Read Midnight Surrender (A Paranormal Romance Anthology) Page 1

  Midnight Surrender

  A Paranormal Romance Anthology

  Stories by:

  Charlotte Abel

  Kelly D. Cooper

  Shannon Dermott

  Laura A.H. Elliott

  Alyssa Rose Ivy

  Amy M. Jones

  Airicka Phoenix

  Compiled and Edited by Kris Kendall


  Copyright © 2012 by Surrendered Press

  This book is fictitious. All references to ancient, historical events, persons living or dead, locations and places are used in a fictitious manner. Any other names, characters, incidents and places are derived from the author’s own imagination. Similarities to persons living or dead, places, or events are entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. Each story is owned by the original author and has been included in this compilation with their express permission. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing, October 2012

  ISBN 9781301752041 

  First A Crescent Chronicles Story By Alyssa Rose Ivy 1

  The Gathering By Charlotte Abel 25

  Down the Rabbit Hole By Charlotte Abel 49

  Prelude to Mercy By Shannon Dermott 78

  Intentions By Airicka Phoenix 110

  Wanting By Airicka Phoenix 148

  Shadow Slayer The Lost Excerpt By Laura A. H. Elliott 176

  Tunnel of Love (or Heartbreak) By Amy Maurer Jones 186

  Dance by Moonlight By Kelly D. Cooper 213


  A Crescent Chronicles Story

  By Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “It looks like tonight’s activity just arrived.” Jared’s comment made me snap my head up from the bar. The only activities my friend cared about involved girls—he had my attention.

  It didn’t take long to see what caught his eye. She was gorgeous—especially those long tan legs that were shown off nicely in the short yellow dress she wore. Slim but clearly athletic, I could already imagine how much fun she’d be.

  I finished off my Jack and Coke, tossing the empty glass down on the mahogany bar. The new guy who bought the place had gone to town on the hunk of wood. I doubted he had any idea that the hotel he’d purchased housed a hell of a lot more than rooms, food, and booze.

  The girl walked around the lobby like she owned the place, her eyes taking in every detail. Finally they found me, and I got a look at her bright green eyes. I gave her my trademark smile; it worked every time. She smiled back, and I nodded, telling her to come over. I thought she was going to, until she shook her head and kept on walking. She didn’t even give me a second glance. What the hell?

  I was barely aware of Jared talking. “I call dibs on the blonde.”

  “Blonde? She was a brunette.”

  My other friend Owen laughed. “There were two girls, Levi.”

  “Oh, I only noticed the one.”

  Jared smirked. “You seriously didn’t notice that blonde? That top didn’t leave much to the imagination.”

  “Did you see where they went?” I really didn’t care about the blonde, but I had to find Miss Legs. I couldn’t believe she’d blown me off like that. I was right—she was going to be a lot of fun.

  “They’re probably in the court yard.” Owen yawned. He seriously worried me sometimes. Some girl dumped him, and he’d been practically a monk since. The guy needed to get laid; Jared and I were going to have to try harder to get him out there.

  “I could really use a night with that one,” I said to Owen. Our taste in women had always been more similar. Jared only went for busty blondes, where as I wanted the brunettes with the long legs. A nice chest didn’t hurt—not at all, but a short skirt on the right girl could drive me crazy.

  “I noticed her.” Owen’s small smile would have been enough for me to let him have her usually, but this one was for me.

  “I’ve got to find her. She might even be worth a second night.”

  Owen snorted. “Real nice.”

  Jared finished his drink. “We’ll find them, but we need to get moving. Your dad’s going to get pissed if we’re late.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  I took one last glance around to make sure she hadn’t changed her mind and come back, before I walked over to the elevator. I smirked at the weird bellboy that was always staring at us. He took a step back and lowered his eyes.

  Once the doors shut, I inserted the key and pushed the button for the basement.

  “What do you think he wants us for this time?” Jared asked, leaning back against the wall.

  “Like I’d know, but he didn’t sound happy.” I only listened to one message, but I had a feeling it was the latest of many.

  “I guess we’ll find out.”

  The elevator doors opened, depositing us into a room that would be dark for the average person, but we had no problem seeing. I pushed open the doors, and we headed toward my Dad’s office, which was located just off the main chamber.

  I knocked on the door loudly. “Who is it?” Dad called.

  I knocked one last time just to be a pain. “Who do you think?”

  “Come in, Levi.”

  I walked in, Owen and Jared following behind.

  “Close the door.”

  Jared slammed the door harder than he needed to. The action wasn’t lost on my dad. His glare had Jared standing up straighter.

  Dad didn’t miss a beat. “You missed last night’s council meeting.”

  “What are you talking about? We just met last week.”

  “I called an emergency meeting last night.”

  Shit. I knew there were more messages. “Yeah, well, I didn’t know.”

  “Is that all you have to say for yourself? Twenty-two years old, and you behave like a child.”

  My dad never minced words, but he usually kept his cool. Things had to be serious for him to be flipping out on me in front of my friends.

  “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

  “It better not.” His icy stare left little doubt he was serious.

  “What did you discuss?” I shifted uneasily from foot to foot.

  “The Blackwells. There’s talk of a takeover attempt.”

  “Like those Yankees could do anything,” Jared spat. He never kept his mouth shut, not even in front of my father.

  “Has your father taught you nothing, Jared? The second you start underestimating your opponent you’ve lost your advantage.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Mentioning Jared’s father usually had that effect. His dad was essentially the head of security for my family’s business. We’d spent many nights getting wasted and talking about how much we hated our fathers. Neither of us would ever live up to their expectations.

  “So what’s the plan?” I slunk down in a high back chair, this could take a while.

  “The plan is that you grow up and find a girl.”

  “This again? I’m not ready. Just because you and Mom got married at twenty doesn’t mean I have to do it.”

  “You’re not twenty. You graduate college in a year; it’s time to stop chasing after everything in a skirt. Find someone worth your time.”

  “What does this have to do with the takeover attempt?”

  “Don’t play stupid.”

  “No one cares whether I have a mate. They know I can have a kid, it’s not a big deal.”

  “Everyone cares. Everyone.” He cracked his knuck
les; he only did that when he was particularly worried.

  “Well, I’ll take a mate when I meet the right girl.” I leaned back in my chair and stretched out my legs. Getting angry wasn’t going to help the situation, but I was tired of this bullshit.

  “You can’t find her unless you look.”

  “He does plenty of looking,” Owen mumbled under his breath.

  “Looking for a mate is different from looking for a girl to jump in bed with. I’d have thought you’d understand that, Owen.” Dad really liked to get you where it hurt. Owen definitely got that.

  “You told me I have until graduation, that’s months from now.” I planned to enjoy every last day of my freedom until then, starting with tonight. I needed to get out of the meeting so I could find the girl.

  “Building a relationship takes time. Do you expect to meet someone and bind yourself to her the next day? Don’t wait too long.”

  Jared sniggered.

  “I’m tasking you two with making sure it happens. We all have a lot to lose if Levi can’t keep his pants on long enough to find a worthy girl.”

  “Absolutely, sir.” Of course Owen agreed immediately.

  “Can we please talk about the real plan? The one that doesn’t involve my sex life?”

  “All we can do is stay alert and make sure our own ranks are loyal. If things come to blow, we can’t have any mutiny from within.”

  “I’m guessing my dad’s already on that?” Jared asked.

  “Yes. But I expect you all to do your part.”

  “Will do, Sir,” Jared replied. Even he knew that pushing my Dad could have dire consequences.

  “Good. Now get out of here. I have better things to do today.”

  “Bye Dad, great talking to you.” I got the hell out of his office and back to the elevator. I was angry, and I could feel the transformation wanting to happen. I relaxed and pushed it back. I had better things to think about.