Read Survivor Page 1


  Breanna Stone

  Copyright 2013 by Breanna Stone

  Chapter 1

  Blood was squirting everywhere. My vision was blurry but some animal was...eating my dad. This can’t be happening. There were tons of animals everywhere. I was surrounded. My family, my brother, my mom, my dad, all of them were getting torn to bits. I couldn’t do anything but watch. The sight was horrible. I couldn’t get it out of my head….head….head….

  I awoke to a bed full of sweat. Another nightmare. Great. I sat up, looking back in disgust. I stood up awkwardly; I must’ve slept for 13 hours. My legs felt stiff. I opened the shabby curtain, looking upon the blue skies. Most people were up now. The streets had been cleaned considering the red streaks aren’t visible anymore. We were attacked a few months ago; we have enough guns though. Those ‘animals’ or whatever you want to call them, walkers, corpses, whatever, can’t get through the new gate. It stood 20 ft tall with barbed wire circling the top, just in case of the specials. The specials aren’t really given names but that’s what I call them. Specials are zombies modified by the bulldog clan. The bulldog clan takes in normal walkers and modifies them. Either by strapping a bomb to their back or rearranging their DNA to make them be able to climb. The clan lives in the county prison. There are roughly 20 of them. The rest are dead. Walking or actually dead.

  Its 2029. I live with hundreds of others in an enclosed city 40 miles form New York. My Uncle organized this whole area. The week the virus was released accidently by the CDC, he set up walls, only 10 ft tall, and took in all survivors he could. He rescued me when my family…you know. We went from 20 people to nearly 400 now. The virus was released about 6 months ago. I have seen too much than a 15 year old should. Still, it’s kind of hard to avoid.

  I was taught to use a gun right away. I can’t shoot someone. I mean, I probably will if its life or death but the thought of it scares me. I am I nervous type, quite shy actually. I have been jumpy since that night; I try not to talk about it much though. Anyways, everyone in our ‘group’ has a job, including the kids, but only if they are 12 and up. My job is assisting with the weaponry and technology. I am quite smart when it comes to technology. I actually designed our weapon protection. I am quite proud of it actually. Basically, it is a sentry gun, automated machine gun, which shoots with a range of 90ft. Attached below the barrel, is a specially made magnet that collects all the bullets shot, even if it’s stuck in a walkers head, and reloads the gun. The magnet has a range of 100ft. We have three of these machineries lined up on each wall. It is a perfect way to preserve ammo. We never run out.

  We basically got it set for awhile, I hope at least. My uncle is quite practical. He set up a huge garden which grows all of our food. Our energy is provided by the sun and we have back up generators for cloudy days and at night. Our DNA specialists made seeds that grow food aside from fruit and vegetables. We can literally grow cheese. It’s pretty cool. We have livestock for milk and meat. I miss being able to walk to anywhere I wanted, outside of our town, and not be scared of something eating me. Our genealogist is working on a cure, but it is basically hopeless. I hate saying that but I don’t want to lie to myself. The more I say everything will be okay, it just makes things worse. Aside from my job, I usually take care and play with the kids too young to work. My uncle had set up sport teams for everyone to keep everyone occupied. I think the thing I look forward too are the fights. Every other week we have bodybuilding contests and the top two winners fight it out to see who the winner is. It is quite humorous and amusing.

  My Uncle tries to make life at the town close to normal. We have stores where you can purchase items with the money from your job. I go to the store called Etsy with my friends all the time. It’s a teen clothing store with the cutest clothes ever. The owner makes the clothes herself.

  I miss it though. I miss my family. I actually miss school. Something that makes me feel like there is not zombies following me everywhere. I miss playing at the park without hearing the guns go off. I miss sleeping without one eye open, afraid that I awake to screams like before. I especially miss him. I dream about him a lot. Jacob. He was my boyfriend before this whole ordeal. I saw him die. I was right there with him. He was ripped out of the passenger seat by one of them while we out a drive-in movie. I drove my car away as fast as possible to my house, seeing that my family had already met the walkers, but not in a nice way.

  My Uncle tries to give me a lot of attention. He knows what I have been through. I have other friends here but he is my only family. You know there isn’t much variety with guys here. But, it is an apocalypse. Not much I can do. Only one guy, I think, likes me. But he just seems like a heartbreaker. His family died too so I feel bad for him, like I should give him a chance. Then again, losing my family and boyfriend just to have heartbreak? I am good for now.

  I’m so torn emotionally. I feel like I have to drag myself to continue with this life. Half of me say there will be a cure and the other half says one day, the walkers will come, in a horde, and there won’t be a chance. That is why I try to keep myself occupied. I think too much. Stop thinking Sophia. I talk to myself a lot too. Many people think I’m weird. Stop thinking!

  I got up from my squeaky bed. I wobbled over to my closet. I had a lot of clothes. Many of them one of a kind, like I said, from Etsy. I grabbed my blue and white striped shirt and put on my tacky short shorts. My bathroom was a mess I thought to myself. I looked in the mirror. My hair was a complete mess. I brushed it out while singing my favorite song. It was a lullaby that reminded me of my mom. I put on a little foundation; I had horrible red spots, and headed downstairs.

  “Hey Soph,” my uncle called. He liked to call me Soph. I don’t know if its because my dad called me that or he just personally liked it, “You okay sweetie?” He asked curiously.

  “Yeah, just had the nightmare,” I said looking down. My uncle knew about my nightmares. I have a lot of them. All of them of the same event.

  “It is okay sweetie,” he said, setting down his food. He came over and gave me a hug. I loved his hugs. He was always so warm. I guess the warmness made me feel safer.

  “Thanks,” I managed a weak smile. He always knew had to cheer me up. He reminded me of my dad which made me feel good. “Save me any?” I said, regarding the eggs he was eaten. He grabbed some scrambled eggs, just the way I like them, from the microwave and handed them to me. “Thanks,” I said while devouring the eggs.

  “I got to go hon, job calls. Don’t be late to your again!” he said jokingly. I nodded as he headed out the door. I never liked having a job but at least it was something I enjoyed. I finished my breakfast and decided to look at the old photo book before I left. I scrolled to pictures of me and my brother when we were only two. I flipped the page to see my dad. Tears started to well up in my eyes. I just wanted to see him again, to bring back good memories but I can’t without crying. I miss them so much. I threw the album against the couch and buried my face in my knees. Mom. Dad. If you can hear me, I love you. I miss you. I will see you eventually. I love you, I said while looking down. Salty tears dripped from my eyes down to my chin. I love you. The words rang in my head.

  Chapter 2

  I caught control of myself and wiped the tears away. Be strong. Be strong. I sat up straight, looking around. I grabbed my coat from the hook and headed out. Many people were already out and about, working. I saw Thomas, who was working on garbage control, Bill, who was serving burgers from his stand, and Catherine, who was selling the new heat system. I remember that, I helped build it. I thought. I always try to work on technology for everyday life, protection, and fun.

  I casually walked towards my building. Everyone here was so friendly. I literally got said hi to 20 times for a half a mile walk. My uncle
worked hard on this place. It was prettier than my neighborhood. Bouquets of flowers lay along the walls of the buildings. Everyone was given a bike for transportation because cars waste electricity considering gas had already been used up. I was only 6 years old when the world ran out of gas. Everything relied on electricity now and since there aren’t anymore solar factories, we have to use or own solar panels made by us to provide electricity. My mom used to talk how life was harder before I lived. People used gas for cars, cable was provided by satellite, and there were controllers for video games. Now everything is much more high tech. I can’t imagine how it was before.

  I opened the door and entered.

  “Hey Mr. Chet,” I said casually. He always got mad if I didn’t say hi. He lost his family long before this whole ordeal and treats me like his family. It doesn’t bother me but sometimes he can be creepy. He just nodded. “What are you working on?” I asked. He was holding what looked like an old Intel 06 computer chip but I couldn’t tell for sure.

  “It’s software for a mapping system. It will, when finished, be able to notify us when a zombie is dangerously close.” He noted without moving his eyes away from it. I looked at it in amazement. Then I thought.

  “Wait, why would we worry if we have good weaponry?” I asked. I was quite confused..

  “Sophia, it won’t last long. The undead are running out of food. More and more of them will come and we have to be prepared. Don’t worry though. Everything will be fine.” I was taken by surprise. I never thought they could run out of food. I think so much but I never think about stuff like that. My uncle said I need to use my head more. I decided to try and create a new weapon.

  I was really proud of my creation. It took 4 processors, a digital amplifier, and Sulfuric acid, which burned zombies straight to the bone. The weapon would be placed around the walls about 80 ft out and once a walker passed it would demolish them. On the command control which has an off and on switch, uses power from the generator (because it doesn’t use a lot of energy to use). I showed Mr. Chet and he was quite surprised by how fast I put it together. I felt proud of myself. I was really happy, until he said I had to go out and put it together. Outside the wall.

  I can’t. I can’t. He gave me a gun and handed me ammo. My mind raced and raced. The patrol guns would be turned off because it’ll shoot anything that moves, including me. I was shaking out of my skin. I have never, ever been outside of the walls. Two guards will be watching me. Just in case.

  I stood before the towering wall, afraid and nervous at the same time. The roaring sound of the gate opening scared me. I hesitantly walked out. Man. There was such a difference. Crashed cars laid everywhere, trash covered the ground, and dead, half eaten corpses lay all over. One animal was stuck to a tree by an arrow off in the difference. It tried so hard to get me while it was still a mile away. With that arrow, it isn’t going anywhere, so I felt a little more comfortable. I scanned the area once again and began to work.

  Blue cable to the green, green to the red, and red to the brown. I had to repeat this process three times. The occasional caw of a raven nearly scarred me. When I finally completed doing this 3 times, I had to connect the brown to the power box. I then used copper wire and trailed around the wall. I did this on all three sides. The last time, I trailed the wall when I ran into something. I turned around and saw a walker. Its eyes were dangerously red and blood dripped down its jaw with pieces of flesh hanging between its teeth. Half of its face was ripped and the flesh underneath was turning a mildew green. I backed away, scared out of my mind. Its leg was almost cut in two so it couldn’t move fast. I got my gun from my pocket and steadily pointed it at the dead. My hands couldn’t keep still. I was shaking so much you would’ve guessed it was -50 degrees outside. Not using my head, I yelled for my uncle still backing up. I heard a roar in the distance and a dark figure, the size of goliath, came into focus. I cussed under my breath. This walker did know how to run. I turned and ran for the wall. Banging on it with all my might. This walker looked like it was on steroids. It came at me like a raging bull. Yelling with all its might. The roar echoed throughout the town. Its going to attract more of them I thought. I continued to yell, banging on the door. Tears fell down my face. It was over. I am dead. I am going to be eaten just like my family. I will see them. No…..No…..Must….Live…. I started to climb the wall. There were small grooves I could hang on. I was halfway up with the demon a mile out. I reached for the next groove but my hand slipped. I fell to the cold concrete hearing a snap. I yelled in agony and there was a racking ache in my head. Everything went blurry. I swayed back and forth until I eventually fell to the ground lying motionless.

  I awoke in my bed. I looked around. No one was around. I attempted to sit up, pushing up with my hands. I felt an agonizing pain in the joint of my index finger. Unable to h old myself up, I fell back into the bed. I studied my finger; it was bent the wrong way! Looking at it made it hurt even more. I guess it’s the mental interpretation. I called for my uncle. My voice seemed rugged and faint so I was surprised he heard me.

  “What happened?” I managed to say, my voice cracking, as he walked through the door. He sat on the edge of the bed.

  “The door was jammed. We heard you screaming but the door wouldn’t open. I nearly had a heart attack. Luckily, you had set up the sulfuric acid correctly and it took awhile, but that demon spawn is just a pile of bones now. I don’t know how that zombie got so strong and tall, must’ve been the Bulldog Clan,” He said looking down. I remembered how a month after the virus was released, there was a zombie that was the same size. I remember how it could tear a human into two, without any strain. I didn’t say anything nothing much to say.

  Later, they gave me some bandage to hold my finger correctly, hoping that the bone will grow back the right way. I couldn’t work and had to stay in bed for two days. Along with a broken finger, I had hit my head pretty hard and it gave me massive head aches that lasted for hours.

  I had a lot of time to think while lying in a bed for 48 hours. At one point, I was furious with the CDC. They had to be messing around which caused this whole thing. You see, they were trying to see if they could change the way a brain works. This use was intended for Down syndrome and special needs but it went the wrong way. They were working on Patient 47, who had originally died of a car crash. They injected him with the antidote. Two hours later, everyone in the CDC had become zombies. One bite leading to another. Even a scratch could change you. The only survivor, Dr. Robert Hussman, attempted to plead by opening the secure gates and run. This released the zombies too. If Dr. Hussman had just sacrificed his life, only 200 people would be dead, not 4 billion. My family wouldn’t be dead. From then on, News stations, radio, TV, everything went gone. We are the only ones left, or so says my uncle.

  The infection is only found in the zombies so your infection free unless they bite or scratch you. Back when we were attacked, I saw someone change. Her name was Elizabeth Cornind. She was running away from two zombies. Her scream, scared of her life, still haunted me. Unknowingly she ran into one. Within a second it had her on the ground and was enjoying lunch from her arm. The zombie would’ve gone to town on her if my uncle hadn’t shot it. My uncle describes it as seeing a human arm going through a paper shredder. You would have never thought a person had enough might in their teeth to tear open flesh and break veins. Her eyes were closed and her chest stopped moving. She was dead. Less than a minute later, she pounced on my uncle. Her eyes an eerie red and blood dripping form her mouth.

  The guard sliced her head with his machete, saving my uncles life. I watched this whole scene safely from my bedroom. Always aim for the head. Besides yesterday, had never been outside the walls. My uncle was over protective but I still loved him. I just wished nothing else bad could go wrong. But I still had that premonition.

  Chapter 3

  A few days ago, James, our supply’s man, went out searching for antibiotics. He hasn’t come back yet. The pharmacy is only two
miles out so it shouldn’t have taken him that long. I was nervous. He was my friend, about my age too. Our supply’s men are always young because we can get away from a horde of hungry flesh eaters faster than a 25 year old. And it was true. James won almost every race we had and he always brought back the stuff we needed. We never needed food but mostly medicine.

  Everyone was worried for him. He was the most important asset to the town. He hadn’t been back in 5 days for a 3 hour trip. It just didn’t seem right. I guess people expected the worst and so they started looking for a new person. I didn't really think much of it. Until my Uncle mentioned something.

  "How fast can you run?" He asked me. I was confused by his question but answered without hesitation.

  "Pretty fast. Why?" He just looked down as if he was hesitant to tell me.

  "We need a new supplest. James isn't coming back sadly. You are the right age, you use your head, and you’re fast enough. You could do it." What he said stuck in my mind. I want to do it to show and prove it to my family but I am too emotional. My emotions can give away my position if I'm crying in a situation where I need to be quiet.

  "I want to train for it," I replied with confidence. My uncle was somewhat stunned by my answer. But he nodded in agreement.

  Some people from the group had set up obstacles that I have to climb, avoid, and dodge. They even had a variety of people posing as walkers. Some moved extremely slow while some ran as fast as the demon spawn. The first time I climbed the 9ft ladder as fast as I could but the actor grabbed my foot resulting in me losing the first game. The second time I climbed the ladder with time to spare. I jumped down and continued onward. I had to jump over four trash cans in a row. I cleared all of them. To my surprise, the last one hid a "crawler" I landed right next to it and lost.