Read Naked Page 1


  The Blackstone Affair Part 1

  Raine Miller


  Raine Miller Romance©

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2012 by Raine Miller. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Published by Raine Miller Romance©

  Cover by Kim Killion, Hot Damn Designs

  The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction: Ferragamo; Advil; Power Bar; Land Rover; Range Rover; London Underground; Boots; Sheppy’s Cider; Jolly Rancher; Klik-Klaks; Charbonnel et Walker; Tommy Hilfiger Dreaming; University of London; London 2012 Olympic Games; Jimi Hendrix; Eminem; Rihanna; Love the Way You Lie; Crime & Investigation Network; Google; Wikipedia; iPod; Van Gogh Vodka; Djarum Black; Dos Equis; The Knowledge


  My dear friend, this is for you…

  Truth! stark naked truth, is the word.

  John Cleland, 1749


  The idea for Naked is something I feel I should share with my readers. You never know what will spark initiative for a story, and for me, the seed of inspiration for The Blackstone Affair was a total surprise. While looking for stock images one afternoon for another story as a potential book cover, I stumbled upon the photo of a nude woman in a tasteful pose—the image that’s on the cover of this book right now. I was so taken with it I had to sit down and write. Within an hour I had the first chapter of Brynne, the model, meeting Ethan, the man who’d just bought a portrait of her naked self. The story had me in its grip by this point and I was totally lost in it. My other projects had to be set aside so I could devote my time to writing this new series. And I consider it a blessing because finding the photograph that day pushed me to create this exciting world and these very special characters of The Blackstone Affair. I love being able to invent the people in my books. Thank you to Kim Killion of Hot Damn Designs for creating such a rockin’ cover to accompany this story. To Kathe for finding the font. She was relentless.

  Now with that being said, I want to thank a few people for the kind words, help, support, questions, advice, enthusiasm, pats on the back, hand-holding, drive-by-love-bombs, and just good old fashioned friendship, for without it, I would not have this book to share, nor would being a writer be something that I love as much as I do. So, to Franzi, Bels, Stacie, Angel, Lisa, Kristy, TJ, Rebecca, Donna, Ai-vy, Mandy, Melina, Rhonda, Lacey, Sherie, Sarah, Carolyn, Kristin, Michelle, Colleen and my three guys: *Muah*

  Love you much, respect you more.


  Table of Contents















  The Author

  Sneak Peek ~All In


  2012 May


  I don’t know shit about American politics. I don’t need to know. I’m a British citizen and Parliament is confusing enough. Politics don’t interest me much. But I am forced to work around the byproducts of political affairs all the time. I deal in security, both private and for the British government. I’m good at my job. I take it very seriously. In my business you have to be good because when you’re not good…people die.

  United States congressman goes down in a plane crash. Newsworthy of course. But when said congressman was the probable vice presidential nominee for the challenging party and the election is mere months away then it makes world news in a viral heartbeat. Especially when people who want the power will do just about anything to ensure the incumbent never stands a second term. Scrambling for a replacement, the GOP understandably needed to fill the empty slot on their ticket. And this is how I came to discover her.

  I received the email from her father first. A voice from my past extending a friendly greeting and an acknowledgement of where we’d both ended up. Fair enough. My past had been a colorful one, including both the good and the bad, and he’d come into my life during one of the good parts.

  A phone call came next where he told me he had a daughter living in London. He was concerned about her safety and gave some tentative details about why. I was polite and quite sure I didn’t need to involve myself. My job had me overextended as it was. Organizing VIP security for London 2012 at the XXX Olympiad pretty much consumed all my time and I had nothing to spare for the daughter of an acquaintance I’d met at a poker tournament more than six years gone.

  I told him no. I was even prepared to give him a referral to another private security firm as a personal favor when he played his hand. Poker players know when to play their hands.

  He sent me her picture in second email.

  That picture changed everything. I was not the same after I saw it and I couldn’t go back to the man I’d been before seeing it either. Not after we met that night on the street. My whole world altered because of a photograph. A photograph of my beautiful American girl.



  My mother can’t see this right now and that’s a really good thing. She would freak. I’d made it to Benny’s show tonight because I told him I’d be here and I know how important it is for him. It’s important for me too. I only want the best for my friend just like he does for me. In the past three years Benny has been right there to console me, drink with me, commiserate with me, and even to help me pay my rent upon occasion by giving me work. Well, that and the fact he shot the photograph on the canvas I’m staring at right now. And it’s a picture of my nude body.

  Posing as a nude model isn’t something I dreamed of doing for my life’s work or anything, but it is a way to make some extra money in between student loans. And lately I’d been getting offers from other photographers. Benny said to be prepared for more interest too, because of this show tonight. People will inquire about the model. It’s a given, Brynne. That’s my Benny, always the optimist.

  I sipped my champagne and studied the really huge image hanging on the gallery wall. Benny had talent. For a child of Somali refugees who started with less than nothing in the UK, he knew how to configure a picture. He’d posed me on my back with my head turned to the side, my arm over my breasts and my hand flared between my legs. He’d wanted my hair splayed out and my pussy covered. I’d worn a string thong for the shot but you couldn’t see it. Nothing showed that would classify my image as porn. The proper term is artistic nude photography anyway. My stuff was shot tastefully or I didn’t do it. Well, I certainly hoped my pictures didn’t get onto any porn sites, but who could know for sure these days. I didn’t do porn. I hardly did sex.

  “There’s my girl!” Benny’s big arms wrapped around my shoulders and he rested his chin on top of my head. “It’s smashing isn’t it? And you have the most beautiful feet of any woman on the planet.”

  “Everything you do looks good, Ben, even my feet.” I turned around and faced him. “So, you sell anything yet? Let me rephrase. How many have you sold?”

  “Three so far and I think this one’s going very soon.” Ben winked. “Don’t be obvious but see the tall bloke in the grey suit, black hair, speaking with Carole Andersen? He’
s inquired. Seems he’s quite taken by your gorgeous naked self. Probably going to go for a good palm session soon as he can get the canvas all to himself. How’s that make you feel, Brynne luv? Some rich toff pulling his pud to the sight of your unearthly beauty.”

  “Shut up.” I rolled my eyes at him. “That’s just nasty. Don’t tell me things like that or I’ll have to stop taking jobs.” I tilted my head and shook it. “It’s a damn good thing I love you, Benny Clarkson.” Ben could say the crassest thing and manage to make it come out proper and refined. Must be his British accent. Hell, even Ozzy Osbourne sounded proper at times thanks to that accent.

  “It’s true though,” Ben said, placing a kiss on my cheek, “and you know it. That chap hasn’t stopped eyeballing you since you glided in here. And he’s not gay.”

  I gaped at Benny. “Good to know, thank you, Ben, for the update. And I don’t glide!”

  He grinned at me in that wicked, boyish way of his. “Believe me, if he was I would’ve offered to blow him in the back room by now. He’s off the charts hot.”

  “You’re going to hell, you know that don’t you?” I looked over casually and checked out the buyer. Benny was right about him; the guy oozed hotness from the leather soles of his Ferragamos to the tips of his wavy dark hair. About six foot three, muscular, confident, rich. I couldn’t tell about his eyes because he was talking to the owner of the gallery. About my picture maybe? Hard to say, but didn’t matter anyway. Even if he did buy it, I’d never see him again.

  “I’m right huh?” Ben saw me looking and nudged me in the ribs.

  “About the jerking off? No possible way, Benny!” I shook my head slowly. “He’s way too beautiful to have to resort to his hand for an orgasm.”

  And then that beautiful man turned and looked at me. His eyes burned across the room almost as if he’d heard what I’d just said to Benny. But that was impossible. Wasn’t it? He kept staring and I finally had to look down. There was no way I could compete with the level of intensity, or whatever the hell was coming at me from where he stood. The urge to flee kicked in immediately. Safety first.

  I gulped another swig from my champagne and drained it. “I need to go now. And the show is brilliant.” I hugged my friend. “And you will be famous the world over,” I told him, grinning. “In about fifty more years!”

  Benny laughed behind me as I headed for the door. “Call me, my lovely!”

  I waved a hand without turning and stepped out. The street was busy for London on a weeknight. The upcoming Olympic Games had turned the city into an absolute cluster of humanity though. It could be years before I got a cab. Should I risk the walk to the closest Underground station? I glanced down at my heels which looked great paired with my dress, but were seriously lacking in the walking comfort department. And if I took the Tube, I’d still have to hoof it another couple blocks to my flat in the dark. Mom would say no of course. But then again, Mom was not here in London. Mom was home in San Francisco where I didn’t want to be. Screw this. I started walking.

  “It’s a very bad idea, Brynne. Don’t risk it. Let me give you a ride.”

  I froze on the street. I knew who spoke to me without ever hearing his voice before. I turned slowly to face the same eyes that had burned me back at the gallery. “I don’t know you at all,” I told him.

  He smiled, his lip turning up more on one side than the other of his goateed mouth. He pointed to his car at the curb, a sleek black Range Rover HSE. The kind that only Brits with money can ever afford. Not that he didn’t reek of money before, but he was way out of my league.

  I swallowed hard in my throat. Those eyes of his were blue, very clear and deep. “Yet you call me by name and—and expect me to get in a car with you? Are you crazy?”

  He walked toward me and extended his hand. “Ethan Blackstone.”

  I stared at his hand, so finely elegant with the white cuff framing the grey sleeve of his designer jacket. “How do you even know my name?”

  “I just bought a work entitled Brynne’s Repose from the Andersen Gallery for a nice sum not fifteen minutes ago. And I’m fairly sure I’m not mentally impaired. Sounds more PC than crazy don’t you think?” He kept his hand out.

  I met his hand and he took mine. Oh did he ever. Or maybe I’d lost my mind shaking hands with the stranger who’d just purchased a huge canvas of my naked body. Ethan possessed a firm grip. And hot too. Had I imagined he pulled me a little closer toward him? Or maybe I was the crazy one, because my feet hadn’t moved an inch. Those blue eyes were nearer to me than they were a moment ago though, and I could smell his cologne. Something so gawd awfully delicious it was sinful to smell that good and be human.

  “Brynne Bennett,” I said.

  He let go of my hand. “And now we know each other,” he said, pointing first at me and then to himself, “Brynne, Ethan.” He motioned with his head toward his Rover. “Now will you let me take you home?”

  I swallowed again. “Why do you care so much?”

  “Because I don’t want anything to happen to you? Because those heels look lovely at the end of your legs but will be hell to walk in? Because it’s dangerous for a woman alone at night in the city?” His eyes flicked over me. “Especially one as beautiful as you.” That mouth of his turned up just slightly on the one side again. “So many reasons, Miss Bennett.”

  “What if you’re not safe?” He raised an eyebrow at me. “I still don’t know you or anything about you, or if Ethan Blackstone is your real name.” Did he just give me a look?

  “You have a point in that. And it’s one I can rectify easily.” He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a drivers license with the name, Ethan James Blackstone clearly printed. He handed me a business card with the same name and Blackstone Security International, Ltd. engraved on the cream cardstock. “You may keep that.” He grinned again. “I’m very busy at my job, Miss Bennett. I have absolutely no time for a hobby as a serial killer, I promise you.”

  I laughed. “Good one, Mr. Blackstone.” I put his card in my purse. “All right. You can give me a ride.” His brow shot up again, and I got the sideways grin again too.

  I winced inwardly at the double entendre for ‘ride’ and tried to focus on how uncomfortable my shoes really would be for walking to the Tube station and that it was a good idea to let him drive me.

  He pressed his hand to the bottom of my back and led me to the curb. “In you go.” Ethan got me settled and then walked around to the street side and slid behind the wheel, smooth as a panther. He looked at me and tilted his head. “And where does Miss Bennett live?”

  “Nelson Square in Southwark.”

  He frowned but then turned his face away and pulled out into traffic. “You are American.”

  What, he didn’t like Americans? “I am here on scholarship at the University of London. Graduate program,” I tacked on, wondering why I felt the need to tell him anything at all about myself.

  “And the modeling?”

  The second he asked the question the sexual tension thickened. I paused before answering. I knew exactly what he was doing—imagining me in my picture. Naked. And as weird as it felt, I opened my mouth and told him. “Um, I—I posed for my friend, the photographer, Benny Clarkson. He asked and it helps pay the bills, you know?”

  “Not really, but I love the portrait of you, Miss Bennett.” He kept his eyes on the road.

  I felt myself stiffen at his comment. Who in the hell was he to judge what I do to support myself?

  “Well, my own personal international corporation never came through like yours did, Mr. Blackstone. I resorted to modeling. I like sleeping in a bed as opposed to a park bench. And heat. The winters here suck!” Even I could hear the snark in my voice.

  “In my experience I’ve found many things here that suck.” He turned and gave me an expert blue-eyed stare.

  How he’d said ‘suck’ got my blood tingling in a way that left no doubts about my skills in fantasy being sound. I might not get a ton of practica
l experience between the sheets, but my fantasies don’t suffer one iota from lack of use.

  “Well we agree on something then.” I brought my fingers to my forehead and rubbed. The image of Ethan’s cock and the word ‘suck’ in the same little space in my brain was a little much at the moment.


  “Yeah. How did you know?”

  We slowed for a stoplight and he looked over at me, his eyes traveling from my lap back up to my face in a slow, measured pace. “Merely a guess. No dinner, just the champagne you gulped back at the gallery, and now it’s late and your body is putting up a protest.” He lifted his eyebrow yet again. “How’d I do?”

  I swallowed hard, desperately wishing for water. Bingo, Mr. Blackstone. You read me like a cheap comic book. Whoever you are, you’re good.

  “I just need two aspirin and some water and I’ll be fine.”

  He shook his head at me. “When did you last eat some food, Brynne?”

  “So we’re back to first names again?”

  He gave me a tolerant look but I could tell he was pissed.

  “I had a late breakfast, okay? I’ll make something when I get home.” I looked out the window. The light must have changed because we started moving again. The only sounds were of his body shifting as he turned the corner. And it was way too sexy of a sound to keep my eyes averted for long. I chanced a peek. In profile, Ethan had a rather prominent nose but on him it didn’t matter, he was still beautiful.

  Ignoring me now, acting as if I wasn’t sitting two feet from him, he efficiently drove us. Ethan seemed to know his way around London because he didn’t ask me for directions once. I could still smell him though, and the scent did things to my head. I really needed to get out of this car.

  He made a rude noise and pulled into a strip mall. “Stay here; I’ll be just a minute.” His voice sounded a little edgy. A lot more than a little, actually. Everything was edgy with him. And commanding. Like he told you what to do and you didn’t dare argue.