Read Riot and Disorder - Orbit the Sun – Part 7 Page 1

Riot and Disorder

  Orbit the Sun – Part 7

  By John Stevenson

  Copyright 2014 John Stevenson

  Matt entered the figures for the third time. He knew he wasn’t wrong, but maybe he had misread a number: he hadn’t, and for the third time the answer was one he didn’t want. So intent was he that he sensed rather than heard someone enter the cabin; he didn’t turn, especially when he recognized the voice.

  Peter’s words were delivered in a threatening way. “What are you doing?”

  “Calculations; isn’t that obvious?”

  “It’s what you are calculating that I want to know?”

  “Fuel if that helps you.”

  “As long as you are not trying to ignore what you have been told?”

  Now Matt turned in the Chair to face Peter. He saw Vincent was there too. “I have done as I was asked.”

  “Then why has nothing changed?”

  “It has.”

  “The sun is just as big; the heat is no less: it is insufferable. If you are not going to do what you have been told I can get someone else?”

  Since the takeover Matt had been urgently trying to work out what was going to happen to Earthrise, and in those intervening hours he had also realized something else. “It’s not my choice; if you have someone who is as capable, then go ahead?”

  Peter smiled.

  Matt remained silent for a few more moments: he knew beside him there was only Clive and Tricia. “Our only frame of reference is the sun itself. It being that massive and we being this close it will take far longer than a few hours for anything to become apparent?”

  Peter turned his head slightly. “People… are unsure that you are not trying to do something else?”


  Peter smiled again. “… They need proof?”

  “I can’t give you any proof; you will just have to take my word.”

  “We need to see measurements; distances?”

  “We can’t measure a distance to the surface of the sun. There’s nothing to measure to. It’s like measuring to a leaf on a stormy sea; nothing stays in the same place.”

  “Then an average will do?”

  “It’s impossible, you are just going to have to take my word.”

  “I warn you that you do not have much time to provide that proof.”

  “You can threaten me as much as you like; it’s not going to change anything.”

  “No… it will change a lot.”

  “What are you going to do; imprison me in my cabin as well, are you going to lock away everyone who can get us out of this mess?”

  “We both understand you are too valuable; but you should remember you are not unique.”

  Matt felt smug. “I know that locking up the commander was meant to put pressure on me, but it’s also made me more important?”

  “I’m sure he doesn’t see it that way?”

  “He is still the commander, whatever you say.”

  “But not the only one and neither are you essential.”

  “Clive can fly Earthrise; Tricia knows where to go, together they can get you back: if you have no problems. I’m the only person who can fly and get us back.” It was something Matt wasn’t so certain of as he tried to show.

  “Your overstating your worth, we both know the others are more capable than that?”

  “It’s one thing knowing the theory in a classroom; see if anyone of them wants to actually put theory into practice.”

  “If you were… unable… permanently, they might have to?”

  “Is that a threat?”

  “Of course.”

  “And that’s what everybody wants… violence?”

  “They want to get home; by any means.”

  “Strangely enough that’s exactly what I want too; that’s the reason I agreed; so you are just going to have to trust me and let me get on with it.”

  “As long as you realize you are not as indispensable as you want me to think.”

  Matt felt he was winning. “And as long as you remember that flying Earthrise is more than steering in the right direction?”

  Peter grunted. “I think you are bluffing. This thing would never have got off the planet if it depended on just a couple of people. Maybe they don’t have the knowledge and experience that you do, but you can be replaced. You have your few hours but if you try anything clever make no mistake that you will joint your captain.”

  “I’ll get us back, but not for your sake.”

  “We are at a stalemate: business between us is unresolved. No matter, what you think you can do; I say what will happen.”

  “I thought it was we; or was all that we’re taking over just you taking over?” Matt looked at Vincent.

  “Those with the right qualifications take over when it’s necessary.”

  “That’s surprising; when you bundle the person with the qualifications back to his cabin?”

  “You have hours to come up with proof. Vincent will continue to watch what you do.” Peter turned to go.

  “Stay away from her.” Matt knew he had no way to back it up but he tried to sound threatening.

  Peter turned and looked at him. “At last? You slowly and finally come around. It’s all to protect the whore isn’t it?” Peter smiled. “If we need you she is safe; just remember the reverse is true.”

  Peters words hit Matt; it was true; at least in part.

  “You think I care about her?” Peter snarled. “There are dozens prettier better than she is.” He turned away: speaking as he did. “Do as you are told and you can have use of the whore… for the time being.”

  Matt knew he should keep quiet but he couldn’t. “It must be humiliating for you, her being in my cabin?”

  Peter turned back again. “She cost me barely nothing, but you need to remember, she is still my property, and will do whatever I tell her.”

  Matt felt his nerve melt away.

  “Consider her your payment for cooperation... enjoy her while you can.” Now Peter did leave.

  Matt stared at the open door feeling icy cold; then leaving what he doing he raced back to his cabin.