Read Liberated Page 1

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven



  About the Authors

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used factiously. Any resemblance to actual persons. Living or dead, business establishments, events, or locals entirely coincidental. The authors make no claims to, but instead acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the word marks mentioned in this work of fiction.

  Copyright © 2017 Abi Ketner and Missy Kalicicki

  Liberated by Abi Ketner and Missy Kalicicki

  All rights and reserved. Published in the Unites States of America by Abi Ketner and Missy Kalicicki.

  No part of the book may be used or reproduced in any matter whatsoever without permission of the publisher, except in the case of a brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Published by Abi Ketner and Missy Kalicicki

  Cover design by Kimberly Marsot

  Typography and title design by Kim Marsot of

  Cover Copyright © 2017 Abi Ketner and Missy Kalicicki


  “Dark, intense, dangerous. We fell head over heels with the forbidden romance between brave heroines and swoon-worthy hero Cole. And Zeus? Best dog EVER. A must read for fans of the adrenaline intensity or Shatter me and totally hot guys of Jennifer Armentrout.” - Justine Magazine

  “A riveting and exciting dystopian read that will have you at the edge of your seat. I could not put it down and was entraced by this dark and unique world!” –Ben Alderson, Booktuber at BenjaminofTomes

  “The concept of this book was amazing. From the very first oage, I was one edge. I read this book in one day, it just wouldn’t stops being exciting.” – Amy Real, Blogger at Reading Teen

  “Branded is a face paced, heart pounding, and swoon-worthy read that will make you fall in love with this dark and twisted world.” –Sasha Alsberg, BookTuber at ABookUtopia, Author of NYT #1 Best Seller of Zenith.

  “Fast paced and fun, Branded has something everyone will love. Abi Ketner and Missy Kalicicki have created a unique dystopian romance that’s sure to stand out in todays market!” –Lindsay Cummings, Author of NYT #1 Best Seller of Zenith.

  “It was page-turning, intense, emotional, and so much more! This is one dystopian filled with so much you just want and need in a book! I loved that Ketner & Kaliciki had me hooked from the start making me climb more and more into this book with each page. I really felt like I was taking to a whole other world and sometime got lost in what was going on around me!” –Bella, Blogger at Paranormal Book Club

  “I just can’t stress how much I love this book! Branded will DEFINITLEY go into my TOP FAVORITE BOOKS OF ALL TIMES!!! If you haven’t read Branded, the stop what you’re doing NOW and READ IT!!!” – Alicia, Blogger at Addicted Readers

  “Wow! What a story! What a set of characters! What an ending! Now I’m ready for the next book!” – Lisa, Blogger at A Life Bound By Books

  “WOW! I wasn’t more. And I want it now. There are several revelations at the end of the store that leaves the reader hungry for more. Take it from me, you will enjoy this book so much, that you won’t be able to it out of your head. It’s just an amazing store that will blow you away.” –Savannah, Blogger at Books With Bite

  “This store is emotional and scary. This book literally brought the saying ‘on the edge of my’ seat to life. My heart was pounding with almost every chapter. I loved that feeling! I haven’t read a book in a long time that left me feeling nervous and twitchy. I was dying to know how things would go for Lexi in the HOLE. And the ending was O-M-G! –Damaris, Blogger at Good Choice Reading

  “I read until my eyes shut. And couldn’t wait to get back to find out what was going to happen next. The battle scenes were AMAZING!!! It was a story beautifully told, and described, and has you straight front-and-center with the characters. All I can say is…add this to your lists!!! Oh…and HURRY WITH BOOK #2, Abi and Missy!!!” –Cameo Renae, bestselling author of the HIDDEN WINGS series

  “I LOVED this book! I went back and forth between biting my nails and swooning. Yes, quite the combination of emotions but it was awesome! This is one messed up society and I just couldn’t get enough. And the romance, oh man oh man. Cole is something else, ladies. RAWR.” – Celeste, Blogger at The Book Hookup

  “It isn’t often that a book can completely engage me from the start but right from the very first paragraph this book held me with in isn’t pages. And did not release me from its clutches until the very last word. BOOM! I highly recommend this book to anyone that loves a nail biting read with constant twists and turns, a lead kick-ass female that you would gladly call your friend and a lead make that you want spider monkey because he is that amazing.” – Nancy, Blogger at Tales of A Ravenous Reader

  “The writing was strong, I fell in love with the characters and was totally wrapped up in the world. There was a swoon-worthy hero, a strong heroine, a forbidden romance (and I mean REALLY forbidden) and a super evil bad guy. Now, I don’t normally read Dystopians but this one had me HOOKED!!!” “Aestas, Blogger at Aesta’s Book Blog


  My mom, Lisa.

  My second mom, Sally.

  My Mamie, June.


  My mom, Jennifer.

  My mom, Denise, gone too soon.

  Not all of my wounds are visible. The ones you can’t see are the ones that hurt the most, the ones that some days leave me paralyzed.

  I peek at my dusty boots and wiggle my toes inside them to remind myself I’m still alive. Against all odds, I’m still here, grasping at slivers of moonlight that come through cracks in the thatched roof above me. It’s elusive, dodging my fingertips and tossing me into the shadows once more, leaving me to my tortured thoughts about losing Grace, Roméo, and Bill, and the possibility of never rescuing Sutton.

  Only two weeks ago, they were alive. Now, we’re holed up in a hut in the middle of a shantytown, scraping by from hour to hour. I move my feet and bump into someone, so I draw them back and glance at the corner where Bruno adjusts his position.

  He opens his eyes and rushes to cover himself with a ratty blanket that barely reaches his knees, then quickly closes his eyes again in a feeble attempt at sleep. During the day, his eyes remain distant and bloodshot, like he’s only partially here with us. I try to give him his space. Grief has to run its course and can’t be rushed, but it’s hard watching him disconnect. Los
ing Grace and her child was devastating for all of us, but Bruno took it the hardest.

  Just a few days ago, we buried her. It took forever to dig a hole since we didn’t have shovels. We used our bare hands. Toward the end, our fingers and palms were bleeding, our nails torn down to practically nothing. It was hours before the hole was deep enough, and by that point, I was emotionally and physically numb. The comforting sound of dirt being dug and tossed surrounded me, enveloping me in my own thoughts, far away from here.

  “Lexi, you’re shaking,” Cole said patting my back, “take a break.”

  I kept my eyes focused on the mounds of dirt piled around me as I responded in a cool tone. “I’m fine. Besides, no one else is resting”—I caught the expression on his face as I looked up—“so why should I?”

  He flinched as he stepped back, mumbling something. Paying no mind to his reaction, I turned back to what I was doing. Digging, digging, digging. Remembering Grace’s face, her laughter, her comforting presence. Losing her was like pouring alcohol on a raw wound—burning, stabbing pain. Grace is a reminder of why I’m here and why this all has to end. Not only am I fighting for my friends and family, I’m fighting for all Sinners and for the freedom we deserve. When I think back to school, it seems as if history’s repeating itself and we’re allowing it to happen. On top of being labeled as Sinners, Wilson’s using us as lab rats while he perfects the virus into a massive bio weapon. He’s planning on taking out the other countries, and somehow we need to find a way to stop him.

  When we finished digging the grave, it looked empty and filthy, full of worms and loose brown dirt. Grace deserves better, and I wished with all my heart we could give it to her. I pictured mounds of roses and a hand-carved casket, anything sweet that would do her some justice.

  Bruno didn’t cry when we lowered Grace’s body into her grave. We had nothing to place her in, so we’d wrapped her in a torn sheet like a cocoon. I’ll never forget the stoic way Bruno held his head, his hands clasped in front of him, eyes focused on her now-covered face. Even as we tossed dirt upon her, he didn’t crack. It seemed like he didn’t even blink.

  Soon, the mound covered her completely, obscuring our memories of her beautiful, flawless, ebony skin, perfect smile, and eyes that could light up the world. To me, it wasn’t her anymore. It wasn’t the Grace I knew who’d fought so hard for everything, who’d loved even when the cost was high and believed even when hope seemed lost. No, my friend is not just a body in the ground, but a beloved soul joining the ranks of Alyssa and my father before her.

  Tightening my stomach, I shift onto my right side, turning away from Bruno’s pinched face. Cole lies on his side, facing me. Despite the dirt smeared across his hands and face, he looks boyish with his arm wrapped over a slobbering Zeus, whose ears perk up when he sees me. He makes a snuffing noise, and I pat his head, giving him a weak smile. The moonlight makes his eyes look funny. I don’t think things will ever be the same between Cole and me, and I wonder if Zeus can sense that.

  A slit of light creeps across the floor as someone pulls the tattered sheet away from the doorway.


  It’s her.

  “Leave me alone,” I say.

  “Please, give me the chance to at least try and explain.” My mother steps into the small hut, obscuring my view of Cole and Zeus lying on the floor. I exhale and stand, leaving the others to rest. I brush past her, pushing my way outside the hut as she follows. Facing her, I fold my arms across my body.

  “Explain,” I say in a flat tone. “I’m well aware of what happened to me. I know who put me in the closet, and it wasn’t you. Maybe you don’t remember because you were high, but I recall every single detail. Who knows maybe you were brain-washed. Maybe he convinced you it was you, that you tortured me.”

  “You’re angry, and that’s okay. You have every right to be,” she says in a hushed voice, rushing through her words. “But I want to give you the full picture …”

  “Don’t waste your breath,” I say. “This discussion is over.”

  She steps back and twists her hands in front her, gnawing on the inside of her right cheek. Shadows skip off the haggard lines of her face. If it were up to me, we’d leave her behind, but against my wishes Levi insists on allowing her to stay.

  “The truth,” she says quietly.

  Every muscle in my body contracts. She doesn’t get it, she’s ignoring everything I just said and I’ve had it.

  “You abandoned your kids; left us to fend for ourselves, and not once did you check on us. What kind of mother does that?” My face’s melting lava as I look at her.” And now you’re playing the victim?” I straighten my shoulders. “Or do you think you’re somehow going to salvage our relationship?” My fists tighten at my sides. “Won’t happen, Mom.”

  “Lexi, I know you’ve suffered a great deal, and some of it has been my—”

  “Some?” I throw my hands in the air as I take a deep pissed-off breath. “Do you hear yourself?” She ignores me and keeps rambling.

  “I loved your Father …” Her voice falls away when I place my hand on the thin wall of the shack, feeling a bit dizzy. “Are you okay?”

  “Fine …” Images cloud my brain.

  The Commander and Cole stand over my father like two shadows. My father’s face is pasty white, his eyes large and sunken into stretched skin. He’s saying something, but the Commander orders Cole to continue. With shaky hands, Cole extracts another fingernail, wrenching it with pliers. I watch as my father grits his teeth, sweat coming down over his forehead, veins bulging and blood seeping from where his fingernails used to be. The straps holding his hands in place wear deep, red marks into his wrists. Bloodshot eyes meet Cole’s and beg for mercy, but Cole doesn’t stop.

  “A name,” the Commander says in a steely voice.


  The Commander nods at Cole, who positions the pliers on another fingernail. “Last chance, Hamilton. You haven’t seen what I’m capable of yet.” the Commander says. He leans over my father, his lips almost touching my father’s ear. “I will kill you. Fast or slow depends on you. Tell me now, and it’ll be over.”


  The Commander steps back and taps Cole’s shoulder. Cole’s Adam’s apple bobs, and then he goes to work, prying the nail lose as my father grinds his teeth together in agony. His face turns ashen. The Commander watches, arms folded stiffly across his chest, fingers tapping with impatience.

  When Cole finishes, he clenches his fists and glances up at the Commander, whose hardened eyes give away nothing he’s thinking.

  “Your wife is in my possession,” the Commander says.

  My father’s voice is weak when he speaks. “She knows nothing.”

  “After he killed your father, I tried to continue his work and follow through with his plan …” My mom’s voice is muffled in the background. But I can’t focus on her as the scene continues to play out in my head, making everything around me seem far away.

  My father flinches as he looks up at the Commander. He closes his eyes and swallows hard, his muscles flexing in their chains.

  “She belongs to me now and I’m sure you can image how so. Her beauty, and oh, that curvy body of hers … delicious. She burned all your photos when I took over your home.” He paces around the table where my father and Cole sit. “Unfortunately, I’m a great mind reader; she stills loves you.” He stops and slams his calloused hands down on the table, eyes piercing through my father. “She’s next if you don’t cooperate.”

  Cole shifts uncomfortably in his seat, drawing the Commander’s eyes briefly. My father stares straight ahead, saying nothing.

  “And, lets not forget about pretty little Lexi, My she’s developing into a lovely young lady.” He laughs sadistically. “I have extravagant plans for that one.”

  “Lexi, do you hear me?” Mom asks, her voice rising. “Or are you choosing to ignore me?”

  Still silence.

  The Commander stands up, s
traightens. He nods at Cole, who punches my father in the face. My heart immediately tears to shreds, and I choke on my scream. The skin tears above my father’s eye, and blood forms a river down his face. Cole punches him again, and it spatters all over the table and saturates his fingers. He repeats it again and again and again.

  “She’s in some kind of trance.” Her voice floods with concern, but I don’t care.

  “How can you tell?” A male says.

  “Her eyes. They’re glassy.”

  “Lexi?” another voice says.

  The blood, the blood’s spurting out, turning my vision red, obscuring my father’s face. The red morphs into a brand. WRATH. And I’m clawing my way out. I’m screaming at Cole to stop. I want him to attack the Commander. Fight him. Beat him and destroy his soul.

  “Make her stop, she’ll wake everyone,” a panicked voice says.

  “Lexi. Lexi!” Someone’s shaking me. “Come back to me.”

  “Stop. Leave him alone. Can’t you see he doesn’t know anything?” I’m yelling, and suddenly, I’m staring straight into Cole’s concerned eyes. My arms thrust forward, pushing him backward, and he stumbles.

  “Lexi, please.” Cole’s voice is shaken.

  “Don’t touch me!” My lungs burn as I try to catch my breath. My mom steadies Cole and gapes at me, her eyes wide.

  “For Pete’s sake, Lexi, what just happened?” she asks, reaching out to me.

  I step backward and steady myself against the tin shack, attempting to control my emotions.

  “Were you listening to me?” she asks in a gentle voice.

  My body’s rigid, every muscle braced for an attack. Was it real, or did I imagine it all? The clarity of the images makes it hard to distinguish between the two. Then a nudge at my hand and a whimper snaps me out of the fog. Zeus’s big, brown eyes stare up at me. I stoop and wrap my arms around him, feeling my insides collapse. The only one who can comfort me is him. The only one whose love I know is unconditional and loyal is Zeus. A dog.