Read Patty's Social Season Page 1




  Author ofThe TWO LITTLE WOMEN SeriesThe MARJORIE Booksetc.

  Grosset & Dunlap, PublishersNew York

  Copyright, 1913By Dodd, Mead and Company

  Printed in the United States of America


  CHAPTER PAGE I Flowers! 9 II At the Dance 25 III Happy Saturdays 42 IV An Invitation 60 V Happy Guests 76 VI Confidences 94 VII More Making Up 108 VIII A Delightful Invitation 125 IX Fern Falls 141 X Christmas Eve 158 XI The Christmas Spirit 174 XII Coasting 192 XIII Hide and Seek 208 XIV A Proposal 225 XV A Christmas Card 243 XVI Stormbound 260 XVII The Country Club Ball 284 XVIII Back to New York 300 XIX An Exciting Chase 316 XX Bridesmaid Patty 333



  "Patty, do come along and get your luncheon before everything growscold!"

  "'And the stars are old, And the leaves of the judgment book unfold,'"chanted Patty, who had just learned this new song, and was apt to singit at unexpected moments. She sat on the floor in the middle of thelong drawing-room of her New York home. To say she was surrounded byflowers, faintly expresses it. She was hemmed in, barricaded, nearlysmothered in flowers.

  They were or had been in enormous florist's boxes, and as fast asPatty opened the boxes and read the cards which accompanied theblossoms, Jane took the boxes away.

  It was the great occasion of Patty's debut, and in accordance withthe social custom, all her friends had sent her flowers as a messageof congratulation.

  "You certainly have heaps of friends," said Elise, who was helpingarrange the bouquets.

  "Friends!" cried Patty; "nobody could have as many friends as this!These flowers must be also from my enemies, my casual acquaintances,and indeed from utter strangers! I think the whole hilarious populaceof New York has gone mad on the subject of sending flowers!"

  Even as she spoke, Jane came in with several more boxes, followed byMiller, fairly staggering under an enormous box that was almost toomuch for one man to carry. Behind him was Nan, who went straight toPatty and held out both hands to assist her to rise.

  "Patty," she said, "if you don't come out this minute, you never _can_get out! A few more of these boxes, and the door will be completelyblocked up."

  "That's so, Nan," and Patty scrambled to her feet. "Come on, girls,let's gather our foodings while we may. These flowers will keep; but Ishudder to think of the accumulation when we come back from luncheon!"

  "I didn't know there were so many flowers in the world," said MonaGalbraith, who paused to look back into the drawing-room.

  "There aren't," said Patty solemnly; "it's an optical illusion. Don'tyou know how the Indian jugglers make you see flowers growing, whenthere aren't any flowers there? Well, this is like that."

  Following Nan, Patty's pretty stepmother, the three girls, arm in arm,danced along to the dining-room, quite hungry enough to do justice tothe tempting luncheon they found there.

  All the morning they had been untying the flower boxes and making alist of the donors.

  "Just think of the notes of thanks I have to write," said Patty,groaning at the outlook.

  "Wish we could help you," said Elise, "but I suppose you have to dothose yourself."

  "Yes; and I think it will take me the rest of my natural life! What'sthe use of 'coming out,' if I have got to go right in again, and writeall those notes? Why, there are hundreds!"

  "Thousands!" corrected Elise. And Mona said, "Looks to me likemillions!"

  "Who sent that last big box, Patty?" asked Nan; "the one that justcame."

  "Dunno, Nancy; probably the Czar of Russia or the King of the CannibalIslands. But I mean to take time to eat my luncheon in peace, even ifthe flowers aren't all in place by the time the company comes."

  "We can't stay very long," said Elise; "of course, Mona and I have togo home and dress and be back here at four o'clock, and it's nearlytwo, now."

  "All right," said Patty; "the boys are coming, and they'll do therest. We couldn't hang the flowers on the wall, anyway."

  "We ought to have had a florist to attend to it," said Nan,thoughtfully; "I had no idea there'd be so many."

  "Oh, it'll be all right," returned Patty. "Father's coming home early,and Roger and Ken will be over, and Mr. Hepworth will directproceedings."

  Even as she spoke the men's voices were heard in the hall, and Pattyjumped up from the table and ran to the drawing-room.

  "Did you ever see anything like it?" she exclaimed, and her visitorsagreed that they never had.

  "It must be awful to be so popular, Patty," said Roger. "If I evercome out, I shall ask my friends to send fruit instead of flowers."

  "Patty would have to start a canning factory, if she had done that,"said Kenneth, laughing. "Let's open this big box, Patty. Who sent it?"

  "I haven't an idea, but there must be a card inside."

  They opened the immense box, and found it full to the brim withexquisite Killarney roses.

  After some search, Roger discovered a small envelope, with a cardinside. The card read, "Mr. William Farnsworth," and written beneaththe engraved name was the message, "With congratulations and bestwishes."

  "From Big Bill!" exclaimed Mona. "For goodness' sake, Patty, whydidn't he send you more? But these didn't come all the way fromArizona, where he is."

  "No," said Patty, looking at the label on the box; "he must have justsent an order to a New York florist."

  "To two or three florists, I should think," said Mr. Hepworth. "Whatcan we do with them all?"

  But the crowd of merry young people set to work, and in an hour thefloral chaos was reduced to a wonderful vision of symmetry and beauty.Under Mr. Hepworth's directions, the flowers were banked on themantels and window-seats, and hung in groups on the wall, andclustered on the door-frames in a profusion which had behind it amethodical and symmetrical intent.

  "It's perfectly beautiful!" declared Nan, who, with her husband, wastaking her first view of the finished effect. "It's a perfect shame tospoil this bower of beauty by cramming it with a crowd of people, whowill jostle your bouquets all to bits."

  "Well, we can't help it," said Patty. "You see, we invited the people,as well as the flowers, so we must take the consequences. But theycan't reach those that are up high, and as soon as the party is over,I'm going to put them all in fresh water----"

  "What! the party?" and Kenneth looked astounded.

  "I mean the flowers," said Patty, not deigning to laugh at hisfoolishness. "And then, to-morrow morning, I'm going to send them allto the hospital."

  "The people?" said Kenneth again. "That's thoughtful of you, Patty! Ihave no doubt they'll be in condition to go. I'm about ready, myself."

  "Well, you may go now," and Patty smiled at him. "Your work is donehere, and I'm going away to dress. Good-bye, Ken; this is the lasttime you'll see me as a little girl. When next we meet, I shall be ayoung lady, a fully-fledged society lady, whose only thoughts will befor dancing and gaiety of all sorts."

  "Nonsense," said Kenneth; "you can't scare me. You'll be the same oldPatty, foolish and irresponsible,--but sunshiny and sweet as ever."

  "Thank you, Ken," said Patty, for there was a note of earnestness inKenneth's voice that the girl was quick to catch. They had beenfriends since childhood, and while Patty did not take her "coming out"very seriously, yet she realised that it meant she was grown up and achild no longer.

; "Don't let it all spoil you, Patty." It was Mr. Hepworth who saidthis, as he was about to follow Kenneth out. "I have a right tolecture you, you know, and I want to warn you----"

  "Oh, don't do it now, Mr. Hepworth," said Patty, laughing; "theoccasion is solemn enough, I'm sure, and if you lecture me, I shallburst into large weeps of tears! Do let me 'come out' without beinglectured, and you can come round to-morrow and give me all thewarnings you like."

  "You're right, little Patty," and Hepworth looked at her kindly. "Iought not to spoil one of the happiest days of your life with tooserious thought. Yours is a butterfly nature----"

  "But butterfly natures are nice; aren't they, Mr. Hepworth?" and Pattylooked up at him with the roguishness that she could never quitecontrol.

  "Yes,----" and the man hesitated a moment, as he looked into Patty'sblue eyes. Then, suddenly, "Yes, indeed, _very_ nice." And, turningabruptly, he left her.

  "Now, you girls, skip," ordered Patty.

  "You haven't more than time to fly home and get dressed, for I don'twant you to be late and delay the ceremony."

  "Gracious! it sounds like a wedding," cried Mona, laughing.

  "Well, it isn't!" declared Patty. "I may have a wedding some day, butthat's in the far, far future; why, I'm only just entering society,and when I'm married, I suppose I shall leave it. I expect to haveheaps of fun between this and then."

  The programme for the occasion was an afternoon reception, from fouro'clock until seven. This was really Patty's debut. A dinner at eightwas to follow, to which were invited about a dozen of her dearestfriends, and after this would be a dance, to which a goodly numbermore were asked.

  "You ought to have time for an hour's rest, Patty," said Nan, as shedrew the girl away from a last look at the beautiful flowers, and tookher up to her room.

  "Well, I haven't, little steppy-mother. It will be just about all MissPatricia Fairfield can do to get into her purple and fine linen byfour o'clock p.m., and methinks you'd better begin on your own gladtoilette, or you'll be late yourself."

  "Was I _ever_ late?" asked Nan, scornfully, and as Patty responded,"never anything but," she ran away to her own room.

  However, four o'clock found all the members of the reception party intheir places.

  Patty looked adorable in soft white chiffon, untrimmed, save for somefine lace round the slightly low-cut neck. She wore a string of smallbut perfect pearls which her father had given her for the occasion,and she carried a beautiful bouquet of orchids, which was Nan's gift.

  Patty had never looked prettier. Her rose-leaf cheeks were slightlyflushed with excitement, and her big violet eyes were bright andsparkling. Her golden hair, which was really unusual in texture andquantity, was dressed simply, yet in a manner very becoming to hersmall, prettily poised head. On her brow and temples it rippled innatural ringlets, which gave her piquant face a charming, childisheffect. Patty was certainly a beauty, but she was of such a sweet,unspoiled nature, and of such simple, dainty manners, that everybodyloved her.

  Her father looked at her rather thoughtfully, half unable to realisethat his little Patty had really grown up and was taking her place insociety. He had no fears for her, he knew her sweet nature too well;but he was earnestly hoping that she was starting out on a life ofhappiness and well-being. Though healthy and moderately strong, Pattywas not of a robust constitution, and there was danger that too muchgaiety might result in a nervous breakdown. This, Mr. Fairfielddetermined to guard against; and resolved that, while Patty should beallowed generally to do as she chose, he should keep a strict eyeagainst her overdoing.

  Nan had much the same thoughts as she looked at the lovely debutante,so exquisite in her fresh young beauty. Nan's gown of heavy white lacewas very becoming, and though a secondary figure, she ably shared thehonours of the afternoon with Patty.

  Mona and Elise assisted in the capacity of "Floaters," and in theirpale pink frocks, they were quite in harmony with the floral settingof the picture.

  And then the guests began to arrive, and Patty learned what it meantto stand and shake hands, and receive the same compliments andcongratulations over and over again. It was interesting at first, butshe grew very tired as the hours went by.

  "Now, I say," exclaimed a cheery voice, suddenly, "it can't be thatyou have to stand here continuously from four to seven! Mrs.Fairfield, mayn't I take Patty to get a cup of tea or an ice, and youstay here and 'come out' until she returns?"

  It was Philip Van Reypen who made this request, and Nan consentedreadily. "Yes, indeed, Philip," she said, "do take her off to rest aminute. I think most of the people have arrived; and, anyway, you mustbring her back shortly."

  "I will," and young Van Reypen led Patty through the crowd to thedining-room.

  "I ought to find you a 'quiet little corner,'" he said, smiling; "butI don't see such a thing anywhere about. So I'll just place you on oneof these gimcrack gilt chairs, and I'll ask you to keep this one next,for me, until I make a raid on the table. What will you have?"

  "I don't really want anything, Philip, but just to sit here a momentand rest. I had no idea coming out was so tiresome! I believe I'vesaid, 'oh, thank you!' a billion times!"

  "Yes, you said it to me," and Philip laughed at the recollection, "andI can tell you, Patty, it had the real society ring! You said it likea conventionalised parrot."

  "Well, I don't care if I did! It was the proper thing to say, andnobody could say it a million times in succession, without soundingparrotty! I know now how the President feels when he has to shakehands with the whole United States!"

  Philip left her, and returned in a moment, followed by a waiter, whobrought them hot bouillon and tiny sandwiches.

  "My, but these are good!" exclaimed Patty, as she nibbled and sipped."Why, Philip, I believe I was hungry and that's what made me tired!Oh, hello, Mona! Did you get leave of absence, too?"

  "Yes; the mad rush is pretty much over. Only a few late stragglersnow, and Elise is floating them. Here's Roger. He says you wouldn'tspeak to him this afternoon, except to say, 'oh, thank you!' threetimes."

  "I couldn't help it," returned Patty, laughing. "That's all I said toanybody. I felt like a rubber stamp--repeating myself. Well, thankgoodness, I'm out!"

  "But you're not a bit more grown up than when you were in," saidKenneth, joining the group around Patty.

  "Oh, pshaw, I'm never going to be grown up. Now I'm rested, Philip;please take me back to Nan. She said we must return soon."

  So Patty went back to the drawing-room, and insisted that herstepmother should go for a little refreshment. "I can hold the fortalone now," she said; "you've no idea how capable I am, now that I'mreally out. Run along, Nan, and get some of those sandwiches; they'reawfully good."

  "It isn't romantic, Patty, to think about eating when you'recelebrating an occasion like this," reproved Philip.

  "Well, I'm not romantic," declared Patty, "and I never expect to be.Oh, how do you do, Mr. Galbraith? It's so late, I feared you weren'tcoming." And Patty held out her hand to Mona's father.

  "How d'y'do, Patty?" And Mr. Galbraith shook hands heartily. "Isuppose I ought to say all sorts of pretty things to you, but youknow, I'm not much up in social chat."

  "I'm glad of it," said Patty, "and then I won't have to say, 'oh,thank you!' to you. Mona is looking beautiful this afternoon, isn'tshe?"

  "She's a fine girl--a fine girl." Mr. Galbraith's eyes rested on hisdaughter a little thoughtfully. He was a Chicago man, who had made hisfortune suddenly, and was a little bewildered at his own success. Hisone interest in life, outside of business matters, was his daughterMona, for whom he desired every possible good, and to whose wishes andwhims he always willingly consented.

  At her request, he had closed his Chicago home and come to spend thewinter in New York, that Mona might be near Patty, whom she adored.The Galbraiths were living for the winter at the Plaza Hotel, andPatty, who had grown fond of Mona, was glad to have her friend so nearher.

  "She's a fine girl," Mr. Galbraith repeat
ed, "and a good-lookinggirl." He paused a moment, and then added in a sudden burst ofconfidence, "but, Patty, I wish she had a mother. You know how Iidolise her, but I can't do for her what a mother would do. I've urgedher to have a chaperon or a companion of some sort, but she won't doit. She says a father is chaperon enough for her, and so we live alonein that big hotel, and I'm afraid it isn't right. Right for her, Imean. I don't care a snap about conventions, but Mona is impulsive,even headstrong, and I wish she had an older woman to guide and adviseher."

  "I wish she did, Mr. Galbraith," said Patty, earnestly, for the twowere chatting by themselves, and no one else was within hearing. "I'vethought about it, and I've talked with my stepmother about it. PerhapsI could persuade Mona to do as you wish her to."

  "I hope you can, Patty; I do hope you can. You know, Mona is dignifiedand all that, and as proud as they make them. Nobody would dare tospeak to her if she didn't want them to; but, Patty, here's thetrouble. There's a young man at the hotel named Lansing. He's notespecially attractive, and yet, somehow, he has gained Mona's favour.I have told my girl that I do not like him, but she only laughs andsays carelessly that he's all right. Now, I mustn't detain you longer,my child; there are people waiting to speak to you. But, some time, Iwant to have a little talk to you about this, and perhaps you can helpme in some way. For I believe, Patty, that that Lansing man is tryingto win my girl for the sake of her money. He has all the appearancesof a fortune-hunter, and I can't let Mona throw herself away on such."

  "I should think not!" exclaimed Patty, indignantly. And then Mr.Galbraith moved away to give his place to other guests who werearriving.