Read One Direction - It's Gotta Be You Page 1


  Susann's POV

  I slowly walked towards the yellow, small school bus. It was half past seven in the morning, and the wind went crazy outside. It was the first of December today, not that it was really obvious in any way. Everyone's wishes about waking up to a white December had not been granted, it was still the same, sad weather as before, only a little colder. Today, the air was also filled with gray fog which didn't seem like it wanted to fade away at first sight. As I got closer to the bus, a familiar figure appeared in front of me. I hadn't noticed before, cause I was completely walking around in my own thoughts, until someone shouted at me.

  "Susann!" She came almost running towards me as I came to myself. I didn't even get to move before she ran me over. "Malin!" I shouted back after getting up from the shock. Malin was my first and best friend here. Did I mention I moved here only a week ago? No, I didn't think so. Well, I did. At first it came as a shock on me, I didn't want to move at all. At that time it felt like it was the worst thing that possibly could have happened to me, it was like my world just fell even more apart. Like no one was thinking about me at all, or what I wanted?.


  It was November 28 and I remember just getting back from 8 exhausting hours with school. I just wanted to get home as fast as possible and just lie down at my bed, relaxing a few hours as it hadn't been a lot of sleep on me lately. Less than a month earlier, my mom and dad had decided to split up. I guess I should have seen it coming, but I didn't. And now dad had decided he wanted to move to England. ENGLAND!! Why couldn't he just stay closer to home? Not that I spent too much time with him, but I really liked our father - daughter moments, like when we went out every other Friday together.

  Another shock came close, as, less than a week ago, my mom told me she was already seeing someone else she had known for a while. At first I got angry at her. Dumping dad for another man, but "unfortunately", her new boyfriend James was really nice, and I didn't manage to be mad at her anymore, cause I realized had sort of already known for a while that her and dad had some issues.

  Well, my third shock, maybe the biggest one when I get to think and which caused me to tell you all of this, is that James had asked my mom out on a travel-around-the-world tour with him, lasting "only" a year. I begged her to let me stay at my friend's house, but she completely refused. She told me that this was my chance to spend some "quality time" with my dad, as I was to move over to England to live with him. I was a total disaster to me, all that I had built up of friends and school over the last few years, just thrown away. Well, a week later I stood at the airport, nearly crying (as embarrassed as I am for that) cause I wanted to stay so badly. I had absolutely no friends in England at all, especially not in this small town called Cheshire, which apparently was where I was to live over the next year. I still remember looking back over my shoulders, waving at all my friends who had met me on the airport to say goodbye. Goodbye sweet home, goodbye life and hello miserable new life?


  Well, you probably now understand that I wasn't too happy about the whole moving-thing. But I'll tell you one thing, things almost never turn out the way you think it will. And neither did this. The minute I stepped on to school ground, someone was there to welcome me. Everyone was really nice, and had heard a lot about me already, as my father had gotten the job as head of the police office in town. As I told you earlier, this was a small town, and the rumor spread faster than fire. From the first day I arrived at this school, to me, there were four girls who particularly stood out to me. These girls where now the four best friends that I could have ever imagined, and the three girls were now standing right in front of me and Malin, greeted us as we got onto the bus. We all sat down after hugging each and other, now heading towards another normal school day, or so I thought..

  DEL 2

  Susann's POV:

  As soon as the bus moved on from the stop, we all busted out talking with each other about out weekends apart, every single detail exposed. This was what I loved about my friends, no one was afraid to tell the others about anything. I didn't really have much to say about my weekend, as I had mostly used it to unpack my belongings from home. I still hadn't gotten used to my new room, even though it was probably twice as big as my last one. I guess living alone with your dad has its benefits.

  Suddenly all my friends started laughing out loudly, which woke me up from my own, deep thoughts. As I noticed about every single one on the bus also sat laughing, I pretty much guessed who had come with the funny quote. It was one of my best friends at this school, Alette. She always had the humor, and everyone, especially the boys, absolutely adored her. That reminds me of an important detail I might have forgotten to tell you about, the four people that keep my life running, that always lighten up my day. Of course I'm talking about my four best friends from here. As you may remember, I earlier told you that these girls really stood out to me when I first attended Cheshire High School. I still remember the first moment they came up to me. I remember being terrified of the fact that I was absolutely sure everyone would hate me. Despite the fact that I've only known them for a week, it feels like a lifetime.

  The first girl I met while moving to Cheshire was Malin, who you met earlier. She's usually seen as the quiet one, but when you get to know her, she's amazing. She's the best listener and you can tell her everything. You can always go to her for advice. And then there's Alette, there's not a single negative thing you can say about her. Like I told you a little while ago, she's always got the humor going. There's never a dark moment where she can't come with a funny quote and light up your day, and I think the rest of the school agrees. The second friend I met when I first got here was Synne. She lives right next door, and we usually hang out all the time. People who don't know her might say she's a little shy, but that is probably the worst word to describe her personality as soon as you get to know her properly. I don't even know how to describe her myself. On one side, she's the most random person you could ever imagine, but on the other side she's also really emotional. At last there's Fatema, she's the smarty, as everyone calls her. There's not a single thing she doesn't know. You can ask her for everything, although she is personally more interested in poetry and meaning. She always seeks the answers to every situation.

  Well, that was a little bit about my friends. I guess I should introduce myself as well. My name is Susann and I'm 17. If my friends were to describe me, they would probably use these three words: independent, smart and girly. I love clothes and makeup, but I also love training. I also like school, compared to most other teens around here. But, the most noticeable thing about me is probably the fact that I always have my own opinions on everything. I usually never get affected by what other people say or think.

  I probably could have kept going on for ages about my wonderful friends, but all of sudden a loud voice shouting my name woke me up..
