Read False Webs Page 1

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  Copyright © 2016 by Imogene Nix

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Chapter 1

  Valerie Montgomery looked at the pile of papers that littered her desk. “Some days I don’t know if this business is worth it.”
Sandra, her assistant, snickered. “I’m glad you get to deal with that, and not me.”

  Of course, Sandra didn’t know the half of it. The Ba’Tua Turaa, Cedun, was due to meet with her and she desperately needed to clear her desk before he arrived. The problem was, where the hell was she supposed to even put it all?

  Montgomery Industries was in trouble, and unless he allowed her to export to his homeworld, she’d be bust before the year was out.

  The need to look at least semi-successful rode her hard.

  “Sandra, help me move them all to the break room. I don’t want him to think we’re incapable of dealing with…” She waved her arms over the scattered papers.

  “Sure. I’ll do this. You get the rest of the stuff in place.”

  Stuff being the drinks and choice canapés she’d organised. Her research had pointed to that being an integral part of the bargaining process.

  As she laid them out, she heard a hammering at the door. She bit her lip hard, her tooth slicing through the soft flesh of her lip. “Ouch! Sandra?”

  “Yeah, I’ll get it!”

  Thudding steps and the sound of the door opening wide had her senses jittering.

  “Oh! Umm, it’s Gia, Valerie. Do you want…?”

  “What?” The word slipped out before she could contain it, and her daughter sauntered in.

  “Valerie? What’s up? Hey, you’ve hurt yourself.” Gia rushed in and grabbed her hand. “How the hell did you do that?” The ripping sound of tissues being dragged from their box filled the air. “Here, press that in place. I came over hoping there was some way I could help.”

  Valerie and Gia looked so similar, that many times they’d been taken for sisters. Valerie dabbed at the blood as she watched her adult daughter right the mess on her desk. Born when Valerie was only sixteen, she’d been the constant that held her together over the long years. Now, here she was as an adult, helping her out. Tears pricked her eyes burning her.

  “Don’t cry. It’ll all be okay.” Gia pressed a quick hard hug to her and dug out the proposals she’d printed for Valerie. “I can stay if you need me?”

  Valerie thought for a moment then shook her head. “No, I’ll be fine once I’ve finally met the Ba’Tua.”

  Gia nodded. “Okay. But only if you’re sure?”

  Valerie smiled, hoping she was hiding the hornet’s nest of nerves that flew in her stomach. “It’s fine. You go on home.”

  Gia left and Valerie slumped into her seat. “I only hope I haven’t bitten off more than I can chew.”

  Joruzan wasn’t totally sure why Cedun had demanded his presence at the meeting with the owner of Montgomery Industries.

  “Come. This is the appointed time.” Cedun indicated the door and Joruzan followed him inside.

  The woman sitting at the desk flashed them both a welcoming smile. “Turaa. We are honoured.”

  “It is our honour. Please call me Cedun. This is Joruzan, my…assistant.”

  Joruzan contained the mild irritation at Cedun’s strange title for him. He was really more than an assistant, but humans seemed to struggle with the concept of Turaa’s Osphan, the exact title he owned.

  Joruzan was a noble in his own right, but he also acted as aide, chief bodyguard and even advisor to the Turaa, or prince, when they were far from home. Like now.

  “Of course, please come this way.” The woman waved them to a small office and opened the door. “Uh, Montgomery.”

  His mind blanked settling on the woman within. His body instantly reacted to her, hardening with the force of instant desire. “De’ Valerie.” He extended his hand, as did Cedun, and only dimly noted that she reciprocated with himself and Cedun.

  His body was still absorbing the knowledge of the shock that rippled through his system. My mate.

  “Uh, as you would be aware, we’ve made representations to export to your homeworld but…”

  Cedun leaned back in his seat as Joruzan watched the play of concern on De’Valerie’s face.

  “You have prepared a proposal, you stated.” Cedun’s voice cut through the fog and Joruzan sat upright. He was there to advise Cedun, not wallow in the knowledge that he’d finally found his other half.

  “Uh. Yes, I have.” Two small folders were pushed over the desk and Joruzan scooped one up and started flicking through, hoping to hide the sense of urgency that built within him.

  De’Valerie’s gaze settled on his and he detected a surge of pink. She’s embarrassed? Why?

  The meeting progressed slowly while Joruzan fought to keep his mind on the discussion. The canapés were delicious, he was sure, but he didn’t really taste them.

  He glanced at a photo behind her, of herself and a younger woman. “Your sister?” He pointed and De’ Valerie blushed deeper.

  “My daughter.”

  Hope plummeted. Daughter. Partner. Not for him.

  “You are…” The word ‘mated’ stuck in his throat, but she shook her head.

  “No, it’s just me and Gia.”

  Valerie heaved a sigh of relief when the Ba’Tua left. “Well, that’s it. I hope the proposal is enough to sway them.”

  “Me too. Mind you, they’re both really good looking, aren’t they?” Sandra chirped, and Valerie smiled.

  “You go on home and I’ll clear away and close up. Thanks for everything.”

  But once Sandra had left, she dropped back down into her seat. Oh, they’d been good looking all right, but they were Ba’Tuans of the Ti generation. Sent to Earth to learn to loosen their control.

  Cedun was lovely, friendly and helpful, but Joruzan… Now he fired her blood as no one else ever had.

  Her body had reacted in a totally unfamiliar way, warming through, and she’d felt this odd kind of emptiness deep in her abdomen.

  “You’re too old for that kind of nonsense.”

  The door to her office swung open. “Everything is right, De’Valerie?”

  There he stood, Joruzan. The sexiest man, to her mind, in the entire galaxy.

  He was tall and muscular with black hair and golden eyes that reminded her of pools of molten caramel. Her insides melted a little further.

  “What kind of nonsense, De’ Valerie?” His eyes gazed deep and she was nearly lost.

  “I… Uh…” She glanced around trying to avoid his gaze.

  He flowed around the desk to stand before her. “I… Did you forget something?” The words came out like a throaty whisper and she blushed. Deeply.

  Oh, great work, Valerie. He probably thinks I'm some sex crazy middle-aged cougar wanna-be!

  “I left my transmitter behind.” But his gaze wasn’t on her desk. No, it had settled on her face, or more specifically her lips.

  She licked them, as they’d become dry, then was aware of her actions. The blush deepened.

  “Beautiful De’ Valerie.” Somehow, she missed that he’d moved even closer, so that with a single sway she could touch her body to his. He reached out and cupped her shoulder and she gulped.


  “Deandara.” The word caressed her mind, and she sucked in an unsteady breath as he inched closer and pressed his lips against hers.