Read Protectors of Snow Mountain Page 1

ISBN 9781301996636

  Protectors of Snow Mountain

  Prelude to

  Snow Mountain

  Kivanc Bas

  Copyright 2013

  Protectors of Snow Mountain

  Chapter 1


  Saber and Taber were brothers… now and forever. They believed to be born in the same litter… But they were like night and day. Saber was white… whiter than snow. When he moved you could only see his dark green eyes. He was moving effortlessly, silently and decisively. He was also stronger than Taber. Taber was jet black; he could have been spotted in a day light from miles away. But in the dark of the night… He was invisible. Even Saber was incapable of seeing him. He was faster than Saber. They were two protectors of this realm in the form of a Mountain Lion. Ever watching, ever careful… Nothing would happen without them knowing. They were not the only ones of course; an army of protectors was there to help them. Humans would believe that they were at least fifty of them. But no one knew the exact number.

  Saber was sleeping with an eye open. Today he knew something extraordinary would happen. He knew from experience not to let his guard down when it is most peaceful here on Snow Mountain. Taber was outside of their den. Looking down on the village, his paws were covered with snow. His ears were up in the air, to hear the commotion coming from villagers.

  “Ma, come here quick. They are about to introduce the baby. “

  “I’ll be there in a second”. Yelled Martha. ”Go fetch your father at once Martin. This man… he is always late”

  Martin dash out the house, forgot to put his snow cap. His ears were starting to freeze. He started running. 50 meters later, even he started to feel the discomfort. He ran back to the house. 100 meters of sprint, but he was back where he started. Put on his cap started running again. Leo, Martin’s father was the guard of the Knowledge Well. The Well was located about a two kilometer north of the village. The wind blew faster, colder around it. It would take an at least an hour until Martin and Leo to come back to the village. Martin was nervous, as he had to be in the ceremony. He had a responsibility to be there as would all children of the village. They were the one who would take the baby from her mother’s arm and announce his name in front of the entire village. They would be accepting one of their own: The Children of Snow Mountain.

  Snow continued on, harder this time turning into a blizzard. Taber himself was starting to turn white with snow. But neither cold, nor snow would bother him. Snow was making it difficult to hear the noises, even with his sharp eye he started having difficulties to see what is going on down there.

  Taber decided to wake Saber up and letting him know that he was getting closer to the village. There were two bright objects in the otherwise dark lair. Amulet of Courage and Crown of Wisdom. One of them belonged to Taber and another one to Saber. But they never decided who owned what. They would rarely put them on as they had what they needed already. Saber greeted Taber. Put his giant paws around Taber’s neck, licked him clean of snow. Taber purred with content. But Taber could not stay very long. He turned his back, knowing that Saber is up, he left the den and starting to climb down. His sight was now completely covered with snow. Taber was every little bit of nervous as Martin was, as he would be guardian of the newborn. It was announced that it would be a girl with blond hair. Children of the village would always, always have the color of their mother’s hair. Taber saw Martin and Leo head back to the village as well. No matter how accustomed they were to each other, humans and protectors would never touch one another. Both protectors and humans believed in that separation and nobody would dare to break this time honored custom.

  Taber took his usual place in the village, a small hill with the perfect view of the ceremonial circle. Children put their best dresses for sure, but the blizzard made them put their coats on. There were all kinds of pastries, chocolates, juices. All are there to be consumed with the minutes of the baby’s arrival. The ceremony started with the town anthem and continued on with joyful carols. People were having good fun against the weather. Finally the family arrived right in the middle circle. Children approached to the carriage open the door to hold the baby. But no one dared to look… Except Martin... what Martin was holding was shocking.

  They were two babies: Two boys. Two boys had different hair colors. One black, one red head. Neither of them had the same color with their mothers. Suddenly there was a complete silence and people start murmuring. Taber got up. Something was wrong, terribly wrong. The last twin boys were born back in the days of the war of the Protectors and Riders.

  Different hair colors would indicate something even he did not fully know. He had to get back to the den, alert Saber. He would surely know what to do. They had to eliminate the panic he would clearly see engulfing town’s people. But there was no time. An eagle came out of nowhere, grabbed babies and start flying away. Taber quickly followed, jumped high, but fearing to hurt the babies he could not extend his claws as much he wanted to. He started to climb upwards, he growled so that Saber can hear him. He was chasing the eagle as fast as he could, but the distance was getting larger by the second. The only hope was that Saber would hear the cries and his growl. Taber was prepared to capture the babies if need be.

  It was then Saber jumped. He caught the eagle in midair. Babies flew away in two different directions. Taber decided to go for black haired baby. If he hesitated, both babies would be in free fall. Red haired was falling down. At the very last moment other protestors caught him. Both babies were safe. Eagle could not put much of a fight with Saber. It flew away, hurt and bleeding. Taber decided to follow after he put down the baby. Saber tried to stop him. They had to get back to the town’s folks and give the babies back. But Taber was too quick for him. He jumped over him and started running. The blizzard was winding down. Saber gently took the babies with his fangs. People were watching whole thing is awe and fear. When they saw Saber coming back with Babies they started cheering and crying at the same time.

  As Saber put the babies down, a loud sound of avalanche filled the air. When Saber turned his back, he saw an avalanche was racing down on Taber. Taber had nowhere to escape. Then a flock of eagle came out of nowhere. Only then Saber understood, this was an ambush, a ploy to keep the Saber and Taber separate…

  The war began again… That was the first day….

  Chapter 2


  Saber had to decide quickly what to do. Eagles were forming an attack position towards the village. If Saber were to run after Taber, he would leave the village and villagers defenseless. If he were to defend them, he would surely be beaten. There were at least two hundred eagles diving down from above. Other Protectors were of no use. They were in the form of goats, birds, squirrels and other forms of small animals. Saber was alone in this fight.

  He roared loudly. Villagers were aghast with panic. They started running for nearest shelter they can find. Saber ordered other Protectors to take shelter with villagers. They would stand no chance of in such confrontation.

  He jumped up to gain the higher ground and hoped to see Taber somehow. That was hopeless even his heart knew. Taber could have escaped from that avalanche. Experienced as he was, Taber had been always impatient in his pursuits. He should have not followed the first eagle. Saber lost his footing when at least twenty black eagles hit him with all their momentum. He lost his balance and started to fall down from his position.

  Being a lion he was, he stabilized the fall and managed to land on his paws. Eagles continued to dive down on him. He defended himself with all his might, but his claws were not enough to scare the eagles off.

  Martin was watching the Saber from the peepho
le he has found in the crack of wooden shutter. His mother was trying to pull him down from the bench; he was standing on and forcing him to join in the prayer chant.

  “Let me go Ma. I have to know what is going on.”

  “Absolutely not. Come down from that bench right this minute and come join us.”

  “Ma what good is that prayer if you do not know what we are praying for? I must watch Saber to see what is going on. I do not want to be trapped in this shelter forever.”

  “Martin, don’t start with me right now. Protectors would know what to do. They always did, they always will. Help them with your prayers.”

  Unconvinced, Martin stepped down from the bench and joined in the circle for prayer. Hands extended to each other, the whole village formed a spiral inside the wooden cabin. As they started the chant, they all heard a scream of agony, then there was only silence.

  Martin broke the formation, ran out without even thinking.

  It was a carnage… Saber was lying motionless in the middle of the village.

  Chapter 3


  It started to snow again. It was snowing gently. The snowflakes were covering the red-stained ground gently as if some goddess silently wiping the memories of the past hours. In the heat of the moment Martin attempted to cover the open Saber’s open wounds with his scarf. But before he can approach Saber, his father, Leo restrained him. He could not allow Martin to do foolish things such as touching Saber. Not only it was the time honored custom, but it was plain dangerous for Martin being near a wounded Lion. Martin protested with all his anger

  “ But Pa, Saber and Taber caught the babies while fighting, so the custom is broken. Why can’t I touch him?”

  “Do not be foolish my son” said Leo,” Even if that is the case, which you know full well that it is not, Saber may not be himself, one paw and you will be in much worse shape than he can ever be”

  “I’ll be careful, I promise Pa. Look at him, he is still bleeding if we do not do something soon, there would be no primary protector to guard the village”

  What Martin was saying would be easily the case. Other protectors were in no shape to guard the city Leo thought. There were many things he needed to consider.

  -“Come Martin, let the other protectors do what they do best and we need to go to Knowledge Well” said Leo. “ And then to the den, the village, the business with odd twins, Taber, Saber Martha and Maria” murmured to himself. It was simply overwhelming to sort out what needs to be done next. He grabbed Martin from his arm and tried to find Martha within the crowd.

  People were trying to clean up the mess created by the scatted food that were mixed with the black feathers of the eagles and the furs of the others protectors that were caught by the eagles. Maria was helping his mother while she was crying. Martha asked Maria to follow her while she was working, all villagers need to do what they must get the scene cleaned up quickly.

  Alopexes were licking Saber’s wounds to help the healing process. In the absence of Taber and Saber Alopexes were in charge of the village. They were white foxes. They were not as strong as Taber and Saber were, but they were extremely clever. When Leo looked up two of them were already on the way to the den to check up on the Amulet of Courage and Crown of Wisdom. The saber was standing still, but at least was breathing. His breathing was shallow.

  Leo told Martha that he would be back as soon as he could after making sure that everything was in order at Knowledge Well. Martha knew not to prevent him going even though she was scared for their safety. She hugged Martin and asked Leo to return before the nightfall.

  Brian ran after Leo and Martin as they were ready to leave the village. Brian was Martin’s best friend and even his co-conspirator in their adventures.

  “May I come with you ?” asked Brian hastily.

  “No you may not” said Leo “You are needed here, I am taking Martin with me just in case I need to send a message back. I cannot take the responsibility for your safety. Please go back to your parents and help them”

  “They are picking up the trashes. I imagine there is not much of help needed there. Please Martin, Leo let me come with you. It would be safer we Martin and I come back together if need be”

  What Brian was saying is actually making sense to Martin, but again, lots of time it was making sense, including the instance there were lost together for three days. It almost cost them their friendship as Martha forbade Martin to see Brian ever again. Well, that was in the past. But in this case Martin chose to remain quiet. Leo asked once again Brian to leave them be. This time his steel blue eyes were more commanding. Brian understood that there is no way of convincing them.

  -“Be safe then. I’ll stay here and do what I can”. As he headed back to help his family he passed by Maria, who was still crying non-stop. Her eyes starting to swallow and her face turned all red. She had the tendency to cry out whenever she is upset. And boy… she was upset most of time. This time, though she was not alone, as he paused and look around, Brian noticed that most of the kids were in tears. He picked up some of the napkins that managed to stay dry. Approached Maria and gave her some napkins. Maria did not like Brian as much as her brother did, but nonetheless she thanked and hugged him for doing what he did.

  That made Brian a bit uncomfortable. He stood still as if he was petrified, but luckily Maria let him go very quickly. There was enough trouble already, he did not want to be the joke of other boys.

  Some of the villagers were started gathering around Saber. He was in critical condition. Most of the other Protectors were scrambling around the village to gather clues of what just happed and why it happened. Riders were not welcomed here and there were not around for almost a century. Suddenly, without any provocation they broke the peace. This peace that was restored and maintained with many sacrifices on Protectors part.

  Alopexes that checked out the den came down. They approached their brothers and sisters to take over the job of healing Saber. Saber managed to open his eyes, but were still too weak to stand up. One of the Alopexes whispered something into Sabers ears. His strength was draining out of his body. The only words he could understand were “The Crown of Wisdom is missing”

  Chapter 4


  Leo and Martin were walking in total silence. Martin attempted to break the silence once or twice, but he knew when not to disturb his father. Leo was not a strict father when it comes to discipline his children, but he would not tolerate any noise while he was trying to focus on something. Although Martin has his own worries and questions, he chose to follow father’s steps without breaking the silence. Leo was walking in an extremely fast pace, almost as if he was running. But the snow would not allow it. Martin was having a hard time to follow. He was almost running out of breath, keeping his mouth shut and breathing heavily actually was helping focus as well.

  On their way to Knowledge Well, Leo suddenly stopped and start walking towards the foot of the highest hills of Snow Mountain. Martin made a faint sound to protest and tried to correct his father, but Leo did not even stop for a second. Leo’s paced quickened to a point that Martin would be unable to follow without actually running. As he attempted to do so, he stumbled, but did not actually fall. “Father,please stop” yelled Martin “Where are we going? This is not the way to Knowledge Well”. Leo kept on walking.”Son, there is simply no time for me to stop and explain where we are going, now be a man like you always wanted to be and try to keep up with me”. Martin was a bit discouraged with that answer, but that was a challenge he cannot let go unanswered. He took a deep breath, inhaled all oxygen he could take in and start running only as he could do. He was jumping from one footstep to another, so that knee deep snow would not slow him down. He was sweating profusely But after twenty minutes of heavy walking Leo reached to a point that they could go no farther. Branches of the trees were bent down to close the way, the thick layer of snow on the branches were indicating that no one attemp
ted to pass this point forward. Leo seemed to relax a little bit. Martin was looking to this father and to the trees with blank eyes. “What… what are we doing here Pa, ” he asked, totally puzzled, there is nothing more here than a bunch of dead trees.

  “Those dead trees” replied Leo “are the keeper of our future, son”. Leo started to look for something. Martin was quite happy to catch his breath; he sat down and let his father to his job. Leo tried to trace the branches by putting tracks on the untouched snow layer. It was a labyrinth made of snow and branches. A couple of minutes passed and there was still no explanation coming out of his father’s mouth.

  “Stay back Martin” said finally Leo. “You see the rocks just over there, go and hide behind them. And do not, I repeat, do not attempt to move until. I call your name. No matter what you hear I want to stay put and keep your head down. Do you understand?”

  “Pa you are not talking to me since we left the village. Why we are where? What is this place? I do not understand why we came here?” started asking Martin. He did not know why he started shivering and shaking. May be it was due the cold or what but clearly something came over him as he cannot stop his jaw trembling as he was talking.

  Leo was taking no notice to Martin’s condition. He asked again “Do you understand what I am saying. If you do not I want to head back to the village right now and tell your mother that everything is ok, but I would not be coming back home any time soon”

  Martin could not stop his trembling jaw. He nodded silently and went behind the rock. After a few minutes he started to calm down. He was watching his father, still tracing the branches of the dead trees. Couple of minutes later Leo kneeled down and broke a piece of the branch and then he moved in the opposite direction to repeat the exact same.

  Dead trees sprung back as if they were catapults. The layers of snow went up the air as if there were fireworks. The sound of cracking and splashes of snow filled the air. Martin let out a gasp in his disbelief. As the snow flakes settled down, Martin could see an entrance of a cave. His reaction was to come of the hiding, but his father did not call him just yet.