt the deep rumble of his chuckle against my breasts, and I swear, just that small touch had me ting
ling from head to toe.

  The tingles turned to crackles of lightning when his large hands hit my thighs and began moving up under my skirt. When his hot fingers hit the back of my panties, I fought the urge to thrust forward and hump his meaty thigh.

  “I like this skirt,” Cade rumbled, his words hot against my throat as he bent his head to nuzzle me there.

  “I’ve got two more,” I muttered, vowing to wear them every day as I freed his hair from its ponytail and sifted my fingers through it.

  One hand stayed on my ass, while the other moved forward, going under my tank top to fondle my breast over my demi-cup bra.

  “This shirt’s pretty fucking great too,” he said, but I was too busy focusing on the way his hands were making me feel to let them really penetrate.

  After finally going to the bathroom, Amy May and I had downed two more shots, needing something to take the edge off of our nerves after the bathroom incident. I’d meant to tell Cade about it once I got home, but on the ride home, all I could think about was this, so, yeah … it sort of slipped my mind.

  “Um,” I said breathlessly, already feeling like I was ready to come at any moment. “If we’re handing out compliments, I’ve gotta say, I really love your cock.” I pushed back slightly and lowered my hands. “In fact, I’d like it even more if it was in my mouth right now.”

  Cade’s eyes turned molten and he ran his thumbs over my lips.

  “Be my guest,” he said gruffly.

  I got his zipper down and shoved his pants off his hips and to the floor in record time, then sunk to my knees, eager to get this party started.

  I had the perfect cocktail of martinis, vodka, adrenaline, and lust running through my veins, and the sound of Cade’s satisfied grunts always drove me wild, so as soon as my mouth sucked in the tip of his cock, my fingers hit my clit, and I went to town on both of us.

  “Christ,” I heard Cade groan from above me as I licked, sucked, pumped, and moaned.