Read Patty's Butterfly Days Page 1

  Produced by Charles Franks and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team.




  Author of

  The Patty Books, The Marjorie Books, etc

  Illustrations by Martin Lewis
























  "Different men are of different opinions; some like apples, some likeinions," sang Patty, as she swayed herself idly back and forth in theveranda swing; "but, truly-ooly, Nan," she went on, "I don't care asnipjack. I'm quite ready and willing to go to the White Mountains,--orthe Blue or Pink or even Lavender Mountains, if you like."

  "You're willing, Patty, only because you're so good-natured andunselfish; but, really, you don't want to go one bit."

  "Now, Nan, I'm no poor, pale martyr, with a halo roundy-bout me noblebrow. When we came down here to Spring Beach, it was understood that wewere to stay here part of the summer, and then go to the mountains. Andnow it's the first of August and I've had my innings, so it's only fairyou should have your outing."

  Though Patty's air was gay and careless, and Patty's tones weresincere, she was in reality making an heroic self-sacrifice, and Nanknew it. Patty loved the seashore; she had been there three months, andloved it better every day.

  But Nan cared more for the mountains, and longed to get away from thesunny glare of the sea, and enjoy the shaded walks and drives of higheraltitudes. However, these two were of unselfish nature, and each wantedto please the other. But as Patty had had her wish for three months, itwas certainly fair that Nan should be humoured for the rest of thesummer.

  The season had done wonders for Patty, physically. Because of heroutdoor life, she had grown plumper and browner, her muscles hadstrengthened, and her rosy cheeks betokened a perfect state of health.She was still slender, and her willowy figure had gained soft curveswithout losing its dainty gracefulness.

  And Patty was still enthusiastically devoted to her motor-car. Indeed,it was the realisation that she must leave that behind that made her soopposed to a trip to the mountains.

  Mr. Fairfield and Nan had both dilated on the charms and beauties ofmountain scenery, on the joys and delights of the gay mountain hotels,but though Patty listened amiably, she failed to look upon the matteras they did. At first, she had declared her unwillingness to go, andhad tried to devise a way by which she might remain at Spring Beach,while her parents went to the mountains. But no plan of chaperons orvisiting relatives seemed to satisfy Mr. Fairfield of its availability.

  "I can't see it, Patty," he would say; "there is no chaperon for youthat we know of, and I wouldn't leave you here with some strangerobtained by advertisement. Nor have we any relatives who could come tolook after you. If Nan's mother could come, that would do beautifully.But Mrs. Allen is in Europe and none of your aunts could leave her ownfamily. No, girlie, I can't see any way to separate our family."

  So Patty, with her unfailing good nature, had agreed to go to the WhiteMountains with the others. She admitted, herself, that she'd probablyhave a good time, as she always did everywhere, but still her heartclung to "The Pebbles," as they called their seashore home, and shesilently rebelled when she thought of "Camilla," her swift littleelectric runabout.

  Patty drove her own car, and she never tired of spinning along theshore roads, or inland through the pine groves and laurel jungles. Shehad become acquainted with many young people, both cottagers and hotelguests, and the outlook for a pleasant summer and fall at Spring Beachwas all that could be desired from her point of view. But before theyleft the city in the spring, Patty had known that Nan preferredmountain localities and had agreed to the seashore house for her sake;so, now, it was Patty's turn to give up her preference for Nan's.

  And she was going to do it,--oh, yes,--she was going to do itcheerfully and even gaily. But, though she tried to pretend she didn'tcare, Nan knew she did care, and she had tried hard to think of someway that Patty might be left behind. Nan would willingly have given upher own desires, and stayed at Spring Beach all summer, but her husbandwouldn't hear of it. Mr. Fairfield said that justice demanded a fairdivision of the season, and already three months had been spent at theseashore, so August and September must be spent in the mountains.

  His word was law, and, too, Patty realised the fairness of the plan,and gracefully submitted to Fate. So, as the first of August was in thevery near future, Patty and Nan were discussing details of the trip.

  "It almost seems as if you might take your motor-car, Patty," said Nan,reflectively.

  "I thought so, too, at first; but father says not. You see, not allmountain roads are modern and well-kept, and, of course, we'll bemoving on, now and then, and Camilla IS a nuisance as luggage. Now,Nan, no more suggestions, or regrets, or backward glances. I'm going tothe mountains, NOT like the quarry-slave at night, but like aconquering hero; and I shall have all the mountaineers at my feet,overwhelming me with their devoted attentions."

  "You probably will, Patty; you're easily the most popular girl atSpring Beach, and if the 'mountaineers' have any taste in suchmatters--"

  "There, there, Nan, don't make me blush. I'm 'popular,' as you call it,because I have such a delightful home, and such an attractivestepmother to make it pleasant for my callers! And, by the same token,here are a few of them coming now."

  Two laughing girls, and a good-looking young man came in at the gate,and strolled along the drive to the veranda, where Patty and Nan sat.

  Lora and Beatrice Sayre were of the "butterfly" type, and theirpale-coloured muslin gowns, broad hats, and fluttering scarfs made thedescription appropriate. Jack Pennington was just what he looked like,a college youth on his vacation; and his earnest face seemed to betokena determination to have the most fun possible before he went back togrind at his books.

  "Hello," cried Patty, who was not given to dignified forms ofsalutation.

  The trio responded gaily, and coming up on the veranda, selected seatson the wicker chairs, or couches, or the porch railing, as suited theirfancy.

  "I say," began young Pennington, conversationally, "we can't let you goaway, Patty. Why, week after next we're going to have the Pageant, andthere are forty-'leven other pleasant doings before that comes off."

  "Yes," chimed in Lora Sayre, "we can't get along without our Pitty-Pat.DO don't go away, Sunshine!"

  "But suppose I want to go," said Patty, bravely trying to treat thesubject lightly; "suppose I'm just crazy to go to that stunning bighotel up in the White Mountains, and have the time of my life!"

  "Suppose the moon is made of green pumpkins!" scoffed Jack. "You don'twant to go at all, and you know it! And then, think of the girls,--andboys,--you leave behind you! Your departure is a national calamity. Wemourn our loss!"

  "We do so!" agreed Beatrice. "Why, Patty, I'm going to have a houseparty next week, and we'll have lots of fun going on. Can't you waitover for

  "No, I can't," and Patty spoke a little shortly, for these gay plansmade her long more than ever to stay at Spring Beach. "So don't let'stalk any more about me. Tell me about the Pageant,--will it be fine?"

  "Oh, yes," said Jack, "the biggest thing ever. Sort of like a Durbar,you know, with elephants and--"

  "No, it isn't going to be like that," said Lora. "They've given up thatplan. It's going to be ever so much nicer than that! They're going tohave--"

  "Don't tell me!" cried Patty, laughing, as she clapped her hands overher ears. "I'd rather not hear about it! I suppose you'll be queen ofit, whatever it is, Lora?"

  "I'll have a chance at it, if you're not here! That's the only comfortabout your going away. Somebody else can be the Belle of Spring Beachfor a time."

  The good-natured laughter in Lora's eyes took all sting from her words,and, indeed, it was an acknowledged fact that Pretty Patty was thebelle of the little seashore colony.

  "I'm awfully sorry about it," began Nan, but Patty stopped her at once.

  "There's nothing to be sorry about, Madame Nan," she cried, gaily;"these provincial young people don't appreciate the advantages oftravel. They'd rather stay here in one place than jog about thecountry, seeing all sorts of grand scenery and sights! Once I'm awayfrom this place I shall forget all about its petty frolics and itsfoolish parties."

  "Yes, you WILL!" exclaimed Jack, not at all impressed by Patty'sstatements, for he knew how untrue they were.

  "And the Country Club summer dance!" said Beatrice, regretfully."Patty, how can you be reconciled to missing that? It's the event ofthe season! A fancy dance, you know. A sort of Kirmess. Oh, DON'T goaway!"

  "Don't go away!" echoed Lora, and Jack broke into one of the improvisedsongs for which he was famous:

  "Don't go away from us, Patty, Patty, We can't part with the likes of you! Stay, and be Queen of the Pageant, Patty, Patty, Patty, tender and true. Though you are not very pretty, Patty, Though you are liked by a very few; We will put up with you, Patty, Patty,-- Patty, Patty, stay with us, do!"

  The rollicking voice and twinkling eyes, which were Jack's chiefcharms, made Patty laugh outright at his song. But, not to be outdonein fun, and also, to keep herself from growing serious, she sang backat him:

  "I don't want to stay at this place, I don't like it any more! I am going to the mountains, Where I've never been before. I shall tramp the mountain pathways, I shall climb the mountain's peak; I don't want to stay in this place, So I'll go away next week!"

  "All right for you!" declared Jack. "Go on, and joy go with you! Butdon't you send me any picture postcards of yourself lost in a perilousmountain fastness,--'cause I won't come and rescue you. So there!"

  "What is a mountain fastness?" demanded Patty. "It sounds frisky."

  "It isn't," replied Jack; "it's a deep gorge, with ice-covered wallsand no way out; and as the darkness falls, dreadful growls are heard onall sides, and wild animals prowl--and prowl--and prow-ow-owl!"

  Jack's voice grew deep and terrible, as he suggested the awfulsituation, but Patty laughed gaily as she said:

  "Well, as long as they keep on prowling, they certainly can't harm me.It all sounds rather interesting. At any rate, the ice-covered wallssound cool. You must admit Spring Beach is a hot place."

  "All places are hot in hot weather," observed Beatrice, sapiently;"when there's an ocean breeze, it's lovely and cool here."

  "Yes," agreed Lora, "when there IS. But there 'most generally ISN'T.To-day, I'm sure the thermometer must be about two hundred."

  "That's your heated imagination," said Jack. "It's really abouteighty-four in the shade."

  "Let's move around into the shade, then," said Patty. "This side of theveranda is getting sunny."

  So the young people went round the corner of the house to a coolerspot, and Nan expressed her intention of going down to the train tomeet Mr. Fairfield.

  "You people," began Patty, after Nan had left them, "mustn't talk asyou do about my going away, before my stepmother. You see, we're goingbecause she wants to go, but it isn't polite to rub it in!"

  "I know it," said Beatrice, "but I forgot it. But, I say, Patty, Ithink it's too bad for you to be trailed off there just to please her."

  "Not at all, Bee. She has stayed here three months to please me, andturn about is fair play."

  "It's Fairfield play, at any rate," put in Jack. "You're a trump,Patty, to take it so sweetly. I wish you didn't have to go, though."

  "So say we all of us," declared Lora, but Patty ordered them, ratherearnestly, to drop the subject and not refer to it again.

  "You must write me all about the Pageant, girls," she went on.

  "Can't I write too, though I'm not a girl?" asked Jack.

  "No!" cried Patty, holding up her hands in pretended horror. "Icouldn't receive a letter from a young man!"

  "Oh, try it," said Jack, laughing. "I'll help you. You've no idea howeasy it is! Have you never had a letter from a man?"

  "From papa," said Patty, putting the tip of her finger in her mouth,and speaking babyishly.

  "Papa, nothing! You get letters from those New York chaps, don't you,now?"

  "Who New York chaps?" asked Patty, opening her eyes wide, with anover-innocent stare.

  "Oh, that Harper kid and that Farrington cub and that Hepworth oldgentleman!"

  "What pretty pet names you call them! Yes, I get letters from them, butthey're my lifelong friends."

  "That's the position I'm applying for. Don't you need one more L. L.F.?" But Patty had turned to the girls, and they were counting up whatfew parties were to take place before Patty went away.

  "I'd have a farewell party myself," said Patty, thoughtfully, "butthere's so little time now, and Nan's pretty busy. I hate to bother herwith it. You see, we leave next week,--Thursday."

  "And our house party comes that very day!" said Beatrice, regretfully."And Captain Sayre is coming. He's the most stunning man! He's oursecond cousin, and older than we are, but he's just grand, isn't he,Lora?"

  "Yes; and he'd adore Patty. Oh, girlie, DON'T go!"

  "I think I'll kidnap Patty," said Jack. "The day they start, I'llwaylay the party as they board the train, and carry Patty off by force."

  "You'd have to get out a force of militia," laughed Patty. "My fatherFairfield is of a sharp-eyed disposition. You couldn't carry off hisdaughter under his nose."

  "Strategy!" whispered Jack, in a deep, mysterious voice. "I couldmanage it, somehow, I'm sure."

  "Well, it wouldn't do any good. He'd just come back after me, and we'dtake the next train. But, oh, girls, I do wish I could stay here! Inever had such a disappointment before. I've grown to love this place;and all you people; and my dear Camilla!" Patty's blue eyes filled withreal tears, as she dropped her light and bantering manner, and spokeearnestly.

  "It's a shame!" declared Jack, as he noted the drops trembling on thelong, curled lashes. "Come on, girls, I'm going home before I expressmyself too strongly."

  So Jack and the Sayre girls went away, and Patty went up to her ownroom.