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  Setting Sun

  Vol. I

  By Joshua K. H. Murray

  What people are saying:

  —Amazon Review 

  “All in all, it was the best book I have read. Unique plot and innovative characters, along with a pace that kept me burning through pages. Good work Josh. I've got my eye on you.”


  —Amazon Review 

  “This story gets 5 stars from me. Lots of action, many colorful characters, and romance too.”


  —Amazon Review 

  “I bought the teaser for this two days ago and could not put it down. I loved how detailed and vivid it was and quite the mind pleaser. It just stopped mid-battle and has left me excited to see what will happen throughout the rest of the book. I can't wait to read the rest! You might have changed this girl into a supernatural fan!”

  —rose button

  —Amazon Review

  Such an awesome storyline!!! It has unique characters and extremely detailed fighting scenes. It's so descriptive, it's like I'm watching a movie! I am so eager to read the rest of the book when it gets published, I can tell it's going to be a great seller. It will definitely be on my list of favorite books to read! Keep it coming Josh, you're a Gifted writer (pun intended).

  —K. Cooper

  Setting Sun Volume I

  Anointed, #1

  By Joshua K. H. Murray

  Edited by Stacy Regehr and Daniel Peaslee

  Cover Art by LMS Designs

  Section break image courtesy of Wolfire Games LLC

  Copyright 2013 Joshua K. H. Murray

  Revised Edition: January 21 2014


  Anointed SAGA’s Glossary

  Preface—Dr. Gerald’s Notes

  Chapter 1—The Dream of a Nightmare to Come

  Chapter 2—Broken Promises

  Chapter 3—Jet’s Dying Regret

  About the Author


  Connect with Joshua K. H. Murray

  You’re not Alone (Author Testimony)

  Greetings Earthians. I’ve been told the world of Nebulan can be a little overwhelming. Honestly: there are many sects, ranks, and species that you’re not going to find in your Webster dictionaries. Therefore, I have provided my readers a glossary at the very back of the book. If at any time you guys forget a word or a rank—or whatever else may come your way—the Anointed SAGA’s Glossary section will keep you up to date on all that infuriating lingo.

  Aren’t I just the best?

  Also, Dr. Gerald has prepared material for those who would like an in-depth look on the planet Nebulan and its phenomena. While his findings are informative and well written, his work isn’t exactly crucial to the story itself. So if you feel it is too long, feel free to move on to the first chapter. I’m sure he wouldn’t be offended.

  At least, I don’t think he would.

  The World of Nebulan

  The world of Nebulan has managed to capture my fastidious mind, an accomplishment that cannot be overlooked. I have seen many things in my long years as a scientist, but no experience or finding has demanded my attention as this place and its people do.

  Their world is most unlike our planet. One distinction is their lack of water. As all of you should have already been taught, the Earth holds an approximate 80 percent of open water; however, Nebulan carries only 20 percent. The differential ratio between land mass and bodies of water is reversed when compared to ours. This is because, while Earth has many oceans, Nebulanians could only discover one ocean located adjacent to their mass of land. In fact, most of Nebulan’s denizens had to dig wells to maintain a healthy water supply.

  But there is more than geographic difference in Nebulan. The inhabitants within this world are quite different than we are, as well. One difference is their unique way of aging. Each Nebulanian is born with two wide markings, stretching across their cheeks to the corners of their mouth and thinning toward the area like the lining from a paintbrush. The color of these markings varies by the person’s age. Now, its colors do not provide an exact age but show instead the ranks of their age. The stages are as follows:

  These markings are known as either Sacred Markings or Age Lines. They are a necessity to determine one’s age simply because with a Nebulanian, you never know. Though it is rare, they can sometimes have abnormal spurts of growth that make it difficult to discern how old they truly are. Just because they may have the body of a certain age, without reading the colors of the markings, it is impossible to deduce with confidence. You see, some Nebulanians' bodies mature very quickly, some very slowly, and the recorded growth rate is sporadic—it all depends on the single Nebulanian in question. In knowing this, I can say it’s possible that mere toddlers could grow to have the body of someone in their twenties, and in turn, people in their elder years could appear like preschool kids. It is for this reason the Sacred Markings are also called Age Lines. So far, it seems to be the only thing that allows a Nebulanian to determine one’s age effectively.

  No matter the age, though, their bodies remain young for their entire lives—the oldest I’ve ever been able to record seemed to be in their late twenties. Upon further studies, I can say it would not be an exaggeration to claim they are capable of living forever.

  Desiring to broaden my knowledge on this subject, I threw caution to the wind, and despite how fervently the Hunters advised me not to, I interviewed a Nebulanian on the matter. When we broached the bit about aging, he had many things to say that only served to pique my interest all the more.

  Below is a dialogue of my discussion with this being:

  “Thank you for agreeing to this anonymous questionnaire. I’ll try not to take up much of your time. I would like to talk about your lifespan as a Nebulanian.”

  “That’s a pretty broad subject. We don’t have a set number per se.”

  “Then it is true that you do have a limit? It’s true you do not live forever?”

  “It’s…complicated. We get the choice to end our lives or not. My father was three hundred fifty-four years old when he decided to end his.”

  “Oh, dear…”

  “It’s not in the way you think. Technically, we don’t do anything save accept the Divine Invitation. It’s the most peaceful way to go, if you ask me.”

  “Divine Invitation?”

  “Yes. It is said to happen when our lives have reached fulfillment and a messenger sent by our God approaches us with an invitation in their hand. When we sign our names in the space below it, we are taken in to Paradise. But it’s totally consensual; we get to choose whether or not to sign it. And its not like it’s a “now or never” deal. The angel leaves the letter with the Nebulanian, and they are allowed to sign it whenever they are ready to leave. Though to stay… that comes with a cost.”

  “Please go on.”

  “To avoid overpopulation, anyone who chooses to stay longer will never be able to bear a child afterwards. To stay means you would never impregnate again.”

  Fascinating. Simply fascinating. Just when I thought my obsession for them had reached its optimal power over me, it expanded to new levels. With every discovery, my hunger for another grew in the pit of my being. I had to know more!

  I noted the Nebulanian I summoned for this meeting was a little on edge at first, though I hadn’t blamed such a reaction. Normally, humans were quick to label these magnificent creatures as their enemy, and on many occasions, hunted the poor folk down as monsters. The Hunters were certainly no exception.

  I was glad though to see this subject’s shoulders finally relax. After
several minutes of questions concerning their culture, he seemed to calm down. Surely, he must have seen the wonder in my eyes as he spoke of his world. Perhaps he determined I was not like the other close-minded humans out there. Maybe he saw that I meant him the exact opposite of harm.

  My goal to learn more and his awareness of my amiable fascination served to help us reach new levels in our discussions.

  Now I have confirmation that, other than just age identifiers, their markings indeed work as a signal. It is believed by their kind that the markings connected the Nebulanians in powerful ways to their “Almighty”. This aspect of their markings is considered a sacred blessing; thus, this explains the other title known as Sacred Markings. They believed their Gift—a term used to explain their unique powers given to each Nebulanian—was given to them through their markings. They also believe it was their God’s Omniscient capability pouring selectively through the markings that allow them to understand every language known to creation, along with the ability to connect to each other and perform a telepathic communication called Sacred Speech. However, the communication could link only two in-range Nebulanians and only allows them to do so when both would will such an action.

  We even concerned the wildlife in our chat. I’ve come to find that most of the animals are exactly like Earth’s except for one crucial detail: every animal on Nebulan would eat from the grass. Only Nebulanians are considered omnivores. Some Nebulanians even keep the most ferocious animals known on Earth as pets! Truly peculiar!

  When I pressed for what his religion was, he had no name for it. That stumped me for quite awhile, but in retrospect, I can now comprehend why. All of Nebulan shares the same belief, so there is no need to label it. There are no sects, just one faith shared in unity. Like the Bible, they have documents they refer to, as well. But while the Bible is said to be written by men of God, these two books are believed to be written by His angels. The first book is called Eternal Truth and was written with infinite knowledge that simply could not be contained normally. With every page flipped, another page would materialize at the back of the book. It is unending. And it could not be held by just anyone. Only Nebulanians held in high regard in Heaven could open its cover; any other being would never be able to pry it open. My anonymous friend continued to talk with me and then told me of a Nebulanian named Jonathan who was called to use his Gift to make this book flip to the pages the bearer needed to read.

  The next book, The Book of Things to Come prophesies the end of days and how Nebulan—and planet Earth—would soon rely on the Anointed and the Chosens of Revelations.

  I didn’t know how to react to this final subject. I am only a believer of science after all, and this continual talk of angels and demons unnerved me a bit. I didn't consider these celestial beings as real, but behind every fabrication, there is a truth that caused birth to the legends. Whether it was from God or not, these Nebulanians do indeed have powers beyond my comprehension. Some being or energy of some sort gave them this strength, and that is why I found it very difficult to dismiss this man’s belief of how the world would end.

  Be it God, or demon, or another alien we have yet to discover, something is coming here, and I fear we cannot hope to be prepared for it…


  Chapter 1

  The Dream of a Nightmare to Come

  The sixteen-year-old's chocolate-brown eyes scanned wildly from where he stood. The scenery was unfamiliar. Its magenta mist surrounded him, glowing from the small specks of light inside it and shining like the very stars in space.

  The young man gave a glare of contempt into the depths of the unknown atmosphere. This place was not home, and while it did indeed have a serene countenance, it seemed unresponsive—sleeping.

  No, this was not his planet—not Nebulan. Nebulan thrived with life, yet this place was empty, extinguished.

  While all life seemed barren, Jet could still feel conflict amidst the atmosphere. As the clouds emanated a warm light of hope, the endless abyss Jet stood upon remained breathlessly silent and portrayed a bitter despair beneath. Each essence seemed to fight for dominion and clashed against the other.

  Strangely, though, the place seemed more like home to the Nebulanian than his own planet. He knew this conflicting essence all too well. The boy, though never seeing it until now, had always felt the abyss of that same despair.

  Despite the seemingly barren world, a voice called out, echoing within the empty abyss. “Jet?” the voice called within the haze of clouds as a shrouded image calmly neared the boy.

  Jet stood very still as his gaze glued onto the four-legged silhouette. Despite the blurry image amidst the clouds, a golden star was easily noticeable, causing Jet’s eyes to widen in a bewildered frenzy. It can’t be…there’s no way. As the being soon was within a few feet away, there was no denying the truth. A…Moon Wolf…

  “Jet,” it called again, earning a look of awe this time as it spoke his name. “Do you know why you are here?” After receiving nothing but a small shake of Jet’s head, the pup continued, “You’re here because of the power sleeping inside you—because of the impact you will have on this universe.”

  Jet’s lips fell to a frown of trepidation. “Wait, what do you mean by 'impact'…? And just who are you?”

  The pup’s coat of fur was dark blue. It had a bushy, gray tail; pointed, gray ears; and paws covered in white. Its eyes were amber-yellow and displayed a serious gaze toward the baffled teenager before speaking again in its usual voice, which resembled a gleeful child. “My name is Warpup. I’ve come to give you a message of the utmost importance. A divine war is soon to begin. The Keeper of Hell will come to corrupt this world. His servants, the Dark Demons, will come and attempt to devour the light of all things.”

  Jet stood there, his mouth gaping, trying to find some words to respond to such a horrible thought. “B-but there’s no way…Nebulan’s always been protected.”

  Warpup gritted his teeth in disapproval. So she still hasn’t told him. This was going to make things difficult. If the princess still kept the past hidden from the people, it was going to be very hard to explain all of what was really going on. The pup narrowed his gaze, distraught over all of the secrecy. There was no excuse for this. “That’s beside the point. Regardless of how long it has been protected in the past, it won’t be for much longer!”

  The pup gave a troubled sigh. Maybe it was time he gave Jet some good news. “As I have previously mentioned, power sleeps within you.”

  The world Jet was in had flashed before his eyes, and he soon found himself gazing in horror at the world now before him. It resembled nothing but the sheer epitome of death. Jet stood upon the edge of the roof of a tattered palace, gazing with wide eyes at the dry ground, naked-and-rotting trees, and the blood-red sky above it all. “W-what is…?”

  Warpup approached Jet’s side while he was gazing at the ruin in front of them, grinning not at the sight but for the truth hidden beneath. “For an entire year, your Gift has been growing in strength. It will soon be set free, and we believe your true power alone can destroy the demons.”

  Jet’s face fell silently as Warpup continued to speak in an enthusiastic voice, “For you are the prophesied Anointed and hold the future of all things. Soon the entire universe, along with the six others, will look to you and to the Gift dwelling inside you.”

  “So…” there was something in Jet’s voice demanding Warpup’s gaze. The boy’s face had fallen to the ground. His expression was hidden, but the emotion he felt came through to Warpup clearly.

  For some strange reason, the Nebulanian was terrified. “In other words…you believe that only my power can stop this from happening, right?” Not once through that question did Jet move his gaze from the cemented ground.

  Warpup didn’t answer and only growled quietly in irritation. It was a mistake to show him the believed outcome if he should fail. I knew Jet wanted power, but ever since that day, he just doesn’t believe in his own strength anymore…
  It was clear to Jet as to why he felt nostalgic after seeing this area. This was Nebulan…what was left of it, anyway. Obviously, this was the supposed future should he fail. After the long silence, Jet quietly spoke. “I don’t want it…”

  Warpup gave first a surprised then desperate gaze. “But, Jet! You have to! You’ve been selected to be the Anointed!”

  Jet’s eyes flared in both anger and slight fear. “You don’t understand! Why pick me? There are millions of others who would be better for the job! Ask someone else! I’m...” Jet hesitated, despising the conflicting thoughts, “... I’m just not enough!”

  Warpup was hurt deeply to see how far the boy’s belief in his own self fell. It was that stupid school that led Jet into feeling so insecure! Tears filled in Warpup’s eyes as he whined, “No! It is you who does not understand! This was decided long before your birth! Burner,” he softly growled, his eyes pleading. “Only you can be the Anointed, there can be no other!”

  Immediately after the wolf finished its emotional response, Jet was about to reply, but a loud, deep, ongoing, rhythmic alarm suddenly erupted beside him, causing him to turn and look for the noise. He widened his eyes as he looked back to Warpup who had begun to somehow float away as the area grew pitch black.

  Warpup looked toward the boy who was chasing after him futilely. It had taken a little while for Warpup to register all that occurred, but when he did, his desperate eyes seemed to reach for Jet. No! Not now! It can’t end like this! “Jet! Jet!” he called frantically to the Nebulanian below him. “You mustn’t lose faith! You must believe in yourself!”

  Warpup! Wait! Wait! Jet’s eyes slowly opened groggily. His black world soon lightened to find the surroundings different and sickeningly familiar. This was the REAL world—his planet Nebulan in its true form.

  He found himself too deep in thought to take note of the ongoing screech playing from the alarm clock. He gave an unenthusiastic snicker as Warpup’s last words played in the back of his head. Believe in myself, huh? he thought as he stared dully at the ceiling fan’s cycling blades. I wonder… He narrowed his eyes.... just how long has it been since I’ve been able to do that.