Read Flight 437: The Nightmare Begins Page 1

  Flight 437

  The Nightmare Begins

  Linda L Barton

  Deadly Reads


  Copyright 2017 © Linda L. Barton

  All Rights Reserved

  Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners

  Dedication and Special Acknowledgement

  To my wonderful, husband, Bob.

  You are the true creative force

  in this writing adventure.

  For it’s your creative mind,

  where our stories are born.

  Editing, Cover Design and Formatting by

  Deadly Reads Author Services

  Table of Contents

  Title Page, Copyright, Dedication,

  Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,

  Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6

  Message from the Author


  It’s strange, this thing called life. We begin our journey full of hopes and dreams for something we will never understand. There are times we may curse our journey when it takes us down a road, not of our choosing. Nevertheless, in spite of this, once we arrive at our destination, we usually realize it’s exactly where we needed to be. Then in the blink of an eye, we realize it’s time to continue our journey and move on to a new place; a new destination…a new dream.

  Throughout this journey, our paths will cross those of other souls on their journey through life, and for a time we may share the same road. This time together may last for an instant, or a lifetime but none of that matters. For our lives are merely the twinkle of a star in the far off reaches of the universe; swift, yet beautiful.

  This journey called life is full of twists and turns, but in the end, we all take the same path that guides us onward.

  This is the story of the unexpected journey of the passengers on Flight 437.

  Chapter 1

  “Please Daddy, may I have it? I promise I’ll take good care of it,” Kimi giggled while gazing at her father with one of her heart-melting smiles.

  Dave Langer glanced at his wife who was watching their beloved daughter work her magic on him again. “I don’t know, what do you think, Sweetheart?”

  Samantha knew their daughter would win out in the end, but she always enjoyed watching her husband try to search for a reason to deny her request for another stuffed toy.

  “Oh, no, you two can handle this decision without me,” she laughed, seeing the pleading expression appear on Dave’s face.

  The last two years had been difficult for the family. Kimberly was their only child, and at the age of three, Dave and Samantha received the worst news any parent could receive; Kimi had Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia (JMML). JMML is relatively rare, so because of that, it’s difficult to study, and none of the standard chemotherapy treatments seemed to work for this form of leukemia. Kimi had grown weaker every day until her oncologist suggested an allogeneic stem cell transplant.


  “Mr. and Mrs. Langer, Kimberly is a prime candidate for the procedure; however, it would be preferable if she had a sibling for the donor. If I have your permission, I will add her name to the National Marrow Donor Program so we can get things going. Do you have any questions?” Dr. Sims knew this was the best bet Kimberly had for a complete recovery. She was running out of time, so he prayed they would find an unrelated donor that matched her tissue type before the disease progressed any further.

  Excited by the prospect of a treatment, Dave answered immediately, “Of course, do whatever you need to save our Kimi.”

  Dave grasped Samantha’s hand, trying to contain his emotions. “What are her chances of a complete recovery?”

  “As I told you before, this form of leukemia does not respond well to chemotherapy. Fortunately, with the advancements in adult stem cell research, we have found this treatment is quite successful in younger patients who suffer from this form of cancer.” Dr. Sims could see the fear in their eyes, but this was the only chance Kimberly had to survive.

  “Please do whatever you need to save Kimi. She deserves to live a full and happy life, so we’ll do anything to give her that chance,” Samantha choked back tears.

  “She’s right, please find a donor to save Kimi.” Dave felt a new sense of hope for their daughter’s survival.

  As Dr. Sims stared across his desk into the faces of two, frightened parents, he said a silent prayer the search for a match would be successful. With each passing day, he knew her chances for a complete recovery grew slim. However, until they found a donor, there was nothing more he could do.

  “I will do my best. Now, why don’t you take Kimi home, and I’ll handle things here,” Dr. Sims struggled to muster a smile.

  Realizing there was nothing more they could do; Dave stood and reached across the desk, offering his hand. “Thank you for caring about Kimi. We’re very lucky to have you as her doctor.”

  Dr. Sims stood, returning the handshake. “It’s my honor. Kimi is an incredible, little girl. I have faith in this procedure, so I know her chances of survival are excellent.”

  Dave turned to Samantha, “Come on, Sweetheart, let’s get Kimi, and go home. I’m sure she’s driving Dr. Sims receptionist crazy by now.”

  “To be honest, I think Ms. Rasson enjoys her visits with Kimi,” Dr. Sims laughed. “Ms. Rasson is always saying what a delight Kimi is, and how she’s always so cheerful.”

  “Doctor, I want to thank you for everything you’ve done for Kimi. I know that Samantha and I both are grateful not only for your professionalism but also the fact that you care about her recovery,” tears filled Dave’s eyes, while Samantha nodded in agreement.

  Dr. Sims felt a catch in his throat. “Thank you. I lost someone I cared for deeply from this same cancer, so I’ve made it my life’s mission to save as many as I can from its clutches.” His eyes glistened with tears for the loss of his sister, who had died as a young girl.

  Dave nodded his understanding. Taking Samantha by the hand, he turned to leave. “Let us know as soon as you find a donor.


  “Dave, you know you’re going to buy it for her, so stop torturing her,” Samantha chuckled, as she saw the corner of his mouth curl up into a smile.

  “Oh, Daddy, thank you!” Kimi squealed with excitement.

  Surrendering, Dave reached for the bright, pink stuffed cat and handed it to Kimi. “There you go, Sweetheart. Now, remember that it’s your responsibility to keep track of it on the flight home, okay?”

  Kimi took the prized stuffed toy and clutched it tightly, giggling with pure delight. Dave knew he shouldn’t spoil her so, but he was powerless once she flashed that sweet smile.

  After handing his credit card to the cashier, Dave glanced over at Samantha, whose eyes glistened with tears of joy. “I don’t know why you even hesitate. We both know she would get the toy. She has her daddy wrapped around her sweet, little finger.”

  Dave began to protest, the
n relented. He knew he could not say no to such a request. Just seeing the joy on her face was something he was thankful for after the dark days of the last couple of years.

  “Thank you, Daddy; you’re the bestest Daddy in the whole world.”

  Dave felt his heart swell with love. “I have to be the bestest Daddy because you are the bestest little girl in the whole world.”

  “Okay, you two bestest people in the whole world, let’s get going. Why don’t we go to that little café by our terminal and have something to drink while we wait for our boarding time. I really don’t want to sit around in the waiting area,” Samantha took Kimi by the hand.

  “Here is your card, Sir,” the cashier called out.

  “Oh, thank you, I got a little distracted,” he took the card then turned and followed the two most important women in his life.

  Chapter 2

  “Charles, we still have an hour until it’s time to board the plane. Why don’t we get some coffee, and relax a while?” Brigitte Vickers said to her husband. “It’s going to be a long flight, and I’d love one last cup of their delicious coffee before we go home.”

  He never understood what was so special about the coffee in Paris, but to say no to his lovely wife was something unthinkable.

  Charles had met Brigitte when she was working as a waitress in downtown London. He was traveling with a couple of college buddies in 1959 after graduation. They were three young men off discovering the world before settling down and beginning their careers. Charles had always believed his life was planned to the slightest detail. After college, he would start the perfect job then he would work a few years before getting married and starting a family. However, sometimes life has other plans.

  It had been a beautiful day in London. They had spent most of the morning walking around the British Museum then they went to Buckingham Castle for the Changing of the Guard. Realizing they were hungry, Charles and his friends all decided to go the little café next to their hotel and have something to eat.

  Charles had never expected to find the woman he would spend his life with, but there she was; walking toward their table in that little café. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. As she took their orders, Charles realized he needed to get to know this lovely woman more. So, after four magical days together, they had fallen deeply in love and married. Charles would often tease how he had come to Europe for adventure and left with a bride.

  Brigitte was originally from Paris. She was the only child of a Jewish professor who had taught at the University. It was just Brigitte and her father after her mother’s death when she was four-years-old. It was a turbulent time in Europe with the Nazi advancement throughout the countryside. Once it became apparent, the Germans were about to invade France, Brigitte, and her father fled to London to escape the coming war. However, little did they know that in a few short months, the war would follow.

  1940 was a difficult time in Europe. The Germans were gathering in strength, and with the Battle of France, also known as the Fall of France; the successful German invasion was under way. It had begun on May 10, 1940, and by June, the Germans had overtaken the north and western parts of France. They then continued onward to England.

  It was a typical afternoon when the German bombers appeared in the skies over London. It was September 7, 1940, at approximately 4 pm when 348 German bombers escorted by 617 fighters began to blast the city of London, lasting nearly two hours. Then the second group of raiders, guided by the fires set during the first wave of attackers, began their assault, which lasted until around 4:30 the following morning.

  This was the beginning of the Blitz when London and other cities faced intense bombing that continued until the following May. For 57 long days, London was constantly bombed either during the day or night. Fires consumed many parts of the city, and the residents sought shelter wherever they could find it. It was during the worst single incident that 450 people died when a bomb destroyed a school used as an air raid shelter that changed Brigitte’s life forever. For it was the same shelter, where Brigitte and her father had gone to escape the carnage.


  “Hurry up; we’re going to miss the flight!” Greg moaned, as he placed the last suitcase by the door.

  “I’m almost done,” Tara shouted breathlessly while gathering her makeup off the bathroom sink and putting it in her overnight bag.

  Greg and Tara Hosie had been sweethearts since elementary school, so after graduating from college, they got married then flew off to Paris for their honeymoon. Tara had received her degree in architecture and had always wanted to see the old historic buildings of Paris. So, Greg had planned the perfect honeymoon for her.

  They had spent their days touring the city, and their nights dining in the best restaurants then back to their hotel room for passionate lovemaking.

  With a sad expression, Tara walked out of the bathroom and handed her overnight bag to Greg.

  “I really do hate to leave. It’s been such a perfect time,” she tried to smile, but her eyes betrayed her true feelings.

  “I know, but it’s time to get back to the real world. I have that meeting next week, so I need to be sharp and ready for it,” Greg grinned at seeing the disappointed look in her eyes. He knew Tara was not prepared to go back home, but he had promised her they would return for their first anniversary. “Let’s get going, our ride is waiting for us.”


  The French Airport, Charles De Gaulle International Airport, also known as ROISSY. It is the largest and busiest airport in France, located just north of Paris. Thousands of people come and go through its gates every day, but today the boarding gate for Flight 437 to New York City will take the passengers to a destination none of them had expected.


  “Yes, I’m very pleased with how the meeting went. I know, but we had no choice. I’ll talk to you on Monday. I need to get ready to board my flight,” Renee rolled her eyes at how little faith her boss had in her ability to seal a business deal.

  Renee Scholl was a Harvard graduate with a degree in Business and Marketing, but she still felt as though her talents went unappreciated. However, when the chance to travel to Paris to secure a multi-million-dollar deal with a new client arose, Renee had jumped at the opportunity. With just ending a long-standing relationship, she was ready to get away for a while and focus on something new and exciting.

  The asshole can’t even thank me for closing this deal. So much of securing a one-hundred-million-dollar contract! She groaned silently.

  Renee was thankful she had decided to get to the airport early. She hated the crowds and only wanted to get on the airplane then relax on the long flight home.

  “Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?”

  When Renee looked up, she found herself lost in the bluest eyes she had ever seen. “Oh, of course,” she sputtered, surprised at the effect this man seemed to have on her.

  “Thank you,” he put his carry-on bag under the chair, and then sat next to her.

  “I really do hate to fly, but I was needed in Paris for an important meeting,” he grinned playfully.

  As Renee gazed into his eyes, she found it impossible to look away. Her cheeks flushed, and she cringed at how silly she must appear. “I’m not looking forward to the long flight, either.”

  She really is quite lovely, he thought to himself.

  “Oh, pardon me; I’ve been impolite by not introducing myself. My name is Albeo,” he offered his hand.

  “My name is Renee,” she smiled, taking his hand. “Albeo, that’s an unusual name. Is it a family name?”

  “It was my fathers. He was French Canadian,” Albeo held her gaze, while still holding her hand.

  Renee did not want this moment to end, but she finally pulled her hand away. “I wish I could have more time here in Paris. It really is a beautiful city.”

  “Is this your first time here?”

  “Yes, but someday I w
ould love to return as a tourist. It would be nice to have more time to see the sights,” Renee hoped that she did not sound foolish.

  “I’ve been here numerous times, and I have yet to take the time to truly see the city. Maybe we can explore the city together sometime?” He gazed at her, with a new fire burning in his deep blue eyes.

  Renee did not understand why, but before she realized it, the words, “I’d love to,” escaped her lips.

  “Wonderful, it’s a date then,” Albeo grinned.

  What’s wrong with me? I’ve just met this man, and I’m already planning a vacation to Paris with him. Renee did not understand why, but for some reason, she found herself trusting this man.

  Albeo could see the look of surprise on her face at his response, and it surprised him at why he would even make such a suggestion in the first place. After his wife had died in an automobile accident three years earlier, he had buried himself in his work and never once had thought of dating. His co-workers had tried in vain to set him up with different women, but he never wanted to open his heart to the chance of love again... until now.

  “I look forward to it.” Renee tried to hide her excitement at the idea of getting to know the man who had stirred up dormant emotions from deep inside of her. Earlier, she had been anxious to get on the airplane for the flight home, but now, she found herself wanting to sit in this airport waiting area and get to know everything about this captivating man.

  “Pre-boarding for Flight 437 to New York is now open,” the voice boomed from the speakers, first in French then again in English.

  “Well, that’s me,” Renee said with a touch of sadness in her voice.

  Albeo looked at her and grinned, “Today must be my lucky day. I’m flying First Class, as well.” He pulled his carry-on bag out from under his chair, stood, and then offered Renee, his hand.

  Feeling her face grow warm again, Renee placed her hand in his. Maybe this flight will be more enjoyable than I had planned, she thought to herself.

  After placing her purse, and computer bag straps over her shoulder, Renee stood and walked with him toward the boarding gate.


  “I’ll be so glad to get home. My sister’s baby is due at any time, and I really want to be there,” Patti moaned as she readied herself for the boarding passengers. She had not wanted to take this round to Paris. However, when Maggie broke her leg while water skiing; Patti had agreed to cover for her.