Read Everybody Changes Page 1

"Everyone Changes" - Three Short Storys

  By Andrea Bromley

  Copyright 2017 Andrea Bromley

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given.

  Table of Contents

  Cover page……………………………………………………………………….1

  Copyright page…………………………………………………………………..2

  Table of contents………………………………………………………………..3

  The Ride………………………………………………………………………...4-5

  Playing Cards…………………………………………………………………..6-7

  Moving On………………………………………………………………………8-9

  About Author……………………………………………………………………10


  The Ride

  Molly sat at the table looking at her phone waiting for the phone, something to let her know that he was coming home tonight. About 20 minutes passed then she heard a knock at the door. She hesitated then slowly got up from the table and walked to the door.

  “Hello, Pam,” Molly said.

   “Hello, how are you, Molly?” Pam said.

  “I'm all right, would you like to come in for coffee?” Molly asked.

  They walked into the house, all of the lights were off. As they walked into the kitchen, Molly picked up all of the kleenexes off the table and through them in the trash. She cried as she made the coffee.

  “Where is David at,” Pam asked.

   “I believe he is still at work,” Molly said

  Things got quiet as Molly poured the coffee into the cups, Molly sat one cup on each side of the table and grabbed the cream from the fridge.

  “Why did you stop by Pam?” Molly said.

  “I stopped by to see if David was here,” said Pam.

   “Not at the moment, he is staying late at the office tonight,” Molly replied.

  Pam looked at the floor for a minute then looked back up slowly and made eye contact with Molly.

  “Look I need to tell you something…”

  Molly cut her off.

  “I figured me was cheating on me.”

  Molly’s heart sank.

  “What do I do, Pam?” Molly asked.

  “I don’t know if who I saw was him, it may just be a coincidence that he’s not home,” Pam said.

  “Hold on,” Molly got up from the table and walked into my bedroom. She returned dressed all black clothing. She Grabbed the key off the table and walked back into the kitchen.

  “Take me to where you saw him,” Molly said.

  They walked out to the car got inside, and I peeled out of the driveway. They started heading toured his work. The car was silent for most of the ride. Molly reached down, turned on the radio. A 90’s country loves song playing on the radio.

  “How fitting,” Molly said

  “See there he is Molly! He’s just now leaving work.” Pam said.

  Molly felt so relieved that he wasn’t lying to me. Molly pulled up behind David. Molly was going to drop Pam off at her car and pay it off as if they got together for drinks. As Molly followed David down the road, he stopped at flower stand on the side of a back road that he sometimes takes instead of going through town. Molly smiled inside at the thought of him bringing her home flowers for being late three times this week.

  “What is he doing?” Molly said.

  “This is what I feared. This is the house I saw him in front of.” Pam said.

  Molly packed the car across the street. Molly watched as David got out of his vehicle and walked up to the house. Tall blond haired women opened the door, he kissed her and handed her the flowers. A sick feeling came over as Molly watched the door close. As Molly started to cry, and so did the sky.

  Playing Cards

  I walk into what was yet another regular hotel room. I throw my bags on the floor beside one of the beds and jump onto the bed. I lied there looking up at the ceiling. Most of my day consists of sitting on a hard, uncomfortable mattress flipping through the TV channels to see what’s on. Most of the time I’ll pick cartoons just because they are most entertaining. I love it when the room has an outdoor patio; then I can sit outside. I’m not allowed to leave the room when dad’s gone.

  When my father comes home, he always has fast-food for me. I don’t mind eating fast-food because at least it’s something, but I sure do miss my mom’s home cooking. Mom’s gone. It’s just daddy and me now. He works a lot to make sure I always have somewhere to sleep at night. Most nights by the time I’m done eating, bathing and brushing my teeth daddy is sitting outside reading the paper and smoking a cigarette. When my momma was still alive, she’d make me get ready for bed after dinner. Right before Mom laid me down on a bed, Daddy took me and got out his favorite deck of cards and teach me how to play.

  “What are you doing daddy?” I ask.

  “Why don’t you come join me, Jane,” Daddy says.

  “Okay, daddy,” I replied.

  I grabbed my favorite blanket and climbed into the chair across from daddy. I always enjoy watching dad shuffle the deck of cards; he’s so fast.

  “What will it be tonight, Jane?” Dad asked

  “Dealers chose,” I said

  “Speed it is then,” Dad said

  Every time we play cards, daddy always starts out with an easy game. He always stated that it helps warm up the brain so that you can think quick decisions when it comes to the real match. Daddy deals out the cards on by one.

  “Ready, Jane?” Daddy said.

  “Ready!” I said.

  “3. 2. 1… GO!” Daddy said.

  We zipped throw the cards one by one laying down the matches. One thing that I’ve always admired about my dad, though I’m his little girl when it comes to cards, he doesn’t hold back. He wants me to get good at it on my own; he never lets up on me when it comes to cards.

  “I won! did you see that daddy?” I said.

  “You finally beat me, Jane, I’m so proud of you.” Daddy said.

  Daddy got up, grabbed me and gave me a big hug.

  “I love you so much baby girl.” Dad cried.

  “I love you too daddy,” I said.

  Ever since mom died, dad still plays cards with me ever night. I think he does it because it’s the only thing left that we both have from our old lives, so much has changed in six months but playing cards before bed never have. I can tell that he misses momma too, but every time we play cards I see his face light up again as it used to when momma was here.

  Moving On

  Jorden is just a man that needs to change his life. He's tired of this boring old everyday routine that he's stuck in; he walks out of his home that he has lived in for the past ten, years; as Jorden walks down the driveway, Jorden turns around to takes one last look at the life that he was about to leave behind. He takes off down the highway that will take him out of the town that he has always wanted to get out of, as he walks down the road Jorden wonders if anyone would even pick him up or where he would even tell them he wanted to go. Just as he decides to give up some men in a pickup stops and as for where he is going Jorden says “anywhere but here,” Jorden jumps into the truck “thank you so much. My name is Jorden, what is yours,” the man looked at him for a second with a look of unsureness on, his face then smiles and says, “Mike my name is Mike, so anywhere you say.” “Yes,” said Jorden. Mike put the truck in drive and took off; Jorden couldn’t be happier he if finally, is out of that town and there is
no going back now.

  As Jorden woke up from his nap, he looked over at the mike and said: “So where are we off to exactly?” Mike looked at him a laughed “Sin City” he says with the biggest smile on his face. Jorden was so happy that he was going to be so far away from the town where nothing happens, where better to go the Vegas. There are so many people there and so much to do Jorden can’t help and wonder there his life will go from here and why Mike was even heading there in the first place. Jorden turned to Mike “so what is the reason that you are heading to Vegas for?” Mike looked down trying to find the right words to say, “to start a new life, my wife left me, and I have nowhere to go now.” Jorden didn’t know what to say; he sat in silence for a while he felt sorry for Mike and that he had lost his wife but some part of him was happy to be with someone that wanted to start a new life.

  For the rest of the ride, Jorden and Mike talked about life and shared stories about their past and childhood. Jorden felt happier for the first time in a while. Jorden felt that he had a friend and it seems to get easier for Jorden to talk to someone about how he feels and just share his memories. Jorden knew this is what he was missing all along. As they pulled up to the main strip Mike stopped the car; he looked at Jorden “well we are here what do you want to do.” Jorden looked at all the bright lights; he felt relieved that they made it. But part of Jorden wanted to keep driving around the country with Mike he made a good friend and wanted to keep it that way. “why don’t we just keep going and see where we end up,” said Jorden. Mike looked at him and smiled “Let's go!”

  Contact Info

  Phone: 269-845-5014

  Email: [email protected]


  Published 2014 By Andrea Bromley

  For contact information, please visit

  Text Copyright Andrea Bromley 2017

  All rights Reserved

  Book & Cover Design:

  Cover & Interior Illustrations by

  Author Photo by

  License Note