Read Drive Thru Page 1


  By: Gerty So

  Published By:

  Copyright 2013 Gerty So

  I was driving my car one day, when I see a small town in the distance. I drive for about 10 miles. I finally get into this small town. I look everywhere. I can’t seem to see anyone around. Oh well, I figure, I’m hungry since it’s supper time now. I roll down my window since it’s a hot summer night. I see a burger joint around the corner. I turn on that corner and I head towards the drive thru. I start to pull up to the microphone so they can take my order. I get up to the microphone and I order some hamburgers and fries and some chicken nuggets.

  The guy, I hear at the microphone, he tells me to pull up to the drive thru window. I slowly pull up to the drive thru window and look at that window. The window is so big someone can fit through it. I turn off my car, thinking it will be awhile. I see there are no customers in the restaurant part of the place. I start to feel weird. Just that quick, a guy grabs me out of my car and pulls me through the drive thru window. I scream and struggle, but to no use. He sets me down on a chair, inside this restaurant.

  He says, “I need you to save my planet. You were meant to be here. This small town doesn’t really exist.” I look at him like; he has just grown two heads. I say, “Did you have to grab me like that; you scared the crap out of me. You’re lucky, I didn’t bring a long my baseball bat. I would have hit you.” The guy says, “By the way my name is, Sam. Well I had thought that was what woman liked. I guess I was very wrong about women.”

  “My name is Melody. You can call me Mel though. Think of it from a woman’s point of view. I’m hungry and tired from a long road trip. All the sudden you grab me and sit me down in a chair, before I even have a chance to say anything, but scream at you.” Sam says, “Well I really had no option. I had to have you save our planet.” Why me, can’t you get somebody else to save the planet? There is nobody else here but you. You must be the right person, because you found this town, which has to mean something. You see, no one else, but the chosen one can find this place.Ok what do we do now then? If I am to save this planet as you call it, where is it? I will show you, hold onto me. I grab a hold of him and we somehow get up into the air. All of the sudden I start to feel weird again. We are in the sky now. I can now see the stars. It feels like, I can just about touch the stars. I even reach out briefly. Sam says, “You better not do that, you just might get burned. If I am to take care of you, you must not get hurt.

  You see, our planet has been taken over now, by an evil queen. She is running the place. You were meant to run this place. We call the name of this planet we are heading to December.”Is there some food at this place called December Sam? I am so hungry I could eat a horse.” Yes, they have all sorts of food from around the world here Mel. All you have to do is say what food you want and it will magically appear. Is there a limit to the food I can get Sam? “No Mel, there isn’t a limit to the food you can get. It’s like a buffet, but with more food than ever. Plus the food isn’t dried out like at the buffets.” Yeah Sam, “Buffets aren’t my favorite either. At least I can get fresh food at this place.”

  We finally come back down to earth. I hurry up and let go of him. Sam says, “We are here. Hope you like it here.” I look around. This planet looks like a huge shopping mall with cars flying around high all over the place. He gets a cab drivers attention. The cab driver slows down and comes down from up above. He greets us and says, “So where do you want to go?” I have no idea, so I let Sam tell the cab driver where to go. We both get into the cab and the cab takes off.I start to ask some questions to Sam. I am hoping he can tell me more about just what the heck is going on. Hey Sam, what year is this anyway? Well it’s the year 2020 of course. I will tell you some more about this place Melody. They put, your ID in your wrist and in the back of your neck. It’s so they can track all of us. So we can’t really escape. You see Melody with you; you have a gift to escape without anyone knowing it. I say, “Can you tell me more about this queen?” Yes, I sure can Mel.

  “She got greedy. She won like 700 million dollars. She won the lottery. She’s not spent a dime of it. Just look at this place. It is in such disrepair. If she would spend some of her money, she could fix this place up.” The cab driver stops and goes closer to the ground. We get out of the cab. Sam goes ahead and pays the cab driver, as I look around. He ended up dropping us off at a truck stop inside this huge mall. Man this place looks the same everywhere.

  Hey Sam, “Can you tell me if there’s a swimming pool in this huge shopping mall? Yes, there is a swimming pool in this huge place Melody. Let’s go ahead and find it.” We walk a couple of blocks and sure enough there’s this huge swimming pool. It’s no normal swimming pool either. The water is a weird, pure black. I start to think maybe, I shouldn’t go swimming after all. I decide, I better ask Sam, What is a matter with the swimming pool? Well, “The water has always been black, no matter where it comes from. My idea is it might be the queen’s doing. The way they say she doesn’t have a heart. I believe it. I have met her once. She is so mean to everyone.” I decide I’m not going swimming after all. Who knows, what might just be in the water? There just might be snakes in there or something.

  Is the queen nice to anyone? In the last two years, I have heard that she is mean to everyone. No one can stand to be around her. I really don’t blame them, either. Melody, if we are to save this planet, we have to get moving. Ok, but I want a hamburger and fries before I save the world. I am starving, you know. He calls a taxi and they show up within 3 seconds. We head towards a restaurant in the sky. We get into this weird looking restaurant. Things are upside down here to. We sit down quickly and it’s a good thing, because the table and chairs are floating. Sam says, “She wants a hamburger and fries and I want beef tenderloin.” The food magically appears in front of us, Just like Sam said. I finally get to eat, my late supper.

  I eat my food so fast that, I can’t believe it’s all gone. Sam says, “Careful now, I don’t want you to get a stomach ache. It’s too late, I start to feel sick. I, lucky have a mint in my pocket and I take the mint. I feel much better now. Ok, I am ready to save this planet. Take me to the queen. Sam, all of the sudden, he has wings. I quickly grab a hold of his shoulders. He lifts off from the restaurant into the air and we are now in the night sky. So, that’s how you got us in the air before. Yes, well if I had told you, I was something supernatural, you might not have come with me. Yeah, you’re probably right. I don’t believe in the supernatural. Now, that I have seen it with my own eyes, I believe it now.

  You see, some advisors told me to find the chosen one more quickly. So, they created the restaurant out of thin air. That’s neat Sam, but can you tell me what exactly you are. Like for instance, an angel, or demon or alien? Well if I told you, what I was, the whole plan would not be fulfilled. Someday, I will tell you, what I am. Well that’s just fine Sam. I guess everything comes around sooner or later. Yeah that’s right it sure does. I start to hear some thunder in the distance. Are we about their Sam? Yeah it won’t be long now.

  We come upon a big castle. It seems to reach all the way out to us in the sky. Sam says, “I think we had better land, I think the queen is trying to trick us already.” So we slowly descend to the ground. I let go of Sam. We are finally here Mel. Now it’s time to save this planet. Ok Sam, that’s fine, but where do we go from here? “Well Mel, We have to make it through this forest ahead of us, first. Then we, hopely get inside the castle somehow.” Ok, well, it doesn’t look like it would be that hard, but who knows.

  You see Mel; I can’t fly anymore around here. The queen deactivates flying and air travel of any kind. That’s why we had to land, before we were forced to crash land by the queen’s magic. She hates when people can fly. That
’d why she did it. We start to walk some more into this forest. I hear a birdy singing a lovely song. That’s sure a nice song. It sounds like Hawaiian music. We start to hear a voice and it says, play this music when you see the queen, she won’t like it. I say, ok, but who am I talking to? All of the sudden a woman appears out of nowhere.

  She is wearing pure white. She has the prettiest blond hair I have ever seen. She says, “My name is Terry. I have been in this forest for a while now. I am telling you how to save this planet. I know it sounds weird, but it’s the only way to save this planet from the queen’s destruction. Ok we believe you. How do we get inside this castle though if Sam can’t fly? I’ll tell you what, I will create a diversion. Let’s get a move on. We don’t want this planet to suddenly disappear. So we get on our way through this forest pretty easy. All of the sudden, there’s evil looking thunderclouds in the sky and it starts to rain really hard. We get soaked to the skin in seconds.

  Hey Sam, I am cold. Is there any way, we can find some shelter in a hurry? He, all of the sudden creates a fire, that can’t go out. Thank you Sam, that was sure nice of you. No problem, I’d do anything for you and you know it. The rain finally stops, but it doesn’t matter to any of us. We start to move closer to the castle now. Me and Sam hide behind some bushes while Terry starts to scream at the top of her lungs come and get me. All of the queen’s guards follow her around the whole castle.

  Sam and I quickly step inside the castle. There in the middle of the room was a cd player. I just happen to have a cd from Terry. It, of course has a whole bunch of Hawaiian music on it. I get closer to the CD player and that’s when the queen appears. She sits down on her thrown. She says, “How nice to have you here now. It’s too bad you have to leave so soon.” Well, we were just trying to get through here. Oh, I just bet you were. I quickly grab the CD player, while the queen is looking at Sam. I hit the play button and the queen covers her ears. It doesn’t help one bit though.

  The queen disappears forever and this planet is saved. I head out of the castle to thank Terry for helping me, when a beautiful angel is before me. Terry is gone; she helped you with your mission. Here’s the queen’s crown. You have the choice to stay here or go back to earth. What choice do you make? I will stay here angel, since I have saved this planet and I don’t want to ever go back to earth. This place the sky is pure blue and nice and warm feelings all around. So is this heaven, it sure feels like it?

  No, not heaven, but this place is pretty close to it. You have sure earned your wings to go to heaven. When the time comes, we will take you there. So before you go angel was Sam one of you? Yes, he was a guardian angel looking after you. Well, tells Sam, I am glad; he helped me get through all that. I sure will… Enjoy this planet. It will serve you well. So, I go back inside the castle and live happy ever after. The people finally have a great ruler of this planet December. The End Thank you for downloading my eBook. Please leave good feedback.