Read Sacrilege Page 1




  By Nicole N. King

  Copyright 2013 Nicole N. King

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  This notice is to be read by all Damned creatures of Pearu.

  As of Apros 30th, 1945—The Gates of Pearu will be closed and all Damned Creatures of Pearu are hereby debarred from entering the mortal world. Any creatures of the Damned found outside the Gates of Pearu entering the world of mortals, shall be sentenced to death and their souls obliterated. This ruling has been created due to the Damned interference and impersonation of one Adolf Hitler.

  Due to his role in the killing of innocent mortals and the assassination of Adolf Hitler, Echidna Zobyverth Korfmann and his army shall be sentenced to death by the hands of Zeus in front of the Gates of Pearu. The continuing search for dethroned queen Eris is still underway. Any creature found aiding and abetting Eris will be found as a betrayer and sentenced to death.

  With Regards,

  Kavos Priam

  King of Pearu


  October 31, 1947

  It was once written that if a Creature of the Damned was seen in the world of mortals that the God Zeus would descend and convey a fate worse than death. Many of the Damned no longer believed in this myth, but there were some who had been around longer who knew that there was such a punishment. Out of that group only one decided to defy this rule.

  Kithara moved silently through the night cloaked in its darkness. The boots she wore crunched in the brown leaves that had fallen due to the nature of this season. By now everyone would have learned that the Gates to their world had been broken and someone had escaped through. Kithara found little relief in the fact that it would take them a while to discover who or what exactly had gone through the Gates to the mortal world. By that time she would have done what she came here to do, despite the fact that tonight she might be meeting her end. The orange glow from the streetlight irritated her eyes as she averted her eyes away from it. Being in mortal form did its job in helping her blend in, but that doesn’t mean that being in this form didn’t frustrate her. She felt confined in this mortal form, not to mention every brush against her arm made waves of disgust roll through her.

  Since it was what mortals called “Halloween”, the streets where filled with groups of them as they dressed in vibrant colors, carried little weird shaped bags, and yelled something about a trick and a treat. A few of them had come up to her handing out paper flyers or something sweet smelling wrapped in colorful plastics, but she simply kept walking. While she might have disliked the smell of “their” kind, that didn’t mean she wanted to remove them from existence like those from her world seemed keen on doing. Maybe that’s why “she” picked her. At the thought of her a smile came to her lips. A male mortal dressed in a black costume, with weird shaped pointed ears on his head, took her smile as interest in him as he opened his mouth to speak to her. Kithara sent a glare to him that crushed any form of words he was about to say. The mortal glanced off as she made her way past him, her thoughts once more turning to the person she was doing this for. She didn’t have many that she could trust these days except her. There had been a time that when she had no one. When not only her kind, but her parents had turned their backs on her. It was by the graces of whatever superior being that she found herself in an unknown land and in the presence of someone who had been inscribed in her head as the enemy. A week living with her had showed Kithara that this enemy had done more for her than her so called family had in a lifetime. It was then she pledge her loyalty to her. It was that moment that brought her here.

  Kithara finally arrived at her destination. Staring up at the sign, she felt a sudden surge of fear. She would have to act quickly. The moment she revealed any magic from their world, they would know she was here. Kithara entered the hospital quickly and headed for the steel doors that would take her to the floor she needed to be on. A smile came to her lips at the invention of the elevators that the mortals had laid claim to not knowing that in another world veiled within theirs, they had already existed. The doors closed her in as she stared at her mortal reflection in the doors. She was pretty by mortal standards so no wonder the male had taken interest. All too soon the doors opened and she was out of the confined spaced.

  Since it was almost midnight, the floor was silent. The only sounds came from the tapping of keys on the computer and the beeping of monitors in the different rooms. Kithara headed down the hall with purpose. A nurse called out to her but she ignored her and kept walking. She was close now. She counted the numbers to the doors in her head until she came upon the one that was needed. Pushing open the doors, Kithara entered the room and pulled a chair behind the door. The nurse by now would have called security and they would be up any second. Turning around she stared at the clear boxes filled with sleeping baby mortals. They were all hooked up to various wires as they fought for their chance at living in this world. Maneuvering through them, she ignored the slight whines coming from some of them until she found the one she wanted. Staring down at the baby, she allowed her finger to stroke the baby’s smooth skin before quickly pulling away. The baby’s heartbeat was slowing down and soon its soul would move on to another realm. Kithara could hear the faint sounds of security as the baby’s heartbeat was finally reaching its end. It was time.

  Reaching into her coat, she removed the silver box from her pocket. It gleamed in the light as the faint hum of magic pulsated around it. She experienced a sudden slight of hesitation. What if the child is left alone in the mortal world? What if she was discovered by one of her kind, or worst the Gods? No, that wouldn’t happen. She said someone would come for the child. Someone would take the child back to their world, where its true identity will remain hidden until time. She had told her this. She trusted her. At ease, Kithara released the latch and flipped the top up. Running footsteps sounded in the hall as a bright light filled the room. The baby’s heartbeat had finally reached its end. Kithara removed the ball of light from the box and held it in her hands. The soul of the child burst from its chest as she quickly replaced it with the glowing ball of light. As the old soul of the baby disappeared so did Kithara.

  Teleporting back and forth between states, she released the same amount of power to throw anyone who was watching off her trail. Exhausted she landed in the middle of desert. Releasing that much power had taken a lot out of her. Pulling herself up into a sitting position she stared up at the night sky.

  “Well wasn’t that impressive.”

  Kithara turned around with quickness expecting to see one of the Gods or worse Zeus himself. But what she wasn’t expecting was the creature in front of her. Kithara had no idea who this creature was or what she was doing outside of the Gates. The creature stood six feet tall in mortal form, clutching a silver staff as she stared down at her. Something wasn’t right. Kithara tried to back pedal, but found herself trapped in the sand. Trembling, she stared up at the figure in front of her.

  “Who are you?” Her voice quivered. The creature was surely from their world, and yet, she smelled different.

  The creature smiled but there was no warmth to it. “I should be asking you that, Kampe.” She smiled down at her. With a wave of her hand she said, “Reveal yourse

  Kithara tried to fight the change as a final act of disobedience but she should have known better. The creature’s smile proved it. The mortal skin began to fall off as her true self broke free.

  “That’s better.” She said with a smile. “Now tell me what brings you here.”


  “Curiosity” She questioned with a raise of one of her elegant brows.

  “Yes, mortals. They fascinate me.” Even as the lie rolled off Kithara’s lizard tongue, she couldn’t help the bitter taste the words left. Mortals did the exact opposite.

  Before Kithara could blink, she found herself gasping for air as the creature’s hand clenched tightly around her throat. “It would be wise if you do not play with me. Someone helped you get through those Gates and not just anyone can possess that type of power.” She ended with a sinister smile. “So again I ask you, what are you doing here?”

  Kithara stared at the creature as it soon became clear why she was here. This creature was a supporter of the dethroned Queen Eris. Unlike the others, this creature had some rank. It was enough for the Queen to allow her to enter the mortal world alone. It was enough to send a chill through her. The creature raised an eyebrow waiting for her answer. She knew others in her position would reveal their secrets to her immediately as a favor of freedom. But Kithara knew that there was no way she was going to survive this encounter, so why give up any information at all.

  Kithara felt her lips curve up into a smile as she gave her last act of defiance. “Go ahead and kill me. But take caution that the same fate awaits you much sooner than you think. Your end is near. In time you will be nothing more than a pawn in Eris’s games.”

  The creature’s features changed into one of rage as Kithara felt the power radiating through her. She gave one last glance up at the night sky before feeling the cold blade slice cleanly, removing her head from her body.


  Part One














  Out of the night that covers me,

  Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

  I thank whatever Gods may be

  For my unconquerable soul.

  Invictus-by William Earnest Henley