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  The Snub Nubbins

  Larco builds a Bok Bok

  Copyright 2014 Brian Cain

  The information, views, opinions and visuals expressed in this publication are solely those of the author and do not reflect those of the publisher. The publisher disclaims any liabilities or responsibilities whatsoever for any damages, libel or liabilities arising directly or indirectly from the contents of the publication.

  Previous general and adult publications by Brian Cain

  Circles of Fear

  The Sword And The Dagger



  Once Upon A Time In Australia

  In The Name Of The Mother

  Jodi Ann

  Bella Elizabeth

  The Hunt For Rose

  Louise Legrande

  Larco and the Quog

  For Aidan and Rhiannon, who are growing up hearing stories, and drawing pictures of the Snub Nubbins.


  The Snub grand council has gone, and Snub Nubbins turn to Larco for guidance. From the darkest depths of the dark side, comes a Wobbly, Larco is shocked. The Wobbly had been watching through the wall of light for thousands of palliums. Larco has problems believing his stories, but he likes them. The Wobbly is a Wizard, and Larco builds his first Bok Bok under the watchful eyes of experience.





  The loss of the entire grand council of Wobbly's had not caused as much disorder as you would imagine, in fact things went on as they had for thousands of palliums. The area of the Snubs brain that processed emotions, had not been used for longer than anyone could remember, so no one cared. Larco thought emotions were beings, and he had been looking for them, he thought perhaps they hidden on the dark side of Snub. The grand council had mentioned emotions had been banished to the dark side, before they perished in the black swamp, running in fear of the poo poo wind.

  Larco had been looking in the dark hole of rainbows for emotions, he spent a lot of time watching and listening to the planet Plop Plop, and he wondered if the strange ugly beings there were emotions. This got him nowhere, and he still didn't know how to travel to Plop Plop to find out, so he turned his talents to the dark side of Snub, of which he knew little about.

  Snubs for thousands of palliums busy just going around eating, drinking, and talking with no purpose at all, began to think with their enormous brains.

  Larco developed a following of like minded Snubs, just a few, he didn't count them although he could, there had never been a reason to count Snubs for longer than anyone could remember.

  He invited his followers to a meeting, to discuss an expedition deep into the dark side, but they ran away.

  So again Larco followed the track past the glowing cave lit by Quog, to the dark wall, alone.

  He was about to step through window of twilight between the dark wall and the sunny side, when a Wobbly stepped from the dark side. Larco was shocked, surprised, and puzzled, he could feel these things, but didn't know why, or what they were.

  The Wobbly was a lighter shade of blue than he was, the Wobbly was quite large, and must have been growing for millions of palliums. Larco thought he was a Wobbly from the grand council that had run into the dark side when the poo poo wind came. "Its safe now." said Larco. "The poo poo wind has gone till next pallium."

  The Wobbly laughed, Larco laughed as well, he didn't know why, but he hadn't heard a member of the grand council ever laugh. "I am Poo Poo, and the wind has nothing to do with me, it's the weather."

  Larco had heard this spoken of on Plop Plop when he spied on them in dark hole of rainbows and he knew about weather. "You have a name, and it's Poo Poo."

  "Yes, I've had it since before I was banished to the dark side."

  Larco for some reason scratched his head while he was thinking, he didn't realise he was scratching his head. "Mmm, I've been thinking."

  "I've been watching, you are doing a better job than the grand council, they are silly."

  Larco had heard this word from Plop Plop, he thought it might fit the council members, and he was so excited he shook himself, he was right. "Oh I feel strange."

  "Excitement, an emotion." replied Poo Poo.

  "You know an emotion called excitement, where does he live." asked Larco.

  Poo Poo laughed out loud, he drew a crowd, they were peeking through the ferns in the undergrowth at the light blue Wobbly. "Oh dear, it's far worse than I thought. Where are the grand council members, I wish to see them."

  "They perished to compost in the poo poo wind, they ran into the black swamp for some reason."

  "Oh, so I'm the only Wobbly around."

  "I think so, but I don't really know, I haven't checked everywhere." Larco thirsted for information. "How did you live and grow in the dark."


  "The orange and blue rocks." asked Larco.

  "Yes, the blue ones give off the same kind of light as the sun."

  Larco scratched his head again. "Mmmm, I thought so."

  Poo Poo sprang into action. "Ah, you have so much to learn, not your fault, it's those silly Wobbly council members, I should tell you about..." He stopped mid sentence and thought for a few seconds. "No, to find emotions and knowledge we shall need a Bok Bok, to travel far around the planet, and into the dark side."

  Larco heard the magic words Bok Bok, he had heard them before, and ached to have the knowledge. "You have one."

  Poo Poo laughed, he was enjoying laughing, he hadn't laughed for thousands of palliums. "No, come, we will make one." Poo Poo led Larco into the dark side, he selected a small blue rock, one that would hardly have caught Larco's attention. Larco eagerly followed Poo Poo back to the sunny side, Larco was far to interested to talk. They walked the jungle, then Poo Poo suddenly stopped. "Ah, perfect." He pulled the undergrowth from around a hollow mother tree, he was very strong, and rolled it over. Underneath was perfect hole eaten away by insects, he put the blue Quog rock in the end of the hollow stump, he held it there for a few seconds, until it clung to the wooden surface. He sat inside the hole, facing away from the end he had placed the Quog rock. "Get in behind me." Larco climbed in. "Put your feet flat on the bottom of the log." Larco had to lift his knees to put his feet flat on the bottom. A miraculous thing happened, tiny strands of tissue came out of his feet and made contact with the mother trunk. Poo Poo had done the same. "Now hang on to the sides." Larco hung on and the mother tree lifted from the ground and sailed over the top of the jungle. Larco looked down, he was very high, but he liked it. "I tell the mother tree where I want to go with my thoughts, we can go up, down, from side to side try it, I'm going to close my eyes and not think of flying." Larco didn't know what flying was till now, he thought about going up, and they went up, he thought about going down and they went down, the thought about, going faster and they went faster. "That's the idea, any Snub can do this. I'm taking you somewhere you have never been because it is so far away, this flying mother is a Bok Bok."

  Poo Poo took control and they flew over the black swamp, over a mountain, it took a long time, but Larco liked it.

  They swooped into a grand valley, there were no trees, only big ferns and undergrowth that was that thick, there was no gaps to walk. Then in a clearing he saw something he had never seen before, he didn't know what it was. They landed in the middle of it, Larco wanted to get out and the strands joining him to the Bok Bok, went back inside his feet, and he climbed out. "What is this?" as
ked Larco.

  Poo Poo climbed out, and spread his arms wide all around him turning in a circle. "Behold, Snub Nubbin. The greatest city on the planet Snub."

  This was a little overwhelming for Larco, he looked all around him, and up at the towering rock formations. They were neatly put on top of each other with holes to go inside at the same level as the ground, so you didn't have to climb up the rocks to get in, he thought this was very clever. There were holes all over the rocks, he didn't know what they were for.

  Poo Poo led Larco inside, there were lots of caves, all the same shape, like boxes, and rocks placed one in front of another you could walk up to other, boxes on top of boxes supported by mother tree wood. Larco thought it was very clever, you could fit a lot of Snubs in the boxes and there were thousands of them, as far as he could see.

  Larco looked out one of the holes in the boxes, after they climbed to the highest box on the rocks, up the rocks Poo Poo called stairs. He could see the undergrowth had grown right up to the stone boses, but not grown over them. The rocks in the jungle were covered in trees and undergrowth, and he wondered why they had not grown over the cave boxes. "How did the rocks get like this?" asked Larco.

  "Many Snubs built