Read Of Damsels & Dragons Page 1


  Of Damsels and Dragons

  © Nona Mae King 

  Inspired by Aeris, Sephiroth

  and other characters from

  Final Fantasy VII © SquareEnix 


  Cover design by Nona Mae King 



  To Save a Soul


  My Fair Princess 

  Searching for Sara

  Releasing Yesterday

  Broken Angel


  Bookworms and Booya (series) 

  Few Words 

  The Reluctant Knight 

  In Theory 

  Terra (series)

  A Rose by Any Other Name


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  The following fanfiction is inspired by events during Final Fantasy VII by Square-Enix and fulfill a request to write a romance between Aeris and Sephiroth.

  Glossary of Characters:

  Amy Burke (playing the role of Aeris Gainsborough)—a recent graduate from NYU hoping to break into the film industry. Currently works at a coffee shop and rents a small apartment with her friend Renee. She has long been a fan of thespian legend Garret Harrison.

  Vanessa Heron (playing the role of Tifa Lockhart) -- a childhood friend of Mark and a world-renowned actor/thespian. She was involved with Garret Harrison at one point, but now she and Mark are secretly dating.

  Mark Frasier (playing the role of Cloud Strife)—an “action flick legend” who performs his own stunts. Childhood friend of Vanessa, who he is secretly dating. He fancies himself a heart-throb, though he only has eyes for Vanessa.

  Garret Harrison (playing the role of Sephiroth)-- Recognized as the most accomplished and talented actor/thespian of all time, he is now one of the foremost Executive Producers of both Hollywood and Broadway. A cynic when it comes to relationships, he nevertheless views it as a personal goal to seduce and bed the heroine in all his acting endeavors.

  Of Damsels & Dragons

  .: One :.

  The Audition



  Amy turned the page of her novel and adjusted her feet on the flower-print couch as she took another sip of her coffee.



  A finger teased a brunette curl. She nibbled her lower lip and turned a page.

  The newspaper once again grabbed Renee’s hazel gaze. It bristled as she snatched it from the kitchenette counter. “But it’s a movie!”

  Amy’s emerald eyes drifted with lazy calm from the thick, hard-bound novel. She could never quite give up the feel of paper for an e-reader. “I told you I would not go to another one of those - whatever you want to call them - again.”

  “I call them auditions, and I already said I was sorry about the last one. I swear I didn’t know.”

  Amy lowered her eyes back to the book and took another sip of coffee. “I accept that, but I’m not going to another one. I’m not meant to be—”

  “Don’t start that again, Aims. Of course you are! This could be the one. Promise.”

  “That’s what you said the last time, Renee.”

  “This is the last time.” She crossed her heart. “Or I’ll quit eating chocolate for a whole month.”

  Amy gauged her friend’s pleading expression. Renee’s lips blossomed into a pout, her brown-black eyes almost glimmering. No wonder she is an actress. Few could play the guilt card as well as Renee. Amy lowered her focus to the novel once again and turned the page. “Let me finish my coffee.”

  “Yes!” Renee disappeared into one of the small bedrooms to change.

  “I don’t understand why you’re so insistent.” Memories of the last fiasco teased Amy’s lips into a reluctant smile.

  “I am because you won’t, that’s why!” Renee growled about her apparent lack of anything to wear and then popped her head around the corner of her bedroom door. “One last try, Aims. There’s good karma in the air today. Swear!”

  “You should remember what happened the last time you commented on the karma.” Amy set aside her book. “I believe he said I should continue my duties as a coffee barista rather than auditioning as a—”

  “Don’t say it! Anything but that. You’ll jinx the whole thing.” Renee ducked back into her room, huffing and puffing as she struggled into her super slim slacks, her push-up bra, and her almost-sheer black blouse.

  Amy chuckled as she allowed herself one last luxurious stretch. “Fine. I will behave myself and not utter a word that will bemuse the silver screen gods into failing me.”

  “Now you’re being ridiculous.”

  “It’s humor. It’s how I cope.”

  “Cope shmope. You’re the most grounded person I’ve ever met. You don’t need to cope. It’s bad enough I know you’re just humoring me— which I appreciate!”

  “I know you do, just as I know you’ll be good for it later on. Especially if you land a nice part.”

  “Stop talking and get dressed! I’ve already changed twice to your nothing.”

  Amy laughed.