Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Eleven Page 1

Dan Sherman Space Guardian

  All Worlds

  Book Eleven

  By Colin James Platt

  Copyright Colin James Platt 2014

  Chapter 78-Sionn's Quest

  Message to Guardian database:

  This message will be inserted later for security reasons.

  I am at present moving through the inaccessible regions in my quest to find Debra. I want to conceal myself from whoever has taken Dan. I am in high cloaking mode, plus light suit. The mental side of my personality has been strengthened by Mannus himself. I don't usually put into thoughts anything to do with my private life, but I feel that these recordings will play a major part in helping students to understand how the Guardians work. I have, as you know, had an actual merging with Debra. I don't know at this time where she is, but I feel she will go to somewhere where Dan would be familiar with. Dan, I feel, will be in a depleted state. He is being held in some region where we can't access.

  There is no sign of Dan in any region of God that we know of, therefore, I am going to concentrate my efforts on trying to locate Debra, although I am not in the same mental state as Dan, I am, none the less, capable of reaching her. Students, of course, won't be able to help at this stage, but if you have had any dream experiences about these on-going events 'before they happened' then please contact database. I am receiving a thought message at this moment from the database about this very same thing! A student (a young girl) has reported a sighting in her dreams of a young woman who resembles Debra.

  I am going to transfer to her region and investigate. All I can say at this stage is that this young girl must be highly receptive as the sighting is from the Higher-Mental region, or the Ethereal-Plane. I arrived at the designated spot. I could see a young girl who was transfixed with looking at a young woman who was trying to get into a university building. I was now out of cloaking mode. I asked her if she knew the woman. She said that she didn't know her but she wanted to make contact, but the woman wouldn't respond. I was now receiving information from the database that this young girl was a potential Guardian, and had had many past lives teaching and meditating, in fact, she is similar to Dan. I continued?

  'How did you manage to get here?'

  'I have been here many times, but I haven't been able to get into the building, just like this young woman. I wanted to see if she managed to get inside.'

  'You should know that this area is restricted to Higher- Entities.'

  'I know, but I have managed to get this far many times, I just thought I should message database about this woman.'

  'You have done well, Selira, I have been searching for this person. Please report to the sub base at Eritanne for your on-going training. You will then be formerly asked if you want to be a Trainee-Guardian.'

  I was now alone with Debra. The area is as I said before, a restricted region and very few people manage to even get onto the actual plane itself. Debra was obviously in a depleted state as she didn't even know me! I knew I had to be careful in how I made this first contact with her. I asked her?

  'Why are you trying to get into this building?'

  She looked at me in a confused way. She then sat down on the steps and started to cry. I went over to her and sat down beside her. She said, 'I have been looking for Dan, but I can't find him. I have been to many places but he is nowhere to be found. This building is one place where I know he visited more than once, so I want to get inside, but it is locked.'

  'Debra, look at me.'

  'How do you know my name?'

  I knew I had to be very careful at this stage as too much contact with her could be critical.

  'Debra, please trust me. My name is Sionn, I want to help you find Dan; I also want to find him, we are work colleagues.'

  'Yes, I can remember a little, you are his boss, yes?'

  'Yes, I want him to come back to the database; we are missing him very much.'

  'Oh, Sionn, I am so lonely without him. I can't function. I thought I found him a short while ago when I helped to protect him from some spiders, you know he hates them? But after that, I came back here, I couldn't help myself.'

  'Debra, you couldn't help that. It was for your own good, and Dan's also. He has managed to isolate his mind from whoever is keeping him hostage. Can you see? I don't want you to dwell too much on this situation. All I want is for you to trust me, and agree to help me.'

  'What can I do? I am only a one person.'

  'You are more than that, Debra. You are part of the database, and you are part of Dan. Please let me touch you behind the neck and you will understand.'

  Debra turned around to show me her neck while pulling her hair to the side. I had to be very careful when I made the touch as too much contact could be bad.

  For Students:

  The incident with the spiders could have been catastrophic, as Debra was brought back to Dan in a lower state of consciousness. Luckily, Dan managed to resolve things before whoever has taken Dan managed to link into it. I know things seem confused sometimes, but this is the way things are in the ever changing worlds of God. You have got to realize that you, as a student, can also help, as did Selira. I touched Debra quickly. She disappeared. I knew she was now safely inside my mind and I would have to keep a constant watch on her. I entered the university building. I wanted to access the records to give me some information about what Dan was doing here. Maybe it could help us locate him.

  I was back under high cloaking mode. I made my way to the computer room and easily accessed the system from the Guardian-Database.

  Students will know that I have special permission to access these places. I found that with Debra I could also easily find the exact files that Dan was using. These files are now telling me that Dan had earlier gained information about what would happen to him later and about where he would be trapped! I was feeling happy at this time my students.

  Dan is all that I hoped he would be before he became a Guardian. Some students will already know what happens next, but not many. If you do, please log onto the database for your probable Guardian upgrade. I knew that the man sitting over to my right was a Dark-Agent. He then came over to me with a smug look on his face and said, 'You will never find Dan Sherman this time, Sionn, we have been expecting you. The data that you accessed was planted by us many weeks ago. It doesn't matter that you have found me out; I can take whatever the Guardians can give; I am earmarked for the position of second apprentice to Kallo, what do you think of that?'

  'I think you are foolish.'

  'Well, we will let Kallo decide, he is about to inform us about Dan Sherman's future via this computer.

  I was feeling pretty low as Kallo came onto the screen, but I also knew that as a Guardian, and with Debra I would do whatever I had to do. This was a long running saga that wouldn't be over just yet. One thing was baffling me though. How did the Dark-Agent manage to get to this high region? Whoever is keeping Dan prisoner has to be very powerful and dangerous? Kallo is only a small player in this part of the story; he came onto the screen with a smirk on his face as usual and started his speech with a laugh.

  'Sionn, how could you be such a fool? You completely missed the plot. Dan the Trainee is now in a place that you will never find. Yes, Sionn, I know you have me in the astral prison, for now, but the preparations were made many weeks ago to trap Sherman. All the data that you have is false, also you have been compromised by simply being here, my colleague here has managed to use a revolutionary new device on you. It will?

  I made a jump for the Dark-Agent. He was now trying to escape, but I grabbed his wrist. He was now on his knees and in agony. I didn't need
to use any force on him such as physical type strength. All I had to do was simply hold his wrist. The heat was starting to build up in me. I knew it was from Mannus and Debra. The heat was now melting through his bones. I could also access his mind, and I also knew that Dan was still in existence. Message to students:

  As many of you know, Kallo made a vital mistake in telling me about the revolutionary new device. He is so wrapped up in his ego that he just couldn't keep it to himself. All I had to do was grab the agent to neutralize it; also the agent couldn't resist being nearby to watch the result! I know what some students are thinking. Why didn't Kallo or his agent know about Debra being outside the university, and why didn't they try to capture her? The truth is, Dan, in his subconscious mind, managed to keep Debra outside the building. The agent was inside and wasn't aware of her. This may seem simplistic, but the simple truth is, the building wasn't just locked, but secured in a highly technological way by ethereal light. How did the agent manage to get in then? I hear you say, Kallo in his planning and whoever has taken Dan made preparations earlier, that is all I can say, but at this stage I am inclined to think that the agent was allowed to get into the building so that I could get information from him, also I am sure that he himself was trapped and wouldn't have been able to get out.

  The relatively easy way in which I saw through this little plan is leading me to wonder about the way in which Dan was taken. Kallo, even though he is able to control certain aspects of the inner worlds, is not, in my opinion, capable of taking Dan out of all the worlds that we know of, or secreting him in some nether world. Yes, I know he has done this before, but we were able to quickly overcome this. This time, however, I feel a bad sense of thought. I know you probably can't relate to that, but let me put it this way, the mental realm is very complex and confusing place; entities with a higher than average mental capacity can control large areas. I am certain that Dan has been trapped in one of these.

  Please excuse me if I haven't got Dan's ability to put these recordings in the same format, I am out of practice somewhat. I am going to meditate to the special light region of Nirvara where there is a Meeting-of-the-Masters taking place. Students won't be able to access this obviously, but you will be able to access these recordings later.