Read Porpoisefully Yours Page 1

  Placida Pod 4

  Porpoisefully Yours

  The Samhain superpod is over, but Sean Morita isn’t convinced Erik’s dead. Sean and Emery Nadel are settling into their new home for their first Christmas together, and Sean wants to make it a great one. It should be a happy occasion, but then tragedy strikes another pod, changing their own lives forever.

  Emery won’t publicly admit his doubts that Erik’s gone for good. For the time being, he wants to focus on his new responsibilities as the Placida Pod’s Alpha. But how will he and Sean handle the toughest challenge of all—parenthood?

  The past returns in an unexpected way, testing the strength of the extended Nadel family and bringing the pod and friends together like never before. Now it’s left to Sean to dig deep inside himself and stand alone to protect everything he holds dear in a desperate showdown that will either rip them apart forever, or finally bring them peace and healing.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 51,517


  Placida Pod 4

  Tymber Dalton



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove


  Copyright © 2013 by Tymber Dalton


  First E-book Publication: November 2013

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Dear Readers,

  If you have purchased this copy of Porpoisefully Yours by Tymber Dalton from or its official distributors, thank you. Also, thank you for not sharing your copy of this book.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To Hubby, who has to be the most tolerant and patient man on the face of the planet to put up with a writer for a wife.


  The events of this book take place immediately following the events of Without Porpoise (Placida Pod 3).

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Author's Note

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  About the Author


  Placida Pod 4


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Two mornings before Christmas, Emery awoke just after dawn and found himself alone in bed. Stumbling downstairs and following the aroma of brewing coffee, he found Sean standing out on the screened porch overlooking the Gulf, wrapped in a robe and with coffee in hand.

  Emery opened the sliders and stepped out to join him, his morning woody immediately shrinking into hiding as the cold morning air slapped his naked body.

  “Brr. What the hell are you doing out here?” He walked over to Sean and wrapped his arms around him in a hug for warmth as much as affection.

  Sean laughed. “The cold front came through last night.”

  “I can feel it. There’s more than a nip in the air.” The cloudless sky, quickly turning a beautiful shade of tropical blue as the sun climbed behind them in the east, punctuated the crisp morning air.

  “I love days like this,” Sean said. “We get, what, three or four days like this a year this far south?”


  “Not a cloud in the sky.” Sean tipped his head back for a kiss. “It actually feels like Christmas this year.”

  “In two days it will be.” Emery yawned and reached for Sean’s mug, taking a long draw from it. “Nervous?”

  “Actually? No. I thought I would be, considering the time frame, but we got more done faster than I thought we would.”

  They’d just moved into the house on Manasota Key a few days earlier. Emery’s father, and the former Alpha of the Placida Pod, had presented the house to Emery and Sean as a present.

  And Christmas Day, the entire Nadel-Morita clan, as well as assorted close friends, would descend upon them for lunch.

  Emery nibbled on the nape of Sean’s neck. “Our first Christmas together. It’s hard to believe it. It seems like just yesterday that you ran over me with your boat.”

  Sean snickered. “One of these days, I should thank Denby for being an idiot. If it hadn’t been for you chasing him down to save his stupid ass, we literally would have missed meeting each other by feet.”

  A shiver rippled through Emery. “Okay, I need to get inside or put clothes on. I can’t stand out here naked. I’m a dolphin, not a polar bear.”

  Sean turned, frowning. “Are there polar bear shifters?”

  Emery shrugged. “I suppose s
o. I know there are other breeds of bear shifters. Callie’s sister-in-law is mated to one. But I think Wally is a grizzly. Nice guy. Only met him once, though.”

  Sean started to reply then shook his head. “Never mind. I don’t want to know.”

  Emery draped an arm around his shoulders and led him inside. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to fry your brain before your second cuppa.”

  “Thanks, dude. Appreciated.”

  He headed toward the kitchen. No, now was not the time to break the news to Sean about the phone call he’d received the day before from Ain Lyall, who was on the Clan Council for the Maine wolves.

  I’ll wait until he’s had more coffee, at least.

  * * * *

  Emery made himself a cup of coffee and took it upstairs. He still felt assorted aches and pains in his body from the moving process. Thank the Goddess for the elevator his dad had installed. It had made the moving process sooo much easier. Otherwise, they would have been dragging everything up the outside stairs and the inside ones as well. The elevator was designed to break away from the house in case of storm surge without causing damage to the main structure. The opening had a reinforced shutter they could roll down between the inner and outer doors in case of a storm. If the elevator failed and broke away, the shutter would still protect the house from wind-driven rain and debris.

  Even though he’d thought it was an unreasonable and unnecessary feature at first, he would never complain about the expense ever again.


  He stretched, wincing at the pain in his shoulders.


  Today, they’d be helping their friend Wyatt and Wyatt’s mate, Marisela, finish moving from Wyatt’s old apartment in Sarasota into the house Sean and Emery had just moved out of in Englewood. Which was only fair, since Wyatt and Marisela had helped them move.

  That house had a pool, which Emery and Sean would still have use of until their own pool was finished in a few months. And Emery’s dad, who’d made his fortune in real estate investments, was buying the rental house to keep it in the family, so to speak.

  And since Wyatt and Marisela had been adopted into the Placida Pod, they were family. It didn’t matter that Wyatt was an alligator shifter and head of his own alligator congregation.

  Although it amused Emery to no end that a young group of alligators was called a pod as well.

  After getting dressed and having breakfast, Sean and Emery headed over to Wyatt’s in Sean’s truck for the final round of moving. Marisela greeted them at the door with a hug.

  “We promise we’re almost done,” she told them. “Wyatt says one more load should do it, and the rest we can get ourselves.”

  “No worries,” Emery told her. “We’re happy to help. You know that.”

  She looked around the house that was quickly becoming theirs. Boxes were still piled in the living room, where the furniture from the small apartment looked swallowed by the space.

  Wyatt emerged from the hall. “Thought I heard y’all.”

  “So, how did you keep your mom from moving in with you and Marisela now that you have a bigger place?” Sean asked. “I’ve been meaning to ask you that. I mean, I know the apartment was too small and gave you the perfect excuse.”

  Wyatt had taken Marisela out to Louisiana, to introduce her to his family, shortly after Thanksgiving. Emery had received a call from Wyatt, needing his help immediately.

  What followed was a wild and woolly adventure that ended with Wyatt stepping into the role of head of his Clan and Cherie Belaforte transplanting herself to the Sunshine State.

  Wyatt and one of his brothers had driven the moving truck for her the week before last.

  Emery still hadn’t told Sean all the details about his trip to Louisiana. He wasn’t sure Sean would even want to hear them.

  He personally didn’t want to think about them.

  “Simple. I told her she move in with us, she not getting any grandbabies ’till she move out again.”

  “Where’s she living now?”

  Marisela smiled. “Poor Gus.”

  Emery let out a rolling laugh. “You sicced her on Gus?”

  Wyatt nodded. “I tol’ her about his arrest.” He grinned. “It was worth pissin’ him off to have her move in wit’ his sorry ass and leave us alone. She’ll keep him on the straight an’ narrow. And now, even better? She’s tryin’ to fix him up and find him a mate.”

  “Is that why Laura and Reese are getting invitations from her to go out to dinner?” Emery asked. He’d thought it strange that his two single sisters were suddenly so popular with the alligator congregation’s matriarch.


  * * * *

  Sean had only met Wyatt’s mom twice, once when helping unload the moving truck into a storage unit, and then again at dinner at Emery’s parents’ house the next night.

  He knew something bad had happened in Louisiana during Wyatt and Marisela’s trip. Wyatt had called late one night and Emery immediately caught the next flight out to New Orleans.

  When he returned several days later, unscathed but obviously weary, Emery hadn’t wanted to talk about it, leaving the details murky. He’d had hedged his answers, telling Sean that he’d have to clear it with Wyatt before discussing it in depth.

  That’s when Sean decided he probably didn’t want to know all the details.

  Some things were best left unknown.

  Ignorance can be bliss.

  “So, are your mom and Gus coming over for Christmas lunch?” Sean asked him.

  “Naw, meant to tell you that. She dragged his ass back to Louisiana yesterday, to my aunt’s. Made him drive her. They won’t be back until after New Year’s.”

  Sean revised his mental headcount. He’d planned on deep-frying three turkeys to make sure he had enough food to feed the voracious gators. Two fewer toothy mouths to feed would give him an extra buffer.

  “I take it Gus didn’t want to go?” Sean asked.

  “Naw. Aunt Nellie’s friend has a daughter whose biological clock is tickin’, if you get my drift.”

  Marisela smiled again. “Poor, poor Gus.”

  * * * *

  They were done by five that evening. Before they headed home, Marisela insisted on cooking for them, a delicious pot roast with all the fixings that left Sean and Emery stuffed.

  When they got home they hit the shower, the hot water soothing their aching muscles. After, they dried each other off and Emery pulled Sean to him. The way their bodies fit together perfectly never ceased to amaze him. Sean’s slender body, without an ounce of fat on him, was lithely muscled, his golden skin smooth over every ripple of muscle. Not in the least bit feminine, either. Emery’s cock hardened anytime he thought about his mate. Sean had the uncanny ability to know when Emery needed a little bit of mental and emotional downtime and would always step into the dominant role in those cases, ready to take charge and give him the break he so desperately needed.

  No one else ever had Emery’s trust to that extent.

  And out of bed they were equals, Emery always fighting his natural inclination to take charge despite knowing Sean was perfectly capable of running his own life.

  Emery grabbed Sean’s ass and held him tightly against him. Hot, sexy. He nibbled his way down the side of Sean’s neck, all the way across to his shoulder, and back again.

  “You have no idea what you do to me,” he whispered against his mate’s flesh.

  “Yeah,” Sean gasped, “sort of do. Because you do it to me, too.”

  Proof of that pressed hot and firm against Emery’s hip, probably aching as painfully as his own erection. With his free hand, he reached down and wrapped his fingers around Sean’s cock. Hard, pulsing under his fingers, he gave it a squeeze, drawing a soft moan from Sean.

  “You know how much I love your cock, babe,” he whispered in Sean’s ear before he nibbled on the lobe. “And I love knowing what I do to you.”

  “Let’s do it already, before my balls explode, please?
I’m about to bust a nut. At this point I’m so fucking horny I don’t care how it happens, either, as long as it does.”

  He backed Sean toward their bed, giving him a gentle push so he fell back, feet still on the floor. Then he sank to his knees and shoved Sean’s legs apart. “Well, let me take care of that for you right now.” He slowly engulfed his lover’s cock in his mouth, taking his time to swipe his tongue all around the head before taking more in.

  Sean grabbed a pillow and pulled it under his head so he could watch. “Fuuuck yeah,” he hoarsely said. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

  Emery glanced up at him, the deep passion in Sean’s mocha-colored eyes singeing a hole through the very air between them.

  It made his own cock throb even more painfully.

  With his fingers wrapped firmly around the base of Sean’s cock, he alternated sucking and licking it with kissing the insides of Sean’s thighs, up to his sac, and gently licking and sucking that as well.

  “Oh, you tease,” Sean moaned. “You’re not gonna let me come yet, are you?”

  He didn’t bother answering aloud or through their mate-bond. Instead, he opened his mouth wider and caressed Sean’s sac with his tongue, lightly sucking as he did.

  Back and forth he did this, sucking and licking his mate’s cock, savoring the slightly salty tang of his pre-cum leaking from his slit, until Sean’s hips bucked underneath him as he tried to get Emery to make him come.

  With his own cock dripping, Emery stood and climbed onto the bed, turning around so he could go back to sucking Sean’s cock. Sean grabbed Emery and devoured his cock down to the root with a happy moan that reverberated throughout Emery’s entire body.