Read Poems of Zion Page 1

Poems of zion

  Written by LeLa Summers

  Copyright 2004

  Dedication of love to all of those who enjoy a variety of various levels of poetry.

  I wrote these poems in hurtful times and confusing times but in the end I gain a better insight of myself mentally and spiritually.



  1.Your Gift


  3.I wish I may

  4.Look inside my heart

  5.Good times

  6.Lord of Treasure

  7.Opposition Love

  8.How I want my dream

  9.I’ll Wait

  10.His hands on my life

  11.Translation of Love

  12.Love and Lust



  15.Never Again

  16.Richly poor

  17.Dirty Dog

  18.Street talkin

  Your Gift

  No money has Exchanged my hands, no trip of luxury, no gold or white diamond, excited of the time spent and joyful of good laughter, these are the moments that gifts cannot buy. No ego or pride is call for exchange for something new. Your heart to me is non refundable and your affection is always a buy one and get one free. No markdown of rudness because everthing is brand new in my heart. I rather pay full price than to take twenty percent off of your love for me. Don’t close out or liquidate your love for me because it will be bad for business and it will cause me to shop for a new gift somewhere else. You’re the secret place that I run to when I need that special gift, keep the open sign on as long as possible for great bargains of joy and good times. I will always give you great business.


  So it is that we have parted but in my heart I take you with me, my attachment to you is stronger than air and breathe but my love is stronger than death for you, I must release my heart from holding you to fly into the wind but I know only for a moment my tears will dry and my soul will heal but as for my heart it will always have the thread of love ever so stitched in tightly for you. So I move forward into a new beginning and if my God who sits high in heavan and looks low on earth see fit for are spirits to become as one, I will receive you as a moth to a light, forever is never ending in my heart for you, you will stay a sparkle in my eye and a smile on my lips.

  I wish I may

  Day in and day out I look at love all about I wish I may I might fall in love on first sight and even though my sight is clear, I do often fear of any blind love that might be smeared but how can I tell how love smell if I never smell true love. For true love is real but even still, I do not know what love is, so I wish I may I wish I might fall in love on first sight and if might sight leads me right may I smell it all through life, for I wish I may I wish I might fall in love on first sight.

  Look inside my heart

  Look inside my heart Lord, the love for you is strong and no one else will do, the love I have for you is strong, you make me feel complete you do, no one else will do. Look inside my heart Lord no one else will do, you’re the world to me, you make me feel complete, sing songs to you. You are the King inside my world, the treasure I have found, more precious than pure gold. Look inside my heart, no one else like you, don’t take away your love from me look inside my heart, no one else will do.

  God Time

  Words of hope, wisdom and love grabs hold of time, dreams and visions grab hold of time. Beauty and lust release time to a blowing wind. Greed, envy, and jealousy attacks time without sweet essence of time. Plan and purpose was before time,time set death and life. Time made the way for patience.

  Time is not prejudice, it control no man but it gives men many choices, time cannot be imprisoned but it can take you hostage, time brings about a change. Time is a teacher, without time there is no order, no vision or dream. Time is a gift we have from place to place. But time lives on in God.

  Lord of treasure

  Lord you are my miracle worker, my knight and shining armor. You Lord are a treasure that I have found, priceless and perfect, untouchable. You cannot be compared to gold, silver or money. You God are real and powerful. Nothing can measure how big and deep you are.

  You are my father and you are raising me as your child, my needs are met and your love is present. You tell me to be obedient to you and yet sometimes I fail to do so but your mercy is extended over me. How sometimes I want to receive a burst of your peace over me but I know all I have to do is ask and you will. Thank you father for being my teacher, my father and my comforter.

  Opposite Love

  Many times our hearts yearn for one another and many times we fell to hold together. Not because are hearts are not strong, it’s just not strong for the same thing, my heart loves you without lust, your heart cannot, my heart holds no limitations, your heart looks at time. My heart looks at the future, your heart only looks for the now and my heart leans on the word of God and fears it, your heart doesn’t know how to fear God. Though I’m not in love, I am falling in love. Wish I am not ashamed to say. You say your falling in love with me but the bricks of love your building is only made of mud, I care for you in a way that I haven’t cared for in a while, that is why I must let my heart release you so that I can be happy. Since your not strong enough to love me, my prayers will always have you in it but my heart will not keep you. Soon I will learn the truth whether you were meant for me or you were a help in my life, goodbye for now and hello down the road.

  How I want my dream

  How I want my dream to come true, how I want to be with you, a life filled with joy and laughter, oh how I want to be with you. How I pray to the Lord that we are one. I pray he will be merciful, giving us a chance like the sparrows in the sky. I pray that you can be mine, I pray that you are patient for us to be one spirit. How I dream for the day when you say I do.

  A day when we can play peek a boo, a day of challenges too, a day when you will be my husband and I your wife. Oh how I pray when the Lord will say that I will grant you your dreams today and how I pray that the Lord will say today I give you your miracle.

  I’ll wait

  My heart echoes continuously for your voice, but you don’t speak. My eyes cheerfully look for your beauty but instead my eyes turn to pools of rivers. Hands of empty promises fall to the side, hopes of a new beginning leaves my mind, ending is at a stand still, tomorrow never comes, yet I pray on a new life of dreams and promises.

  Yet to see answer only God favor and grace will direct me and hold me up from the crutches of your gift of words. So I wait till the answer shows. Only God knows, do you hear my heart echo do you want to take the crutches of words away so that I may fall to my expected answer or will you answer my heart and hold me up until I am fully well in love. So I’ll wait till the answer comes only the Lords knows.

  His hands on my life

  You scold me and yet you embrace me with love, you push me down purposely in the mud of where people walk and track their feet, and when I lift up myself I look for you to hose me off but instead of the strong power and force of water, I feel you push me again and it knocks me in the dry dust of heat. Weak from each push my tears stain my face, my heart yet still loves you but my mind wants you to stop, so you finally come and take me by the one hand and with the your other hand you show me a mirror and I see myself of dirt and mud, and there I stand refilling my stained tears. Then you lift my chin and smile to me with a soft chuckle. You clean me up with pure linen, you rinse me in the deepest pool of pure blood and you dry me off by the breathe of your nostrils and present me at your gate, and you lay before me gifts of my desires, and you give me back the same mirror and I see my tears return and hear you say I loved you from the beginning and I love you till death and after.

  Translation of love
  This four letter word causes pain, tragedy, breakups, commitment loss, hurt, anger, joy, happiness, separation, togetherness. Love as no ending but it begins in so many forms, it forms marriage, friendship, volunteering, songs and praises to God. Love can do so many things, it makes you go through so much.

  Love will make you be kind, make you wait, make you accept flaws, will never give up, love is listening, never accuses, does not offend, overlook comments, hates wrong, disciplines, trust, love is honesty, stronger than death itself, love never quits, love is open minded, love is unconditional, love is being there when you can be somewhere else, love is an action word, love does not show favoritism, love is not phony, love doesn’t play games, love is forgiving.

  Love is healing, love is laughter, love is not afraid of fear, love accepts mistakes, love is ever growing, love in non violence, love is knowing when your wrong, love is God, love needs to be develop in you walk with God, love is the master key to a conquering spirit. Love is forgiving, love doesn’t hold grudges.

  Question yourself ,and see where your love lies in and change the view of yourself to be better in love.

  Love and Lust

  You cannot love me until you move out the lust in your heart, you cannot hold me until you are strong with power, you cannot kiss me until your eyes see past beauty. The lust that is in your heart is stopping you towards a future with me. Your lust causes pain and confusion, it makes you turn away from me, it keeps you at a stand still, it makes you hold a grudge, the lust that you have for me will never allow you to see love.

  The lust in your heart doesn’t want to share you, it is selfish and greedy, it looks past what could be and focuses on a few minutes of pleasure. I t will never let you hold me right, it will never let you see me for who I am, it will keep you from true love, it will keep you from a promise of commitment, it will hold back true feelings. The lust that you have for me will hold you prisoner from freedom from the truth, it will hold you back on every hand of the word of God. Let lust go and release the hold that binds your promise, trust in love and run to the one above. So that you may know true love.


  Your words are so compassionate; they fit so well, like listening to a symphony. Nothing out of place, your words make me stand up and take notice, your words fine as china but on that china are more of your words which has a stench that can make me turn for air.

  Never will I trust the words of a man but only the fruit that he bares will I pick from, who needs the words from a man lips and who will stab your heart so that tears of blood flow. Your words are like vapor vanishing before it’s work is complete, please stop using words that sounds sweet as ginger but chokes the breath of a man.

  If not one word is uttered in life from the lips of that man who words spew posion, now God word is security and peace, God word is truthful and real, God word changes life, and uphold justice and speaks true love. God word heals the mind, body and spirit, God word connects you to him, God word is life, no more words of a man will I believe but that word I look to now is God for his word will last forever even after heaven and earth shall pass. God word will stand and man words will vanish.


  How can I deny what I feel inside, to know that your on my mind, I think about you night and day, you chase all my blues away. Just like a baby to a pacifier is like me to you. It was the conversation on the phone that made me want to be with you, who knew a one time call would start this all of what I feel about you.

  As time goes on our love will grow strong. If only you would let it grow, never back or behind but straight ahead to an everlasting road.

  Never Again

  I feel a little better after all that drama in my heart, I must go on, I can’t sing no sad song. One thing I did learn was that I must be on guard of my heart, if I never open that door I wouldn’t been on the floor in gloom but I feel a little better. Can’t allow my heart to trust no words of a mere man only from the one above. Everday will be a better day for me because I feel like going on, never again will I open my heart. I asked the Lord for strength and he has given it to me, along with peace and love. No more restless nights, no more angry attitude, no more games. I must move on. Never again will I open my heart to mere man.

  Richly poor

  No steaks or rich meat that will fatten my stomach for hunger, no savings for warmth of a blanket, worn down and outdated clothes rewashed in tubs of bars of soap, hands coursed and calloused of work of an ox, eyes of pain upon the rich and lavished.

  Health kept up by mere uttered words of prayer. Tissue replaced by two week old newspaper and seat cushions on top of milk crates discarded by department stores. Nothing modern or new. Lacking everything of freshness and sparkle but wait! treasure found in my eyes, victory in my legs, wealth among my hands and a great inheritance among my children, Riches and glory to the one who keeps the sun drenching me with joy and the moon gives my soul peace.