Read Raising Avon Page 1


  (The Battle for Zarcon Saga - Book 1)




  Published By:

  [Revised February 2015]

  Other Books by Rebekah Shelton

  The Legend of the Snow Wolves Series:

  Emerald Eyes [FREE]

  Emerald Knoll

  Emerald Cove

  Emerald Garden

  Emerald Aura

  Emerald Haven

  Emerald City - The Return

  Emerald Nation - Divided (coming soon)

  Emerald Reign (planned)

  The Red Wolf Chronicles:

  Red Wolf [FREE]

  Red Palace

  Red Widow

  The Battle for Zarcon Saga:

  Raising Avon [FREE]

  Shielding Avon (coming soon)

  Battling Avon (planned)

  Edited by CC Ritchie

  Cover by

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales are purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  This book contains mildly violent situations.

  Recommended for ages 14 and older.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  How to Contact the Author

  Chapter 1

  Captain Jeremy Hanson couldn't believe just how much his luck had changed and for the worse. He had thought himself to be a rising star in the Intergalactic Command Exchange and looking into the mirror he could only see his career plummeting lower and lower. He felt as if he had hit rock bottom. He thought hard, trying to determine what he had done to earn him so low and disgraceful an assignment. He had been a model soldier. He didn't deserve this. However, when the second in command of ICE requested him personally, he knew he couldn't decline.

  Jeremy sighed in defeat as he watched Avon try on yet another party dress. He had lost count at least a dozen dresses ago. What did one girl need with so many dresses? Sure Avon's father was an ICE General but as a first-year cadet, he doubted she would have a need for a civilian wardrobe. Her attire was now the standard issue black uniform of the ICE Academy.

  Looking back into the mirror, Jeremy stared at his own uniform. It was meticulous, everything in place, no wrinkles, belt buckle and boots shiny, ribbons perfectly centered. His light brown hair cut to the three-quarters of an inch requirement. His blue eyes sparkled for a moment as his he inhaled and his chest puffed. He was proud of his accomplishments. He had been promoted quickly through the ranks, distinguishing himself during his assignments. He had come from less than humble beginnings. Pushing his current assignment aside, he was proud of his accomplishments.

  Then he saw Avon's reflection standing behind him. Yes, she was pretty. And some day he was sure she would become more beautiful as she matured into a woman. She was thin and had a youthful figure but still the dress she was modeling was showing more skin than Jeremy had seen in a long time. He blinked as he tried to remember the last time he had gone out on a date with a woman. He couldn't remember. His career had consumed him, devouring every waking minute. Maybe it was while he was still a teenager.

  Jeremy tried not to smile, but his eyes quickly betrayed him. "You like it?" Avon asked demurely. For a moment, he imagined she was shy. But Jeremy had never seen the shy side of Avon. She always carried herself with a hint of arrogance and distinction. She had stood beside her father all her life as his 'plus one'. The General was a widower; a single father. He had doted on Avon, allowing her to wrap him around her little finger. Whatever Avon wanted, Avon got. It was just that simple.

  It was only natural for Avon to follow in her father's footsteps and join ICE. It was all she had ever known. She had been raised by nannies and tutors when the General was away but when he was home, on Earth, the two were practically inseparable. While home schooled until she went to the Academy, Avon's education had been extensive, learning about the galaxy and the military from her father. She had been well educated and groomed to be a fluid conversationalist at any dinner party or get together. She could converse freely on any subject concerning ICE.

  Still, Jeremy did not see Avon as an ICE officer. She just didn't have the backbone for it. She was a socialite, a spoiled brat. "I don't think your father will approve," Jeremy sighed as he turned towards Avon and took another look at her. "It is a bit risqué."

  "It's what the other girls my age are wearing," Avon quickly refuted. "I'm getting it."

  Jeremy closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Avon was his responsibility for the next three months; in essence, her babysitter. He was to prep her for her second year at the Academy while her father was deployed to the Stavian Galaxy.

  "This is a military function we are attending tomorrow," Jeremy reminded her. "Wouldn't your dress uniform be more appropriate?"

  "I'm allowed to wear a civilian dress. I'm still a cadet," Avon pouted. "I like this one."

  "Are you trying to get me court-martialed?" Jeremy replied. His voice clearly showed his annoyance. "Frack, skip the court-martial. Your father is going to shoot me."

  "He will not," Avon tried to giggle. "I'm a grown woman now and I'm tired of dressing like a little girl. I'm buying this one."

  Jeremy knew he couldn't stop Avon from purchasing the gown. It was a perfect shade of ivory which complimented her dark brown olive complexion and her pale blonde hair. Her eyes were the lightest shade of brown with a hint of green when she smiled. Still the gown was low cut and showed far more skin than Jeremy was comfortable seeing.

  "This should be fun," Jeremy mumbled as he turned away knowing he couldn't win the argument. It wasn't his battle to fight. He would do his duty. He would be her escort to the party and he would smile. Avon was his job for the next three months and he would just grin and bear it. He would do whatever it took to ensure his place as a pilot on a warship at the end of the summer. It was what he had trained for. It was all he ever wanted to do.

  Avon found the shoes and clutch she wanted and asked for them to be dyed to match the dress. "Add a touch of gold to both," she requested with a hint of arrogance. "And have everything sent to my apartment in the city."

  "We're staying in the city?" Jeremy asked. He thought they would be staying at the General's home outside the city. Since Avon was on vacation per se, he had thought she would want to go home and escape from the hustle and bustle of ICE command and the overpopulated urban life.

  "I like the city."

  Jeremy stifled his displeasure. Inside he was infuriated. He wanted some peace and quiet. If he had to spend three months with Avon, he wanted a few creature comforts. He had heard through the grapevine the General had a cook who still cooked in the old world style. He had never experienced food which didn't come from a synthesizer and he wanted to experience at least one home cooked meal made with fresh ingredients in his

  "After the party tomorrow, I'm taking you home," Jeremy stated, asserting himself. "It's too dangerous in the city."

  "But..." Avon started to whine.

  "Sorry girlie, but I'm pulling rank," Jeremy insisted. "You are a cadet and I officially outrank you. One night in the city and then I take you home."

  Jeremy knew the dangers of Lorian City. He had lived there all of his life. He had grown up in the slums outside the military sector. He had fought his way out of the poverty which had almost taken his life many times. The slums were full of crime, corruption and the lowest of deviants. He had seen more violence before his eighteenth birthday than most humans and other species saw in the biggest and goriest of battles.

  Plus Avon was the daughter of one of the most influential Generals in ICE. She was worth a hefty ransom if kidnaped. Jeremy could not, would not take the chance. He knew he could protect her more effectively at the General's mansion.

  "How about lunch?" Jeremy suggested. "You haven't eaten since breakfast. I know of a great place with the best portabella mushroom ravioli."

  "Can we eat outside?" Avon asked. "I love eating al fresco."

  Jeremy knew it was dangerous, but he was armed. "Sure, but I pick the table."

  Jeremy led Avon to his favorite restaurant. All public restaurants in Lorian City served synthesized food, but each used their own recipes. Davola's had the best ravioli in the city. It was Jeremy's favorite place to go. Jeremy tried to relax as he escorted Avon to Davola's, but he was hyperaware of his surroundings. He knew the neighborhood; a middle to upper-class part of town with ritzy shops and expensive restaurants. Still it could be dangerous.

  He thought back again to his childhood. While he had dreamt of escaping the slums, growing up he never believed it would actually come to fruition. But he soldiered on every day, learning everything he could, reading everything he could find, pushing himself mentally and physically to excel. When he turned eighteen, he traveled to the Academy and applied for entrance. His test scores were high and he was admitted. It was, in fact, a dream come true. He had graduated the Academy only a year ago and had already been promoted twice; twice as fast as his classmates and peers. He was on the fast track to Major. But he was starting to doubt if his current assignment would be beneficial to his career or a hindrance. Where would 'glorified babysitter' fit into his short and once illustrious resume?

  Jeremy knew his main objective for the summer was to prepare Avon for her second year at the Academy. Her education had prepared her for the academic portion but physically she was not close to being ready for the rigorous physical demands. Jeremy had read her progress reports. They showed Avon barely squeaked through the physical training requirements. Deep down, he believed Avon had been saved from expulsion, due to her father's position and influence. At times, he believed Avon was admitted to the Academy only due to her father's legacy. There were many Academy admissions due to one or more of their parents being Academy alumni. Many were expelled unable to achieve the minimum standards required for advancing to the next phase of their training.

  Now it was Jeremy's responsibility to ensure Avon was ready for year two at the Academy. He remembered the physical exertion he had endured. Looking across the cafe table at Avon, he doubted she would be able to survive the pain and torture she was about to experience. While old enough to be a cadet, all he could see was a thin, weak, spoiled brat, who was too concerned with her appearance. Her hair was perfect, her makeup unblemished and her nails flawless.

  Jeremy knew he could not fail. Avon's failure would equate to his own failure and possible dismissal from ICE. With every flutter of Avon's eyelashes, he felt his dreams quickly flying away from him. Everything he had worked so hard for was contingent on the spoiled brat sitting across the table from him. He would rather fight a deadly Zarcon than have this assignment. Where did I go wrong? Jeremy pondered silently. Why me?

  After eating half of her lunch, Avon pushed the plate away. "You need to eat more than that," Jeremy snarled. "We need to at least double your caloric intake if you expect to train hard."

  "I'm not training today or tomorrow," Avon snapped. "I have to squeeze into my new gown tomorrow and I will not look like an over-stuffed Mumite."

  Jeremy tried to not to laugh thinking of the three foot tall Mumite aliens and their roly-poly bodies. The thought of Avon having any fat on her thin body was almost funny. "Are you laughing at me?" Avon demanded.

  "Never, princess," Jeremy replied rolling his mouth into a fake frown. "I can't image you ever being fat."

  "I want to look my best tomorrow at the party. I'm tired of everyone looking at me only as my father's daughter. I'm a woman now and I expect to be treated like one."

  "Then stop acting like a spoiled brat," Jeremy suggested half sarcastically. "Starting acting like an adult and you'll be treated like one."

  "I'm not a spoiled brat," Avon pouted.

  Jeremy did not reply. He raised his brows and pursed his lips. Whatever, he smirked to himself.

  "You know I have never been on a date, don't you?" Avon said sadly. "Growing up, the boys were afraid of my father. You've seen the reach of his authority. Even at the Academy, I was off-limits. No one wants to piss off the General Zadoorian's daughter. ICE officers won't come near me since dating me would be political suicide. They're afraid of ending up in the outer rim."

  "I'm sure your father is just trying to protect you," Jeremy replied knowing how protective the General was. He had heard the General's speech loud and clear. He had been warned. Avon was off-limits. The General made sure to emphasize it during the briefing more than once. Jeremy knew what his mission was, no more, no less. Getting romantically involved with Avon was not a part of the mission. He knew it would not be a problem. Avon was not his type. She was too prim and proper. They came from two different worlds. She was a socialite and he was nothing but a slum rat who had crawled out of the depravity of poverty. Even as an officer, the two did not mix. He would always be a slum rat.

  Avon snarled, "And now I suppose you think it is your job to protect me?"

  "It's my job to be with you 24/7. It's my job to have you physically fit for the fall. I guess since we will be spending so much time together, it's also my job to ensure you stay safe. I'll be damned if I lose my commission because of you."

  "So I'm just another mission, an assignment?"

  "Yes princess," Jeremy grinned.

  Jeremy could see the disdain on Avon's face every time he called her princess. "My name is Avon. But if it's too informal for you, you may call me Cadet Zadoorian."

  "I'll stick with princess," Jeremy smirked. "It fits you."

  Avon face turned to stone. Her jaw clenched. "Are you trying to make me hate you?"

  "Oh princess, you are going to hate me with a passion when training commences. You are going to be searching databases to find new things to call me. I hope you are up to the challenge."

  "Don't underestimate me Captain Hanson!"

  "Never princess."