Read Eden Page 1


  Jessica Lee

  Copyright 2011 Jessica Lee



  Matt & Stephanie

  The musty room was dimly lit, its archaic dank stones absorbing the light. The Viewer entered, its nostrils flaring at the moldy odor of the room. Silent steps marked its progress to the only furnishing the room possessed. The simple stone table cast a long shadow as the Viewer placed the antique lamp upon its top. The light revealed an ornate glass ball, held tightly in a cast iron fitting. Reaching into a pocket the Viewer placed three blank creamy white envelopes on the table beside the glass. A long deep breath was exhaled onto the glass's surface. The glass began to glow softly from within as the Viewer poured energy into the glass. A misty gray smoke swirled around the interior of the glass. Slowly it settled bringing a room into focus. The furnishing, while all antique and elegant, lent no warmth or sense of home to the space. In the corner sat a high backed settee. Its rich red velvet cushions only accentuated the coldness of the woman who sat upon it. She was stark in her expensive black skirt suit, long soft blond hair pulled into a tight bun. Her expression was one of distain with a hint of disgust as she watched a man pacing back and forth across the room in front of her. His tall frame could have easily made one feel intimidated. However even now laugh lines around his eyes told of a kind nature. His normally pale and freckled skin was flushed crimson with anger. His red hair messy from the course combing given by frustrated hands. He turned to face her, waving his hands around as he talked in what the Viewer ascertained was a harsh tone. It spent a moment trying to read lips, lamenting the visions lack of sound.

  The woman just watched him, her expression turning to full disgust at his rhetoric. Her eyes began to roam the room as she tuned out his babble, taking inventory of all the things she would ask for, they both knew the big D word would be brought up shortly. Her eyes fell upon the antique grandfather clock she had just procured from an auction house up state. It was truly unique, the mahogany base carved in an intricate forest scene. A majestic tree reached from the base up to the face, deer, squirrels and rabbits took shelter under its branches. The face of the clock itself was what had drawn Stephanie to it. Instead of having numbers or even Roman numerals, it had celestial bodies. Planets, constellations and moons told the time. The hands of the clock were shaped into wicked looking daggers. It had been amazing find, part of a lot from an estate sale. The only information they had on it was it had been purchased at another estate sale.

  She stared at it a moment longer feeling herself pulled in when an angry near shout from Matt cause her to refocus her attention on his drivel. Her eyes narrowed, he was pleading for her to work with him, to go to counseling, to go on vacation. Anything to bring back the love that had held them together all these years. She really had no desire to work anything out however until she could get her assets separated and things hidden away it would serve best to play along with his last ditch effort to save their marriage. So she nodded, placing a fake look of understanding and sympathy on her face agreeing with his suggestions.

  The Viewer smiled, perfect fuel for the fire, their animosity would prove to make them very useful. Turning away from the glass a moment, the Viewers’ face scrunched in intense concentration. The top envelope lifted into the air, elegant script wrote itself on the front. The names Matt and Stephanie as well as their address appeared on the creamy white envelope before it faded out of sight on its way to their home.

  Rose & Eric

  The Viewer stepped back allowing the swirling smoke to rise up again. After a few moments, another breath, another this time a storeroom, full of packing crates of all shapes and sizes. Strings of packing material lay strewn about the floor. Eric grunted as he pried the lid off a large crate. Laying the top aside, he gingerly pulled out a vase that easily came to his waist when he set it on the floor, which was impressive given his height. Rose stood beside him her long hair tucked over one shoulder as she studied the new acquisition. Eric picked it up and carried it out of the room. Rose laid the list aside waiting for him to return to open the final crate. She glanced over her shoulder several times. Her impatience and curiosity got the best of her. Picking up the crow bar she pried the lid off gently.

  She began to pull the objects out carefully, pausing to tie her long black mane up and out of her face. Gently pulling shredded paper off of an intricate wall sconce, she frowned slightly as her bare palm connected with the cold stark brass. She suddenly felt eyes upon her, spinning around she saw that was still alone. Placing her other hand on it she took a deep breath, the acrid smell of smoke filled her lungs, she dropped the sconce back into the box. Her body trembled as she stepped back, looking for the cause of such a strong odor.

  Eric entered to find a pale Rose staring intently at something in the top of the last crate.

  “Eric, where did this last crate come from?” She asked stepping closer to him, enjoying his comforting presence.

  Bending down he read the packing label on the side of the box.

  “Came from an estate sale out in Oregon” He replied.

  “Was it a fire rescue or anything?” She asked twisting a piece of hair around her finger, her face scrunched in a confused expression.

  “Not that I know of, why?” He asked picking up the sconce she had held.

  “Just caught an odd odor” She replied feeling a bit foolish.

  The Viewer smiled, knowing that it was not at all odd; she was gifted with second sight. This couldn't have been better for the plan. She pushed the glass to zoom in on Rose’s face.

  In the storeroom Rose’s head jerked up causing Eric to raise an eyebrow. Rose looked around frantically. Once again she had felt someone, a presence very close to her. Unlike last time however she felt that it was of malicious nature. She silently fled the storeroom with Eric on her heels.

  The Viewer let out a cruel laugh knowing this one was going to be fun to torment. A moment later another creamy envelope rose into the air. In the same beautiful script Eric and Rose’s names appeared before it too faded out of sight.

  Faye & Adam

  The Viewer’s form slumped, theses sessions were always taxing, but it had used extra energy to cause Rose fear. Squeezing the last bit of power from within it called forth the smoke one last time. A twinkle returned to the viewer’s weary eyes, as the form of a young woman sitting on the edge of a bed, strands of her long brown hair matted to her face with tears, came into view. Sitting beside her an average man with a similar pained expression, she handed a small stick to him after pointing to a little window on the top. He sighed, disappointment so obvious.

  The Viewer chuckled, such faith put in modern technology, when simple symptoms should never be ignored. They were perfect, this time it would work it, it had to. The Viewer poured the last bit of its mystic energy to observe them a bit longer

  Adam wrapped his arms tenderly around Faye.

  “I was so sure this time” She said her voice laden with unshed tears.

  “I know you were honey” Adam said trying to reassure her but grappling with his own disappointment

  He couldn’t think of anything to say that did not lay the blame on her and that was the last thing he wanted to do. However given the many doctors they had been to, the trouble in conception laid with her. Not trusting anything to come out of his mouth that would cause hurt he simple pulled her into his arms and kissed her hair, rocking her gently.

  “We have been trying so long, and to be disappointed every month is getting to be more than I can take” She said her voice cracking under the pain she felt.

  “Let’s take a break. No more temperatures, kits and day counting. I just can’t keep it up” She said at last dissolving into sobs as her husband held her close.

  He looked ove
r her head and found himself glancing at their reflection in the new mirror he had purchased at the auction house for her birthday. Its thick wooden frame was covered in unique forest carvings. A large tree adorned the top, its long branches reaching down the sides. It truly was one of a kind piece and he was shocked to see it at an estate auction, he would have considered it an heirloom. Studying the carving he glanced once again into the glass. He blinked as he swore the image rippled.

  The Viewer stepped back from the glass noting in its carelessness it had almost been seen. Calling up the third envelope it was addressed and sped off to its destination. The viewer collapsed to the floor, the cold stones feeling good against its fevered skin. As the exhaustion overtook the Viewer, one last twisted smile crossed its lips.

  It had begun.