Read Lady of the Eye and Ear Page 1



  Shawn O’Toole



  Cover Art Illustrated by:

  Shawn O’Toole

  Lady of the Eye and Ear

  Copyright © Shawn O’Toole 2013

  Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of this story, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Your support and respect for the property of this author is much appreciated.

  This story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are products of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.




  Chapter 1

  “Call to Peace”

  The Isle of Peace was a kingdom where all the races and kingdoms of the Inner World were welcome. Elves, dwarves, gnomes, trolls and even monsters came together and mingled in this land of discourse.

  “Madam,” a short, stout she-dwarf addressed the tall, slender nymph beside her, “we have long since made peace with the dark elves. Unless they break our pact with them, we shall not align against them.”

  “They have not made peace with you!”

  “They keep their word and do not tread upon dwarfish land. We are content with a peace such as that.”

  The elf’s long, willowy form looked so delicate to the broad, solid dwarf. Still, that narrow face, its sharp, perfect features, pointed ears and bright, emerald green, slanted eyes were so weirdly beautiful! Oh, and to hear the elf’s lovely, melodic voice delighted the dwarf as if song.

  Aylith was a high elf, blond and fair-skinned. “Reverend Mother,” her mellifluous voice addressed, “they incite the monsters against you!”

  The she-dwarf snorted, “The monsters have always been against us.”

  “Reverend Mother, we seek, not a pact for war, but rather an alliance for the sake of peace. The enemy has faced your strength and is wary to do so again. They shall trouble neither of us if we are together.”

  Mother Crystalline sneered, “We have already fought them and their monsters. We shall not forgive that your elves did not join us!”

  “Please, Crystalline. I myself fought alongside your people for the sake of your people. What I ask is for the sake of us all.”

  The she-dwarf sighed. “I like you, Dame Aylith: You served my people well. I trust you, but I do not trust the resolve of your people. Convenience is too important to your elves.”

  “Crystalline, I only ask that you ponder my words.” The dwarf nodded. “Thank you.”

  Petite, willowy creatures emerged from the woods and hurriedly surrounded them! They were elves and female, but much smaller than Aylith. They were sprites (lesser fays). Each was uniformed in a black, leather corslet worn over a blue, sleeveless body shirt, and black, leather boots and bracers. Their skin was yellowish-brown and the lustrous black hair of each was pulled back and fastened into a bun. These little nymphs were dark elves– and they were soldiers. Each of them wielded a two-edged short sword with a very long grip. They sneered or smirked at the high elf, their green eyes cold with malice.

  Crystalline exclaimed, “What is the meaning of this?!”

  One of the little dark elves bowed, saying, “Forgive us, honorable dwarf, but we are not against you.”

  “Who are you?! How dare you desecrate the neutrality of this ground?!”

  “You have asked and I shall answer. I am Lella, but I act in the name of Lord Haudriss, he who is the Voice of Nicnivin, Queen of the Elves. She who accompanies you is a traitress whom we have come to arrest... or slay, if she resists us.”

  “But she is unarmed!”

  “An unarmed fugitive deserves no quarter.” Lella waved her hand. The other diminutive nymphs attacked!

  Crystalline, honor-bound not to intervene, watched as the little dark elves converged on her high elfin friend. The swarthy sprites jabbed and swiped. Aylith stepped, bent and whirled. She slapped, kicked and flung enemies aside or knocked them into each other. She even seized one up, swung her around and tossed her onto others!

  Aylith’s head and shoulders were above the stature of the sprites who assailed her. Still, she was one and unarmed against many wielding spear-swords! Blades poked and swiped, yet the greater nymph danced amongst them, unscathed. Aylith snatched an enemy by the spear-sword and yanked her close, seized her in a headlock then snapped her neck! The twitching body dropped, leaving its weapon in the grasp of the killer. Aylith was now armed! Sprites bled, squeaked and screamed as Aylith pierced or slashed them. A dozen lay strewn around her when a maternal voice shouted, “Enough!” One more grunted, winced and dropped– before the other little nymphs stepped back, their weapons held ready.

  A dark nymph as tall and shapely as Aylith stepped out from the woods. She was armed, but her sword remained in its scabbard. “You!” Mother Crystalline recognized.

  “Yes.” The dark greater nymph wore a black, leather corslet, bracers and boots over a black blouse and form-fitting trousers. Her black hair was fastened into a braided ponytail. She glowered down at the bodies that surrounded the high elf’s feet. Her green eyes stared into Aylith’s and she smirked, “I have heard of your prowess. It has indeed proven itself... against my little underlings.”

  Lella knelt and bowed before her greater fay mistress, saying, “Forgive us, madam, but...” She gagged when snatched up by the throat!


  Aylith lowered her acquired weapon and vouched for little Lella, “She did her best. Does her effort mean nothing to you?”

  “A failed effort is meaningless.”

  Aylith walked up to them, staring into the other greater fay’s eyes, “Is your heart so cold?”

  The dark mistress snickered then dropped her underling aside. “I am only as cold as I must be.”

  “One need never be cold.” Aylith stepped closer.

  The dark elf claimed, “You tempt me to kill you!”

  “The choice is yours alone.”

  The dark elf looked over at the dwarfish priestess, claiming, “My Beloved Queen has blessed this country as impartial ground.” She then stared back at Aylith, “We shall fight, high elf, and I shall kill you– but not here.” She snatched Lella by the wrist, yanked her up and pulled her along into the woods. The remaining dozens followed, leaving their fallen where they lay.

  An elf with ashen skin and long, straight, shiny black hair sat cross-legged, his eyes closed and his fingers locked. Though not awake, he could hear the bubbling of the fountain, smell the sweet fragrance of the many flowers and feel and hear the warm, gentle breeze. A bird flew overhead: the elf could hear its wings flapping and feel its swift lightness. A butterfly landed on his nose. The elf knew it was a butterfly. He could smell the powder of its wings. Suddenly the elf felt... a troubled heart. He knew what life approached him. The feel of it was as warm, gentle and strong as her voice. “Aylith.”

  “Milord,” he knew she knelt and bowed. “Forgive me if I am disturbing you.”

  The gray elf opened his pale, blue eyes. His rich, melodic voice uttered, “My beloved Dame Aylith, if you are troubled, then I am disturbed. Tell me what troubles you.”

  “Milord, I spoke to Mother Crystalline and I believe she hears my wisdom.”

>   “Yes, but what troubles you?”

  “I was assailed by dark elves.”


  “Yes. They attacked though the Ambassador for Duria was with me.”

  “They did not assail the Reverend Mother Crystalline.”

  “No, milord,” Aylith answered. “I was the one they sought. They claimed that they were to have custody of me or else they would slay me. One whom Mother Crystalline knows to be ‘Dame Vorla’ commanded them.”

  “Dame Vorla?”

  “You know of her, milord?”

  “Yes. Dame Vorla is a venerated Lady of the Black Swan. She is also the captain of Lord Ambassador Haudriss’s personal guard.”

  The Palatial Embassy of the Uncanny Court: A little nymph was on her way to a chamber when surprised to hear slapping and sobbing. Entering the room, she was startled and frightened to see dozens of her peers on their knees, their heads bowed to the floor. They were being spanked and paddled by greater nymphs while Dame Vorla watched! The messenger choked, “Madam,” as she knelt and bowed before the captain of the guard.


  “The Ambassador for the Dwarfish Kingdom of Duria and her entourage are at the gate. They request audience with Lord Haudriss.”

  “Lord Haudriss is not to be disturbed. I shall give audience to the dwarfish ambassador.”

  “Yes, madam.”

  “You,” Crystalline sneered when greeted by Dame Vorla. Several dainty, little sword-girls accompanied their tall mistress.

  The greater nymph stared down at Mother Crystalline, bowed and told her, “I am the captain of the lord ambassador’s guard.”

  “I know who you are. I have come to see the ambassador.”

  “Lord Haudriss shall not see you now.”

  “I demand it!”


  “Yes. I have come to accuse you. I shall not be turned away.”

  “You may await Lord Haudriss... but you must wait.”

  “I demand audience with the ambassador.”

  The dark elf smirked and shrugged. “His lordship shall see you... but not now.” The littler nymphs giggled.

  “Summon the ambassador!”

  Dame Vorla sneered, “Who are you to command me, dwarf?”

  “I am your accuser.”

  “Aah!” a sweet, melodic, masculine voice hailed. “The Reverend Mother Crystalline has come to see me?” The tall, smiling elf, Lord Haudriss hailed from the top of the staircase. He wore a blue, sleeveless robe and was accompanied by naked, childlike, pixy maidservants.

  “Yes!” the she-dwarf answered. “I have come to bear witness against your underling.”

  Dame Vorla scowled.

  Lord Haudriss chuckled. “Mother Crystalline, forgive my mirth,” he bowed.

  “Why did you laugh?”

  “Please, join me for lunch and I shall freely tell you of my sad amusement.”

  Lord Vellizar the Gray Elf told Dame Aylith the High Elf, “The enemy may very well be preparing for war.”

  Aylith giggled, “Milord, the dark elves are always preparing for war. So long as we live they shall imagine such things against us.”

  “Something is different. Something bodes most foul. Even as the dark elves shout all the louder that the dwarves and gnomes are doomed... they promise unto the dwarves a ‘feast of sparkling jewels.’ We do not know what this means.”

  “Haudriss is the False Queen’s ambassador,” Aylith thought aloud. “It is he who will offer up this ‘feast of sparkling jewels.’ Milord, has he already done so?”

  “As of yet, and as far as we know, he tells them only the riddle we have already heard.”

  “But, milord, why would Lord Haudriss send his guards to kill me? Would that not befoul his name as an ambassador to the Isle of Peace?”

  “You know Mother Crystalline and Mother Crystalline has the ear of her king. If you were to persuade her that her people would be wise to strengthen their ties with us... then her kingdom would surely do so. By us winning the friendship of Duria, the dark elves would only arouse an enemy if they attack us.”

  Crystalline could not help but scrutinize the elfin architecture about her. There seemed to be an aversion to right angles: virtually every contour was curved, round or triangular! The halls, corridors and chambers were spacious, well ventilated and naturally lit. The Palatial Embassy of the Uncanny Court was a beautiful, minimalist edifice of marble and glass. Both inside and out, it was colorful and fragrant with flower gardens and sparkled with bubbling fountains. “Honorable dwarf,” Lord Haudriss addressed her, “are you admiring Her Majesty’s palatial embassy?”

  Crystalline nodded. “This building is beautiful and seems to be solidly built.”

  The elf smiled and nodded.

  The dwarf and her host sat on the floor at a low table, as was the way of the elves. The food was fruit, bread, candy, and cooked worms. The drinks were tea and various juices. Though such a meal was hardly filling, Crystalline enjoyed it. As they ate and drank, Lord Haudriss asked, “Reverend Mother Crystalline, do you value friendship?”


  “Are we truly friends with those whom we do not know? Is the unknown a firm foundation for trust?”

  The she-dwarf stared at the elf, trying to read his inscrutable smile. “Lord Haudriss, tell me whatever you are trying to say.”

  “Is Aylith... your friend?”

  “Why do you ask such a question?”

  “Reverend Mother, if the high elf is your friend then is the cause of your accusation for her sake?”

  “An armed party of your people tried to kill her. She was unarmed. Whether she is my friend or not is irrelevant.”

  “Your friendship is irrelevant?” The she-dwarf glowered at the smiling elf. He continued, “Your Reverence, why did she fight alongside your people against mine? Do you know?”

  Crystalline thought for a moment, then enquired, “Do you?”

  “Yes.” The dark elf sipped his drink.

  “Lord Haudriss, tell me whatever you have to say.”

  “Mother Crystalline, do you know Aylith? I must know if I am to answer you. Please tell me.”


  “You do?”

  Crystalline hesitated then dared, “Yes. I know she has secrets, but I can discern her character by her actions.”

  “Yes. I agree. Dame Aylith proves obedient to those whom she serves. When commanded to fight alongside dwarves, she fights alongside dwarves. By her sword she has won your trust. They have your trust.”


  “The Usurper’s Ministry of the Eye and Ear. Aylith is their spy. Did you not know?”

  Neither elf nor dwarf spoke as Lord Haudriss helped himself to a pinch of candy-beetles.

  Mother Dellinnay was wise and beautiful among a wise and beautiful race. Tall and serene and aglow with gentle strength and firm determination, even her presence alone inspired either peace or fear. She watched from a balcony as Dame Vorla led dozens of littler nymphs in stretches and sword kata.

  Later: “Dismissed,” Vorla told her disciples. The dozens bowed then departed.

  “Madam,” Dellinnay approached.

  “Your Reverence,” Vorla nodded.

  “I wish to speak with you about your punishment of your underlings. Do I have your blessing to do so?”


  “Dame Vorla, I am troubled by the harshness of your discipline. Littler elves, whether they be sprite or pixy, look up to us for comfort and guidance. It is the duty of our nature, as their greater, to care for them.”

  “Mother Dellinnay, I have done so. Lella and her company were rightly chastised for their failure.”

  “It is not always shameful to fail.”

  “It is shameful for dozens with swords to fail against one who is unarmed.”

  “But, madam, we know it was not for lack of will. What are they to learn from your severity??


  “Dame Vorla!”

  “Mother Dellinnay, sprites are silly, fickle and timid. It is their nature to flee from all severity. I am not the teacher of witches or priestesses. How can I teach my silly little nymphs the way of the sword if I coddle them when they fail? By fear of me they shall harden against all fear. By dread of my wrath, they shall fight with great fury. By my instruction and my discipline, my underlings shall be made warriors.”

  The two greater nymphs stared into each other’s bright green eyes. Mother Dellinnay uttered, “I only ask that you spare your little sprites whenever you may.”

  Vorla nodded.

  The captain of the lord ambassador’s guard was crossing an atrium when the voice of the lord ambassador hailed, “Dame Vorla.” She looked up, seeing what she anticipated: Haudriss was frowning. “Vorla, my love, please stroll with me in the garden.”

  The garden behind the embassy palace: Haudriss was saying, “The high elf was to be captured, not slain.”

  Vorla returned, “She did not surrender.”

  “Did you call for her surrender in the name of the Gentle Court?”

  “Nicnivin is my sovereign! I act in the name of no other.”

  “Vorla! Had you done as I asked, Aylith may have surrendered without a fight.”

  Vorla shrugged. “Haudriss, you told me yourself that it was not good for the Usurper’s spy to be whispering into the dwarf’s ear.”

  “Yes, but I was to reveal Aylith’s deceit and show grace unto the dwarf by releasing her.”

  “Such insufferable foolishness.”

  “No, my love.”

  “Yes!” Vorla insisted. “That high elf is a mortal enemy of the Uncanny Court. I shall not spare her so as to win the favor of... a dwarf.”

  “You would rather fight the dwarves again?”

  “We shall fight them again.”

  “Yes, but that is another day.”

  Lord Vellizar, Mininster of the Eye and Ear, reminded Dame Aylith, “It was by Lord Haudriss’s command that you were assailed with threat of death.”


  The gray elf grinned. “His bold scheme has blessed us with an opportunity. Aylith, my dear, the Voice of the False Queen has given you right to avenge yourself... on this very Isle of Peace.” He held up the sword she had captured from the dark elves. It was two-edged and nearly half the length of it was the handgrip. He told her, “This must be your weapon or else it shall be asked why you came to the Isle of Peace armed.”

  “It is a fine weapon, milord, but it is without a scabbard; nor do they for whom it was made ever sheath it.”

  The gray elf remarked, “The dark elves wish their little soldiers to be always ready to draw blood.”


  “A sword that is never sheathed is always drawn.”


  The gray elf eyed the sword as if in awe of it. He uttered, “The spear-sword is perfectly fashioned for the lesser fay soldier. The handgrip is very long so as to strengthen the wielder’s thrust, swipe, and parry. The blade is short and broad, so as to be used nimbly yet with force. Little elves are fickle in caring for their weapons, thus, the blade is high-grade stainless steel. Other than for ease of carrying, the spear-sword does not require a scabbard.”

  “Milord, I shall require a scabbard if I am to crawl and climb.”

  “Yes, I know. One shall be made for you.”

  The Palatial Embassy of the Uncanny Court: “Madam,” Lella bowed before Dame Vorla.

  “Why did you fail?”

  “Forgive me, madam! The enemy was too fast and too strong.”

  “She was alone... and unarmed.”

  Lella quavered, “Forgive me, madam! I... I...”

  “You failed. I am your mistress and your teacher, thus I have failed. I shall not fail again.”

  “Yes... yes, madam.”

  “Come here.” The sprite winced, but obeyed. Dame Vorla turned the littler nymph around. Lella flinched when her mistress touched her sore buttocks. The greater nymph told the lesser, “Go to a priestess and ask her to relieve you of your pain.”

  “Yes, madam. Thank you, madam.”

  “Your fellows have my blessing to do the same.”

  “Yes, madam.” The littler elf bowed and smiled, “Thank you, madam.”

  Vorla nodded then waved for her underling to go.

  Later, that evening: Haudriss kissed Vorla, licking her tongue. He squeezed her to himself, fondling her. “Vorla,” he panted. He pressed on top of her, “I want you.”

  “Yes,” the nymph’s eyes gazed up into his, her pupils wide with excitement. The two kissed, squirmed, caressed and fondled. Haudriss tore open her blouse! “No!” she resisted.

  “Yes.” He pulled at her trousers.

  “No, Haudriss!” Vorla shoved him off herself.

  “Vorla, I love you.”

  Vorla stood and pulled up on her form-fitting trousers. “Look what you did to my blouse!”

  “It was in my way.”

  “Haudriss, it is wrong of you to try to strip me!”

  “Vorla, I love you.”

  “Haudriss, I am not a silly little nymph who smiles and giggles at the sound of sweet words.”

  “But what I tell you is true.”

  “So be it, but I shall not be seduced by you. Swear your love with the vow of matrimony if you hope to sway me.”

  “Vorla, my darling, I sorely yearn to love you this very evening. Grant me my passion that I may proclaim my vow wholeheartedly.”

  “I do not heed the loins of a naughty elf.”

  “Vorla.” The nymph ignored him and turned to leave. “Vorla, just this once and I swear, I shall wed you the very day we awaken.” The nymph stormed out of the room. Haudriss laughed.