Read Galaxy of Empires- Rise of the Space Dragon Episode #1 Page 1

  Galaxy of Empires

  Rise of the Space Dragons —Episode #1

  Bruce Marcom

  Copyright ©2015 by Bruce Marcom

  United States Publishing

  All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author/publisher or the terms relayed to you herein.

  Bruce Marcom, United States Publishing, LLC,

  Houston, Texas, 77449, USA

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 1

  It is a busy day at the Consortium Consulate on Hosan, the home world and capital of the Reptilian Conglomerate Empire. Although the Consortium—also known as the Society of Machine People—is comprised mostly of androids and other artificial intelligence, it is also inhabited by citizens of other races. There are lines of people waiting to receive documents that approve their travel to and from Consortium space. Like most government jobs, the sense of tediousness and routine hangs in the air.

  The lower levels of the Consulate house the private, classified areas where only employees with the proper clearance can roam about. On the lowest level, the few androids and special guests who have been given clearance can have an audience with the leader of the Consortium in the large chamber. The leader is an entity of unknown origin, but is believed to be some sort of energy being who is vast in size, usually inhabiting many androids and spanning over many galaxies in the universe at once. Speculation abounds, centered on the idea that this entity created the machine people, perhaps even telepaths. The entity appears to have godlike telepathic abilities and shows an interest in other telepaths and androids. The entity goes by many names, but calls herself Dracabardillous. The androids address their leader as The Creator, while outsiders call her Empress Draca. The androids she inhabits always have a humanoid female shape, even though all other androids have no sex distinction.

  Evella Noctu, a half-breed human-reptilian, is walking down the corridor to the audience chamber. There are pairs of android warrior guards all the way down the hall. She is wearing an outfit that is made entirely of brown leather, down to the matching boots and belt. She just turned 31 years old the previous week, and she has her own reptilian merchant clan. It is a small merchant clan, but she has earned her six-ship fleet through hard work. Evella recently lost a ship on a quest that revealed many things about her life. She learned she was created in a secret, illegal laboratory that was funded by the Elemental Empire in an attempt to create powerful telepaths that could be controlled to combat the Undead Empire. In the Elemental Empire, telepaths are illegal because the sorcerers who control the government feel that the telepaths could threaten their authority.

  This laboratory was discovered and attacked by the Undead Empire. In doing so, the vampires unwittingly released some of the experiments, two of which were the daughters of Evella Noctu, named Xaqu and Chaca. These two daughters carry a very contagious disease that will kill an undead in less than 30 minutes. More worryingly, the virus remains active indefinitely in an undead corpse. The disease, in conjunction with the daughters’ extremely powerful telepathic abilities, killed everyone in the laboratory station during the attack.

  Eve walks up to the two giant doors as they open up into a large room with a wall-size computer monitor on every side of the room. Only the wall with the doors is free from the screens. The room has a marble floor with a huge Consortium symbol in the center. The symbol opens up as a female android appears on a floor airlift, closing after she steps off. The android is almost an exact physical replica of Evella.

  “I see one of my daughters has been working on improvements to the new model,” Eve observes dryly.

  “Yes. I have been testing it thoroughly. Does it feel awkward looking at yourself?” Draca asks out of curiosity.

  “It is a little strange, but I feel honored she made the shell look like me. It looks very well-designed.”

  “It is. Your daughters are both very gifted. I am glad I could assist you in rescuing them from that horrible place. Your other daughter is designing a new battle station for the Consortium. They both have incredible engineering talents.”

  “Thank you for educating them; me, too. Our telepathic abilities have progressed by leaps and bounds.”

  “I sense fear in you about this.... Is because you are changing and morphing into something else?”

  “Yes, my body is changing every time I use my telepathic abilities, especially in a major capacity. My skin is changing to a metallic color and hardening. I am getting bone spikes from my forehead all the way down my spine. “

  Draca waves her hand over Evella’s body and a 3D image of her insides appears next to them. Draca pulls DNA strand from the body image and enlarges it so they can look more closely.

  “Hmm...Interesting. We have always assumed your reptilian half was Snakekin.”

  “It isn’t?”

  “No. It’s something considerably larger.”

  “Larger? Croc?”

  “Try Serpent Dragon.” Draca says this bluntly and waits for Eve’s reaction.

  “WHAT?!?” Eve shrieks. “How is that even possible? I am part human.”

  “Your DNA was spliced not just with human components, but with twelve different parts from a variety of Space Dragons. That would explain many things. You have telepathic abilities that no other telepath in the universe has due to the fact that you were artificially created. You probably have dragon abilities as well. You must discover how to use them once you find it what they are.” Draca thought for a moment before continuing.

  “That would explain the change in your appearance. For most of your life, you have only used your telepath abilities in small quantities, so they have not had much of an impact on your genetic mutation. Now you are using them on a grand scale, including ones that you have not previously used. This is good and bad. You will become more powerful as you use your abilities, but you will continue to mutate more and more into a Space Dragon every time you do. Eventually, you will become a full Space Dragon; your human DNA will be totally gone, except for your PSI, because some dragon species have PSI enzymes. Serpent Dragons have the most PSI; that is probably why your creators used the largest percentage of DNA fusion with that species.”

  “To be frank, the only reason you survived, according to the lab notes you downloaded from the secret lab, is that your human mother’s DNA had an unusual anomaly. Her high PSI allowed it to be fused with the magical DNA of Space Dragons. Since that was the only sample they had from your mother, they could not reproduce the effect, as you can see in the other 400 or so attempts. Your daughters have more human DNA and were designed differently, so they cannot mutate into dragons. The dragon only accounts for a very small portion of their DNA.”

  “I do not want to become a Space Dragon! Is there any way to stop this from happening?”

  “I am afraid not. However, some of the higher-intelligence Space Dragons can shape shift into humanoid form and back at will. Your IQ is definitely high enough to learn how to do that. The PSI test only goes to 20, and your daughters are both 19. I suspect that your PSI will go far beyond 20 as you develop. It may be even higher than mine, if that is possible.”

  “I doubt it will go higher than yours.”

  “Do not discount anything,” Draca says in a serious tone. “You need to go to a region of space where there are many species of Space Dragons and learn
from them and their culture. They are a dying race because of poor leadership and warfare. Their domain used to cover a large area and contained thousands of Space Dragons. Today, there are only a few hundred scattered herds across a small area. Their domain has been overrun by many enemies‑-the Undead Empire, the Hive, the Wolfkin, and other species.”

  Draca creates a 3D space map and points to a particular area. “This is where the bulk of what is left of the Space Dragon territory. This is the Dragon World, the planet where the chief leader council is based and where the largest population of Space Dragons lives. This reddish planet is Ferna, home world of the Serpent Dragons as well as the Lava Dragons. It is a volcanic planet. Go there and seek out Grimace, an ancient female Lava Dragon. She will advise you about dragon culture and politics. This will give you the experience in politics you’ll need when you return.”

  “How do you know so much about Space Dragons?” Eve inquires.

  “I was not always an energy being. I was mortal once.”

  “Really? Wow! Were you a Space Dragon?” Eve asks in an uncertain tone, unable to process this new bit of information.

  “With a name like Dracabardillous, what do you think? But that is another tale for another time.”

  “Uh, okay. Thank you for the information. What about my daughters?”

  “They can stay here while you are on your ‘walkabout.’ I do suggest using black-market transportation, as you either have to go through Elemental and Undead space or through Wolfkin space to get to Ferna. Elementals are searching all over the Consortium for the ships of other races going through their territory. As for the Undead, well, they kill everyone.”

  “Holy crap! I wish I could turn myself in and collect my own bounty. I guess they are still pissed about me blowing up their secret lab facility and destroying their main flagship. They are probably the wankers who got my boyfriend shot. They will get what is coming to them someday soon.”

  Back-story crossover from Merchant Wars #1 and Space Pirates #1, both take place before this episode.


  After a long journey on Captain Meek’s ship, Evella Noctu, Gothica Noctu, and Dr. Farshe Mezeenabark reach Zertin, the home world of the Wolfkins. Doc has spent most of her time recording songs with Gothica during the journey, but has not informed Gothica that she has sent the recordings to her brother to get his opinion.

  The ship lands and begins powering down. All of the passengers go down to the cargo area and open the doors. Eve, Doc, and Gothica go down the ramp with some hoovering luggage following behind them. The rest of the crew piles down the ramp. They look up and notice the observation level that overlooks the ships coming and going. There is a very large crowd looking down on the arrivals. Many of them have signs, and Captain Meek spies some media reporters as well.

  “Woah, people stop. There must be some sort of event or VIP coming through this port. Stay here, we don't need to be caught on cameras,” he blurts out.

  Che Chizital, the arachnid first officer, exclaims, “That is a lot people over there! There must be someone famous coming; I wonder who it is.”

  Doc smirks before replying. “Yes, someone very famous. They are here to see Gothica. I sent the recordings we made on ship to my brother, who is in the Wolfkin entertainment business. He has been playing them on live broadcasts all over the Wolfkin Empire to see what kind of reaction they would have. She’s become an overnight success, a superstar here.”

  Gothica suddenly freezes faster than a deer in headlights. She turns around to seek shelter back on the ship.

  “I can’t go up there! There are too many people. I can’t do that. Sorry, I am too afraid,” Gothica says with a face full of terror.

  Eve grabs her arm and says, “Sweetie, they won’t bite you. They love you, they came to see you!”

  “Don't make me do it, Mom. I can’t. Please.” Gothica begins crying while she pleads with her mother.

  Sean whispers, “I have never seen a case of stage fright that bad.”

  Doc hugs Gothica. “It’s okay. We are not going to make you do anything you don't want to.”

  Che goes and comforts Gothica. “They are people just like you. They will not harm you.”

  Eve chimes in with her own ideas about the situation. “Doc, maybe you should give her a sedative or something.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right,” Doc says. Reaching into her bag, she pulls out an injector and gives it to Gothica.

  “Your mother and I will be with you the whole time,” Doc reassures. “We can't stay on the ship. The Captain needs to leave now.”

  “Okay, I feel better now. I will try.” Gothica’s sobs quiet as she wipes her face with a cloth.

  Eve says,” She has always been a shy one. Come, hold my hand. We will walk together.”

  People on the observation deck begin chanting Gothica's name. The morphic dragon, the arachnid, and the Wolfkin walk through customs while attempting not to let the volume of the crowd affect them. After being scanned, the three walk up the stairs to the observation level where mobs of people are waiting. Eve spreads her wings, wrapping them around Gothica in a protective circle as the people swarm toward them. The crowd has never seen a Morphic Dragon before. They start scanning photos of Eve and Gothica while reporters rush to ask questions.

  “Who are you? What are you?

  “I am Evella Noctu. I am a morphic Space Dragon. This is my adopted daughter, Gothica. She is shy, so don't trample on her unless you want me to eat you,” Eve says in a serious tone, leaving no doubt in the crowd that she means what she says.

  “Can you sing, too?”

  “No, I don't sing. Well, maybe in the shower.”

  Laughter rings out in the crowd.

  “Is Gothica going to go on tour here?”

  “If she wants to. Why don't you ask her?” Eve says holding her daughter's hand.

  Gothica responds, “I don't know yet.” She makes an attempt at giving the people a shy smile.

  Photo recorders continue going off every second as the group walks through the spaceport. People begin asking for autographs. Eve nods to Gothica, so she signs the bits of paper that are thrust at her as they make their way to the front entrance. They walk outside to see thousands more people gathered in front of the entrance, waving signs and cheering at the sight of the two. There are security guards in a semi-circle pushing the crowds back. Two Wolfkin males dressed in high quality suits are there to meet them. Eve recognizes one of them as Supreme Councilor Grewds.

  Doc recognizes the other man. “Hello, brother. It is good to see you again. Eve and Gothica, this is my brother Pauax.”

  Eve says, “Glad to me you. And I believe you are Supreme Councilor Grewds.”

  “You are correct, Lady Eve. I see you know something about Wolfkin politics. I welcome the both of you to Zertin. I must say, I have never seen a morphic Space Dragon, I thought they were a myth, but here you are. I glad to have met you and your daughter. As you can see, Gothica, you are quite an angel in the eyes of my people.” Grewds says all of this without losing his smooth, dashing tone.

  Doc says, “They are both quite special, especially to me.”

  “Pauax, you didn't tell me you had such an attractive sister,” says Grewds, unable to keep his eyes from roaming up and down the attractive doctor.

  The doctor blushes and replies, “You are being too kind, Councilor.”

  A huge hover limo arrives.

  “Ah, your ride is here. My government has arranged for both of you to stay at the best hotel while you are here. We are also throwing a high society dinner tonight in Gothica's honor. We are hoping she will grace us with her wonderful voice this evening,” Grewds says.

  Eve answers, “We look forward to seeing you then.”

  “I hope Doctor Farshe will honor us with her presence as well,” the Councilor says, unable to pry his gaze away from her.

  “I will come as well. Someone has to keep Eve from eating the guests,” Doc says with rare sarcasm.<
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  “Ha!” Eve sneers at the doctor, whipping her tail around to slap Doc in the butt. The crowd laughs. Eve winks at the other woman as they get into the limo and take off to the hotel.

  “I don't know if I can sing in front of a live crowd. I don't have any clothes either,” Gothica says with concern.

  Doc reassures, “I have my tailor coming to the hotel with several designs to pick from. There is also a doctor friend of mine that specializes in overcoming stage fright who will be coming as well.”

  Eve says, “It will be okay, sweetie. Doc, do you know a good car detailer?”

  “I wasn't aware you had a car here.”

  “I don't. It’s for me. My metal scales need a good buffing with some high quality wax. My metal spikes could use some filing down, too.”

  Doc breaks into delighted laughter. “That’s too funny! Yeah, I know someone; I will send them a message when we reach the hotel. I’ll tell him to meet us in the lobby’s beauty salon. I need to get a shampoo and nails done myself,” Doc says.

  “Yeah, that stud muffin of a Councilman was all over you, Farshe.”

  “He was just being nice.”

  “Are you kidding me? I thought he was going to start drooling on you right there in front of the limo. He is smart, powerful, good looking, and rich. Do I need to tail slap you to wake you up?” Eve is incredulous at how oblivious Doc is being.

  “You think so? I don't know. I am really not good at personal relationships like that,” Doc says, wondering if she had misread the Councilman's intent.

  “Geez, you’re like the smartest doctor I know, but you are the dumbest person when it comes to male relationships. Have you ever had a boyfriend?”

  “No, I don't have time for that. My research...”

  Eve cuts her off. “Research? Get your head out of the books for a minute before life passes you by. You have a nice male Wolfkin interested in you; go for it, before I start tail slapping you again.”

  They all laugh.

  They get out of the hover limo and go into a large luxury hotel. There is a crowd waiting for them outside the hotel. The crowd contains reporters and members of the general public taking photos and screaming for autographs from the arachnid and the morphic dragon. Guards keep the crowd at bay, as the three companions walk into the lobby of the hotel and up to the front desk. The lobby is filled with expensive furniture and artwork. The bellhop comes them and asks if they need help with their bags.