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  Reflections of a Superfluous Mind Two

  Copyright 2013 by Marvin K. Perkins

  Reflections of a Superfluous Mind Two

  The Unpardonable Sin

  Cut the vein, feel no pain, crimson drops on the floor.

  Bath water red, a girl lie dead, can't go on like before.

  Flooded tile, bloated vile, so sad to die alone.

  No note left hanging, a stranger banging, the ringing of the phone.

  Police rush in to find, they were not in time, to save the young girl's soul.

  She's gone to meet her maker, I only hope He'll take her, or she'll end up down below.

  I Am So Glad to Be a Man

  Her hair was like a flowing breeze, her eyes twinkled like a star.

  I knew she was the one for me, though I only saw her from afar.

  Lips as red as cherry pop, I long to taste, so much.

  Her ample firm bosoms made me linger a while, oh yes to touch.

  A flat stomach lie further down, oh so smooth and tan

  When I see such a lovely creature, I am so glad to be a man.

  Someone Who Cares.

  A failed delusion I knew I was too optimistic to dream.

  I could be anything more special than what I seemed to be.

  A work of mediocrity, just a sad excuse for a wanna be star.

  Who was never able to shine so bright as to be seen from afar.

  I fizzled and faded, tried to get up, got knocked down again.

  Back slapped by life, but worst of all, I was betrayed by so called friends.

  But I learned one lesson through all the pain, that I'd like to share.

  Even a crappy life, can be a good one, if you have someone who cares.

  The Last Verse

  If I could write a verse that was so perfect and so clear

  As to describe every feeling ever felt, I'd write it right here.

  It would be beautiful and sad, and speak of undying love.

  Tragic and happy, heart and soul, like God up above.

  It would be the last poem that would ever need to be penned.

  And I would never feel the need to speak of poetic things, ever again.

  Out of Rhymes

  A panther chased a spirit man through the forest green.

  A one eyed Brontosaurus grazed on a tree branch somewhere in between.

  A crocodile ate the Lochness monster, finished he did smile.

  Big foot plodded down a trail that seemed to go on for miles.

  The Incredible Hulk ripped the head off of King Kong, and held it in the air.

  John Travolta danced the twist with J-Lo and Fred Astaire.

  A looney tune cartoon.

  A man smiling at the moon.

  Cats in the cradle with a silver spoon.

  Let's have Christmas in June.

  I hope this poem ends pretty soon.

  'Cause I 'm running out of rhymes.

  He Only Sought the Glory

  Another year has come and gone, still I search for the meaning.

  Am I to die a miniscule molecule never living up to my full potential?

  Just a small cog in a huge machine, lost in plain view.

  Always hoping desperately to be noticed, but always overlooked.

  My mundane world consists of monotony that can only be described as tediously boring.

  I think I would lose my mind, if I knew in fact where I left it.

  If I should die in this fashion, remember I was a man of words and stories.

  Inscribe on my tombstone the following words: “He didn't write for the money, he only sought the glory.”

  True Love

  A sad little bird sat solitary on a tree branch chirping a sad melody.

  No other bird in the whole wide world was near as sad as he.

  He had lost his true love, for another bird she had flown.

  A heartache and melancholy overwhelmed him, the likes he'd never known.

  He sat there day after day, until in the cold he could see his breath.

  Then quietly chirping to himself, he finally froze to death.


  A grand daughter is the most precious thing God ever put on this earth.

  All lovely in pink, ribbons and bows in her hair of pretty curls.

  She is the apple of her granddaddy's eye, the prize in his cracker jacks.

  The sun rises and sets and the moon glows for her as a matter-of-fact.

  And he would do anything, give anything, for just one of her smiles.

  Walk across a burning wasteland, that stretches for a thousand miles.

  For she is that special one that calls him her Grandpa.

  The greatest words in all the world that a man could be called.

  The Culprit

  Into the jaws of oblivion I went, without a thought, without a care.

  Not even a single pause to think of what was waiting for me there.

  I looked to the left, I saw black nothingness, to the right more of the same.

  But then a sickening feeling overwhelmed my wretched soul with blame.

  I stared at the culprit, he stared right back at me.

  The reflection of a guilty man was standing there, you see.

  I asked him why he so callously did the wrong things he did.

  But he had no answer for me, as he silently shook his head,

  Mother Nature

  A rapidly flowing, raging river raced forward ever strong.

  It ravaged anything that had the audacity to stand in its way.

  Mother nature is not to be trifled with, man should learn that lesson well.

  We are just guests here in this world that is not of our making.

  A Vision

  She was pretty as a vision, a streak of sunlight in her hair.

  An angel sent from heaven, glowing rainbows everywhere.

  I want to make her mine, I fear I have not a chance.

  But I will settle for just one embrace, and perhaps just one dance.

  Heaven on Earth

  A lazy fog floated over the bay that beautiful summer morning.

  The waves lapped playfully on the beach as the sun peeped through.

  I walked along the sand, my bare feet felt the grit between my toes.

  The warming breeze blew through my hair, I shielded my face from the sun.

  Surely there is no better place on earth than this, I said to myself.

  My idea of Heaven right her on earth, in the sand and surf.


  Alone again after all these years, who would have ever thought.

  She won every battle but this one, she lost.

  Cancer took her to.Heaven, it was the last war she ever fought.

  She gave it her all, but she just didn't have the cost.

  Now I'm alone without her, my best friend in the world.

  But life goes on and so must I.

  Three Simple Words

  A blank page stares back at me, I have no words to say.

  They escape me as elusive as a butterfly on a beautiful spring day.

  The love I feel for you is so deep, I can't express.

  Thoroughly intertwined with utter joy and unending happiness.

  So I guess I'll keep it simple, I know not what else to do.

  But to say those three little words, dear I love you.

  Sisterly Love

  A wretched little boy made his way up a winding hill,

  Peddling a bright red bike he stole from his best friend Bill.

  A pretty little girl followed him, she stayed hidden out of sight.

  Set to avenge the heinous crime, she was geared up for a fight.

nbsp; For Bill was her little brother and she didn't think it was right,

  For a wretched boy to steal his bicycle, and ride off in the night.

  Life Is Fleeting

  Life begins and ends with just one breath, when you're born you take your first, when you die you take your last.

  Every moment is fleeting and as soon as it is spent, it is no longer the present, but instantly becomes the past.

  No day is given, we must live our life and savor every new beginning.

  We may never see tomorrow's sunrise, for too soon our days will be ending.

  Thirty One

  It's hard to believe we've been married now for thirty one.

  I feel like our time together, has only just begun.

  I can think of nothing better in life, that I would rather do.

  Than spend my time happily ever after, growing old with you.

  Reflections of a Superfluous Mind Two

  Reflections of s superfluous mind number two.

  I write them 'cause I have nothing better to do.

  They help to pass the days, they keep me up at night.

  Running for a pad and pencil, another verse to write.

  And when the reflections are finished, and I have nothing more to say.

  I'll spend my time, mindlessly searching, for a better way.

  Two Brave Strangers


  Two brave strangers stood at daybreak, silhouetted by the morning sun.

  One would die needlessly that very day, at the point of a gun.

  His blood would run red on the dusty ground beneath his feet.

  The other would live to fight again, once again his death he would cheat.

  The Four Horsemen

  The four horsemen rode off into the sunset, on their steeds proud and brave.

  Off into a mystic land, the whole world to save.

  But who will rescue us when all of them are lost.

  Dead and buried in the ground, having paid the ultimate cost.

  For All Our Fallen Brothers

  Let's share one last drink my friends before its time to go.

  Our paths may never cross again, of this we cannot know.

  So let's raise our glasses high, and shout out a hardy cheer.

  For all our fallen brothers, we have buried here.

  The earth will swallow them up like so many gone before.

  Their spirits will live forever, though we will see them no more.

  A Seductress

  Lucia was a fair haired beauty of nineteen, with sparkling green eyes like pools of shimmering jade.

  A man could lose himself in those mysterious windows and never be seen or heard from again.

  A seductress, she had broken many a man's heart for one of such few and tender years.

  But she'll have a short and troubled life, and in the end, die alone, I fear.

  Humanity's Curse

  Dreaded day, I curse you, too long have you pillaged our kind.

  Striking fear into the hearts of brave men, and nightmares into the mind.

  Death you are a black coward, you care not whom you decimate.

  The very old, the very young, and all in between will suffer your evil fate.

  Then comes the judgment when we will stand naked before the Maker.

  The devil will pull up in a black hearse, dressed like an undertaker.

  God will say, “I'll take these souls, they shall go with me.”

  But the all the rest will take that black ride throughout eternity.

  Goodbye, See You Later

  A slow, smooth, sexy, song played softly in the background as we huddled.

  In a far dark back corner booth, whispering sexy words as we cuddled.

  Our lips kissed, our hips gyrated to the beat with reckless desire.

  And nothing but satisfaction would cool down that fire.

  “Check, please! It's time to go.”

  Back to my place as our passions grow.

  Clothes in a pile, covers a mess.

  My suit and tie, her party dress.

  The head board shakes, almost breaks, we end up on the floor.

  Suddenly we are brought back to reality by a loud banging at the door.

  “Oh, my God, it's my husband!” She yelled to my dismay.

  As she leaves, I tell her goodbye, see you later, maybe some other day.


  Betray the real meaning, cast aside harsh rhetoric of the peace keeper.

  War is a sure pathway to destruction, it serves no master but the Reaper.

  Man harbors hatred, ill will in his heart, manifested in unspeakable violence.

  Weapons are forged more powerful daily and destructive in his malevolence.

  Man is destined to self-destruct, it is just a matter of time.

  But until then I'll live the best I can, trying not to lose my mind.

  Dark Times

  I lost my mind for a while, or you could say I simply misplaced it

  Faced many days of uncertainty when I just didn't give a shit.

  Drank a little too much, took too many pills to help me sleep.

  The remnants of my tattered life in the corner in a heap.

  Desperate, I thought of ending it all, but I just didn't have the balls.

  Too afraid to live, too afraid to die, wonder how I survived it all.

  But I found strength in an ancient book that quickly became my best friend.

  Now God is with me through the dark times, He'll guide me to the end

  The Compulsion

  I must write, I have no choice, my life is in my words, with every breath I take, a story unfolds.

  They are in my very fiber, these little pieces and ideas of a great work of literature waiting to be told.

  In the blink of an eye characters come alive somehow given a mortal soul.

  They become my closest friends and I take them with me everywhere I go.

  A Brand New Day

  The sky opened and swallowed the big red sun up whole.

  Night had fallen and moonbeams shone on us mortals down below.

  The stars twinkled and danced, the perfect setting for romance.

  Darkness hid all our sins, just like a long lost friend.

  And we were happy and free, being together, you and me.

  Like this we will happily stay, until the sun again brings a brand new day..

  Claim Your Victory.

  In those times when you feel broken into pieces, scattered to the wind.

  And you feel you will never have the strength to get back on your feet again.

  You will find the courage, it is right there inside of you.

  Reach down and claim your victory, and do what you must do.

  Not Such A Bad Fellow